School Shows – Dezeen architecture and design magazine Wed, 08 May 2024 07:47:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ten architecture student projects by the Confluence Institute Tue, 30 Apr 2024 16:23:04 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project proposing a refurbishment of Paris' Montparnasse centre is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Confluence Institute. Also included is a diploma project that examines the role of textiles within buildings and a group project that examines the possibilities of combining contemporary 3D printing methods with ancient

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Visualisation with yellow elements

Dezeen School Shows: a project proposing a refurbishment of Paris' Montparnasse centre is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Confluence Institute.

Also included is a diploma project that examines the role of textiles within buildings and a group project that examines the possibilities of combining contemporary 3D printing methods with ancient materials such as clay.

Confluence Institute

Institution: Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture
Course: Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Tutors: Odile Decq, Lionel Lemire, Colin Fournier and Didier Faustino

School statement:

"At Confluence Institute, students shape their own educational journey by selecting thematic vertical studios, participating in intensive workshops and attending tailored seminars.

"The following selection of projects highlights the diversity of the student's work and their engagement within and beyond the realm of architecture.

"Cycle 1 is a three-year programme validated at RIBA Part 1 level by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

"Cycle 2 is a two-year programme validated at RIBA Part 2 level by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)."

Visualisation of a large building with holes in its facade

Mineral Grafting by Charles Edgard-Lincoln

"As an alternative strategy to the renovation of the Montparnasse centre in Paris, this project explores the morphological potentials of stone structures rising from the existing multilayer ground infrastructure on-site to create spatial interconnections between the street, the envelope, and the existing buildings.

"In this rehabilitation, the site is converted to integrate the existing infrastructure and the surrounding context through the growth of a connective multilayer architecture."

Student: Charles Edgard-Lincoln
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 2 Diploma (RIBA Part 2)
Tutor: Lionel Lemire
Email: charles-edgardlincoln[at]

Thinking upside down by Jhila Prentis

"Jhila Prentis examines the issue of migration and its impacts on societies and individuals.

"Through a series of reflections and examples, the author discusses the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers, including administrative difficulties in France and precarious living conditions in camps.

"The text highlights feelings of sadness and injustice experienced in response to migrants' distress.

"Jhila Prentis criticises the inadequate and often inhumane responses of host societies while calling for awareness and a radical change in the approach to migration and integration."

Student: Jhila Prentis
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 2 Diploma (RIBA Part 2)
Tutor: Lionel Lemire
Email: jhilaprentis[at]

Visualisation of a large building from above

Metaphasis by Emma Miglietta

"This project imagines a temporary structure capable of evolving over time and adapting to the needs of its users.

"Events centred on exchange and interaction would bring life to a community-based social scene and help re-establish the city's identity through its inhabitants.

"The wounds caused by the war, visible in the urban fabric of the city, would serve as the starting point: what would normally be hidden and built upon becomes instead the statement of a landmark that bridges future possibilities with the memory of past events.

"Drawing from the negative volume of destruction, a new place takes shape, fostering flexibility and experimentation."

Student: Emma Miglietta
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 1 (second year)
Tutor: Colin Fournier
Email: emmamiglietta[at]

Photograph of a figure behind a translucent piece of fabric

Soft Tectonic by Domitille Roy

"This diploma work investigates the integration of textile technologies in architecture to create responsive, dynamic spaces.

"It explores the role of textiles in the architectural fabrication process, utilising digital tools and additive manufacturing.

"This involves experimenting with textile flexibility, strength and its potential as a constructive element through various tests and practical applications.

"The research is framed within a hybrid theoretical and practice-based approach, pushing the boundaries of traditional architectural methods and concepts."

Student: Domitille Roy
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 2 Diploma (RIBA Part 2)
Tutor: Odile Decq
Email: domitille[at]

Visualisation of a city with pastel-coloured modules

Los A(I)ngeles by Lorenz Kleeman

"Amid rising political and environmental instability, there is a need for resilient structures that can adapt to changing circumstances such as pandemics, extreme weather events and shifting aesthetic trends, without contributing to the gentrification of existing areas.

"As climate change renders rural regions less habitable, pushing populations towards cities, Los Angeles is projected to experience significant densification – by 2070, its population could reach around 26 million, leading to the formation of high-density sub-centres within the metropolitan area.

"I envision AI-managed structures that develop a form of consciousness, enabling rapid adaptation based on real-time data – these self-sustaining habitats, complete with automated factories and distribution systems, would be capable of expanding, contracting and repurposing themselves as necessary, efficiently utilising available space."

Student: Lorenz Kleeman
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 1 (Third year)
Tutor: Colin Fournier
Email: lorenzkleemann[at]

Cityscape with colourful added structures

Parametric Participatory City by Aiden Newsome

"In this scenario, the role of the architect would be to design the skeleton or master plan of a building.

"Every architectural element in the scene would simply be a bounding geometry or volume, which can be broken down into points.

"The objects that would populate these points could be designed by the people or a group of people from the community – this could be done by hand, through software, or in real-time using thoughts and emotions through a Brain-Computer Interface.

"The result is a collage of objects uniting to create the final product, wherein software helps organise the pieces, create connections, orientating them and connecting systems in an environmentally friendly way."

Student: Aiden Newsome
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 1 (Third year)
Tutor: Odile Decq
Email: aidennewsome[at]

Photo of two people with their heads connected by a grey fabric tube

Common skin by Anastasia Kublashvili and Louis Bouvrande

"The instructions in the brain are translated into nerve signals to drive the hand muscles, and the movements of the hand muscles are once again translated into electrical signals for input into the machine.

"The movement of the machine then generates signals through our eyes and transmits them to the brain, where adjustments are made, and the cycle repeats.

"Fast or slow, this series of translations constitutes the communication between man and machine.

"The stronger this communication, the more the machine tends to become integrated with the human body."

Student: Anastasia Kublashvili and Louis Bouvrande
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 1 (Second year)
Tutor: Didier Faustino
Email: annastasiakublashvili[at]

Architectural model made from clay and wood

Between Limits group project

"The project explores the innovative technique of 3D clay printing within the construction industry, blending digital design with ancient materials like clay to revolutionise architectural possibilities.

"This method promises efficiency through minimal waste, rapid construction and automated processes.

"The process begins with creating a parametric design digitally, followed by prototyping to refine factors such as material liquidity, air pressure and layer spacing.

"Through iterative testing, the project enhances control over the design and printing process, culminating in the construction of a model with a timber roof and multiple supporting walls.

"This exploration not only optimises construction techniques but also expands the design potential in architecture."

Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 1 and 2
Tutor: Edouard Cabay and Paco Pioline

Visualisation of a building by a river

Architecture/Nature - A Hybrid by Lucia Landivar

"Lucia Landivar's thesis presents a revolutionary approach to architectural design, merging natural elements with modern construction methods.

"This concept is demonstrated through a detailed exploration of sustainable materials and innovative structural solutions that integrate the natural environment into urban settings.

"Lucia emphasises the use of bioplastics, bamboo and mycelium-based concrete to reduce the ecological footprint of buildings while enhancing their aesthetic and functional qualities.

"Her work challenges traditional architectural paradigms by proposing designs that are both environmentally responsible and adaptable to changing urban landscapes, advocating for a future where architecture and nature coexist harmoniously."

Student: Lucia Landivar
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 2 Diploma (RIBA Part 2)
Tutor: Lionel Lemire
Email: lucialandivar[at]

Visualisation with yellow elements

Nonsense Abstract Mechanics by Adrien Espejo Fernandez

"The instinct of the individual is an inseparable aspect of each of us – this aspect of our beings is sometimes considered a defect but it conditions and directs our activities.

"It is such notions that distinguish us from the machine. Exchanges are faster, information is instantaneous.

"Hasn't the city become a monster machine, always eager for maintenance, improvements, resources and manpower? In a way, do we no longer live for city systems, rather than through them?

"The observation of our ways of living in this extremely complex environmental system brings to light a fundamental and haunting question: what is the role of the instinct of the individual in the course of the city?

"Through abstract mechanics that may seem nonsensical, I confront reality with questions about the qualification and identity of today's space, giving free rein to the appropriation of space and its function."

Student: Adrien Espejo Fernandez
Course: Confluence Institute Cycle 2 Diploma (RIBA Part 2)
Tutor: Lionel Lemire
Email: adrienespejo[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Confluence Institute. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten interior design projects by Florence Institute of Design International Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:00:55 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an education centre geared toward the creation of contemporary art is featured in this school show by Florence Institute of Design International. Also included is an alternative health centre and wellness sanctuary in Berlin and an affordable housing scheme set in an adaptively reused former car park. Florence Institute of Design International

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Visualisation of a workshop

Dezeen School Shows: an education centre geared toward the creation of contemporary art is featured in this school show by Florence Institute of Design International.

Also included is an alternative health centre and wellness sanctuary in Berlin and an affordable housing scheme set in an adaptively reused former car park.

Florence Institute of Design International

Institution: Florence Institute of Design International (FIDI)
BA (Hons) Design
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico, Lorenzo Massini and Federico Grazzini

School statement:

"FIDI is an international design school located in the centre of Florence, Italy.

"The Design Research Project and Building Systems courses are held during the final year of the three-year interior design programme.

"Each design proposal is approximately 3,000 square meters and is developed individually by each student in relation to societal and cultural developments, with an emphasis on sustainable solutions.

"Renderings, plans and sections are accompanied by extensive studies of building system design, lighting acoustics and casework details.

"The three-year programme offers intensive curriculum teaching on various aspects of interior design to acquire advanced skills and knowledge and develop professional practitioners within the international design community.

"The courses resulted in a validated bachelor's degree, BA (Hons) Design, issued in collaboration with the University of Chester."

Visualisation of a high-ceilinged room next to a technical drawing

Harmony by David Gitterle

"As a cultural centre for musical arts, Harmony is a platform for local emerging talents, musical enthusiasts, tourists and daily passersby.

"It features a versatile program, ranging from a contemporary concert hall to a public rooftop park.

"Located in the centre of Florence, the historic site – once a cinema – will continue to be used as an entertainment facility"

Student: David Gitterle
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: david[at]

Visualisation of an interior with steps next to a floor plan and sectional view of a building

Vehicles of Change by Carl Phiroze Motiwalla

"This project created a solution to affordable housing, awarding access to young environmental entrepreneurs.

"The site chosen is a 1920s parking garage in Florence, originally designed by Pier Luigi Nervi.

"The four-storey reinforced concrete structure will house apartments, recreational facilities, study and work spaces as well as a food hall.

"It is a space with a balanced ergonomic design, sustainable practices and a self-sustaining social system."

Student: Carl Phiroze Motiwalla
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni and Marc DiDomenico
Email: carlmotiwalla[at]

Visualisation of an interior next to elevation and floor plan drawings of a building

Crematorium Carlsbad by Eliška Vágnerová

"Eliska's design research project expands upon the idea that in the context of late modernity, architecture bears the responsibility of shaping new funerary rituals, without the constraints of religious doctrines.

"The site is located in Carlsbad, Czech Republic.

"The aim of the project is to replace the conventional architectural language of symbols with a language of metaphors, based on the idea that symbols possess an unequivocal meaning and intellectual formula, while a metaphor is an image whose meaning is indefinite.

"Eliška designed a carefully thought-out program which includes a mortuary, autopsy room, lounge, farewell service, offices and auditoriums."

Student: Eliška Vágnerová
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: eliska[at]

Board showing technical drawings and visualisations rendered in pink

Sipario by Julia Ruth Agnes Holmgren

"This project proposes a community centre that is situated in a disused military storage unit from the 1930s.

"Julia's concept for the community centre is 'living room' – creating possibilities for social interactions through multi-functional spaces.

"Comfort, informality, imagination, openness and investigation are the themes that directed her to design a space which becomes an obvious meeting point for all generations in the neighborhood.

"The centre includes a youth club, art studios, a cinema and study spaces as well as a new public plaza."

Student: Julia Ruth Agnes Holmgren
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni and Marc DiDomenico
Email: juliaholmgren97[at]

Visualisation of a courtyard space next to colourful diagrams

Arbusto by Alessio Mongardi

"Arbusto is a centre for victims of domestic, sexual and gender-related abuse, which serves as a transitional step between shelter and independent life.

"The design approach embraces the patients' experiences, allowing them to share, grow and heal.

"The design philosophy follows the metaphor offered by tiles, a material which can be fragile and easily broken in its singular form, yet is resilient and strong once bonded all together."

Student: Alessio Mongardi
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico and Lorenzo Massini
Email: mongardialessio[at]

Visualisation of an interior with steps next to a floor plan

House of Como by Vendela Sofia Molin

"Vendela designed a contemplative retreat dedicated to improving mental wellness – the primary objective was to design a space that offers respite from the daily stress and routines of life.

"By composing activity areas to facilitate various activities – from art performance to hydrotherapy – the retreat aims to offer both mental and physical stimulation.

"The 3700 sqm site is divided into four buildings and three courtyards, and the proposed layout, together with the choice of materials, encourages the visitors to explore the retreat."

Student: Vendela Sofia Molin
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: molinvendela[at]

Board showing technical drawings and visualisations

Kalmar by Gisela Kristina Madeleine Albinsson Pihlsjo

"Kalmar is a proposed design research and art centre in the south of Sweden.

"With multiple activities on each level, the idea is to encourage spontaneous interactions for visitors, allowing them to develop new interests and relationships with both the art around them and the people they encounter.

"It is a space where people can attend lectures, events and workshops – Each room uses a specific set of carefully curated materials that work in harmony to create a coherent aesthetic throughout the building."

Student: Gisela Kristina Madeleine Albinsson Pihlsjo
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: gisela.albinsson[at]

Board showing technical drawings and visualisations

Centre of African Sculpture by Clare Japhet

"This research project reimagines a decolonised space for African sculpture and artists in Europe.

"Located in the Valle de Merse, just south of Siena, the site contains a Romanesque and Gothic-Cistercian monastery which has fallen into ruin.

"This museum will use immersive representation and interpretation techniques to increase cross-cultural understanding of the sculptures and the people or groups represented.

"The project is developed around the concept of magical realism, including themes such as ritual, memory and light – the design incorporates a series of exhibition spaces dedicated to various rituals."

Student: Clare Japhet
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico and Lorenzo Massini
Email: clare.japhet[at]

Visualisation of a workshop next to an exploded view technical drawing

Artecraft by Wilma Ida Hildeby

"Artecraft is a space that makes the education of contemporary art accessible for more people.

"It is a school which offers an environment for students to find their own artistic language in addition to understanding the language of contemporary art.

"The project repurposes the former tram depot building of Varlungo, Florence, which was built in 1890."

Student: Wilma Ida Hildeby
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: wilma.hildeby[at]

Visualisation of a lofty interior next to a series of floor plans

Bomiso by Karolin Schlinke

"Bomiso, an innovative alternative healing centre located in the heart of Berlin, harmoniously merges design with emotional resonance.

"This sanctuary celebrates imperfection, intertwining with Berlin's historical narrative, providing a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery, drawing inspiration from the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi as the guiding concept.

"Integrating intentional design, natural elements, historical context and the essence of Kintsugi, it goes beyond traditional health centres, embodying a healing approach where past wounds are embraced as sources of strength and beauty.

"With dedicated spaces for therapy activities and wellness areas, it offers a comprehensive approach to holistic healing and showcases how we can use design to evoke emotions within environments."

Student: Karolin Schlinke
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Grazzini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: k.schlinke1[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Florence Institute of Design International. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten interior design projects by Florence Institute of Design International appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten computational design projects by DesignMorphine Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:00:03 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project set in a speculative future in which humans and plants live in harmony is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at DesignMorphine. Also included is a narrative project that includes bionic beings based on moon jellyfish and another that suggests cocoon-like structures based on mushrooms that grow around

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Plant-like structure on black background

Dezeen School Shows: a project set in a speculative future in which humans and plants live in harmony is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at DesignMorphine.

Also included is a narrative project that includes bionic beings based on moon jellyfish and another that suggests cocoon-like structures based on mushrooms that grow around users.

DesignMorphine, UACEG

Institution: DesignMorphine, UACEG
School: DesignMorphine, UACEG
Course: Master of Science in Computational Design
Tutors: Eva Khan, Tung Nguyen, Alejandro García Gadea, Oscar Oweson, Radul Shishkov and Ada Gulyamdzhis

School statement:

"Embark on a transformative journey into the future of design with DesignMorphine's Master of Science in Computational and Advanced Design – a gateway to excellence in multidisciplinary innovation.

"Crafted by experts and accredited by the esteemed UACEG, this nine-month online program offers unparalleled accessibility and worldwide recognition.

"Partnered with industry giants like Microsoft, Logitech and Pininfarina, DesignMorphine ensures a curriculum that reflects the latest technological advancements and industry demands.

"Students are immersed in a collaborative environment preparing them to lead in all design sectors.

"Design Chapters and Technical Labs guide them from conceptualisation to realisation.

"By mastering skills from parametric design to virtual reality, students get prepared to tackle real-world challenges.

"DesignMorphine's program also connects students to a global network of leaders, leading to employment opportunities in top companies such as Nike, Wilder World, DNEG, Ubisoft and MAD Architects.

"Join us at DesignMorphine and shape the future of design.

"Beyond an educational program, this is an opportunity to nurture your potential and be at the forefront of innovation.

"With a unique curriculum and esteemed partnerships, you'll not only enhance your abilities but also position yourself as a leader in the dynamic landscape of design.

"Are you ready to design your future?"

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Contradictory Symbiosis by Ryan Leung and Kongphob Amornpatarasin

"Contradictory Symbiosis is a captivating psychological thriller set in a dystopian world, where a cybernetic totalitarian regime cleverly deceives humanity with a facade of false reciprocity.

"The project dauntlessly challenges conventional notions of psychopolitics, offering a bold alternative model to the prevailing materialistic madness of disciplinary society.

"By delving into the intricate interplay between individual emotions and societal control, the narrative explores the potential trajectory towards an all-encompassing surveillance state.

"This compelling exploration serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the plausible future of human society."

Students: Ryan Leung and Kongphob Amornpatarasin
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Eva Khan

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

An Genome by Oscar Oweson and Ekaterina Borisenko

"With the ever-growing threat of climatic catastrophe and the search for an alternative energy source, the project seeks to investigate a speculative future of symbiosis between humans and plants.

"A post-human cooperation between the two enables the revitalisation of previously deserted and ruined territories.

"The Symbiophytes ('symbio' and 'phyte' meaning 'living together' and 'plant') genome embeds and entwines itself with the human genome.

"As a result of such genetic coupling, the Symbiophytes use the human body as a vessel for its growth once the human passes on, creating new habitats for those still alive.

"The project principally explored the themes of cohabitation and mutual partnership with another species, and how this exchange would necessarily create new typologies of existence and community."

Students: Oscar Oweson and Ekaterina Borisenko
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Eva Khan

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Exuvius by Alab Adviento and Mohammad Qamar

"The progression and longevity of humanity are critically dependent on the well-being of the natural systems around us.

"Therefore, understanding the status of these natural systems and maintaining them accordingly is of the utmost importance.

"According to the Living Planet report 2018 published by WWF, the planet has experienced a 60 per cent fall in wildlife in just 40 years.

"These statistics indicate the staggering rate of depletion of numerous habitats and ecosystems that support and sustain wildlife and consequently the natural systems around us.

"The purpose of this project is to explore the concept of the Anthro-Cyborg Metamorphosis as a core design principle that creates growth catalysts targeting landscapes vulnerable to the nine highlighted planetary boundaries.

"The Anthro-Cyborg Metamorphosis encompasses a symbiotic relationship between nature and machines, creating a moulting cocoon that grows the user, the environment and the succeeding levels of design."

Students: Alab Adviento and Mohammad Qamar
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y21/22
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Ada Gulyamdzhis

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Amenta by Mansur Perez, Enayet Kabir

"Amenta, a tale of cyborg shamanism, explores the harmony between darkness and light, in a world that straddles the spiritual, the digital and the spectral.

"Much of the design direction of this project was established with an intention to create a hybridised visual language that reflects the cultural heritage of its two team members.

"In order to do so, an AI model was trained on images of Sanskrit and Mesoamerican symbols to output a fictional alphabet reminiscent of both sources.

"The core design technique used thereafter focused on using volumetric methods to extract three-dimensional intersections of various combinations of these symbols, to create complex forms that evoke ancient futures."

Students: Mansur Perez and Enayet Kabir
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y23/24
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Oscar Oweson and Tung Nguyen

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Luminal whispers, echoes from the Nexus by Juan Sebastian Cobo Guerrero

"The narrative unfolds on Planet 1133, saved from environmental decline by a species known as the Nokinahe.

"Led by Dr Elysia Nakato, they pioneered the Nexus, a vast repository of shared wisdom and interconnected consciousness.

"However, a tear in the Nexus caused fragments of their collective identity to spill into the physical world, resulting in surreal physical and mental distortions that rendered their original settlement, Oneira, uninhabitable.

"In response, they constructed Veritas, a new habitat overlaying the old city.

"The fusion of Veritas and Oneira's legacy forms a seamless journey into the limitless possibilities that the future holds."

Student: Juan Sebastian Cobo Guerrero
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y23/24
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Oscar Oweson and Eva Khan

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Synaptic Conflux by Jacek Czudak, Janusz Polański, Salma Ghanim

"The Synaptic Conflux takes place in a fragmented world.

"Embarking on a visionary journey, we conceptualised the Corpuscle, the main habitat of the character, the fragmented oracle, to redefine architectural paradigms within the unique context of our species.

"Inspired by the hive mind and its hierarchical structure, our design integrates living quarters, energy chambers and communication nodes, embodying the essence of our interconnected society.

"At the heart of the Corpuscle lies a mechanical core, serving as the nerve centre, while healing chambers and farming labs prioritise community well-being and sustenance, emphasising the importance of energy in our context.

"The Corpuscle's organic design symbolises harmonious coexistence within the cosmic chaos, representing collective resilience and adaptability."

Students: Jacek Czudak, Janusz Polański and Salma Ghanim
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y23/24
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Oscar Oweson and Eva Khan

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Symphony of Symbiosis by Cassio Yutani, Diego Nieto, Cesar Peña

"Embark on a captivating journey through the lush planet Radiance, where the Ethereons, a highly advanced species, navigate a world shaped by natural selection and biotechnology.

"Traverse their remarkable physical transformation, progressing from the humble Egg stage, through the adaptive Larvae and vigilant Nymph, culminating in the pinnacle of their evolution as Ethereons.

"Explore the intricate dynamics of their hive mind, their quest for the invaluable moonstone, and the rise of subsidiary species-turned-rebels.

"As their story unfolds, delve into the creation of Hiveholds and the formation of the sprawling Biocenosis, where unity and resilience thrive.

"Experience the pinnacle of their innovation with the Arthrorove and Hiveliner, vehicles crafted for exploration and survival within their interconnected network.

"This endeavour unveils a breathtaking fusion of evolution and biotechnology propelling the Ethereons toward cosmic supremacy."

Students: Cassio Yutani, Diego Nieto and Cesar Peña
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y23/24
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Oscar Oweson and Tung Nguyen

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Fléiada by Maria Soroko-Tsyupa, Karthikeyan Sivasankaran

"The project focuses on the symbiotic relationship between two rival insectoid species, X-Xaels and Y-Xaels, as they endeavor to rebuild their world on a devastated planet.

"Triggered by the imminent danger of a meteorite, the Xaels attempted a hasty escape, resulting in a perilous hyperspace jump that caused a gaping hole in the planet’s surface and destabilized gravity.

"Following their survival, the Xaels returned to their planet and embarked on the XAEL EXPERIMENT, a collaborative effort aimed at establishing a harmonious symbiosis.

"The experiment involved mutating both Xael species, resulting in the creation of the XY_XAEL mutation, a perfected fusion that allowed for the revival of their civilisation.

"Inspired by flowers, the Xaels designed corpuscles – livable and functional structures – for their living and working spaces.

"The corpuscles were strategically placed within clusters determined by the gradient of the stabilised gravity field generated by gravity beacons, facilitating efficient distribution."

Students: Maria Soroko-Tsyupa and Karthikeyan Sivasankaran
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Eva Khan

Presentation board with labelled visualisations

Cnidotopia by Prasad Gopalakrishnan Kannan Sanjeev

"In the aftermath of a cataclysmic global event, humanity faces the daunting challenge of survival in a desolate, post-apocalyptic world.

"This project ventures into uncharted territory, proposing the creation of a submerged civilisation comprised of hybrid beings, skillfully blending human, cnidarian and cybernetic elements.

"Through a multidisciplinary approach, this study explores the genetic integration of Cnidarian DNA, human adaptability, and the potential of symbiotic relationships in a world on the brink of extinction.

"Mechanical engineer John Dabiri (Caltech) and bioengineering PhD candidate Nicole W Xu (Stanford) transformed moon jellyfish into controllable cyborgs for ocean exploration.

"The microelectronic 'swim controller' propels these bionic organisms at three times their natural speed, with future plans to include steering and sensing capabilities for data collection.

"Bionic jellyfish offer energy efficiency and endurance advantages over marine robots, paving the way for cost-effective ocean monitoring (Scientific American)."

Student: Prasad Gopalakrishnan Kannan Sanjeev
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Eva Khan

Varia by Laura Civetti

"The Varia project is engaging the potential solutions available to humanity in its efforts to confront and address Earth's natural disasters.

"Through rigorous research and analysis, the project seeks to identify viable strategies that can effectively safeguard our planet and mitigate the devastating effects of these natural calamities.

"In envisioning a scenario where human beings encounter a new life form possessing the ability to rival Earth's natural disasters, it underscores the necessity for inter-species collaboration and emphasizes the significance of human adaptability in ensuring our survival.

"Such a situation would demand collective efforts from various species to pool their knowledge and resources, emphasizing the imperative of unity and mutual support.

"Additionally, it would highlight the critical role of human adaptability and resilience in navigating unforeseen challenges and evolving circumstances, ultimately determining our ability to thrive in this dynamic and unpredictable environment."

Student: Laura Civetti
Course: DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23
Tutors: Alejandro García Gadea, Radul Shishkov and Eva Khan

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and DesignMorphine. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten computational design projects by DesignMorphine appeared first on Dezeen.

New York Institute of Technology spotlights seven fabrication and robotics projects Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:00:18 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a 3D printed panel made from wood and clay that is filled in with hempcrete is included in this school show by the New York Institute of Technology. Also included is a project that creates 3D printed materials based on the structure of chainmail and an installation that uses folded aluminium sheets

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Structure with aluminium elements

Dezeen School Shows: a 3D printed panel made from wood and clay that is filled in with hempcrete is included in this school show by the New York Institute of Technology.

Also included is a project that creates 3D printed materials based on the structure of chainmail and an installation that uses folded aluminium sheets to create dramatic lighting effects.

New York Institute of Technology

Institution: New York Institute of Technology
School: School of Architecture and Design
Course: Master of Science, Architecture, Computational Technologies
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

School statement:

"MS Architecture Computational Technologies program within New York Institute of technology, School of architecture and design, is exhibiting seven projects at Fuori Salone during Milan Design week from 15 to 21 April in collaboration with HoperAperta.

"The projects explore a hybrid concept of resolution through robotics fabrication set forth by the fabrication and robotics research theme led by professor Fadhil Fadhil in relation to the concept of Mimesis set forth by HoperAperta curated by Patrizia Catalano and Maurizio Barberis.

"Projects explore multiple domains within the world of design that include architecture, product design, fashion and urban design.

"Each project's research explores three stages of design that encapsulate material research, computation design and robotics fabrication.

"All projects explore materiality in relation to computational design and robotics fabrication.

"They examine the development of numerous scripts that explore digital fabrication and algorithmic modelling.

"Students experiment with various computational techniques that focus on studying form, patterns, structures, façade panels or interior components.

"Students learn how to conduct proper and rigorous material research through digital simulations and physical prototyping in preparation for the final design product.

"Projects are concentrated on researching sustainable materials that can be fabricated through advanced robotic fabrication tools.

"In parallel to the material research, projects undergo rigorous physical exploration conducted at NYIT, School of Architecture and Design Fabrication and robotics labs to continue to push the fabrication process of the final design.

"The final product is an adaptable component which is an architectural object or a system that combines the complexity of computational design as well as digital design and fabrication.

"Students are also asked to address the fabrication method of this component digitally by designing an end effector or a mechanism that can be used as an attachment to the robotic arm to conduct the proper fabrication method.

"The course generally examines a methodology that heavily focuses on the concept of three-dimensional resolution through robotics fabrication to generate a platform through which a wide range of projects is developed."

A panel made from wood and clay

Bio Receptive Panel by Meraj Nasir and Jacob Sam

"This project explores the concept of bioreceptivity, an ecological term that describes the ability of living organisms to colonise and occupy a man-made building material.

"Clay is the primary material explored through this project, not only for its ability to host living organisms but also its durability and adaptability when it comes to ever-changing environmental circumstances.

"Clay 3D printing is the primary technology explored in addition to wood as a structural component and hempcrete as a finish texture.

"The final product is a hybrid of a wood component used as a structural panel that holds clay 3D printed segments and hempcrete infill."

Students: Meraj Nasir and Jacob Sam
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

A machine creating a 3D object

3D Scanning to Robotics Milling by Mike Saad

"In this project, high-density foam objects serve as a platform for delving into the concept of 'resolution through fabrication,' a focal point within the realm of robotics and fabrication.

"This process involves the transformation of random 3D scanned objects into fully realised components that manifest diverse texture resolutions.

"Such resolutions are dictated by several fabrication variables, including toolpath densities, mill bit types and tool sizes.

"Through this project, the exploration of 3D resolution via robotics six axes milling accentuates the significance of these fabrication variables, which are manifested through geometry, tool paths and tool bits."

Students: Mike Saad
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

A 3D printed structure on top of a wooden base

Chainmail Geodesic Dome by Karan Patel and Jahan Selim

"The project delves into the concept of chainmail, leveraging the assembly of small objects interconnected through flexible links to create dynamic fabric effects.

"This innovative approach harnesses the power of 3D printing to generate solid objects that, when aggregated, form flexible and adaptable structures.

"The flexible facade is merged with a reimagined geodesic dome structure that lies at the heart of the project, featuring central hinge connections that facilitate rotational flexibility.

"The envisioned final product holds the potential to serve as a flexible facade or a resilient structural system, capable of accommodating various environmental conditions."

Students: Karan Patel and Jahan Selim
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

An ornate 3D-printed panel

High Three-Dimensional Resolution by Amisha Bavadiya

"The project explores AI image mapping and the transformation of 2D images into three-dimensional panels utilising CNC milling while controlling the outcome through toolpath densities and tool bit variations.

"The process starts with a 2D AI-generated image that is then projected into a three-dimensional mesh that is additionally translated into a CNC mill tool path.

"The increase in three-dimensional resolution in this case depends heavily on the grayscale image map and the density of the tool path in relation to the CNC tool size.

"The three-dimensional panel depicts a very high accuracy result to the original AI-generated image."

Students: Amisha Bavadiya
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Close up of a 3D-printed object

Reimagining Urban Design through Fabrication by Alejandro Romero

"The project features a high-density foam model that illustrates various urban densities within a hypothetical city project.

"Through an innovative design process, fabrication methods like CNC milling are employed to reimagine the urban digital model using different CNC tools and tool path densities.

"This endeavour represents an ambitious attempt to merge urban design principles with digital design and robotics fabrication techniques.

"By closely examining urban variables such as densities, circulation paths and volumes, the project seeks to redefine them as fabrication variables capable of shaping the evolution of urban scenarios."

Students: Alejandro Romero
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

A 3D printed harness fitted onto a mannequin torso

Adaptable wearable Device by Selin Dastan

"This project explores the idea of digital aesthetics through fashion.

"The exercise embarks upon a journey of discovery through AI-generated images, computational design and surface modelling to examine a trend of digitally fabricated design strategies.

"The project is constantly trying to reinvent form and materiality through particular sets of design techniques and fabrication methods that include PLA 3D printing and CNC flip milling.

"The interlocking connecting seams between the parts allow for the detachment of the different parts of the piece to provide flexibility and adaptability while fitting on the human body."

Students: Selin Dastan
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Structure with aluminium elements

Deconstructing Muqarnas by Yashraj Chauhan and Arefin Chisty

"This prototype proposes a lighting installation that combines both light and shadow interactions with folded aluminium sheets.

"It is an attempt to revive lost historical craftsmanship techniques by utilising highly advanced computational design and robotics fabrication tools.

"The Muqarnas in this case is treated as a deconstructed component that manifests in three different forms.

"The first form is the wooden component that acts as a structural column, the second form are translucent resin 3D pieces and the third form is the deconstructed unfolded metal components."

Students: Yashraj Chauhan and Arefin Chisty
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and New York Institute of Technology. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Kent State University presents 10 architecture projects Sun, 07 Apr 2024 16:00:28 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that creates accommodation for homeless people in Los Angeles is included in this school show by Kent State University students. Also included is a converted warehouse with a facade made up of overlapping, oversized stone shingles and a modular dwelling system that creates an alternative to urban tent cities.

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Sectional view of a building

Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that creates accommodation for homeless people in Los Angeles is included in this school show by Kent State University students.

Also included is a converted warehouse with a facade made up of overlapping, oversized stone shingles and a modular dwelling system that creates an alternative to urban tent cities.

Kent State University

Institution: Kent State University
School: College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Course: Graduate Context Studio, Graduate Design Studio, Fourth-Year Design Studio, Third-Year Design Studio, First-Year Design Studio
Tutors: Sung Ho Kim, Taraneh Meshkani, Andy Bako, Nick Safley, Jean Jaminet, Matt Hutchinson, Iván Bernal and Ebrahim Poustinchi

School statement:

"The architecture programmes at Kent State University are committed to offering a transformational architectural education that pursues experimental and creative design thinking.

"The programmes prepare innovative architects and leaders in the community by empowering graduates with the passion, skills, craft and expertise to envision the future of the built environment.

"The following projects display different year levels in both undergraduate and graduate programmes, covering design topics of sustainability, spatial and programmatic complexity, urban design, technology, systems integration and representation.

"We believe in exposing our students to contemporary issues of theory, advanced technical skills, and social and cultural contexts to create an integrated platform for scholarship, design innovation and constructive discourse within the architectural discipline.

"All 10 of the following projects were completed by students enrolled in the different year groups and studios of the Kent State University's architecture programme.

"The school's architecture programmes invite students to explore a vast array of topics including ecology, community, culture and technology, to inspire innovative designers and architects who can shape the future of the built environment."

Various visualisations and models of a pink and orange building

The Urban Playground by Olivia J Carpenter

"Reimagining the landscape of Skid Row, the project proposes to redefine traditional notions of a campground by enhancing density, fostering community engagement and prioritising safety.

"The initiative's core principle is to cultivate an environment where individuals can personalise their living spaces, transforming them into sanctuaries of their own.

"By employing a modular system, the vision is brought to life with a megastructure that weaves through Skid Row, transforming the concept of a tent city.

"This architectural innovation paves the way for a new kind of urban dwelling that is more integrated and adaptive."

Student: Olivia J Carpenter
Course: Graduate Context Studio
Tutor: assistant professor Taraneh Meshkani

Architectural model in front of sectional view of a multi-storey building

Fractured Patinas by Gabriel Firestone

"Fractured Patinas reframes the expression of labour, materiality and ornament in an evolving digital age, exploring architectural production through a synergistic partnership between generative artificial intelligence (AI) and human design intervention.

"Informed by Louis Sullivan's methodology for developing both intricate botanical motifs and formal geometric plans, AI was harnessed to develop a hybrid graphic language with the potential to be read simultaneously as ornament, plan and section.

"A custom generative adversarial network (GAN) model was trained on the resulting library of 1,440 original images to produce synthetic variants within the graphic boundaries of the original set, which were further exfoliated into three-dimensional artefacts that inspired the final building's form.

"The intricate envelope reveals itself as an outwardly fragmented system of layered ornamental relief. The interior is defined by projected meta fractures, digital residues of the generative image set."

Student: Gabriel Firestone
Course: Graduate Design Studio
Tutor: visiting assistant professor Andy Bako

Architectural model beside a sectional view of a multi-storey building

Over Textured by Jaret Lesure

"This project employed the digital replica of an existing warehouse for adaptive reuse and expansion.

"A digital mesh scan of the original building was overlaid onto the physical structure at a misaligned plan angle and rotated 90 degrees in section.

"To enhance the surface texture, mesh textures from the scanned building material were amplified in the digital double.

"The use of environmentally friendly materials, including cross-laminated timber panelling, recyclable steel and recycled aggregate concrete aimed to minimise the project's environmental impact."

Student: Jaret Lesure
Course: Fourth-Year Design Studio
Tutor: assistant professor Nick Safely

Architectural model and a sectional view of a multi-storey building

Laminated Undulations by Harrison Johnson

"Laminated Undulations transforms an existing warehouse into a dynamic co-working social hub.

"The excessive overlapping of oversized stone shingles begins the transformation to create uncanny material effects on the facade and to challenge conventional ideas of spatial boundaries.

"Structure, windows and roof profiles are further agitated on the exterior, while interior spaces are distorted and merge to form the main public areas that foster collaborative social experiences.

"Laminated Undulations interrogates normative adaptive reuse practices by modulating typical building components into a dynamic configuration of layered surfaces and sculpted spaces."

Student: Harrison Johnson
Course: Fourth-Year Design Studio
Tutor: associate professor Jean Jaminet

Architectural model and a sectional view of a multi-storey building

The Peoples' Workshop by Katie Armstrong

"The Peoples' Workshop seeks to produce infrastructure that is a dynamic and adaptable sum of interconnected elements and material cultures.

"Anchored by a central workshop area, this infrastructure hopes to foster a collective fabric where individuals exchange skills and knowledge to realise their unique visions and needs, free from the constraints of conventional design and production paradigms.

"The involvement of the groups occupying the structure produces unique social interactions and material cultures where formal and ad-hoc techniques meet in situated choreographies.

"Processes of maintaining and distributing utilities and resources like energy or water are reintegrated into public living and made open source, allowing for further ownership of the space by its inhabitants."

Student: Katie Armstrong
Course: Fourth-Year Design Studio
Tutor: assistant professor Matt Hutchinson

Architectural model and a sectional view of a multi-storey building

Skewed Misalignments by Murtuza Rizvi

"Skewed Misalignments is a speculative adaptive reuse project which recontextualises unorthodox tectonic assemblies of detail moments.

"Material assemblage and connection are heavily analysed in the details of the existing building to conceptualise a new configuration.

"This addition amplifies the inherent tectonic qualities of the existing building, mimicking skewed angles and assembly.

"This is shown on three scales – chunk, vignette, and plans and sections – each with its own resolution of detail revealing unconventional spatial arrangements generated from the unorthodox skews and material assemblages as the scale of the project grows."

Student: Murtuza Rizvi
Course: Fourth-Year Design Studio
Tutor: assistant professor Matt Hutchinson

Two images of an architectural model

Cultural Garden by Icarus Fernandes

"The building demonstrates phenomenal transparency and literal transparency through different materials and spaces placed together, creating heaviness.

"The heaviness created changes how the object sits and presents itself, as there is a continuation between the building and the ground object through texture.

"From the building envelope to its interior and from the stair system to the spatial articulation of the cultural garden programmes, each part of the project is taken as an active semi-autonomous formal and spatial agent to redefine the space.

"While maintaining their independence, these semi-autonomous parts and systems work together to perform cohesively in creating a multilayered composition."

Student: Icarus Fernandes
Course: Third-Year Design Studio
Tutor: associate professor Ebrahim Poustinchi

Architectural model and a visualisation of flowers and birds

Florence by Lindsay Nagy

"Living a hybrid life as an object, curated image and a chunk of a world, Florence aims to carefully walk the tightrope of the familiar and strange to create a cohesive atmosphere.

"Florence is a world where colours are soft and appearances are concealing, a world that is at once intriguing and inspiring.

"As an architectural worldbuilding exercise employing part-to-part and part-to-whole relationships, Florence performs as a magnetic sectional model, walking the link between being shy and narcissistic, fragmented and whole, static and dynamic."

Student: Lindsay Nagy
Course: First-Year Design Studio
Tutor: associate professor Ebrahim Poustinchi

Sectional view of a building

Behind the Scenes – Props, Stages and Simulations by Sam Schroeder

"Building for Collective Living project is a collection of architectural details from a variety of common architectural media and journal sources, which have been simplified and assembled by a group of collective living members.

"These details are examples of contemporary design with an emphasis on wood stud framing or concrete masonry unit (CMU) construction.

"The performance of the building envelope utilising these details is generally ineffective as a working facade system, besides how natural light is allowed to infiltrate.

"Perspective plans and perspective sections explore aspects of the house by showing instances of materiality, construction techniques and spatial conditions that have varying degrees of efficacy and functionality."

Student: Sam Schroeder
Course: Graduate Design Studio
Tutor: associate professor Iván Bernal

Model and cross sectional view of a large mixed-use centre, both with yellow details

Inner City by Kylan R Canary

"Inner City blurs the boundary between Skid Row and the neighbouring arts district, creating an inclusive urban enclave to address homelessness.

"This new 'city within a city' weaves together protection and community through programmatic typologies, nestled within a pre-existing architectural skin.

"The result is a vibrant hub that seamlessly incorporates housing solutions for the unsheltered into its very core.

"It invites residents from Skid Row and its peripheries to engage with this re-envisioned civic space, offering a vantage point that is integrally woven into the community's fabric."

Student: Kylan R Canary
Course: Graduate Context Studio
Tutor: assistant professor Taraneh Meshkani

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Kent State University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Eight virtual design projects by the American University in Dubai Sun, 31 Mar 2024 16:00:02 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a video game informed by the Harry Potter books is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the American University in Dubai. Also included is a game that takes cues from the seven deadly sins and one that is based on the changing seasons. American University in Dubai Institution: American

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Dezeen School Shows: a video game informed by the Harry Potter books is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the American University in Dubai.

Also included is a game that takes cues from the seven deadly sins and one that is based on the changing seasons.

American University in Dubai

Institution: American University in Dubai
School: The Center for Research, Innovation and Design (CRID), School of Architecture, Art, and Design (SAAD)
Course: DDFT 473 – Virtual Environments
Tutors: Dr Georges Kachaamy

School statement:

"The Center for Research, Innovation and Design (CRID) holds the distinction of being the first in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region that is Rhino Certified Center, an Authorised VR Sketch Training Center and Gravity Sketch Certified Center.

"Furthermore, the CRID has earned the unique position of making the American University in Dubai (AUD) the first and only university in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to establish an academic alliance with Unreal Engine (UE) through the innovative application of Twinmotion.

"Leveraging these prestigious collaborations, the DDFT 473 – Virtual Environments course introduces a cutting-edge virtual reality setup that immerses students in the creation and design of virtual spaces.

"The course – curated and conducted by Dr Georges Kachaamy, a renowned VR instructor and visionary in future and virtual environments – offers an unparalleled educational experience.

"In celebration of the partnership with UE, the course culminates in a project titled ''Gamifitecture' The Virtual Space of Playfulness'."

"This project challenges students to design and gamify a virtual environment, drawing inspiration from existing video games.

"This unique approach encourages students to conceive projects that are exclusively experienced within a virtual reality context, transcending traditional physical world limitations.

"The innovative, pedagogical approach of the course has undeniably empowered students to venture into new territories of design thinking and skill acquisition.

"Such forward-thinking education equips our students with the competencies needed to excel in an increasingly competitive market, as evidenced by the remarkable quality and creativity of their project work.

"The CRID remains committed to pushing the boundaries of design education, preparing our students to be leaders in the evolving landscape of design and technology."

Stills from a video game with spikes and columns

 Seven Deadly Realms by  Shahab Pasandeh

"The project concept is an immersive journey through the narrative landscape of the God of War game franchise, reimagined through the lens of the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

"Each of the seven main realms within the virtual environment is meticulously crafted to embody one of these sins, leveraging a rich palette of colours, thematic elements and spatial designs directly inspired by the game's aesthetic and lore.

"This immersive experience is not only a testament to the creative potential of virtual environments but also serves as a profound exploration of themes and narratives that are seldom visualised in such a vivid and engaging way.

"Through this project, users are encouraged to confront and reflect upon the complexities of human emotions and behaviours in a context that transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming and storytelling."

Student: Shahab Pasandeh

Stills from a video game with golden blocks and spikes

Awake? by Dana Kharsa

"Drawing inspiration from Mind Path to Thalamus, this virtual reality concept transports the player into a surreal dreamscape, besieged by portals that usher them through vivid representations of the four seasons.

"Despite numerous attempts to flee, the player finds themselves ensnared in a recurring nightmare.

"The central question looms: can they ever awaken from this cyclic torment?"

Student: Dana Kharsa
Course: DDFT 473 – Virtual Environments

Stills from a video game with blue staircases and spikes

Chamber of Secrets by Mehak Minocha

"This project is inspired by the game Hogwarts Legacy.

"The game is based on the famous book series Harry Potter, a fantasy world that every individual wishes to be a part of.

"Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action role-playing game set in a world first introduced in the Harry Potter books.

"Different books inspired the spaces, and each space increases in intensity with increasing levels.

"The virtual exhibition enables visitors to experience the different realms of the wizarding world."

Student: Mehak Minocha

Visualisation of colourful video game

Tetrascape by Yasmine Khalife

"Tetrascape, a virtual space inspired by the classic game Tetris, serves as a metaphor for life's journey.

"Navigating through the various Tetris blocks represents life's diverse experiences.

"Reaching the final destination symbolises achieving happiness – however, similar to Tetris, completed lines collapse and fall when the blocks finally fit.

"The achievement of a goal is followed by an unexpected fall, highlighting life's uncertainties and the need to adapt to changes."

Student: Yasmine Khalife

Visualisation of colourful video game

Toggestopia by Sameya Masroof Ahmed

"The project drew inspiration from the captivating game Togges, a delightful 3D puzzle-platformer.

"In this engaging adventure, players navigate through seven vibrant levels, stacking adorable living blocks and solving puzzles across various cosmic landscapes to safeguard the galaxy from the looming threats of the void.

"The game's diverse environments, including underwater, snowy and vertical settings, influenced the transitions in this project.

"Infused with interactivity and cheerfulness, the project culminates in a satisfying 'Eureka' moment, reminiscent of the joyous discovery of a globe."

Student: Sameya Masroof Ahmed

Visualisation of colourful video game

Eternity by Tara Chopra

"This project is inspired by the game Etherborn and is made up of five spaces representing the five levels of the game.

"The way the viewer moves through the spaces is inspired by Etherborn's gameplay, which involves ascending a massive, twisting tree after which the gamer reaches 'the end of the world'.

"Similarly, in 'Eternity', the user would ascend through five different spaces starting at the origin in 'genesis' and reaching the very top, the 'nebula'.

"The project takes the viewer through the calm yet chaotic, and ever-changing 'tree of life'."

Student: Tara Chopra

Visualisation of colourful video game

Paralysis by Christelle Hanna

"The project consists of five spaces – the lair, eruption, jagged, chimes, and REM – all of which are inspired by the game Little Nightmares.

"The idea of chaos is incorporated to achieve a dark and gloomy atmosphere and is emphasised by designing the spaces in an uncoordinated way while also making them irregularly large to match how small the viewer should be.

"The intensity of the scattered elements changes depending on the colour choices, matching with the game itself."

Student: Christelle Hanna

Visualisation of colourful video game

Chromatopia by Dana Otoom

"Chromatopia immerses you in a kaleidoscopic journey inspired by the game Manifold Gardens.

"Gravity shifts dynamically as you traverse each stage, transforming the essence of every space.

"Explore vibrant environments where perception bends, colours dance and architectural marvels defy conventional laws.

"In Chromatopia, the journey is a symphony of gravity-defying exploration, where each twist and turn reveal new dimensions of wonder and awe."

Student: Dana Otoom

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the American University in Dubai. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Eight virtual design projects by the American University in Dubai appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten architecture and urban design projects by UIC Barcelona Sat, 30 Mar 2024 17:00:12 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a self-sufficient tower built on a beach in Barcelona is featured in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UIC Barcelona. Also included is a series of biomaterials that can be 3D printed and a mixed-use scheme in the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona that emphasises sustainability. UIC Barcelona Institution: UIC Barcelona School:

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Tower rising up from a beach

Dezeen School Shows: a self-sufficient tower built on a beach in Barcelona is featured in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UIC Barcelona.

Also included is a series of biomaterials that can be 3D printed and a mixed-use scheme in the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona that emphasises sustainability.

UIC Barcelona

Institution: UIC Barcelona
School: School of Architecture
Tutors: Alberto T Estévez, Yomna Abdallah, Maria I Gabarró, Iñigo Ugalde, Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, Allison Koornneef, Lorenzo Chelleri, Valeria Rijana, Pere Vall Casas, Marta Benages and Álvaro Cuéllar

School statement:

"UIC Barcelona School of Architecture stands as a pioneer in Barcelona, being the first private institution of its kind in the city.

"Over two decades, it has evolved into a hallmark of quality education in the field. Our mission is to cultivate architects with an international outlook, critical thinking skills and a passion for societal engagement.

"Through personalised support and a focus on innovation, we prepare our students to navigate the challenges of the future. Committed to both our students and society, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes mandatory courses in cooperation, sustainability and accessibility.

"Our dedication to contemporary architecture extends beyond the classroom, as we foster close collaborations with industry leaders and provide ample opportunities for real-world experience.

"Located within our expansive Barcelona Campus, our state-of-the-art facilities offer everything from spacious lecture halls to cutting-edge workshops, ensuring that our students have access to the resources they need to succeed.

"Join us at UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and embark on a journey to shape the future of architecture."

Grey-coloured 3D printed object

Developing biosystems and biomaterials by Daniel Amani and Skander Bouzein

"This project aimed to develop biosystems and biomaterials to produce bio-catalysed functional products including bioelectricity, food, enzymes and materials.

"Research was conducted within the BioLab, where the students learn basics of biotechnology, including culturing of useful non-pathogenic microorganisms including algae, bacteria and edible fungi.

"The BioLab integrates the latest technology in biological processes in the design process including every type and scale of 3D printing with various materials, from clay to engineered living materials."

Students: Daniel Amani and Skander Bouzein
Tutor: Professor Yomna K Abdallah

Visualisation of a future city

VitalSpaces - Rethinking Urban Health: Streetscapes Built for Life by Karen Niyonizeye, Sara Kaso and Yara Naji

"The design of healthy cities is based on the creation of sustainable and self-sufficient environments that minimise waste generation.

"The cities of the future must be resilient spaces, capable of meeting the needs of their inhabitants without compromising the wellbeing of future generations.

"VitalSpaces implements strategies that promote energy efficiency by reducing consumption through the use of renewable energies, responsible water management and promoting sustainable mobility."

Students: Karen Niyonizeye, Sara Kaso and Yara Naji
Tutors: Pere Vall, Marta Benages and Álvaro Cuéllar
Emails: niyonkaren[at], sarakaso31[at] and yara.n99[at]

Diagram of a city block with labels

EcoUbia: a green, technological and sustainable urban community in Barcelona by Fathimath Shahyn

"EcoUbia stands as a visionary urban project that redefines the concept of urban living – it is developed in three blocks located in Poblenou, a neighbourhood in Barcelona.

"This transformative urban microcosm integrates residences, stores, offices and facilities, creating a space where technology, sustainability and human wellbeing blend in perfect harmony.

"Residents will enjoy shared green spaces, urban gardens and an innovative agricultural centre that encourages local production and responsible consumption."

Student: Fathimath Shahyn
Tutors: Pere Vall, Marta Benages and Álvaro Cuéllar
Email: fshahyn[at]

Diagram of a city block with labels

Alternative Housing Processes: Collective Action in the city of Barcelona by Georgia Manousogiannaki

"Manousogiannaki analyses alternative housing production in her research paper in contrast to the traditional, speculative practices that increase and perpetuate unequal access to housing.

"The formation of urban gardens, cooperative housing, alternative economies and consumer cooperatives all introduce new approaches t0 the urban fabric.

"Her thesis points out the necessity for these alternatives as a tool for new urban development through the lens of the de-growth movement.

"Studying the case of housing alternatives in Barcelona, the research aims to map the urban patterns in the city that led to these collective transformations."

Student: Georgia Manousogiannaki
Tutor: Emilio Hormías Laperal
Email: zp094739[at]

Diagram of a hilly area with labels

Assessing Disaster Risk Reduction in Refugee Camp Design in Jordan by Abdel Rahman Ghalib Al Zoubi

"Rapid population increases in Jordan as a result of the migration from neighbouring countries have put a strain on existing social and urban infrastructures.

"The need to mitigate disaster risk is essential to protect the most vulnerable, whether that is in informal urban settlements or emergency planned camps.

"The findings from this research show that refugee camp design parameters do not adequately integrate disaster risk reduction strategies, specifically in the informal camps, and argues that including the local knowledge of disasters from the initial stages would improve sustainable urban upgrading and improve their preparedness and risk mitigation profile."

Student: Abdel Rahman Ghalib Al Zoubi
Tutor: Dr Carmen Mendoza Arroyo
Email: abdelrhmanzoubi[at]

Diagram with labels

Group project: A Heatwave Resilience Roadmap for the City of Sitges

"Using a multidisciplinary approach, the focus of the workshop was to present guidelines relating the heatwave emergency response with longer-term integrated planning and governance resilience strategies.

"Students undertook multiple site visits, engaging with both the community and key technical staff of the Municipality of Sitges in order to understand the current situation.

"Our mission was to create a framework for resilience to heat and prepare a roadmap whereby Sitges can further understand the vulnerabilities of the community and work towards a long-term resilience strategy."

Students: Rose Dagg, Louise Demortier, Koen Dobbelaar, Federica Lisa, Armando Natingue Jr, Mara Owen, François Dubreuil, Manhoor Fatima, Darina Hyun, Claudia Laumans, Mrinal Patil, Cato Pos and Mailin Walther
Tutor: Lorenzo Chelleri
Emails: mkowen18[at], alice.bazzica[at], f.dubreuil[at], bertrand.grimm[at], armandojnatingue97[at], louisedemortier[at], catopos[at], walther.mailin[at], koen.dobbelaar[at], mahnoor.fatima11[at], federicalisa[at], mrinalpatil510[at], rose.dagg[at], darinagesheva[at], claudia[at], erika.sbarbati[at] and varma.aditya97[at]

Diagram of a city block with labels

Group project: Towards a Resilient Ciutadella Knowledge Campus

"This report aims to propose robust strategies in response to Pompeu Fabra University's request for designs for a development at the Ciutadella campus in Barcelona, Spain.

"The workshop focused on key questions: how should resilience be integrated into campus planning, design and management? And, how can sustainability extend beyond technological aspects, addressing the district scale and surpassing new campus buildings?

"Additionally, it explores how a campus can actively contribute to and lead a city district, fostering culture, knowledge, quality of life and equity.

"Specifically, it delves into the UPF Campus' potential role in implementing the knowledge district and enhancing the overall urban environment."

Students: Allison Ahern, Elena Luongo, Federico Villar Silva, Jared Sluss, Jhade Azzougagh, Małgorzata Kamińska, Manon Dangelser, Marli Roberts, Maxime Pierson, Nelson Nolan, Rafael Sosa, Rima Alsammarae, Steph O’Connor and Valeria Rijana
Tutor: Lorenzo Chelleri
Emails: allisonahern1[at], ralsammarae3[at], j.azzougagh[at], manon.dangelser[at], luongo.ele[at], malgorzata1117[at], nnolan[at], steph.k.oconnor[at], piersonmaximejp[at], valrijana[at], marli.roberts[at], jaredsluss[at], rsosa9496[at] and fedevillars[at]

Visualisation of terrace dining area

Designing living, breathing headquarters by Carlos González, Cindy Susantino, Elisa Estrada and Mahmoud Ghoussainy

"The living building challenge was established by the International Living Future Institute, a team of green-building experts and thought leaders committed to creating resilient, living systems that are healthy, vibrant and beautiful, but that also strengthen local economies and communities.

"Because of that, the project aims to create a well-rounded working space based on sustainable and human wellness-oriented design."

Students: Carlos González, Cindy Susantino, Elisa Estrada and Mahmoud Ghoussainy
Tutors: Architect Maria Isabel Gabarró, David Moreno and Gabriel Rocafort

Tower rising up from a beach

Biodigital tower in Barcelona Seafront for socio-ecological balance by Abdul Harib

"In the 20th century, architect Le Corbusier stated that "the house is a machine for living", and talked about "the functional city" – in the 21st century, professor Alberto T Estévez urgently said that "the house is a machine for activating planetary sustainability", and that "the city will be 50 per cent biological and 50 per cent digital, or it will not be".

"This project, which centres on the construction of self-sufficient towers, involves solving socio-ecological imbalances."

Student: Abdul Harib
Tutor: Alberto T Estévez
Emails: abdulharib[at] and boalharib[at]

Towers covered in foliage in the sea

Developing Biodigital Towers by Frank Henderson and Iliya Mela

"This project centred on developing biodigital towers and islands for complex multifunctional use by self-sufficient micro-communities, as a healthy extension of the growing city of Barcelona.

"The towers aim to address the increased need for residential social units in the densest city of Europe, while complying with the integral ecology 17 sustainability development goals of the United Nations, geared towards both social and ecological planetary rebalancing.

"The project sees houses as machines to activate sustainability."

Students: Frank Henderson and Iliya Mela
Tutor: Professor Alberto T Estévez
Emails: frankhendersont[at] and melailiya[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and UIC Barcelona. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at Heriot-Watt University Mon, 25 Mar 2024 17:00:24 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that proposes a combined beachfront cinema and theatre in Dubai is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Heriot-Watt University. Also included is a house designed according to movements made when figure skating and a recycling centre that uses metal mesh to control the flow of traffic around

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Dezeen School Shows: a project that proposes a combined beachfront cinema and theatre in Dubai is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Heriot-Watt University.

Also included is a house designed according to movements made when figure skating and a recycling centre that uses metal mesh to control the flow of traffic around the space.

Heriot-Watt University

Institution: Heriot-Watt University
School: Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society
Course: BA (Hons) Architecture
Tutors: Dr Harpreet Seth, Shameel Muhammed, Dr Rana El-Dabaa and Atousa Aslaminezhad

School statement:

"The BA (Hons) Architecture programme at Heriot-Watt University is a four-year undergraduate degree programme and is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) at part one.

"Based at Heriot-Watt's global campus in Dubai, the programme benefits from being at the nexus of global, regional and local contexts.

"Strategically placed within the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS), the programme draws expertise from multiple disciplines associated with the built environment.

"The progressive view of the programme towards architectural education encourages 'Architecture for Change and Impact', focusing on the pressing need for graduates who are equipped to challenge the status quo in current design practice.

"We advocate a contextually-driven architecture, contributing towards building a regionally and culturally sustainable future.

"We foster critical thinking, effective communication and a lifelong learning mindset, moulding tomorrow's leaders.

"Our approach is hands-on, with a focus on learning by doing.

"Students are encouraged to take risks and guided by strong professional integrity.

"Students make informed decisions and understand their impact, towards becoming creative learners, thinkers and researchers.

"Our engagement with specialist practitioner-based architects further underscores the potential for students to impact the socio-cultural fabric positively."

Black and white visualisation of a theatre

Propelled Odyssey: A Theatre Time Vault by Hamza Daaboul

"The Theatre Time Vault, set against the historic Ras Al Khor mangroves, is a tribute to cultural heritage and artistic evolution.

"Enriched with the essence of time, it redefines traditional theatre by creating a dynamic space where past, present and future converge.

"This experiential art centre guides visitors through fragmented theatres, acting as portals to specific time periods, reviving forgotten stories.

"Architecturally, a timeless rectangular spine symbolises a metaphorical timeline adorned with interactive installations capturing pivotal cultural moments."

Student: Hamza Daaboul
Course: Architectural Design Studio 7
Tutors: Shameel Muhammed and Viineeth T Kannoth

Computer-generated sectional model of a mixed-use building

Easing Edges by Anton Melnikov

"The student housing for Firdaus Studio is a human-focused design that blends cultural and casual activities in a multilayered hub.

"Mitigating tensions is a key concept, addressing harsh environmental conditions and lack of convenient spaces for daily activities.

"The building is divided into four layers, focusing on people and their indoor and outdoor life, which emphasises cooperation and separation through the hierarchical structure.

"Creative spaces and rehearsal areas connect to the street, encouraging inspiration and creation while valuing community and individual wellbeing."

Student: Anton Melnikov
Course: Architectural Design Studio 5
Tutors: Dr Harpreet Seth and Elli Fragkaki

Sectional visualisation of a large building

Aerial Anchors by Shahnoor Amer

"Through thoughtful consideration of human psychology, architecture becomes not only a physical shelter but also a nurturing haven for the mind and spirit.

"Delving into the notion of release within urban settings, this project reconceives student housing beyond mere residency.

"It encapsulates a sense of liberation through design, offering a refuge for creative expression amidst the cityscape.

"Through the cultivation of shared experiences, residents are encouraged to embrace the rhythm of life.

"By seamlessly blending communal living with artistic expression, the project establishes spaces that facilitate a fusion of freedom and well-being through living architecture."

Student: Shahnoor Amer
Course: Architectural Design Studio 5
Tutors: Dr Harpreet Seth and Elli Fragkaki

Visualisation of a building with a triangular faceted facade

The Zenith: Living in Unscripted Harmony by Ohireme Uanzekin

"When the elements of raw and spontaneous collide, a balance of dissonance and harmony is encouraged, creating a continuous dialogue between residents' musical journey and their living spaces.

"With the blend of brutalist elements and magical nuances, aiming to inspire creativity and reflection, a journey is offered through courtyards, gardens and deconstructed spaces, with environments shifting from complex geometries to serene retreats.

"Each space is designed to foster spontaneous inspiration, like improvisational music, culminating in a tranquil sanctuary."

Student: Ohireme Uanzekin
Course: Architectural Design Studio 5
Tutors: Dr Harpreet Seth and Elli Fragkaki

Sketch model of a play centre

Recycle through Play by Kathleen Prado

"The innovative interactive centre proposes the act of recycling through play where anyone can learn and create through the most basic action: play.

"Situated in Al Quoz, the site presents itself as a playground filled with waste materials.

"By bringing the community inwards, the drive towards sustainability will be put into action."

Student: Kathleen Prado
Course: Architectural Design Studio 3
Tutors: Dr Rana El-Dabaa, MAK, Dr Mai Karam and Syed Arshad

Various models and diagrams showing a recycling centre

EITRI – House of Metal by Ahmad Fiqry Fuad

"The concept is to create transparency and connections between the recycling process of metals and the visitors to this centre, through a curated experience.

"This will be in the form of a mechanical pod that guides them through the spaces – the metallic mesh is used to guide and envelope the main plaza.

"The mesh also guides the wind and sun into the spaces as it is patterned in a way to open up during winter.

"The mesh form is enclosed by a non-descript warehouse typical of the context, but the organic form just projects out at the entrance to promote curiosity."

Student: Ahmad Fiqry Fuad
Course: Architectural Design Studio 3
Tutors: Dr Rana El-Dabaa, MAK, Dr Mai Karam and Syed Arshad

Image of an architectural model with a removable roof

CYROLABIRNT by Maya Abu Samra

"CYROLABIRNT embodies the dynamic paths formed by figure skaters on the ice, translating them into a maze-like home.

"Placed in D3, CYROLABIRNT is a piece of art seamlessly blending into the context of the site.

"Inhabitors of this pop-up habitat immerse themselves in the energy and fluidity reminiscent of ice skating.

"Reflecting the graceful movement of figure skaters, cylindrical volumes capture the 360-degree rotations executed on ice."

Student: Maya Abu Samra
Course: Architectural Design Studio 1
Tutors: Atousa Aslaminezhad, Dr Amira El Hakeh, Dr Kourosh Hajizadeh and Hachiva Parvin

Crescendo/Decrescendo by Thant Myint

"Crescendo/Decrescendo is inspired by a favourite hobby: playing the violin.

"Through explorations of a violinist's spatiality when playing the instrument, a temporary pop-up habitat (situated in a theoretical location within the Dubai Design District) was designed as a space catered for the hobby but also one that could possibly be lived in full-time.

"Additionally, the habitat's spatial composition is influenced by the form of a violin scroll, with the circular hobby space being the 'heart' of the scroll and the enveloping curvilinear living space being the 'neck' that extends from the scroll, 'supporting' it.

"Two pop-up elements work in tandem, to reveal and conceal the hobby area, depending on whether the inhabitant wants to practice privately or perform publicly, denoted by the 'soft' and 'hard' forms placed in juxtaposition to constitute a structure that transcends between contrasting spatialities."

Student: Thant Myint
Course: Architectural Design Studio 1
Tutors: Atousa Aslaminezhad, Dr Amira El Hakeh, Dr Kourosh Hajizadeh and Hachiva Parvin

Visualisation showing a billboard-style display showing various images

Pause Moment by Melroy M Carvalho

"The Al Ras district of Dubai, chosen for its bustling energy, reflects the challenges of modern existence, where moments for introspection are rare.

"Conversations with locals uncovered a gap in art awareness, with residents longing for a space to celebrate and connect with their cultural heritage.

"Through the art centre, the project envisions transforming spaces into dynamic hubs, engaging individuals in a journey of discovery while showcasing diverse art forms.

"Storytelling takes centre stage, fostering belonging and connection through innovative designs."

Student: Melroy M Carvalho
Course: Architectural Design Studio 7
Tutors: Shameel Muhammed and Viineeth T Kannoth

Visualisation of a theatre building that appears to float on the sea

The Fusion of CineTheatric Excellence by Rumman Siddiqui

"This project proposes an art centre in the Kite Beach area of Dubai, in the UAE – a space where cinema and theatre seamlessly merge, exemplifying the harmonious convergence of knowledge and practical experience, inviting every visitor to an uninterrupted narrative journey from the very moment they step inside until the final curtain call.

"The design features expansive ceilings with celestial slits, harnessing natural sunlight to guide visitors through an uninterrupted journey.

"As occupants traverse, they become integral to the immersive experience, illuminated by thoughtfully choreographed bands of light reminiscent of a grand stage.

"The incorporation of natural materials establishes an authentic connection, providing a fertile ground for creative expression."

Student: Rumman Siddiqui
Course: Architectural Design Studio 7
Tutors: Shameel Muhammed and Viineeth T Kannoth

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Heriot-Watt University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten product design projects by Istituto Europeo di Design Wed, 20 Mar 2024 17:00:16 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project demonstrating iridescent colours and textural finishes for steel is included in this school show by Istituto Europeo di Design. Also included is a piece of furniture that stores and displays bicycles as an alternative to outdoor storage, and a range of homewares – including bookends, side tables and candle stick

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Dezeen School Shows: a project demonstrating iridescent colours and textural finishes for steel is included in this school show by Istituto Europeo di Design.

Also included is a piece of furniture that stores and displays bicycles as an alternative to outdoor storage, and a range of homewares – including bookends, side tables and candle stick holders – made from waste bricks, concrete, tiles and other reclaimed materials.

Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)

Institution: Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)
School: Design School
Course: BA in Product Design
Tutors: Federica Bosoni (IED Milano), Raffaella Perrone and Sebastian Alberdi (IED Barcelona), Alice Mela (IED Torino), Marika Aakesson (IED Roma) and Beatriz Amann (IED Madrid)

School statement:

"The principle of human-centred design is challenged by a new paradigm in which, from the centre of the world, the human becomes one among multiple components of an ecosystem.

"Istituto Europeo di Design sees design as an opportunity to reflect on and operate within this ecosystem.

"Humans, nature and technology are the components of this ecosystem and their multiple interactions generate the fields of investigation of the design of the future.

"From objects to services, from vehicles to mobility, the transition is immaterial and unstoppable.

"As a design school, we question the role that design can play in embracing this complexity, in regenerating lost connections and in creating new ones.

"The following selection of projects exemplifies IED's vision for seeking solutions that will have a positive impact on our society, especially on our environment, in line with the philosophy that underpins the school's brand new course, the Master of Arts Courses 'DesignXCommons'."

Three cylindrical terracotta vessels on a beige background

Plastic Nostrum by Mina Barchi

"Plastic Nostrum is a filter system for microplastic-contaminated marine waters, inspired by terracotta.

"It consists of two combinable and stackable modules (called Terrákos) made either traditionally by hand or through ceramic 3D printing, which contain Neptune balls – fibre balls made from the decomposition of marine Posidonia plants that act as a fishing net, trapping plastic.

"The shape of the grooves, which vary according to the technique used to produce the pieces, add a sense of beauty and facilitate the movement of the water."

Student: Mina Barchi
Course: Bachelor of Arts in Product Design – IED Barcelona

Steel pieces in iridescent colours

Noble by Alysha Sarah Vergis

"Noble is a colour palette displaying the six colours of tempered steel – three in warm tones and three in cool tones – with three different textures per colour: one polished, one distorted and one textured surface.

"When steel is normally used in products, it is either used in its natural form or covered with a coat of paint if another colour is desired.

"This palette strives to exhibit the untapped colour possibilities that exist in steel, as well as its natural ability to produce iridescent colours.

"The project aims to inspire designers to explore more humble materials, demonstrating that there is nothing more noble than sustainable design choices for the sake of biodiversity and the planet.'

Student: Alysha Sarah Vergis
Course: Bachelor of Arts in Product Design – IED Barcelona

Homeware made from waste bricks

Rojo Oxidado by Natalia Sánchez

"The construction industry is searching for new ways to be more circular, reducing the extraction of raw materials and making the best use of resources.

"At this juncture, Natalia Sánchez presents her project, Rojo Oxidado, as part of the solution.

"By collecting and treating construction and demolition waste (bricks, stones, tiles, concrete, etc.), she transforms them into functional furniture giving a second life to these materials.

"Sánchez carefully explores different research and experimentation techniques with these wastes, such as their selection, classification and transformation, to generate the new material that will give rise to the recycled furniture."

Student: Natalia Sánchez
Course: Bachelor of Arts in Product Design – IED Madrid

Green chair on a beach

Silla Pejina by Edith Rodriguez

"The aim of this project is to find a second life for disused trawl nets that have been removed from the sea.

"The result is a deckchair with a minimal structure and a net as its main material, which takes as its starting point the fishing village of Laredo, the largest sandy area in the community of Cantabria in Spain.

"Its design is based on an ergonomic study and its shape is informed by sand dunes, which represent the beach of Laredo.

"The nets are made of nylon and keep their original colours – blue, green and purple."

Student: Edith Rodriguez
Course: Master in Product Design - IED Madrid

A shelf with plants on it as well as watering devices

Canta & Llora by Natalia Noyevnicov

"Pieces created for the Canta & Llora project are designed to turn gardening into a ritual.

"They are watering tools that are inspired by gourds, vessels used to contain and transport water since the 12th millennium BC.

"In Spain, in particular, it was used to store water or wine during the pilgrims' journey on the Camino de Santiago.

"With the idea of promoting care and attention to the act of cultivating, especially in a context where speed is at a premium, the student proposes a series of four products made from biomaterials and ceramics."

Student: Natalia Noyevnicov
Course: Master in Product Design – IED Madrid

Small device on table which has plants inside it

Square Greens by Eugenio Costa, Simone Centonze, Edoardo Graci and Valeria Cattoni

"Students imagined and created a new way to produce and consume fresh food – the Square Greens start-up was designed to be scalable.

"The ultimate goal is to train a new generation of prosumers capable of self-producing their personal food needs – this would lead to minimising waste.

"We set out to create a new type of household tool, as simple as a square and as small as a microwave, that could replace much less healthy appliances.

"The end result is a minimalistic yet high-performance greenhouse that can produce three full meals in just four days."

Students: Eugenio Costa, Simone Centonze, Edoardo Graci and Valeria Cattoni
Course: Bachelor Degree in Product Design – IED Milano

Floating filter on a lake

Jelter by Caterina Favella, Rebecca Raho and Emanuela Tarasco

"Jelter is a startup that was born from the need to address one of the most important contemporary problems: microplastics.

"The name comes from the union of the words jellyfish and filter.

"It consists of a buoy system that collects microplastics from marine waters, designed to be self-sufficient and sustainable, using a filter and an electronic system."

Students: Caterina Favella, Rebecca Raho and Emanuela Tarasco
Course: Bachelor Degree in Product Design – IED Milano

An adult and child in front of a large bin with a tree on it

Group project: Piantala

"Piantala proposes large, interactive public bins that invite citizens of all ages to learn more about the circular economy, starting with the importance of recycling.

"The user goes to a bin and once the type of waste to be disposed of is selected, the corresponding hole will automatically open and remain open until a command has been given by the user.

"Every time waste is disposed of, the user's digital flower grows.

"The number of uses determines the development and growth of the plant, resulting in an interactive game: five uses for a seed, ten uses for a seedling and 15 uses for a complete flower.

"Once ten flowers have been obtained (150 uses in total), the user will be able to receive a hypothetical prize: for example, giving his or her name to a new tree planted by the municipality in one of Rome's green areas.

"Thus, they will have contributed not only to proper waste disposal but also to the environmental upgrading of the city."

Students: Martina Scimia, Flavia Colonnelli, Veronica Giallatini, Alice Ecossi, Elisa Luzi, Francesco De Piano and Alberto Argente Boni
Course: Bachelor Degree in Product Design – IED Roma

A wooden book shelf with a slot for keeping a bike in

Blank Spaces by Massimo Piovano

"Blank Spaces is a project that responds to a request by lifestyle brand Muji to develop a furniture product for young tenants in Italy that considers the increase in bicycle use, as well as the rise in bicycle theft.

"The piece of furniture offers an efficient storage solution for bicycles in confined spaces, which displays the vehicle while optimising space and creating coherence between indoor and outdoor spaces."

"The product is available in two veneer variants, walnut or oak."

Student: Massimo Piovano
Course: Bachelor Degree in Product Design – IED Torino

Kitchen with fridge beside indoor growing appliance

Demetra by Alessandro Pittau, Federico Martis and Simona Vacca e Davide Angioni

"Demetra is a home cultivation system that offers an innovative solution for producing fresh, healthy food at home, designed for kitchen appliance manufacturer Haier Europe.

"The product meets the requirements of domestic space, low energy consumption, ease of use and integration with smart home systems.

"The project was designed by a multidisciplinary team – product design students worked on product development, analysing the technical, functional and aesthetic features of the growing system, and media design students developed the interaction and application parts, designing the control, monitoring and management of the product via a digital platform.

"The aim of the project is to incorporate the cultivation of plant foodstuffs inside the home, taking advantage of available technologies that ensure a conscious user experience, reducing the problems associated with indoor cultivation."

Student: Alessandro Pittau and Federico Martis (product design) and Simona Vacca e Davide Angioni (media design)
Course: Bachelor Degree in Product Design and Media Design – IED Cagliari

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Istituto Europeo di Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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University of the Arts London presents eight communication design projects Sat, 16 Mar 2024 17:00:01 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a board game that stimulates conversations about climate change is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at University of the Arts London. Also included is a project that saw people working together to hand-make a cape that celebrates queer identities and a shiny metallic vinyl record that represents cultural identity

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Dezeen School Shows: a board game that stimulates conversations about climate change is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at University of the Arts London.

Also included is a project that saw people working together to hand-make a cape that celebrates queer identities and a shiny metallic vinyl record that represents cultural identity in Hong Kong.

University of the Arts London

Institution: University of the Arts London
School: The London College of Communication Design School
Course: MA Design Management, MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures and MA Design for Art Direction
Tutors: Sara Ekenger, Jordan Hodgson and Ella Britton

School statement:

"The London College of Communication Design School at UAL is a multidisciplinary community of internationally recognised educators, researchers and practitioners.

"The school's ethos builds on the aesthetic traditions of design practice and encourages experimentation, critique and innovation within the context of post-digital culture.

"The student work featured here comes from three MA courses – Design Management, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures and Design for Art Direction.

"All three courses believe in the power of design practice, design thinking and design research to effect strategic change, shape positive futures and produce cultural value."

Photo of someone sewing a prayer mat

Upcycled Sajada by Tika Pratiwi Sufyan

"Salah (a prayer) is deeply intertwined with spiritual fulfilment and cultural identity for practising Muslims, who usually use prayer mats (sajada) for daily prayers.

"However, daily rituals relying on manufactured prayer mats raise sustainability concerns due to material waste created during production.

"This project investigates eco-design possibilities at the intersection of green values and prayer mats.

"The Upcycled Sajada brand holds three core values – to repurpose production, reflect on sustainability and Islamic values and reconnect with communities and individuals.

"Through an upcycling workshop practice, Upcycled Sajada aims to reflect the concept of sustainability within Islamic values while promoting awareness of sustainability values in young practising Muslims."

Student: Tika Pratiwi Sufyan
Course: MA Design Management
Tutor: Sara Ekenger
Email: hi[at]

Computer screen and webpages on lavender-coloured background

Acunar by Catalina Carafi Calvo

"Acunar provides users with support, guidance and information about early pregnancy loss in Chile.

"I wanted to develop a user-centred platform to support Chilean parents confronting an early miscarriage – early miscarriage is defined as pregnancy loss during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

"Acunar presents information in a more informed, accessible and humanised way to facilitate dealing with grief, understanding their existing rights and developing self-advocacy on the parents' decisions by providing a platform with a user-friendly onboarding process where users can efficiently and accurately find correct and trusted information."

Student: Catalina Carafi Calvo
Course: MA Design Management
Tutor: Sara Ekenger
Email: catacarafi[at]

Illustration showing a person giving a dog a treat

Gully Tails by Kanika Kalra

"A burgeoning population of free-roaming dogs in India gives rise to several animal welfare and public health issues – every day, Indian streets bear witness to human-dog conflicts.

"This study brings forth stories of those who feed, vaccinate, sterilise, shelter, foster, rescue and share love with local strays.

"Using participatory design, it brings together members of the animal welfare community in Gurugram to envision a future of harmonious co-existence between humans and dogs.

"Examining barriers faced by the community in making this collective vision a reality, the project proposes Gully Tails – a digital toolkit and a series of virtual events fostering connections and facilitating knowledge exchange."

Student: Kanika Kalra
Course: MA Design Management
Tutor: Sara Ekenger

Components of a board game set out on a table

Eco-Koselig by Angeline Lee

"Eco-Koselig is a tabletop game fostering climate change talks with empathy.

"It aids in exploring emotions and environmental identity among youth, addressing the crisis' personal impacts.

"Due to limited representation in climate advocacy, such discussions often feel daunting and disconnected.

"The game offers a safe, enjoyable space for capacity building in the practice of care and encouragement."

Student: Angeline Lee
Course: MA Design Management
Tutor: Sara Ekenger
Email: angeline.leety[at]

Shiny silver vinyl record and sleeve

Traces by Sonya Yim

"Traces encapsulates the elusive thread of Hong Kong's cultural identity, inviting viewers to reconsider preconceptions of identity and engage with the evolving interplay between heritage, storytelling and materiality beyond an anthropocentric perspective.

"The project navigates the confluence of preservation, heritage, anthropological landscapes and narrative ecologies, carving out a generative third space that reimagines materiality, form and matter.

"Traces aims to unravel hidden narratives of Hong Kong's past, present and future through a multi-sensory approach.

"This project challenges conventional notions of humanity, cultural identity and materiality, whilst acknowledging the continuous act of making as a method of preservation, fostering active collaboration with both tangible and intangible elements."

Student: Sonya Yim
Course: MA Design for Art Direction
Tutor: Jordan Hodgson
Email: sonya2007[at]

People dressed in skin-coloured outfits engaging in a dance performance

Le Bal by Alexander Ekholm

"Le Bal is a conceptual dance film delving into the constraints imposed by gender constructs and beauty norms on our quest for self-expression.

"At the enigmatic Le Bal, guests are encouraged to navigate their desires free from societal expectations.

"Uncertainties loom, however, regarding the ball's true purpose and what lies beyond its confines, what external norms and conventions appear to permeate even the ballroom?

"The film invites us to re-evaluate and reclaim ownership over our attitudes towards gender, beauty, ugliness and our right to unrestricted self-expression.

"Alexander was nominated to present this project as part of the Collective Anomalies symposium in London."

Student: Alexander Ekholm
Course: MA Design for Art Direction
Tutor: Jordan Hodgson
Email: houseofekholm[at]

Photo frames that appear to be made from rubble

Eulogy for A Dying City by Bobbi Jelgerhuis Swildens

"Gentrification creeps up on us in all corners of the city – although place is made for new city dwellers, existing communities are ripped from their soil.

"Resident and activist groups try to combat this with all their might, but there is little work to be done once a development has been completed.

"Hurt, neglect and struggle are buried beneath new high-rises and wallpaper – my research asks designers and artists to start operating in this vacuum.

"Guided by a set of design principles, we can craft eulogies at the sites of displacement that help past residents process their gentrification grief."

Student: Bobbi Jelgerhuis Swildens
Course: MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures
Tutor: Ella Britton
Email: bobbielbobbmail[at]

People holding up a multicoloured cape

Colossal Queer Cape by Caroline Glover

"This heart-warming project was in support of the new 'Wishbone' drag tent at Green Man festival endeavouring to represent the burgeoning queer community there.

"We hosted workshops where participants were asked to design a patch from reclaimed material in response to the question: 'what does queer joy mean to you?'.

"The result was a massive, community-made, very camp cape.

"Over the course of two days, queers and allies congregated to sew, paint and stick together their designs, which were then sewn together backstage.

"The process fostered community, helped amplify different voices at the festival and provided a platform for storytelling."

Student: Caroline Glover
Course: MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures
Tutor: Ella Britton
Email: carolinejaneglover[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and University of the Arts London. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Inchbald School of Design presents ten architecture and garden design projects Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:00:04 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that sees a chapel converted into a live-work space is featured in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Inchbald School of Design. Also included is a project that renovates a mews house according to Japanese design principles and a garden informed by traditional English country gardens. Inchbald

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Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that sees a chapel converted into a live-work space is featured in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Inchbald School of Design.

Also included is a project that renovates a mews house according to Japanese design principles and a garden informed by traditional English country gardens.

Inchbald School of Design

Institution: Inchbald School of Design
School: Inchbald School of Design
Courses: Architectural Interior Design and Garden Design
Alan Hughes, Andrew Duff

School statement:

"At the heart of Inchbald's diploma is analytical skill, practical knowledge, professionalism and encouragement of empathy with clients.

"Students express design concepts to explore their own design identity.

"Tutors help unwrap students' potential to create a portfolio showcasing individual skills.

"Projects explore spatial and decorative aspects of real sites with residential and commercial briefs.

"Students explore hand and computer drawing – technical assignments cover joinery, plumbing, lighting, hard landscaping and planting.

"Inchbald graduates, in-house and online, hone skills interpreting client's needs, assessing space and understanding the process to deliver professionally or continue study to BA or MA levels."

Birds eye view of a garden

Show Garden by James Innes

"This project proposes a dynamic show garden that champions the essence of the Japanese notion of 'ma' – the space between.

"Show garden design has allowed James to develop his own concept based upon a subject he wished to investigate further.

"Differing angles keep the visual movement exciting, meeting for a pause, developing an advanced use of geometry.

"James has used a clever division of space and an imaginative plant selection to create a complex yet calm garden."

Student: James Innes
Course: Inchbald Diploma in Garden Design
Tutor: Andrew Duff

3D visaulisations of a staircase

Doughty Mews by Nick Lykiardopulo

"Nick approached the mews house as a series of varied spaces that could be screened, open or something in between, exploiting shadow and half light to create a relaxed space echoing a Japanese aesthetic.

"This was explored further in the stair design – the restrained geometry and simple layout combining clean lines, open storage and display space created a contrast to the more organic references used in the upper-level living spaces."

Student: Nick Lykiardopulo
Course: Inchbald Diploma in Architectural Interior Design
Tutor: Alan Hughes

Illustration of a garden area with curved hedges

Country Garden by Ottavia Bassetti

"This large country garden captures the excitement of journey and adventure – Ottavia has beautifully translated the client's brief to create a family garden mixing formality and informality in an elegant way.

"As you leave the house, a formal garden links the interior and exterior with low expanses of clipped hedging contrasted with a looser, romantic style of planting.

"In the main garden, curved hedges juxtaposed with stone walls link through to the surrounding vernacular.

"A seemingly random placement of topiary adds fun and gently directs the eye around the space."

Student: Ottavia Bassetti
Course: Inchbald Diploma in Garden Design
Tutor: Andrew Duff

Visualisation of an entryway with a low, long sofa

Sala de Seville by Inga Svinhufvud Laudiero

"The corner seating in this arrival space has clear visual links to the courtyard and the remainder of the interior space.

"Low seating combats the high ceiling vaults adding intimacy, yet avoiding any sense of restriction.

"Inga traces her influences through the aesthetic life and history of Seville, creating a visual collage to illustrate the feel of 'The Nooks', which act as practical and social aspects of the reception space.

"She creates a sense of informality using the colours and textures of Seville for a space that will welcome guests as well as become a hub for locals."

Student: Inga Svinhufvud Laudiero
Course: BA (Hons) Architectural Interior Design, year 1
Tutor: Alan Hughes

Birds eye view of a park with coloured zones superimposed over the top

Public Space by Jack Copping

"An awkwardly long London park has been transformed using the underlying geometry from Voronoi, a proportional tool.

"Voronoi uses a visual 'seed' and explores mathematical relationships.

"Jack has cleverly used the existing mature London plane trees as the visual 'seed' and the conceptual design links the tree placement to the Voronoi spaces created.

"The result is a dynamic design linking to the surrounding Georgian architecture."

Student: Jack Copping
Course: Inchbald Diploma in Garden Design (part-time)
Tutor: Andrew Duff

Floor plan of an apartment

Doughty Mews by Oliver Edwards

"The appeal of this mews house for the client was the possibility of lateral living, after considerable time spent in small apartments.

"The first-floor layout exploits this possibility, combining an open feel with clearly identified zoning.

"Ollie has crafted a space that will adapt to the family's needs for group and individual activities, but maintains cohesion through the decorative choices, consistent timber flooring, a warm colour palette and the inclusion of discrete and varied patterns."

Student: Oliver Edwards
Course: Inchbald Diploma Architectural Interior Design
Tutor: Alan Hughes

Black and white birds eye view of a garden

Urban Garden by Mark Hardy

"This project sees a small urban garden transformed by a very clever use of angles.

"Overlooked from all boundaries, the tight space is widened by extending the lines to 45 degrees allowing for the functional spaces required by the client.

"Existing level changes are highlighted and developed to help announce separate areas and define use.

"A contextualised use of materials ensures that the garden maintains a visual conversation with the house and surrounding history."

Student: Mark Hardy
Course: Inchbald Diploma Garden Design (part-time)
Tutor: Andrew Duff

Rendering of a socialisation space

Albergo della Geometria by Kieran Smith

"Kieran's starting point was the idea of a boudoir – traditionally an exclusively female, private sitting room.

"The screens allow momentary glimpses of the other guests, creating playful visual relationships and nodding to the history of partitioned spaces.

"The influence of Moorish geometry underpins this hotel lobby, with the intimate semi-private seating adding excitement to the design.

"The rich colours are at their best in the evening light, shown to good effect in this computer render."

Student: Kieran Smith
Course: BA (Hons) Architectural Interior Design, year 1
Tutor: Alan Hughes

Illustration of a garden with trees

Country Garden by Chris Blair

"Despite a challenging brief, Chris has managed to convey a powerful understanding of mass and void.

"This garden balances structural elements with clearly defined breathing spaces.

"The client is encouraged to enjoy the more functional aspects of exterior entertaining before losing themselves in the informality of an English country garden.

"A sweeping meadow guides you effortlessly through the garden and opens out to an elliptical pool which elegantly and thoughtfully reflects the sky down into the garden."

Student: Chris Blair
Course: Inchbald Diploma Garden Design
Tutor: Andrew Duff

Hand-illustrated view of a converted chapel interior

Eburne Chapel by Alex Blayney-Crewe

"As a live-work conversion of this former chapel, considerable emphasis was placed on creating a comfortable living space that exploited the architectural potential of the space, creatively linking with the workspace but distinct from it.

"Alex's design approach uses bold colour and form to balance the powerful architectural identity and scale of the space.

"The problem of acoustics loomed large so softer surfaces and materials are an essential consideration here.

"Alex’s accomplished rendered hand drawing captures and communicates the complete space."

Student: Alex Blayney-Crewe
Course: BA (Hons) Architectural Interior Design, year 2
Tutor: Alan Hughes

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Inchbald School of Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by Toronto Metropolitan University students Sat, 02 Mar 2024 17:30:06 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that proposes a new aquatics and community centre in Hamilton, Canada is included in Dezeen's latest school show by Toronto Metropolitan University. Also included is a thesis that examines informal settlements in the Philippines that are more vulnerable to extreme weather events caused by climate change and a housing project

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Visualisation showing a structure in a field

Dezeen School Shows: a project that proposes a new aquatics and community centre in Hamilton, Canada is included in Dezeen's latest school show by Toronto Metropolitan University.

Also included is a thesis that examines informal settlements in the Philippines that are more vulnerable to extreme weather events caused by climate change and a housing project in Italy designed to accommodate refugees.

Toronto Metropolitan University

Institution: Toronto Metropolitan University
School: Department of Architectural Science

School statement:

"At Toronto Met's Department of Architectural Science (DAS), we solve real-world problems through design and building expertise.

"Because of our interdisciplinary structure, our students have a deep understanding of every stage of the projects they undertake – from design, to detail to delivery.

"DAS is the only school in Canada that integrates architecture, building science and project management.

"Our faculty are widely recognized for their rigour, diverse experience and creative teaching approaches.

"They generate impact by applying their expertise to pressing social, cultural, economic, health and environmental challenges via the following areas of scholarly research and creative activity: architectural practice, architecture and culture, energy efficiency, high performance systems/enclosures/materials, managing construction projects, new media and the virtual world and sustainable buildings.

"Our talented undergraduate and graduate students take advantage of our extensive theoretical, technological and experiential learning opportunities.

"They are passionate about issues such as the challenges of urbanization, globalisation, sustainable design and social housing, and are highly valued by the profession when they graduate.

"Many go on to establish careers with well-known international firms such as BIG, Shigeru Ban Architects, Turenscape and Transsolar, or local firms such as Raw Design, Diamond and Schmitt Architects, and Moriyama & Teshima."

Presentation board showing a house floor plan and various other drawings

Blurring Boundaries: An Architectural Symbiosis of Human and Non-Human Realms by Nicole Li

"There exists a divide between the human and non-human realms, imposed by architecture's spatial definition in which non-humans are suppressed by the modern city.

"The exploitation and marginalisation of the non-human realm continually contribute towards anthropocentric thinking and threatens ecological stability.

"This thesis will question the boundaries between the human and non-human realms by dissecting their components and attempting to negotiate new relationships.

"Operating between scales, perception, time and contexts, the thesis aims to reveal the nature concealed by architecture."

Student: Nicole Li
Course: M Arch
Award: RAIC Honour Roll

Visualisation showing people in a marketplace

Untitled by Yara Ragab

"When conflicts arise, architecture inevitably suffers in a physical manner, impacting people's lives, and leading to the loss of the cultural essence of a place – in Aleppo, Syria's second-largest city, much of the old historic quarter has been destroyed.

"Currently, it is in the post-war recovery phase, where rehabilitation projects have started to take place.

"This thesis explores a theory of application as a guideline for critical interventions in the ancient city of Aleppo’s Al-Madineh souk complex, through means of reconstruction and

By tackling intentionally damaged cultural heritage, considering the traditional elements and spaces that allow for the continuity of intangible qualities, as well as enhancing the functional spatial qualities, it proposes how to achieve contemporary solutions respecting local heritage."

Student: Yara Ragab
Course: M Arch
Award: ARCC King Medal

Visualisation showing people in a seaside settlement

Embracing Informality: Panarchy as a Model of Change in the Philippines' Informal Settlements by Ted Bulaclac

"The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries when it comes to natural disasters as a result of climate change.

"Moreover, due to its socioeconomic status as a consequence of colonisation, corruption and exploitation of both the people and resources, the effect of these disasters is further amplified – informal settlements with slum-like conditions are the ones that are most impacted by such calamities.

"This thesis will explore informal settlements in the Philippines to identify the different social and physical dynamics that occur within.

"Panarchy, an ecological theory that describes the complex relationship between systems of people and nature, will be used to further understand these complexities.

"Panarchy will also serve as a framework to guide architecture on multiple scales to initiate change and provide support in the form of an intervention that focuses on being able to adapt to the unpredictable changes in the environment."

Student: Ted Bulaclac
Course: M Arch
Award: The Ontario Association of Architects Guild Medal

Presentation board showing various other drawings

A Framework for Memory: Designing between Objective Realities and Subjective Experiences by Minji Jasmin Kim

"The everyday spaces we inhabit are defined not only by their formal structures but through the experiences which unfold within them.

"Oftentimes, design is focused on efficiency, productivity and operations; creating homogeneous environments which limit the potential for exchanges between mind, body and space.

"In contrast, this thesis proposes the ‘framework for memory’ as a design approach that focuses on the tangible and intangible aspects of memory associated with a particular place.

"By linking memory to place, the framework embraces intersubjectivity in the design process."

Student: Minji Jasmin Kim
Course: M Arch
Award: AIA Medal for Academic Excellence

Photograph showing a structure on a sandy beach

Untitled by Alex Winslow

"In November 2021, myself and four other students began developing a design for Winter Stations 2022 – an annual international design-build competition held at Toronto's Woodbine Beaches.

"We approached the theme of resilience by balancing both practicality and innovation: we created a prefabricated timber egg-crate structure with a dynamic cladding made up of recycled towels cast in concrete with different-sized openings.

"As a design team member, I learnt the importance of developing a conceptual architectural idea alongside actualised construction logistics, such as resolving its structural intricacies and staying on budget and on time."

Student: Alex Winslow
Course: BArchSc
Award: Ledcor Construction Ltd

Visualisation of figures in a sunny courtyard garden

Untitled by Jumana Elamin

"The housing crisis is an issue facing the entire world and Italy is not exempt from this crisis.

"Borgo Segezia is a town in the Foggia region of Italy that was part of a new initiative to house one thousand refugees coming to the country.

"The city is underdeveloped and currently has modest infrastructure and one hundred houses.

"The project's scope was to revitalise the town and design new housing to accommodate the incoming refugees."

Student: Jumana Elamin
Course: BArchSc
Award: The Pella Travel Award

Visualisation of an interior circulation space lined with wood

Untitled by Lala Leung

"For ASC520, the brief was to design a community centre in the heart of Hamilton.

"My goal was to create a building that not only ensured occupant comfort but also prioritised sustainability.

"Given the broad nature of sustainability, I have chosen to focus on these specific aspects for this project: embodied and operational carbon reduction and the incorporation of renewable energy sources."

Student: Lala Leung
Course: BArchSc
Award: Minto Sustainability Award in Architectural Science

Photograph of an architectural model

Untitled by Rinih Lazar and Keithleen Garcia

"The proposed project was a response to the development of Dufferin Grove Village at Bloor and Dufferin.

"The existing site had two different schools, the Kent School and Bloor Collegiate Institute, of which both were demolished and the site developed as mixed-use rental buildings.

"In response to the development, the project looked at creating a new alternative educational and community facility in the area for the community."

Students: Rinih Lazar and Keithleen Garcia
Course: BArchSc
Award: Ontario Association of Architects Exceptional Leadership Through Design Excellence: Sustainability Award

Visualisation showing an indoor swimming pool with diving boards

Aqua centre by Raya Allataifeia

"The aqua centre is not just a modern recreational facility – it's a celebration of history, culture and the environment.

"Situated on a historical First Nation trade path, it pays homage to its roots by prominently featuring the path in its design.

"The program is ingeniously split into three major masses, each with a distinct purpose, yet all interconnected through a negative space that symbolizes the significance of the trade route.'

"The sections are not isolated, but visually connected, reinforcing the idea of community and shared activity."

Student: Raya Allataifei
Course: BArchSc
Award: Toronto Society of Architects Award

Visualisation showing a structure in a field

The Impact of ArchViz by Kelvin Hoang

"To supplement the typical architectural drawing set, visualisation has assumed a pivotal role in showcasing the core essence of a design concept.

"A digital rendering is about evoking profound emotional responses, making spaces come alive and fostering a deep sense of connection with the built environment.

"Architectural visualisation possesses the capacity to encapsulate things that drawings fall short of, including elements such as the interplay of light, shadow, material and form.

"In ASC 520/620, we were tasked with master planning a city block and designing an aquatic centre to revitalise the urban space of Hamilton, Ontario.

"In every rendering, I find it important to maintain a level of visual excitement and composition – leading lines, the rule of thirds and visual contrast are all elements I consider in my work."

Student: Kelvin Hoang
Course: BArchSc
Award: Norm Li Award for Outstanding Architectural Visualisation

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Toronto Metropolitan University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten city and landscape design projects by the University of Bologna Fri, 01 Mar 2024 17:00:31 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that turns urban wasteland into public gardens is included in this School Show by students at the University of Bologna in Italy. Also included is an urban design scheme that aims to withstand the effects of extreme weather events caused by climate change and an adaptive reuse project that turns

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University of Bologna student school show

Dezeen School Shows: a project that turns urban wasteland into public gardens is included in this School Show by students at the University of Bologna in Italy.

Also included is an urban design scheme that aims to withstand the effects of extreme weather events caused by climate change and an adaptive reuse project that turns a derelict building into a community food hub.

University of Bologna

Institution: University of Bologna
School: School of Engineering and Architecture
Course: Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape (ACPCL)

School statement:

"The International Master's in Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape (ACPCL) aims to educate new professional architects who are able to cope with the forthcoming emerging topics on the global scene.

"Particularly, dealing with the challenges of climate change, cultural integration, circular development and population growth while preserving and evolving cities' identities.

"This calls for new skills, competencies and capacities mixed in a systemic vision attitude.

"Are you a creative, talented, passionate mind? ACPCL is a place to explore your limits and go beyond."

Floor plan of large building with labels

NEW fiERA by Kateřina Zapletalová, Irini Dionysonoulou, Christina Papathanasiou and Denis Işik

"NEW fiERA is inspired by Bologna Fiere, a familiar landmark in Bologna designed by Kenzo Tange that is characterised by its porticoes and towers.

"The building struggles to connect with the surrounding district life and infrastructures, as well as responding to climate resilience imperatives – it is a heat island with wide impermeable surfaces.

"NEW fiERA turns Fiera into a permeable system by redesigning its access pathways, valorising the porticoes at the ground floor, excavating the ground floor to transform its underground parking into a shaded piazza, adding, green roofs, air source heat pumps and rainwater harvesting, which all contribute to circularity and climate change mitigation."

Students: Kateřina Zapletalová, Irini Dionysonoulou, Christina Papathanasiou and Denis Işik
Course: Preserving Heritage and Shaping new Urban features Lab
Tutors: Professor Andrea Boeri, Andrea Borsari, Danila Longo, Marco Mari, Marco Pretelli, Leila Signorelli and teaching assistants Francesca Sabatini, Carlotta Trippa and Valentina Cafarotti
Emails: katerina.zapletalova[at], eirini.dionysopoulou[at], christ.papathanasio2[at] and deniz.isik[at]

Architectural model and drawings by a University of Bologna student

Student housing and aparthotel by Ludovica Casalone, Noemie Cadiot, Bruna Maria Borzacchini Candil and Matteo Fusaro

"Due to its proximity to the University of Bologna Terracini campus, this student housing accommodation and combined aparthotel is located in a polygonal site, where the volumes rise around an inner courtyard that serves as space for socialisation.

"The project uses dry-based construction solutions, largely exploiting the potential of cross-laminated timber, to optimise both the energy efficiency and the circulation layout.

"The overall design transforms the plot constraints into opportunities to maximise solar exposure and achieve the highest performance possible."

Students: Ludovica Casalone, Noemie Cadiot, Bruna Maria Borzacchini Candil and Matteo Fusaro
Course: Sustainability Issues and Targets Lab
Tutors: Professor Ernesto Antonini, Jacopo Gaspari, Davide Olori and teaching assistants Licia Felicioni, Lia Marchi and Yu Chen
Emails: ludovica.casalone[at], noemiesuzanne.cadiot[at], bruna.borzacchini[at] and matthi.fusarolanctot[at]

Modular housing development by Mercedes Herrera, Isabel Cuerda del Valle and Teresa Cases

"Based on replicable timber-based modules, the project offers a number of possible combinations for affordable housing.

"Flexible and combinable units are used to generate different-sized flats and typologies to meet various housing demands.

"The overall residential area is designed to maximise the response capacity to extreme climate events, carefully considering possible heatwaves and other extreme weather events."

Students: Mercedes Herrera, Isabel Cuerda del Valle and Teresa Cases
Course: Sustainability Issues and Targets Lab
Tutors: Professor Ernesto Antonini, Jacopo Gaspari, Davide Olori and teaching assistants Licia Felicioni, Lia Marchi and Yu Chen
Emails: mariade.herreraramos[at], isabel.cuerda[at] and teresa.casesquetglas[at]

Linea Cassarini by Polina Ivanova, Juyeon Seo, Diliara Valieva and Elizaveta Voronkova

"The Linea Cassarini project addresses the redevelopment of the external areas of the Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, by creating a covered linear path and a pavilion.

"The walkway serves as a connection between different parts of the campus, opening to the city and providing a convenient space for students to relax and study.

"Additionally, the concept gives priority to pedestrian circulation through the reorganisation of paths and parking areas.

"The project dialogues with the architecture of the former Faculty of Engineering by Giuseppe Vaccaro and reinterprets Bologna porticoes."

Students: Polina Ivanova, Juyeon Seo, Diliara Valieva and Elizaveta Voronkova
Course: The City and Territory Values Lab
Tutors: Professor Annalisa Trentin, Serena Orlandi, and teaching assistants Chiara Ciambellotti and Simone Zanini
Emails: polina.ivanova[at], juyeon.seo[at], diliara.valieva[at], elizaveta.voronkova[at]

Resilient neighbourhood by Soleiman Arish, Salar Azizi, Emma Beauvineau and Daniele Valentino

"Today's cities are hot, dry, polluted and impermeable, and climate change produces more frequent and extreme weather events such as summer storms, flash floods and heat waves.

"How can design choices contribute to urban resilience? This project investigates design alternatives and scientifically measures their environmental effects.

"The research takes into analysis a typical H-shaped building located in the Barca district of Bologna.

"By analysing the energetic, environmental and economic aspects of the district and chosen building, we proposed specific design solutions."

Students: Soleiman Arish, Salar Azizi, Emma Beauvineau and Daniele Valentino
Course: Making the Cities Resilient Lab
Tutors: Professor Lamberto Tronchin, Beatrice Turillazzi, Paolo Valdiserri, Stefano Stanzani, Silvio Cristiano, Massimiliano Manfren and Maria Cristina Tommasino
Email: soleiman.arish[at], azizisalar92[at], embeauvineau[at] and studio.danielevalentino[at]

Chang'e raising to the moon by Bo Li and Giada Petricca

"This project tells a story of environmental sustainability that derives from Chinese popular tradition.

"There was a time in ancient history when the sky suddenly had 10 suns shining down on the earth, making the land too hot and impossible for people to live.

"However, there was a powerful hero named Hou Yi, who decided to solve the emergency.

"He climbed to the top of Mount Kunlun, drew his divine bow and shot down nine of the suns. He then spoke to the remaining sun in the sky, saying "from now on, you must rise and set at the proper times each day, bringing prosperity to the people".

"The events of this story are translated into buildings located along the south-east walls of Bologna, near Porta Santo Stefano and the Baraccano church."

Students: Bo Li and Giada Petricca
Course: The Cultural Heritage Legacy and Challenges Lab
Tutor: Professor Lamberto Amistadi
Emails: bo.li2[at] and giada.petricca[at]

Navile University Campus by Ludovica Casalone, Luiza Marcadella and Milou de Vries

"Navile University Campus addresses the current shortage in student housing in Bologna.

"The project proposes a version alternative to the current plan for the university campus by doubling the number of student accommodations and the space for cultural and sports facilities.

"The new residential development is a dense, low-rise housing structure, similar to a village. The buildings are of four typologies to provide different living experiences to the inhabitants.

"These temporary accommodations are designed to be reused in the future and eventually transformed into houses for families."

Students: Ludovica Casalone, Luiza Marcadella and Milou de Vries
Course: Structuring the City by Desing Lab
Tutor: Professor Valentina Orioli, Leonardo Ramondetti, Anna Fabris, Nicholas Fantuzzi, Farhad Zeighami and teaching assistant Riccardo Mercuri
Emails: ludovica.casalone[at], luiza.marcadella[at] and milou.devries[at]

Cyrus, Nabukudur and Rojin: Architecture as a Character by Alessandro Lavarini and Tina Bagherzadeh Moghadam

"In this project, Bologna's recently added urban fabric is sacrificed to make space for a housing development based on a narrative theme in which antagonists face each other for the love of a woman.

"This becomes a rhetorical exercise, an art of discourse in which architectures are defined through the characters they interpret.

"The figurative framework is the transliteration of an Iranian folk tale in which the heroine, Rojin, is disputed between the good King Cyrus and the bad Nabukudur.

"Typologically speaking, King Cyrus is architected in a courtyard palace surrounded by a large garden, while Nabukudur is represented by a tower located along the walls outside the Circla.

"From the water in the Margherita garden, Rojin's song is transfigured into the architecture of a fine small theatre."

Students: Alessandro Lavarini and Tina Bagherzadeh Moghadam
Course: The Cultural Heritage Legacy and Challenges Lab
Tutor: Professor Lamberto Amistadi
Emails: alessandro.lavarini[at] and t.bagherzadehmoghada[at]

Birds eye view of a model of a city area

Hortus Conclusus, Hortus Communis by Muhammed Tarik, Niusha Khaleghi, Parimah Nasirzadeh and Giulia Spreitz

"Hortus Conclusus, Hortus Communis addresses requests for urban gardens in Bologna. The project develops an abandoned area between the university campus and a residential neighbourhood.

"This site is envisioned as a space for agricultural production where three hundred urban gardens are mixed with high-tech cultivation technology.

"These two functions are hybridised alongside a space for social activity, which also hosts facilities for selling products.

"The new layout is designed to retain water, while the greenhouses host small-scale devices for the production of renewable energy."

Students: Muhammed Tarik, Niusha Khaleghi, Parimah Nasirzadeh and Giulia Spreitz
Course: Structuring the City by Desing Lab
Tutors: Professor Valentina Orioli, Leonardo Ramondetti, Anna Fabris, Nicholas Fantuzzi, Farhad Zeighami and teaching assistant Riccardo Mercuri
Emails: muhammedtarik.caglar[at], niusha.khaleghi[at], parimah.nasirzadeh[at] and giulia.spreitz[at]

Community Food Hub by Adriana Perez, Niloofar Ghiazi, Fulvia De Francesco and Shannon Cronin

"The Treno (Train) of Barca is anchored in Bolognese local history.

"Designed by Giuseppe Vaccaro, this complex is listed by UNESCO as a meaningful contemporary expression of the Bologna porticoes but the lack of maintenance has created fragilities, which the project uses as an opportunity to foster growth towards a new social balance.

"The Community Food Hub works on raising awareness among citizens, encouraging them to be part of a unique architectural environment.

"The masterplan develops a variety of actions combined in a systematic way, adding public structures as well as enhancing and implementing preexisting activities in the neighbourhood and working on multiple climate responsive interventions."

Students: Adriana Perez, Niloofar Ghiazi, Fulvia De Francesco and Shannon Cronin
Course: Preserving Heritage and Shaping new Urban features Lab
Tutors: Professor Andrea Boeri, Andrea Borsari, Danila Longo, Marco Mari, Marco Pretelli, Leila Signorelli and teaching assistants Francesca Sabatini, Carlotta Trippa and Valentina Cafarotti
Emails: adriana.perezrubiano[at], niloofar.ghiasi[at], fulvia.defrancesco[at] and shannon.cronin[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Bologna. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten city and landscape design projects by the University of Bologna appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten interior design projects by students at Torrens University Australia Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:00:31 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a double A-frame building rendered pink in Utah, USA, is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Torrens University Australia. Also included is an apartment building that blends minimalism with brutalism and a design for a home in New South Wales informed by the work of architecture studio MORQ. Torrens

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Rendering of a pink A-frame house

Dezeen School Shows: a double A-frame building rendered pink in Utah, USA, is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Torrens University Australia.

Also included is an apartment building that blends minimalism with brutalism and a design for a home in New South Wales informed by the work of architecture studio MORQ.

Torrens University Australia

Institution: Torrens University Australia
School: Billy Blue College of Design
Course: Built Environment

School statement:

"Billy Blue offers a suite of Built Environment courses across interior design and architectural technology, allowing you to choose a course that suits your career goals – whether that is developing creative solutions for residential or commercial interior spaces, or designing and documenting innovative and immersive buildings.

"Regardless of which you choose, you'll graduate with a qualification designed in collaboration with industry, ensuring you are equipped with in-demand skills that employers desire.

"From industry-standard software like SketchUp and AutoCAD to building information modelling concepts, you'll work on real-world projects to gain practical experience and set yourself up for a successful career in the industry."

Rendering showing a terrace area with built-in bench seating and plants

Wadba Wadba House by Hannah Cooper

"Nested in Toonumber Forest, New South Wales, Wadba Wadba House draws inspiration from MORQ and various Australian designs that embody a luxurious, rustic, minimal interior.

"This dwelling is designed for an artist or collector to refresh their mind and immerse themselves in their work, stimulated by the natural surrounding environment.

"The project aimed to achieve cohesiveness in architecture through consistent approaches to structure and form; which was then mimicked in the interior design."

Student: Hannah Cooper
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Theories of Space and Place
Tutor: Robert Tuckwell
Email: hannahcstudio[at]

Rendering showing a kitchen with a marble-effect island

The Upper North Side by Santiago Muriel Perez

"Blues Point Apartment is a fusion of modern trends and 17th-century design, driven by the client's desire for an elegant living space in Australia, merging their American roots with European influences.

"The project showcases detailed mouldings, luxurious marble finishes and ornate gilded accents, creating a visually captivating mix of historic charm and modern sophistication, establishing symmetrical layouts reminiscent of the Belle Époque era as the core of the design.

"The project offers a harmonious blend of Baroque-inspired luxury and contemporary refinement, and it caters to discerning clients seeking a distinguished living environment that balances opulence and functionality, standing out in a world dominated by clean aesthetics and minimalism."

Student: Santiago Muriel Perez
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Environment Design 2
Tutor: Robert Tuckwell
Email: santiago.murielp[at]

Visualisation showing reflective building behind a body of water

Roseus by Srishti Shukla

"Geometry is an integral part of design – this project harnesses that power through the use of the CUBUS method formulated by Robert Tuckwell, which began by creating various geometries on 'grids'.

"Creativity and freedom of design and expression played crucial roles in this project.

"The use of natural light, layering and circulation all add to the inspiration derived from the works of Louis Kahn.

"Roseus was designed as an ode to the Renaissance, as well as to create an experience of drama and beauty."

Student: Srishti Shukla
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial) - Work Integrated Learning
Tutor: Robert Tuckwell
Email: srishtigopal.shukla[at]

Rendering of apartment interior with cream and white finishes and furnishings

Mnemosyne Serviced Apartments by Cristina Ogliari

"Imagined as sanctuaries where tenants can immerse themselves for three days or even three months, the units were created by combining linear and curved elements.

"The floor-to-ceiling openings create flowing visuals of the city skyline and allow for natural light-filled rooms emphasising the relaxing ambience.

"The primary emphasis of the project lies in the qualities and textural characteristics of materials, creating a distinct experience for individuals.

"The apartments possess an enduring design, which aims to harness the comfortable and serene influence of the minimalist aesthetic, providing an unforgettable experience for residents."

Student: Cristina Ogliari
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Environment Design 3
Tutor: Richard Salman
Email: ogliari.arch[at]

Rendering of a bedroom overlooking the Sydney skyline

Luxury Apartment Residential Project by Sophie Pilati

"The brief for this proposed 40-storey residential project was to explore luxurious materials and a modern colour palette that caters to a diverse clientele.

"The interiors showcase consistent use of marble and timber in various shades and forms, including herringbone flooring and marble benchtops.

"Timber panels on the curved wall add an organic feature, introducing warmth and balancing the rectilinear design elements.

"Expansive three-metre-tall floor-to-ceiling windows flood the space with natural light, unveiling uninterrupted views of Sydney's beautiful city skyline."

Student: Sophie Pilati
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Environment Design 3
Tutor: Robert Tuckwell
Email: sophiepilati[at]

Rendering showing a bar in a restaurant

Cosy Club by Elysia Kiernan

"Cosy Club is owned by the hospitality group Loungers, based in England, who specialise in creating memorable restaurant bars.

"This project offers British Expats a slice of home located in Brisbane's Queen Street heritage-listed building, providing the traditional authenticity of Loungers' brand identity whilst encapsulating British style.

"A sense of warmth and cosiness is enhanced by incorporating textured wallpaper, rich brown tones, rustic furniture and accent lighting."

Student: Elysia Kiernan
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial) - Environment Design 4: Commercial
Tutor: Michele Wake
Email: elysia.kiernan[at]

Trio of diagrams showing the interior and floor plan of a pill-shaped building

Cassowary Wellness Centre by Natalie Boyd

"Motivated by the quote: 'wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action', the Wellness Centre provides the residents of a city in Queensland, Australia, with inspiring approaches to holistic wellness.

"In this city, where hypertension is the most prevalent chronic health condition, the centre offers self-discovery, education and motivation.

"The centre's interior and exterior materials are informed by vernacular architecture.

"This immense structure features a variety of versatile spaces, including a library dedicated to holistic health, an amphitheatre, a yoga studio, a cafe, a juice bar, a computer area and a public herb garden.

"Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity, the building is equipped with facilities for those with mobility challenges, including an elevator, accessible toilets and convenient access to the amphitheatre."

Student: Natalie Boyd
Course: Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration - Major Project
Tutor: Nicole Dann
Email: contact[at]

Rendering of a restaurant interior

Winangali by Barbie Payton

"Winangali was developed as the next culinary venture for renowned Australian Chef, Paul Iskov.

"Winangali is an intimate dining space that provides the user with an evolving theme of connectedness, bush food innovation and an experience intended to connect diners to country, spirit and community.

"Winangali means 'to listen' in the language of Australia's First Nations, Ngyiampaa people.

"The space takes on the persona of gratitude, respect, and all emotions we cannot see, feel or explain when exploring our country.

"With Chef Paul's firm belief that Mother Nature teaches us best, the design of Winangali required a holistic approach, focusing on local materials presented by the Lake Mungo archaeological landscape."

Student: Barbie Payton
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial) - Environment Design 4
Tutor: Michele Wake
Email: hello[at]

Rendering of a pink A-frame house

Moab Desert House, Utah by Aisha Ahmad

"Perched amidst the rugged beauty of Utah's mountains stands a strong pink A-frame house, an architectural ode to the surrounding nature.

"The house seamlessly integrates with the landscape, offering panoramic views of the majestic Utah desert.

"The outdoor space is a sanctuary featuring an outdoor kitchen, dining and a refreshing pool that mirrors the sky's hues during the day and transforms into a tranquil oasis under the night sky.

"The facade stands as an inspiring testament to architectural creativity, embodying a visual narrative that resonates with innovation and design."

Student: Aisha Ahmad
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Theories of Space and Place 2
Tutor: Robert Tuckwell
Email: aha80[at]

Rendering showing the interior of a lobby space with concrete pillars

Mnemosyne Serviced Apartments by Rebecca Bartlett

"The adjoining apartments of the Mnemosyne Premise explore a delicate balance between minimalism and brutalist interior design, known as 'brutal minimalism'.

"Strong concrete surfaces, marble textures and carved interior spaces through monolithic and geometric forms celebrate the structure of brutalist architecture, whilst juxtaposing an interior saturated with warmth and light through complimentary soft furnishings and an expansive glass facade.

"This design was carefully planned to work in harmony with the complex floor plate, with each space separated into private and public realms.

"The spatial planning uses the given geometry, flowing with and following the walls and curves, rather than working against them."

Student: Rebecca Bartlett
Course: Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential) - Environment Design 3
Tutor: Richard Salman
Email: rebeccajbartlett98[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Torrens University Australia. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten fabrication and robotics projects by New York Institute of Technology Mon, 05 Feb 2024 20:00:28 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project involving the fusion of wood and mycelium is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the New York Institute of Technology. Also included is a "hypothetical city" created via a combination of hand sketches and AI, and a project that explores the concept of chainmail. New York Institute

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Photograph showing wooden tower-like structures on black background

Dezeen School Shows: a project involving the fusion of wood and mycelium is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the New York Institute of Technology.

Also included is a "hypothetical city" created via a combination of hand sketches and AI, and a project that explores the concept of chainmail.

New York Institute of Technology

Institution: New York Institute of Technology
School: School of Architecture and Design
Course: Master of Science, Architecture, Computational Technologies
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

School statement:

"The Master of Science in Architecture, Computational Technologies programme is a two-semester, 30-credit, post-professional master's degree programme at the New York Institute of Technology.

"It explores the intersection of architecture, technology and innovation, empowering students to shape the future of design and construction through cutting-edge research and practical application, thereby maximising their employability skills.

"At New York Tech, architectural education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it's about honing skills by tackling increasingly complex design challenges that will define the architectural design field, taking on a more interdisciplinary and technologically oriented approach.

"Essential skills acquired in the programme in the first semester include coding, big data analysis, simulations, augmented reality, computational modelling, machine learning and artificial intelligence as they relate to architecture and sustainability.

"In the second semester, students participate in design studio activities, including digital fabrication, robotic construction systems, and the simulation and optimisation of materials.

"These skills culminate in the creation of 1:1 prototypes and installations, as well as real-world field experiences and professional settings, which may include international exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale and the Salone del Mobile in Milan.

"Nestled in the heart of New York City, along Broadway, and just steps away from Central Park and Columbus Circle, the New York Tech School of Architecture and Design is the only school of architecture and design in the New York area with fully accredited programmes in both architecture and interior design.

"As a result, the location of the programme provides students with an extraordinary opportunity to experience New York City as a dynamic urban living lab.

"New York Tech graduates form the largest network of licensed architects in New York State, offering an invaluable source of mentorship, guidance and abundant employment opportunities."

CNC milled panels made from AI-generated images

Image 3D Fabrication by Tharoonaskar Baskaran and Arathi Chilla

"Each Foam CNC milled high-density panel shows an unorthodox workflow that documents and creates a three-dimensional portable, adaptable and sustainable facade screening device from a two-dimensional AI-generated image.

"The project explores a possible scenario of advanced computational design and fabrication techniques unravelling the possibilities that emerge from a purely two-dimensional AI-generated image.

"The model shows the same AI-generated image realised through two different digital modelling and fabrication techniques. The pieces are made from high-density foam."

Students: Tharoonaskar Baskaran and Arathi Chilla
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

A board showing an abstract image of a city with taut string strung across its surface

Fragmented City by Mahima Kulkarn

"The product resembles a hypothetical city that is designed through the negotiation of hand sketches, painting, AI images and multimedia fabrication process.

"The city fragments are expressed through the lines, the masses and strings. The piece is made from PLA 3D printing, milled MDF, laser cut museum board, metal pins and string."

Student: Mahima Kulkarn
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

CNC milled panels showing 3D forms inside

Resolution Through Fabrication by Mike Saad

"CNC milled high-density foam panels explore the idea of 'resolution through fabrication' as the primary topic within the course of robotics and fabrication.

"The process transforms similar geometries or forms into fully fabricated objects with different texture resolutions based on multiple fabrication variables such as toolpath densities, mill bits types and tool sizes.

"The project explores the concept of 3D resolution through CNC milling emphasising the fabrication variables showcased through geometry, tool paths and tool bits.

"Different combinations of these variables unpack variations of surface finishes while maintaining the autonomy of the original geometry input."

Student: Mike Saad
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Two swatches of chainmail on black background

Chainmail 3D Printing by Karan Patel

"The project explores the concept of chainmail, which utilises the aggregation of small objects linked through flexible interlocking connections. Such an approach allows the generation of flexible fabric effects from the accumulation of 3D printing solid objects.

"Practically, the final product could function as a flexible facade or structural system. The piece is made from 3D printed polylactic acid filament."

Student: Karan Patel
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Two photographs of a wooden, six-legged object

Geodesic Dome Kinetic Structures by Jahan Selim

"This project envisions a geodesic dome structure with a central hinge connection that allows for rotational flexible movement. The node design is crucial as it remains the most fixed piece in the system.

"The prototype explores the idea of kinetic structures that host flexible fabrics as a stretchable infill between the armatures."

Student: Jahan Selim
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Clay mould with swirling pattern inside

Robotic Clay Stamping by Amisha Bavadiya

"This prototype explores the concept of 3D robotic stamping. In this case, clay is used as the relief material that receives the stamp while being contained within a wooden mould.

"The patterns used to stamp the clay are fabricated on a high-density foam material using 2D CNC profiling operation."

Student: Amisha Bavadiya
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Light creating swirling patterns on aluminium sheet

Shadow Reflection by Yashraj Chauhan

"This project resulted in images showing variations of light and shadow reflections on an aluminium sheet. The process underwent rigorous testing on multiple light conditions as they interact with metal sheets from multiple angles responding to particular metal folds.

"Prototype showing early exploration for a light installation that combines both light and shadow interactions with the folded aluminium sheets."

Student: Yashraj Chauhan
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Two renderings showing structures on black background

Muqarnas through Robotic Wire Cutting by Arefin Chisty

"This project culminated in a series of prototypes showing a reenvisioned process of producing the traditional components of Muqarnas architecture using CNC milling and robotic wire cutting.

"The project explores prototypes that are produced using minimal surface hot wire cutting operations producing multiple variations of similar Muqarnas geometries.

"It is an attempt to revive the lost historical craftsmanship through utilising the current highly advanced computational design and robotics fabrication tools."

Student: Arefin Chisty
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Closeup photograph showing coral-like object

Urban Densities through CNC milling by Alejandro Romero

"The outcome of this project is a high-density foam model showcasing different urban densities of a hypothetical city. The design process utilises fabrication methods such as CNC milling to reimagine the digital model through different CNC tools and tool path densities.

"The project is an attempt to merge urban design with digital design and robotics fabrication.

"The project closely examines urban variables such as urban densities, circulation paths and volumes to redefine them as fabrication variables that can effectively contribute to the design evolution of urban scenarios.

"Such an approach challenges the conventional urban design strategies while introducing digital fabrication as an urban design methodology rather than a final production tool."

Student: Alejandro Romero
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Photograph showing wooden tower-like structures on black background

Future Materiality by Beken Amde and Tiarnan Mathers

"This structure explores the future of materiality by combining two materials – the first being mycelium as a biomaterial and the second being natural wood material.

"The wood structures, in this case, act as the formwork that hosts the mycelium aggregate.

"The project explores a merge of digital fabrication methodology hybridisation, a high tech fourth axis milling technique with a low tech production of mycelium infused artefacts. It is made from milled wood blocks infused with mycelium."

Students: Beken Amde and Tiarnan Mathers
Course: Fabrication and Robotics
Tutor: Fadhil Fadhil

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and New York Institute of Technology. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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UCLA presents 10 architecture and urban design projects Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:59:59 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a Californian house extension that appears to melt down a hillside as a warning about global warming is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UCLA. Also featured is a building resembling an onion that houses people preparing for voyages to Mars and an extension to a house designed according to

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Photograph of white architectural model

Dezeen School Shows: a Californian house extension that appears to melt down a hillside as a warning about global warming is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UCLA.

Also featured is a building resembling an onion that houses people preparing for voyages to Mars and an extension to a house designed according to the idea of Afrofuturism.


Institution: UCLA
School: Architecture and Urban Design
Course: Summer Programmes
Tutors: Julia Koerner, Morgane Copp, Joel Kerner, Aura Venckunaite, Shane Reiner-Roth, Blane Hornung, Dustin Frye, Holly Ulicki, Areeba Naeem, Katarina Richter-Lunn, Eric Lin, Jorel Sanchez Soto, Gabe Strzepek, Danny Rodriguez, Wei Qiu, Paige Davidson, Pegah Roshan, Emmanuel Osorno, Evan Bruetsch, Charles Pearson, Kinamee Rhodes, Charlee Andrews, Alix Wilson, Hanna Wittmack, Giovanna Bentes Queiroz, Xen Pei Hoi, Julie Wong, Zirui (Enoch) Wang, Nneoma Onyekwere, Jassimran Nagra and Don Leung

School statement:

"UCLA Architecture and Urban Design (AUD) offers two summer programmes, TeenArch and JumpStart – TeenArch is open to high school students and JumpStart is geared toward prospective and current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as early and mid-career professionals.

"Alongside design tools and perspectives, both programmes offer students a glimpse into life at one of the leading public universities in the world and the opportunity to earn college credit.

"Structured around the experience of a design studio typically offered within the curriculum of a college-level architecture programme, students focus on developing and advancing their design skills through space, form-making and related 2D and 3D representation techniques.

"Led by AUD summer programmes director Julia Koerner and assistant director Morgane Copp, both the JumpStart programme and TeenArch Studio engage students in a wide range of activities from intensive design exercises, individual feedback sessions and small group discussions to studio-wide presentations and reviews.

"Students will be introduced to the conceptual and technical facilities essential to the study of architecture as a discipline and its practice as a profession.

"To supplement studio activities, weekly lectures from UCLA faculty and notable guest designers will explore the many facets of idea-driven design, as well as urban and design culture in Los Angeles.

"Both programmes culminate in final presentations of work to guest critics, offering students a chance to apply their skills and gain experience and poise with giving professional presentations.

"Students leave the programmes with new design languages and insights, as well as a design portfolio they can use to apply to future design programmes."

Floor plan drawing showing dwellings with circular and cross shaped footprints

Ebb and Flow by Leila Odenwald

"Ebb And Flow is designed for an artist seeking inspiration among the ever-changing seascape.

"Integrated with the rocky terrain, this ADU (accessory dwelling unit) promotes a connection to the natural surroundings while also complementing the Monsanto House of the Future in Anaheim, California.

"This ADU is meticulously crafted to serve as an inspiring sanctuary for creative minds.

"As waves gently lap against the rocks, the first room stands as a testament to the power of external influence, with a floor-to-ceiling window that frames the coastal landscape, promoting external inspiration.

"The second room, free from traditional windows, has a large curved skylight – bathed in natural light, this space allows artists to delve into their craft and find internal inspiration without the distractions of the outside world."

Student: Leila Odenwald
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Aura Venckunaite

Beachside dwelling with pool

Reflection House by Bingyu Liu

"This innovative AUD, nestled right on the sandy shores, boasts approximately 800 square feet of living space. It may sound modest in size, but its ingenious design and use of advanced materials create an ambience of spaciousness and serenity.

"The house offers a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics, emphasising the connection between indoor and outdoor living."

Student: Bingyu Liu
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Aura Venckunaite

White card model of two buildigns

Chimney Cabin by Zoey Botnick

"The influence of the design of the exterior came from the Monsanto House. Utilising the roof of the base of the house for its inspiration and multiplying it and extruding it on the roof as well as the walls of the house.

"The Chimney Cabin consists of four chimneys allowing for the programmes underneath to utilise steam and heat.

"The walls are both 'inverted and extroverted'  adding a unique factor to the building, while the windows showcase the beautiful nature around the site."

Student: Zoey Botnick
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Aura Venckunaite

White model photographed from above

Melted Monsanto by Stefan Zier

"In response to this brief, I have designed an ADU that appears to be formed by the Monsanto house melting down the hillside.

"This is intended to be a symbolic reminder to viewers of our warming planet and presage a dystopian future shaped by climate change.

"This is symbolic, of course, as the Monsanto house was designed to withstand high temperatures – however plastic does begin to deform at 140 degrees Fahrenheit and the earth is expected to experience a record high temperature of this magnitude by the end of the century.

"Because the structure is situated in a barranca, it is also symbolic of the infiltration of plastics into our water supply as the Monsanto house melts into the watershed."

Student: Stefan Zier
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Aura Venckunaite

White model photographed from above

House of the Afrofuture by Kiana Martinez

"The House of the Afrofuture is more than a dwelling. It is the embodiment of the underlying ethos behind Afrofuturism, placing Black people at the centre of science fiction realms free of their oppression.

"The House of the Afrofuture is designed to withstand the conditions of all habitable terrains on any planet.

"This house combines the themes of fantasy through its structure, and Black culture through its interior design choices to arrive at a home that, for the Afrikan inhabitant, feels distinctly familiar yet unfamiliar."

Student: Kiana Martinez
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Joel Kerner

Visualisation showing faceted building facade of pink render and brick around a courtyard

Infusion by Juliette Boutin

"I tried taking the idea of a pavilion to the next level by intersecting it into the back wall of Perloff Hall, which not only gives more room to the upstairs studio with one of its projecting corners but also offers a communal area outdoors as it intertwines with the shape of the patio.

"What I found the most challenging in creating my project was finding a way to integrate the rather rigid and contemporary aspects of my model into the more traditional environment offered by Perloff Hall's outdoor courtyard.

"The most significant step I found to be helpful was to duplicate the textures of the brick wall and concrete floors onto the model's walls, effectively mirroring the existing elements of the courtyard and blending my design harmoniously with the surroundings.

"I also remodelled the upper level of the courtyard into a more zig-zag shape to maintain the same dynamic aesthetics of my model, achieving a seamless integration that beautifully matched the contrasting accents of my design to the timeless allure of Perloff Hall."

Student: Juliette Boutin
Course: TeenArch 2023
Tutor: Eric Lin

Unfolding Harmony by Srinivas Kantheti

"The process I developed to transform my original paper-folded forms into the current pavilion involved employing parametric design methodologies.

"The pavilion takes the shape of a dome with cuts, designed to integrate harmoniously with the surrounding lush landscape while maximizing the inflow of natural light.

"The objective was to create an inviting and serene environment where visitors can relax and enjoy their time in a tranquil setting. The bamboo material allowed me to sculpt the structures that blend seamlessly with the site's context.

"The pavilion is a chill hangout spot, designed with strategically positioned cuts to balance sunlight intake and maintain an appealing finish through multiple iterations."

Student: Srinivas Kantheti
Course: TeenArch 2023
Tutor: Evan Bruetsch

Red paper curled on white background

Papyrus Whimsy by Simon Yu

"The project began with the exploration of paper ribbons and curvature to create this pavilion. In delving into the variations of manipulating paper ribbons, I aimed to foster the material's flexibility and form to craft the pavilion.

"My creative process involved iterative prototyping, refining the pavilion's concept based on the insights gained from each experiment.

"The finished pavilion stands as an expression of a simple paper ribbon, which can connect people as they come to gather."

Student: Simon Yu
Course: TeenArch 2023
Tutor: Pegah Roshan

Photograph of white architectural model

AD-achoo! by Arianna Zhou

"The AD-achoo! is an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and accompanies the Monsanto House of the Future (MHOF) in a typical Los Angeles lot.

"Similar to the MHOF, the ADU utilises modular design and is made up of a dynamic number of prefabricated plastic parts, including a central 'stem', cantilevered petal-like attachments and chimneys that resemble plant stigmas.

"In full assembly, the open-concept AD-achoo! has five 'petals' with a prototypical plan that consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a joint kitchen and dining room, a living room and a family room.

"The windows at the ends of each petal can be oriented in any direction. The unique curvature of both the exterior and the interior of the dwelling is sure to inspire joy and wonder in the family's children."

Student: Arianna Zhou
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Joel Kerner

Shiny, onion-like model of building

Space Onion by Katie Sen

"The Space Onion is a communal living space that houses future explorers in preparation for their journey to the red planet Mars.

"The space is a NASA test facility that aims to test and understand human interactions at close proximity, similar to what would be encountered on Mars.

"The exterior of the structure comprises two soft porous membranes that provide structure through inflation."

Student: Katie Sen
Course: JumpStart 2023
Tutor: Aura Venckunaite

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and UCLA. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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IED presents 10 interior design student projects Thu, 01 Feb 2024 20:00:38 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an interiors scheme that uses AI and scent to help ease symptoms of Dementia is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Istituto Europeo di Design. Also included is an adaptive reuse project that turns a former slaughterhouse in Rome into an educational centre and a space designed to connect

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Visualisation of a lofty interior space with floating jellyfish-shaped structure inside

Dezeen School Shows: an interiors scheme that uses AI and scent to help ease symptoms of Dementia is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Istituto Europeo di Design.

Also included is an adaptive reuse project that turns a former slaughterhouse in Rome into an educational centre and a space designed to connect local people with traditional Catalan culture and food.

Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)

Institution: Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)
School: Design School
Course: Interior Design
Tutors: Ignasi Bonjoch (IED Barcelona), Adelaide Testa (IED Torino), Federica Bosoni (IED Milano), Marco Provinciali (IED Roma), Javier Deferrari (IED Firenze) and Maurizio Bosa (IED Cagliari)

School statement:

"The principle of human-centred design is challenged by a new paradigm in which, from the centre of the world, the human becomes one among multiple components of an ecosystem.

"Humans, nature and technology are the components of this ecosystem and their multiple interactions generate the fields of investigation of the design of the future.

"Only with the awareness of this new perspective can design permeate industrial and non-industrial production processes in every product sector in terms of contents, languages, expressive and formal codes, technical and functional aspects, to continue to generate innovation.

"Students learn about the different applications of spatial, furniture, parametric project design, lighting and exhibit design.

"In last year's final projects, the students decided to take on the challenge of reinventing spaces while focusing on sustainability and urban regeneration."

Visualisation of a lofty interior space with floating jellyfish-shaped structure inside

Memento by Nicolás Alfonso Garcia

"Memento proposes a new experiential and spatial service that stimulates and heals the brain through memory using smell.

"It aims to heal and treat ailments ethically and reflexively through design and creativity.

"The project proposes a network of abandoned spaces, awakening forgotten memories through olfactory devices in constant transformation and change, thanks to the personalisation and use of artificial intelligence.

"Memento is a global company that offers sensory search and processing services through devices that emit olfactory substances, fully personalised to the user, through websites, apps and other platforms.

"Data is collected on this experience with smells and how they can evoke memories for future translation into data and research to be used in the area of health and Alzheimer's, among others."

Student: Nicolás Alfonso Garcia
Course: IED Madrid – Bachelor's of Art in Interior Design

Visualisation of a hospital environment with cactuses

Calli by Arantxa Erazo

"Calli is a project designed to improve the well-being of rural communities in North, Central and South America.

"The objective is to create hospital networks to improve access to traditional health care.

"Erazo wants to create a solution for indigenous communities who, when faced with health emergencies, decide to stay in their town due to a lack of resources and nearby equipped infrastructures.

"With this initiative, she aims to improve the lives of all people by listening to their needs and offering solutions that are not invasive for these communities."

Student: Arantxa Erazo
Course: IED Madrid – Bachelor's of Art in Interior Design

Visualisation showing an education facility in a former slaughterhouse

Amigdala by Elena Bicocchi

"The work is developed by IED Roma in collaboration with Reggio Children, an international centre for the defence and promotion of the rights of children.

"Amigdala is a project that promotes education by redeveloping a large space inside a former slaughterhouse in the Testaccio district.

"A learning hub dedicated to a young target audience between the ages of 14 and 18 has been integrated into the space, conceived as a meeting and exchange place, where a wide range of cultural activities can be hosted through methods appropriate to the target audience.

"It thus incorporates natural and animal figures to invoke, through concepts and images, new relational modes with other species under an anti-speciesist sphere and in response to communities facing complex and global issues such as environmental exploitation and the climate crisis."

Student: Elena Bicocchi
Course: IED Roma – Three-Year Diploma in Interior Design

People interacting with objects in a forest

Nest: Natural Experience with Sparrows by Patricia Belma

"House sparrows have traditionally been a common species in cities, but today, we are witnessing their gradual disappearance.

"Given their role as a bioindicator of the quality of urban life, the student focuses this project on preserving these birds within the new environment they inhabit, the wooded areas close to cities.

"To achieve this, she envisages a centre located in the Collserola Natural Park, considered to be Barcelona's green lung. Here, they can be protected and provided with a nest and adequate food.

"She also conceives various activities for the space that aim to raise citizen awareness and promote action on this issue, such as observatories, listening areas, and areas for outreach and relaxation.

"The project received an Honourable Mention, IED Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue Award for Best Interior Design Thesis."

Student: Patricia Belma
Course: IED Barcelona – Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design

Visualisation of the interior of a castle with wooden modular furniture

Serendipity by Alberto Bolgan and Stefania Xiao Cheng

"Serendipity proposes the functional reactivation and re‐use of the Cusago Castle, which is currently empty and abandoned.

"All the activities that will take place inside must give the possibility to anyone who passes by to leave a trace, an additional layer that can embellish the castle of Cusago and return it to its former glory.

"The structures inside the space will be mostly modular and adaptable to the various needs of users.

"The students used materials with strong materiality such as wood, corten and cement in contrast with lighter ones such as glass."

Students: Alberto Bolgan and Stefania Xiao Cheng
Course: IED Milano – Three Year Course in Interior Design

Visualisation showing a round space with hole in the ceiling above an indoor garden

The Alternative Space by Amit Arbiv

"The project functions as a tool for better coping with crowded areas through a flexible and modular space that is designed with the idea of de-stressing in mind.

"The project has no specific location and its principles can be implemented in various locations as long as the guidelines are applied.

"The space comprises four different components that can be used separately or joined into one, each space was carefully researched and designed to promote calmness.

"During the design process, Arbiv learned about the important things in interior design that can assure relaxation and de-stress people, such as colours, lighting and shapes."

Student: Amit Arbiv
Course: IED Firenze – Three-Year Course in Interior and Furniture Design

Visualisation showing a living area with exposed concrete and temporary-looking appliances

What if? by Martina Babini, Giada Bove and Alessandro Melzi

"Today, we pretend we are living in normality, aware of the problems surrounding us but we delay solving them.

"We do not want to accept that our houses are breaking down. More than ever before, the housing system requires alternative proposals.

"As a society, we need to learn to live in minimal, hybrid spaces and share the facilities that we have become accustomed to because resources are beginning to dwindle, and the only way to slow this descent is to reduce consumption.

"The redevelopment of existing buildings presents a future opportunity for the realisation of real solutions, with a focus on environmental, economic and social sustainability."

Students: Martina Babini, Giada Bove and Alessandro Melzi
Course: IED Torino – Three Year Course in Interior Design

Visualisation showing a sectional view of a marketplace

The Heart of Flavours by Marioara Cojocaru and Chiara Avvento

"The Heart of Flavours is a redevelopment project for the Nuovo Calisse Market located in the Don Bosco neighbourhood of Rome that aims to cater to the needs of future generations while addressing the challenges the market faces today.

"The new layout is intended to make the centre of the market the true beating heart, capable of connecting and uniting its previously disconnected galleries.

"Additionally, new connection spaces have been introduced for the community to foster a sense of belonging, including a square, a smart-working station and a game room.

"Through these measures, the market aims to reestablish strong community bonds, transforming into an interactive space that can also address social needs.

"This work is part of the 'Mercato Futuro' project in which students, in collaboration with Roma Capitale, were tasked with imagining and designing a market of the future, a place that embraces the fields of architecture and design while emphasising sustainability and new technologies."

Students: Marioara Cojocaru and Chiara Avvento
Course: IED Roma – Three-Year Course in Interior Design

Visualisation showing figures in a fenced walkway

Alacre by Edoardo de Muro

"Alacre proposes new spaces for the Eliseo Theatre in Nuoro – places of experimentation, workshops and theatre production projects.

"The thesis aims to develop a scheme for the re-fitting of the theatre, starting from the redevelopment and regeneration of both internal and external spaces.

"The project considers sustainable interventions that contemplate the study of the furnishings and lighting components in the areas destined for the public, both during the performance and during breaks or convivial moments, and the communication of the theatre's activities."

Student: Edoardo de Muro
Course: IED Cagliari – Three-Year Course in Interior Design

Visualisation showing an adult and child in a kitchen

Bridging Generations by Hafdís Katrín Hlynsdóttir

"The objectives of this project – a centre for intergenerational learning in the Catalan region of Maresme – are to build bridges between young and old, and foster connections between urban and rural areas.

"The student designed a space for collective knowledge, exchange and the preservation of cultural heritage and habitat by way of a three-step ritual — storytelling, participation and reflection — that guides participants through a transformative journey.

"The space houses a library with collections of local materials, documents and books on the biodiversity of the area accessible to everyone, as well as a tasting area for regional products.

"The design preserves the original elements of the Can Reon masía – or farmhouse – such as the small windows that help to maintain an optimal interior temperature, and uses natural materials such as oak and earth tones and textures to create a relaxing atmosphere by exploring the balance between natural light and shadows."

Student: Hafdís Katrín Hlynsdóttir
Course: IED Barcelona – Bachelor's of Art in Interior Design

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Istituto Europeo di Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten design and communication projects by Linnaeus University Thu, 01 Feb 2024 17:00:51 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project exploring the sustainable benefits of eating insects instead of traditional meat is included in this school show by Linnaeus University in Sweden. Also included is a scheme that promotes the mending of clothing and a series of pieces that explore and celebrate the role of craft in sustainable culture. Linnaeus University Institution:

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Design project by a Linnaeus University student

Dezeen School Shows: a project exploring the sustainable benefits of eating insects instead of traditional meat is included in this school show by Linnaeus University in Sweden.

Also included is a scheme that promotes the mending of clothing and a series of pieces that explore and celebrate the role of craft in sustainable culture.

Linnaeus University

Institution: Linnaeus University
School: Faculty of Arts and Humanity, Department of Design
Course: BFA Design + Change, BFA Visual Communication + Change, MFA Design + Change
Tutors: Anthony Wagner, Daniel Gustafsson, Åsa Ståhl, Anna-Karin Arvidsson, Eric Snodgrass, Matilda Plöjel, Olga Nikolaeva, Cassandra Troyan, Mirai Nemoto, Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter, Ola Ståhl and Nina Paim

School statement:

"Today, it is both formally and globally recognised that both ecological and social systems are in a critical state.

"We also know that human activities, not least design and its associated overconsumption, drive unsustainability. With + Change, we want to emphasise the potential of design to affect change and extend it. + Change comprises different perspectives on change, such as adaptation, evolution and revolution.

"For us, + Change very much includes examining, challenging and changing the norms that shape the everyday life of individuals as well as society at large.

"Affecting change through design can be about initiatives directed at products, systems or worldviews. We can choose to use design to affect change locally, regionally or globally, and with a focus on ecology, economy, human health and equality, or all of them simultaneously.

"Altogether, + Change is about purposefully using design and its inherent creativity to achieve changes towards the future of sustainability.

"+ Change is not only about what we study and why, it is also about how we do it. Its pedagogy brings design, artistic expression and theory together. We believe we need students and staff groups to genuinely engage with the complexity of sustainability in an interdisciplinary manner.

"Therefore, we have chosen to have an international intake on all our programmes and to deliver them in English.

"Together we make a + Change culture – dynamic, vibrant, creative and critical."

Trio of photographs showing animal-based activities for children

Exploring with the Non-Human by Thelma Cervin

"This project aims to introduce non-human perspectives. It manifested a children's toolkit for thinking with nature, which bring a non-human perspective to children.

"The toolkit includes everything a teacher might need to introduce and explore a non-human perspective with children of kindergarten age.

"It was developed in collaboration with a teacher and tested with children in kindergarten."

Student: Thelma Cervin
Course: BFA Design + Change
Tutors: Anthony Wagner, Daniel Gustafsson and Åsa Ståhl

Image showing a person wearing white facial jewellery and face paint

Witchcraft Futuring: The Knowledge Below The Surface by Smaranda Sirbu

"Witchcraft was never about fighting evil or resisting the devil. It was and still is a patriarchal tool for oppressing vulnerable communities, especially women.

"This design project manifests a reclamation of witchcraft for female empowerment and explores the complexity of witchcraft, focusing on the socio-cultural and ecological levels.

"Sirbu's purpose with this design project is to empower women to reclaim witchcraft in their own way and manifest their multifaceted independence through curiosity, experimentation and speculation, especially within environmental science and ecological curiosity."

Student: Smaranda Sirbu
Course: BFA Design + Change
Tutors: Anna-Karin Arvidsson, Åsa Ståhl and Eric Snodgrass

Mending On Display by Allis Ohlsson

"Mending On Display explores how to involve people in mending clothes and incorporate it into everyday life. This was done through mending workshops and investigative conversations, as well as a window display exhibiting visibly mended clothes in the secondhand store Busfrö Nytt & Bytt in Kalmar.

"By putting mending on display and forcing it to take up more visual space in our society, more people can be intrigued to using mending as an everyday tool.

"Using visible mending techniques as a method of doing this, Ohlsson wants to push for a change in fast fashion culture, pushing for repairs to be the new (old) norm."

Student: Allis Ohlsson
Course: BFA Visual Communication + Change
Tutors: Matilda Plöjel, Olga Nikolaeva, Cassandra Troyan and Mirai Nemoto

Disrupting Hustle Culture by Ellyn Casali

"Disrupting Hustle Culture is a candid exploration into the topic of hustle culture from Casali's perspective of producing an animated short film, Pursuit.

"Tangible change can be made in the world to mend our relationship with time when we start to devalue the dominant western work ethos that prioritises speed and efficiency and instead prioritise more sustainable perspectives towards productivity."

Student: Ellyn Casali
Course: BFA Visual Communication + Change
Tutors: Matilda Plöjel, Olga Nikolaeva, Cassandra Troyan and Mirai Nemoto

What a Disgusting Thing to Eat by Viivi Pitkänen

"This project questions our meat-eating habits and moralities towards different animals through the investigation of attitudes towards edible insects from a western viewpoint.

"This was done through illustration in different formats; posters, stickers and a comic to explore the attitudes, morals and our current meat consumption.

"Some of the core questions explored through illustration and storytelling in this project are, why do we see some animals as friendly companions, such as dogs and cats, but other animals, like cows and pigs, can be eaten?

"What differentiates cows from insects and why are cows more edible than insects to people in western countries?"

Student: Viivi Pitkänen
Course: BFA Visual Communication + Change
Tutors: Cassandra Troyan, Matilda Plöjel and Olga Nikolaeva

Inqueeries of Space by Leo Hosp

"While public spaces should be safe for everyone, this is not always the case.

"Instead, public spaces are often designed by and for the 'human default', which can be described as white, heterosexual, cisgender, male, able-bodied and monogamous.

"In Hosp's project Inqueeries of Space, they addressed how heteropatriarchal and misogynistic structures show within public spaces, making those spaces hostile for everyone who deviates from the human default.

"They investigated how queering can be developed as a practice and tool that helps in working towards intersectionally inclusive spaces."

Student: Leo Hosp
Course: BFA Visual Communication + Change
Tutors: Matilda Plöjel, Olga Nikolaeva, Cassandra Troyan and Mirai Nemoto

Image showing open books on a black background

Exploring Cultural Heritage and Solidarity Through Design by Bashar Lubbad

"The design research investigates the multifaceted interplay between culture and design within the context of settler colonialism in occupied Palestine.

"Its core objective is to underscore the profound influence of visual storytelling in expressing cultural subtleties and fostering genuine empathy and solidarity.

"An essential aspect of the research explores the role of fear in feeling misrepresentations and the subjugation of Palestinians.

"To understand their experiences comprehensively, this exploration considers the historical, social, and political elements that have sculpted the Palestinian narrative.

"The research further scrutinizes the capacity of design to nurture cultural identity and champion precise representation, emphasizing the significance of addressing the obstacles introduced by oppression and cultural erasure."

Student: Bashar Lubbad
Course: MFA Design + Change
Tutors: Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter and Ola Ståhl

Straying together: intersectional feminist fashion design in the climate emergency by Ashleigh Spooner

"We are straying together from a normative fashion design practice.

"Woven into the fabrics, products and services – the basic structure of the dominant fashion system – are colonial legacies of exploitation and ecological destruction.

"Trained as a fashion designer, Spooner has been searching for other ways to continue working with clothes in the context of the climate and ecological emergency.

"In this collaborative project, she finds an auspicious starting point: aligning design practice with intersectional feminist politics."

Student: Ashleigh Spooner
Course: MFA Design + Change
Tutors: Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter, Ola Ståhl and Nina Paim

Photograph of a woollen jumper with a piece of paper attached to it

Handmade Stories by Camilla Uhlén

"Handmade Stories is about giving insights into crafts through the voices of others.

"These stories share how sewing a piece of clothing from an old sheet can bring confidence to build a house, how using a handmade dish towel and hearing knitting needles can bring connections across generations, how wood from a single tree, wool from a herd of sheep and clay from the roots of the forest can bring relationships between people and nature.

"The project explores how craft can bring connections between people and nature for sustainability, by asking: what is the story of something handmade that you value?"

Student: Camilla Uhlén
Course: BFA Design + Change
Tutors: Anna-Karin Arvidsson, Åsa Ståhl and Eric Snodgrass

My snus handbook – Rethinking the lifestyle related to nicotine pouches by Heikki Huhtala and Smilte Tarvydaite

"This collaborative design project uses methods of human-centred design and visual communication to help female students who use white snus – a pouch-based tobacco product –to rethink, question and reflect on the lifestyle and emotions associated with nicotine pouches.

"The outcome of this project is a handbook that contains self-reflective exercises, as well as thoughts and experiences of female white snus users.

"The project is made in collaboration with female students who use nicotine pouches, a public health developer and a dental hygienist."

Student: Heikki Huhtala and Smilte Tarvydaite
Course: BFA Visual Communication + Change
Tutors: Cassandra Troyan, Matilda Plöjel and Olga Nikolaeva

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Linnaeus University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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University of Illinois Chicago presents six industrial design projects Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:00:47 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a play-based tool to help create safe interactions between children and dogs is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Illinois Chicago. Also included is a scheme that converts pushbikes into electric bicycles and a toy that helps children in foster care adapt to different living environments.

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Spherical lamp with a faceted surface

Dezeen School Shows: a play-based tool to help create safe interactions between children and dogs is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Illinois Chicago.

Also included is a scheme that converts pushbikes into electric bicycles and a toy that helps children in foster care adapt to different living environments.

University of Illinois Chicago

Institution: University of Illinois Chicago
School: School of Design
Course: MDES Industrial Design
Tutor: MDES Faculty

School statement:

"Our Master of Design (MDes) in Industrial Design programme aims to broaden students' worldviews and deepen their understanding of their roles as designers through studio classes, workshops, seminars, lectures, visits and opportunities for regional and international travel.

"MDes student design projects are not merely formal and aesthetic propositions but also profound explorations that scrutinize the complex interplay between the natural and artificial elements in society and global culture.

"Concluding the programme, each MDes student explores a topic of inquiry in which they contextualise and formulate a position and develop tangible designerly responses.

"This process entails a broad range of engagement and adopts a holistic approach, encouraging and empowering students to blend theory with practice."

Two children interacting with a dog-shaped toy

Toffee by Nahid Shirzadkhan

"Can design promote equal moral consideration for all living beings? Drawing on principles of multi-species ethnography, Shirzadkhan has created an engaging educational system for safe child-dog interactions.

"Toffee teaches responsible pet care using reward-based, multisensory play. With millions of Americans affected by dog bites annually and over one hundred thousand pets surrendered or euthanized as a result, this project aims to reduce abandonment while supporting pets as cherished, lifelong family members."

Student: Nahid Shirzadkhan
Email: nshirz2[at]

Small toy with images of fruits

Nurturing Your Voice by Sabrina Wen

"Approximately two hundred thousand young children are in foster care, with up to half experiencing unstable placements.

"Relocations can profoundly impact their psycho-emotional wellbeing, leading to significant mental health issues and difficulty forming healthy attachments.

"But can design help? Wen's work explores how an object-based activity can facilitate positive, meaningful connections between children and caregivers during brief foster home stays."

Student: Sabrina Wen
Email: swen8[at]

Sectional view of room that has patterned corners

Absence Effect by Umair Yusufi

"Is it possible to design patterns and illusions that promote health and happiness, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of life within our homes?

"Increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of lifestyle choices, many embrace small-space living to simplify and reduce consumption.

"Although this can promote sustainability it can also affect the emotional and psychological wellbeing of residents. Responding to this challenge, Absence Effect reimagines the geometry of interior corners."

Student: Umair Yusufi
Email: umair.yusufi12[at]

Visualisation showing a canopy attached to a wall

In Plain Sight by Yiran Han

"People who work from home can be influenced by their living environment, but not always in a positive way.

"Some people are less productive, and experience longer workdays.

"Job-oriented materials and office equipment can clutter living space, and there are fewer obvious psychological shifts that demarcate work and home life.

"On the one hand, having a dedicated workspace at home might help people focus on work.

"On the other, the constant sight of a workspace could detract from the sense of restfulness expected of our most private space.

"But what if a workspace could be hidden in plain sight?"

Student: Yiran Han
Email: yhan68[at]

Spherical lamp with a faceted surface

Vital Objects by Steven Krejcik

"In our contemporary context of rapidly advancing technology, we can fail to recognise the inherent knowledge, tangible worth and emotional resonance present in the material artefacts surrounding us.

"Vital Objects proposes amplifying our relationships with such objects.

"Is it possible to cultivate a state of awareness that encourages deeper appreciation for reciprocal human and non-human relationships?

"In what ways can we instil in our creations a perceptible sense of significance and depth?"

Student: Steven Krejcik
Email: stevenkrejcik[at]

Bicycle with yellow front piece on black background

New Old Bike by Noah Wangerin

"Bicycles have long been a popular answer to urban transportation needs, but their effectiveness can be limited in cities because of inadequate infrastructure, difficult terrain and vast areas.

"Electric bicycles have emerged as an efficient solution to overcome these challenges.

"Simultaneously accepting this technological reality and assuming responsibility for existing bicycle stocks, New Old Bike proposes a method for upgrading existing bicycles to serve this market without sacrificing commitments to the environment.

"Based on straightforward mechanics and a culture of repair involving local bike shops, the approach leverages established design standards to afford long-term incremental improvements aimed at sustaining value."

Student: Noah Wangerin
Email: nwangerin[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Illinois Chicago. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post University of Illinois Chicago presents six industrial design projects appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten branding schemes by students at The Graphic Design School Mon, 29 Jan 2024 17:00:28 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: the rebranded identity of a sushi restaurant that was impacted by closures during the Covid 19 pandemic is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at The Graphic Design School. Also featured brand identity scheme for a company specialising in outdoor footwear and a campaign that aims to help raise awareness

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Business cards with fish on them on dark red background

Dezeen School Shows: the rebranded identity of a sushi restaurant that was impacted by closures during the Covid 19 pandemic is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at The Graphic Design School.

Also featured brand identity scheme for a company specialising in outdoor footwear and a campaign that aims to help raise awareness about dwindling bee populations.

The Graphic Design School

Institution: The Graphic Design School
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

School statement:

"The CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design course is a comprehensive graphic design qualification designed for those who aspire to become skilled designers.

"This online and intensive course covers 12 modules, focusing on a blend of 'old school' and 'new school' techniques, ensuring a deep understanding of design culture and practical skills.

"Whether you seek a formal qualification or prefer to enhance your skills, this course offers flexibility.

"The course is self-paced, allowing students up to 15 months to complete."

Billboard on side of building showing bottle of gin

Good and Tasty by Zoe Morton

"In an ever-growing non-alcoholic drinks industry, I embarked on a journey to craft something that truly captures the essence of enjoying life without the need for alcohol.

"This project is all about communicating the idea that choosing non-alcoholic beverages allows you to have the best of both worlds – having fun in the evening and waking up early in the morning for activities like surfing or hiking without the burden of a hangover.

"To bring this concept to life, I employed bold and playful hand-drawn elements throughout the branding, aiming to convey the feel-good experience of consuming non-alcoholic drinks."

Student: Zoe Morton
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

PInk and dark blue sign on building for sushi restaurant

Hakata Gensuke by Aimee Li

"The goal for this project was to create a contemporary logo for an established ramen restaurant. The bold pictograph logo aims to attract new customers while retaining the restaurant's Japanese origins and authenticity.

"The imperfect noodle spacing in the logo reflects homemade and authentic qualities. I chose appetite-stimulating colours for vibrancy, nodding to Japan's cultural symbolism."

Student: Aimee Li
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Rainbow-coloured cans on grey backgrounds

Juicy Lightning by Pia Rawlins

"The Juicy Lightning product line was designed to appeal to casual energy drink consumers seeking lower sugar content and more natural flavours and ingredients.

"This target audience is health-conscious and often prefers organic products when available. The colour palette comprises bright and pleasant pastels, creating an aesthetically pleasing rainbow effect."

Student: Pia Rawlins
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Three bags of coffee beans on light blue background

Java Love by Angel Nicholson

"The goal of this project was to create a new, repurposed logo and identity that would enable the Kenyan coffee company, Java Love, to compete effectively in the retail environment.

"They aim to blend in on shelves with their competitors while retaining the authentic Kenyan spirit of their brand."

Student: Angel Nicholson
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Brown dropper bottles on yellow and blue background

Rizen by Cherise Vecchio

"Based on the East Coast of Australia, Rizen offers botanical solutions as a natural alternative for pain relief and comfort.

"Unlike similar brands in the market, Rizen breaks away from typical branding, aiming for an elevated, high-end presence."

Student: Cherise Vecchio
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Bags of coffee on beige background

Java Love by Alana Rose Mercuri

"I aimed to create a harmonious, bold, and vibrant packaging design concept for a Kenyan coffee brand.

"This concept would be applied to a range of products, including ground coffee bags, compostable takeaway cups, paper bags and coasters."

Student: Alana Rose Mercuri
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Business card with palm tree on it on top of leaves and beige background

Interior Jungle by Michelle Ritchie

"This project focused on the brand identity, print and layout design for Interior Jungle, a UK-based startup offering professional interior design services.

"Like a jungle, interior design can be overwhelming. The brand identity takes inspiration from tropical jungles, reflecting the values of elegance, professionalism and fun."

Student: Michelle Ritchie
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Yellow disposable coffee cup with bee on it

Bee the Cure by Pamela Cook

"Bee the Cure is a campaign about saving the honeybee from extermination. By creating striking posters and billboards, I aimed to capture attention and spread awareness.

"Physical products like coffee cups, tote bags and t-shirts help to expand the campaign's reach."

Student: Pamela Cook
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Business cards with green and yellow branding for outdoor footwear

Treds by Siana Thompson

"Treds is a fresh e-commerce venture specialising in stylish and robust outdoor footwear. The logo features striking, contrasting colours and dynamic elements to symbolise movement and walking.

"I have selected an organic typeface to set the brand apart from competitors who tend to use traditional fonts."

Student: Siana Thompson
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Business cards with fish on them on dark red background

The Maki House by Gib Phimong

"This project proposes a visual identity design scheme for a sushi restaurant named The Maki House. After a challenging closure during the pandemic, The Maki House is ready to welcome sushi enthusiasts once more.

"Before their eagerly awaited grand reopening, they sought a much-needed facelift to rejuvenate their brand."

Student: Gib Phimong
Course: CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and The Graphic Design School. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Seven architecture thesis projects by students at the University of Melbourne Sun, 28 Jan 2024 17:00:15 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project proposing alternative uses for geologically disturbed sites in Australia is included in this school show by students at the University of Melbourne. Also included is a scheme that creates new uses for decommissioned telephone exchanges, as well as a residential complex in Tokyo that is catered towards people living socially withdrawn

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Four architectural models on plinths made from concrete and metal

Dezeen School Shows: a project proposing alternative uses for geologically disturbed sites in Australia is included in this school show by students at the University of Melbourne.

Also included is a scheme that creates new uses for decommissioned telephone exchanges, as well as a residential complex in Tokyo that is catered towards people living socially withdrawn lifestyles.

University of Melbourne

Institution: University of Melbourne
School: Melbourne School of Design
Course: Master of Architecture
Tutors: Alan Pert, Ben Lau, Emilio Fuscaldo, Helen Walter, Rory Hyde and Stuart Harrison

School statement:

"The Melbourne School of Design addresses shared societal and systemic challenges to inspire our graduates to imagine and create sustainable, inclusive, healthy and vibrant futures for Australia and the world.

"The Master of Architecture is built on collaborative studio programmes integrating industry partners and research that enables students to explore new materials and technologies that address the contemporary challenges of the 21st century.

"Studios cover architectural design in creative invention, integrating aesthetic, technological, programmatic, environmental and social issues.

"Through this practice, we acknowledge the role of digital architecture, history and conservation, practice and sustainability, as well as society and culture.

"There is an emphasis on engaging with real-world environments that teach our graduates to actively participate with industry partners, be a part of public discussions and ensure there is a connection between our learning, policy and practice."

Visualisation showing a structure surrounded by trees

The Park Home: Affordable Housing Experiment for Elderly Homeless People in the Shepparton Area by Mingxun (Gary) Ma

"Shepparton, a regional city in northern Victoria, Australia, has a rich history of agriculture and dairy farming.

"Nowadays it faces significant challenges, including climate change, a housing crisis and frequent flooding issues, impacting its diverse community and economic stability.

"These issues have consequently led to a significant number of elderly homeless individuals in the area.

"This thesis project aims to create a multi-faceted shared senior housing project in the Goulburn River floodplain area using recycled local craft materials.

"The project employs flood-resilient design and aims to re-connect the architecture to the country to provide an extensive approach to the economic and psychological care of elderly homeless."

Student: Mingxun (Gary) Ma
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Rory Hyde
Email: mingxun.ma2020[at]

Visualisation showing people working on a floor plan of a library

Yours, Mine, Ours by Rachel Soebekti

"Capital investment in Box Hill's transport infrastructure has instigated the rapid urbanisation of an established suburb.

"As a result, developer-driven real estate has decimated public space in the name of profit and created divisions within a tight-knit community.

"This project proposes the design of a library, as well as investigating the role of place-based architecture, participatory design and self-built co-production in reestablishing 'common' agency over public space.

"Redefining the responsibility of practising architects to encompass site-based 'project management' and social research, the project aims to investigate how public participation in low-tech construction could be used to establish community ownership over a project site.

"Beyond the physicality of architectural form, this library promises to deliver lifelong friends."

Student: Rachel Soebekti
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Rory Hyde and Laura Martires
Email: rachel.soebekti[at]

Sectional visualisation showing a building built above and below urban railway tracks

Enso by Mengping (Vicky) Huo

"Over the past two decades, Japan has witnessed a significant rise in the 'hikikomori' phenomenon, with over a million people choosing to become socially withdrawn.

"This phenomenon is often viewed as a disorder needing a cure – this project – based in Akihabara, Tokyo – challenges this view, proposing a mixed-use residential complex for hikikomori and the public.

"Located over railway tracks, it optimises space and offers varying degrees of social areas for different comfort levels.

"The project aims to facilitate gradual social interaction for hikikomori while educating the public about the need for isolation. It acts as an awareness campaign, bridging the gap between hikikomori and society, and promoting mutual respect and understanding.

"More than a building, it's a move towards inclusivity and empathy, recognising the hikikomori lifestyle as a legitimate choice in a compassionate society."

Student: Mengping (Vicky) Huo
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Ben Lau
Email: victoria34299129[at]

Visualisation showing a terrace area with tree in the centre

The Ordinary Exchange by Mansvi Jhaveri

"Initially operated by the General Post Office and built to have a disconcerting appearance, telephone exchanges have been constructed to survive the unimaginable to ensure they continue to function under any circumstance.

"This thesis proposal taps into the existing network of these architecturally and historically significant buildings to understand how these introverted structures can be adapted to host programmes that foster social connections that respond to their context.

"The redesign focuses on two sites across the inner suburbs of Melbourne.

"Establishing a framework of operations allowed us to test similar architecture interventions that could seamlessly work on different sites making the proposal scalable across all exchanges in Victoria.

"The proposed programmes within these exchanges help women facing financial, health and job-related hardships.

"This thesis proposal allows these decommissioned exchanges to have a second life and contribute positively to provide safe spaces for vulnerable women to foster social connections."

Student: Mansvi Jhaveri
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Stuart Harrison
Email: jhaveri.mansvi[at]

Interior space with glass windows and U-shaped structures hanging from the ceiling

A Big Queer Mess by Adam Legg

"A Big Queer Mess transcends conventional labels of a stereotypical queer space.

"Instead, it operates as a dynamic public place – an architectural canvas for diverse use.

"Its queerness lies not in its users or programming, but in its architecture, in the nuanced blurring of thresholds, orchestrated moments of privacy within overtly public spaces, and cultivation of fluidity, messiness and performativity.

"Deliberately designed 'just enough', it embodies the heterogeneous essence of queerness.

"Its facade presents a uniform identity, however once inside, a diversity of materials, spaces and experiences unfolds.

"It embraces aesthetic awkwardness, seemingly random yet strategically curated, an experiment of contradictions: A Big Queer Mess."

Student: Adam Legg
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Helen Walter
Email: adam.legg[at]

Four architectural models on plinths made from concrete and metal

Atlas of Extraction by Michaela Prunotto

"'Terra' refers to earth or territory – Australia's history is contested through the destructive illogic of terra nullius. This project proposes a new concept tool: terrascapes.

"A terrascape is a scene of significant geological disturbance, caused by colonial extraction and expansion.

"As the beginning of an open project, this atlas explores four terrascapes: the Beech Forest Quarry (where sandstone was extracted), the Westgate Lakes (a former sand mine), the Birrarung River (subject to dredging) and a disused car factory (which has petrochemical soil contamination).

"Each corresponding proposition bares dirty histories for confrontation, while also proposing a programmatic ethic of care and renewal."

Student: Michaela Prunotto
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Alan Pert
Email: michaelaprunotto[at]

Sepia-toned illustrations showing people inside a large, low building

Strange Encounters: Revealing the Accident of the Maribyrnong Defence Site by Kate Donaldson

"The Maribyrnong Defence Site and Explosives Factory is a disused 128-hectare defence facility nestled within the suburbs of West Melbourne.

"This thesis occurs transiently within the site's existing period of limbo.

"It is a project of 'unconcealing', of bringing tensions to the surface by choreographing anxious architectural encounters with contested histories and the ecological catastrophes of big science.

"By introducing six stops along a journey across a connected network of raised 'clean ways', the project brings together a leisure-seeking public with discrete scientific programmes.

"These interventions reference lost or remnant site conditions to create democratised encounters with the once hidden landscape.

"Strange Encounters creates space for physical confrontation, precarious collisions and tense entanglements with the consequences of weaponisation."

Student: Kate Donaldson
Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis
Tutor: Alan Pert
Email: donalkr06[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Melbourne. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten thesis projects by students at Singapore University of Technology and Design Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that uses generative AI to enhance theatre performances is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Also featured is the design of a chair that aims to facilitate communal dining among citizens of Singapore and the design of a floating structure

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Visualisation showing a floating energy harvesting site

Dezeen School Shows: a project that uses generative AI to enhance theatre performances is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Also featured is the design of a chair that aims to facilitate communal dining among citizens of Singapore and the design of a floating structure for growing crops on Cambodia's Mekong River.

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Institution: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Course: Master of Architecture – Architecture and Sustainable Design pillar
Tutors: Peter Ortner, Daniel Whittaker, Carlos Bañón, Eva Castro, Immanuel Koh, Jason Lim, Bige Tunçer, Christine Yogiaman and Zheng Kai

School statement:

"Spanning from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore to Hai Phong, these thesis projects mark the apex of architecture and sustainable design education at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

"Emblematic of rigorous research conducted on-site and in the field (or in a mangrove swamp), these students have embarked upon an architectural journey which has led them to examine in what ways future architectural, urban design and landscape ecologies will assist in securing new communities, focused upon a bio- and socio-centric architectural core.

"These students have envisioned a new architecture which enhances the lives of fishermen in Cambodia, young and old families maturing in Singapore, and responsible energy-harvesting in the South China Sea.

"Together, these jury-selected and award-winning projects represent the best in new architectural ideas, demonstrating the exceptional design talents of our graduating students this December 2023.

"SUTD Master of Architecture graduate students are trailblazers creating a better world through design."

Illustration showing people and buildings on a river

Jakarta, Indonesia's Possibilities for Coastal Reform: Muara Angke 2100 by Lyvia Anabelle Simano

"Simano's thesis aims to enhance North Jakarta's resilience against rising water levels through 'natural' coastal protection methods while adding value to the city and its constituent neighbourhoods.

"The following question was posed: 'What kind of new, durable infrastructure could be designed, to create an urban-nature balance?'.

"Simano focused upon a Jakartan port-neighbourhood called Muara Angke, creating a solution of a new multi-phase implementation of dike rings as an archipelago strategy.

"Simano's island-channel solution changed water threats into an opportunity for coexistence, by adding huge plantations of mangrove trees as a new brackish water aquaculture farm to help absorb inflows during rising floodwater conditions."

Student: Lyvia Anabelle Simano
Tutors: Peter Ortner and Carlos Bañón
Award: The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Sustainable Environments

Map showing different areas of a neighbourhood

Virtual Net-Zero: Participatory Design in the Redevelopment of Paya Lebar Air Base in Singapore by Ryan Chua Jie Jian

"Jian's thesis delves deep into the following question: How can we achieve real net-zero planning through the use of participatory design methods (involving the community) to create new digital and virtual technological tools to simulate various self-sufficiency energy use goals?

"This complex digital framework achieved two paramount goals. The first is to help the general public better understand the true challenges of planning a net-zero energy use neighbourhood district.

"The second is to help architects and urban planners better understand the public's perception of what constitutes a 'net-zero city' and discover new design opportunities unique to the individual needs of the users."

Student: Ryan Chua Jie Jian
Tutors: Peter Ortner and Carlos Bañón
Award: The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Sustainable Environments

Four AI generated images on grey backgrounds

The Theatre Machine by Saw Man Lin

"Saw's thesis harnesses the potential of generative AI to orchestrate spatial storytelling for the poignant 'to be or not to be' soliloquy from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

"The objective is to integrate an actor's interpretive performance with spaces that serve as a co-narrator, resulting in an audio-visual rendition of the soliloquy.

"Lin's orchestration of the digital space yields a performance that reveals the relationship between the actor and the space.

"The methodological harnessing of generative AI disrupts the conventional live-staging paradigm challenging the linear trajectory intrinsic to traditional theatrical experiences.

"This thesis reevaluates the storytelling-actor-space relationship dynamic."

Student: Saw Man Lin
Tutor: Immanuel Koh
Award: The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Design Computation and The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Future Manufacturing

Visualisations showing people in various dinings spaces

Singapore's Hawker Centres: The Habitation of Purpose and Community for Elders by Mark Tay Hao Yang

"Yang investigates the reform of the family dining table, re-contextualised in Singapore's contemporary Hawker Centre communal food culture.

"His thesis asks how the surgical insertion of the chair can act as a catalyst to allow elders to exercise their agency and connect with others in the community.

"Yang's architectural intervention of a newly-designed wooden chair, augmented with hand-painted planar elements, created by community members, will form strong new relations in the Hawker Centre.

"It will become a  place-making tool and preserve the familiarity and habitual usage, which continues to draw Singaporeans from all walks of life to communally dine together."

Student: Mark Tay Hao Yang
Tutors: Jason Lim, Bige Tunçer, Christine Yogiaman and Zheng Kai
Award: The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Social Innovation

Cross section of a shopping mall

Revitalising and Reinvigorating Neglected Strata Malls in Singapore by Janice Yong Qi Hui

"Hui examined ageing 1970s and 1980s multi-story and proprietor-owned shopping 'strata malls' in Singapore.

"Her thesis sought to revitalise these sometimes forgotten indoor spaces, pursuing a variety of adaptive reuse options, to inject new life into the buildings so they remain relevant to their neighbouring communities into the 21st century.

"Hui's thesis focused on the Upper Serangoon Shopping Center, whose relevance has dissipated as the community aged and less young families utilised its interior atrium spaces.

"Hui discerned five evaluative performance criteria: connectivity, competition, visibility, en vogue style/management and adaptability for alteration, as governing her dynamic and promising re-design of Upper Serangoon."

Student: Janice Yong Qi Hui
Tutors: Peter Ortner and Carlos Bañón
Award: Honorary project award

Architectural drawing showing a modular building being built on a street corner

Normalising Change: The (in)Complete City – (re)constructing Singapore by Kuan Yi Heng

"Heng analysed the 1960s and 1970s Japanese notion of the Metabolist city and thus synthesised a thesis project that proposes a construction system that allows buildings to morph and change in function and form over time to adapt to changing socioeconomic demands.

"Heng designed a robust construction system that facilitates the assembly and disassembly of building parts and injects sustainability cycles into the construction industry in a multi-tiered fashion.

"The project defines successful modular building design, taking into account fabrication, shipping, assembly and use, as well as disassembly and re-use."

Student: Kuan Yi Heng
Tutors: Peter Ortner and Carlos Bañón
Award: Honorary project award

Birds eye view of a sports facility with large, round stadium

The Urban Sporting Village: Aspiring to an Active Living! by Rachel Cheah Jiawen

"Jiawen examined a range of contemporary urban health issues resulting from sedentary living.

"From this detailed analysis of modern-day transit systems, Jiawen designed a new urban mobility framework with hubs that accommodate the varying rhythms of individuals, creating an environment that supports both fast and leisurely activities.

"These hubs also act as a social exchange area where people can choose to participate in sports or access relaxing green spaces, which support different speeds of activity for a wide variety of age group demographics.

"'Living Domes' and 'Sports Domes', with elliptical oculi, welcome filtered natural daylight into activity arenas sustained with natural ventilation."

Student: Rachel Cheah Jiawen
Tutors: Peter Ortner and Carlos Bañón
Award: Honorary project award

Visualisation showing a floating energy harvesting site

Cryptosphere: A new energy currency for sustainable consumption in Vietnam by Valent Tan Wei Ren

"Ren's thesis examines the energy conundrum: the complex system of global energy demand amidst continual climate change in developing countries.

"His thesis proposes a South China Sea coastal settlement, near Hai Phong, Vietnam, where a new automated energy creation future is envisioned for 2050.

"Ren's thesis challenges the current economic energy production model by exploring a new 'decentralised autonomous organisation' (DAO) to regulate energy consumption by the producers and consumers, turning energy into a new currency.

"This energy is created in a three-fold technological manner: sea waves, vertical architecturally-integrated ferrous oxide batteries and gaseous buoyant balloons all working generatively together."

Student: Valent Tan Wei Ren
Tutor: Eva Castro
Award: The Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Research Innovation and The DP Architects Design Excellence Award

Visualisation showing an area of a city with red buildings

Heteritopolis: A Critique on Conservation of China Town’s Heritage in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Tan Eng Khang

"Khang ventured into the depths of Kuala Lumpur's densely-packed historic China Town, dissecting long-held traditions regarding historic building conservation.

"His thesis project critiqued the conventional isolated approach to preserving individual old shop houses.

"Khang created a new architectural-structural form moving a new coherent approach, on tiered platforms, into a vertical China Town.

"Khang reintroduced cooperative housing for both residents and transient tourists alike, centring this new residential focus as an integral design stratagem that ensures Kuala Lumpur's future urban sustainability.

"This he designed as guaranteeing the permanence of evolving heritage for past, current and future generations to inhabit."

Student: Tan Eng Khang
Tutor: Daniel Whittaker
Award: Honorary project award

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Singapore University of Technology and Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture and design projects by the University of New South Wales Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:00:34 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a bag that aids fruit pickers' physical wellbeing when harvesting is included in Dezeen's latest school show by the University of New South Wales. Also included is a medical device worn as an item of headwear that soothes symptoms in people with eye conditions and a scheme that creates beneficial community zones

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Figure wearing headgear with light shining on eyes

Dezeen School Shows: a bag that aids fruit pickers' physical wellbeing when harvesting is included in Dezeen's latest school show by the University of New South Wales.

Also included is a medical device worn as an item of headwear that soothes symptoms in people with eye conditions and a scheme that creates beneficial community zones along the Georges River in Sydney.

University of New South Wales

Institution: University of New South Wales
School: School of the Built Environment
Courses: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Bachelor of Design (Computational Design) and Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Tutors: Dr Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard, Dr Nicole Gardner and Dr Mariano Ramirez

School statement:

"At UNSW Built Environment, we focus on the challenges of cities at every scale, from industrial-designed products to the architectural design of buildings and landscapes, as well as urban and regional policy and planning.

"We design high-performing built environments that contribute to tackling the climate crisis, while our social-impact design ethos responds to the needs of both the individual, as well as society as a whole.

"Many of our student projects engage with 'country', which associate professor Bernadette Hardy, a traditional owner of Dharug and Gamilaraay descent, redefines for First Nations people as a profound union of the physical and spiritual, deeply connected to the world's oldest living culture.

"Country is a living entity spanning land, sky, water, sun, moon, a life-sustaining teacher which shapes belonging, custodianship and reciprocity.

"Overall, at UNSW Built Environment we seek to develop skilled and enquiring graduates, with a conscience, who can positively engage, adapt and shape our cities for the benefit of all people and life on earth, with the environment firmly in mind."

Diagrams showing various birds and their flight paths around the world

Alternative Environmental Offset: Shorebird Habitat Protection and Acquisition by Sze Wah Chan

"This project addresses how shoreline bird habitat can act as alternative ecosystem services offset amidst the development of large-scale infrastructures and sea-level rise in the Rockdale Wetland Corridor (RWC), Sydney.

"The RWC is constituted by a diversity of ecosystems – coastal, wetland, salt marsh, mudflat and forest – each providing ecosystem services such as the provisioning of habitats and regulating temperature.

"Their ecosystems and their services are, however, under threat with increasing urbanisation, infrastructure development and projected sea level rise.

"This design proposal investigates more nuanced landscape alternatives to secure the stability of shoreline bird ecosystems and their services."

Student: Sze Wah Chan
Course: Master Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard and Patrick Franklyn
Email: channaomi16[at]

Diagram showing playground beside river

Cultural Educational Landscape: Instituting Environmental Restorative Carbon Sequestration at Sans Souci by Hiu Lam Haylie Shum

"This project harnesses the education potential of the Rockdale Wetlands Corridor (RWC) for the public, by facilitating immersive learning in situ.

"The site features wetlands and salt marsh areas, providing a diverse habitat for various species.

"Furthermore, the site contains federally listed Threatened Ecological Communities, which operate as a significant carbon sink and therefore need to be protected and expanded whenever possible.

"By connecting the existing creek and playground to the shoreline, children and their guardians will be drawn to understand more about the surroundings."

Student: Hiu Lam Haylie Shum
Course: Master of Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard and Patrick Franklyn
Email: haylieshum[at]

Topographical maps of site

Look and Listen by Julia Shreeve

"This project asks how can we redesign Haigh Park and Lake Moore in Liverpool, Sydney, to promote habitats for Green and Golden Bell Frogs.

"This species of frog was once commonly widespread along Australia's East Coast but now exists only in isolated populations.

"In Liverpool, this is namely due to an extensive history of land clearing, heavy industrial and sand mining occupation.

"The project site has been designed to be developed as a key habitat link along the Georges River and target existing local populations as potential inhabitants."

Student: Julia Shreeve
Course: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Mike Harris, Simon Lloyd and Linden Crane
Email: jshreeve01[at]

Visualisations showing a stool with a spiral base

Phyla: an algae bioplastic stool for the domestic living environment by Jasmine Stein

"Phyla addresses material toxicity and furniture waste by replacing petrochemical components with biomaterials and circular processes.

"This environmentally conscious stool is made from algae, PLA composite base and a recycled HDPE seat top.

"Its form is inspired by the movement of seaweed in the ocean and the shape of algae under a microscope. Once it has reached the end of its use, the stool can be disassembled and recycled into a new stool or product.

"Available as a low stool, a counter stool and a bar stool, Phyla creates a dialogue for designers to introduce biomaterials in future furniture and product designs."

Student: Jasmine Stein
Course: Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Tutors: Danielah Martinez, Oya Demirbilek and Christian Tietz
Email: jasmine[at]

Collage of images showing someone picking fruit while wearing a large black bag

Fruitfull: fruit picking bag by Marcus Kelly

"Fruitfull is a game-changing fruit-picking bag designed to mitigate food loss and enhance worker safety in harvest operations.

"The top component features a unique catch-and-release system that slows down the descent of fruits as they enter the bag, thus preventing damage.

"A neoprene compression funnel regulates the speed of exiting fruit when unloading into pallet bins.

"Comprehensive back supports redistribute the weight of the bag to the waist, such that the load is carried through the legs and not by the back, greatly reducing the risk of orchard injuries.

"Fruitfull proves a smart investment for farmers throughout its lifecycle, as it boosts average crop yields, ensuring more fruit can be sold rather than wasted and improving financial stability in a volatile agricultural industry."

Student: Marcus Kelly
Course: Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Tutors: Mariano Ramirez and Oya Demirbilek
Email: marcuskelly00[at]

Various diagrams and visualisations showing a house

Computational Design I (Building) by Tristan Luong, Jayden Tran and William Boge

"This project is a collaboration between UNSW and Habitat for Humanity Cambodia (HFHC) to computationally automate the iterative 3D modelling process to improve the effectiveness of affordable house designs.

"The project uses a parametric design tool to generate variations of a house design based on local context, culture, user's needs and resources.

"The house designs are optimised to minimise costs and carbon emissions; maximize sunlight hours indoors (minimising the use of artificial light); ensure indoor temperature is within the comfort range (minimising the use of cooling systems); and maximise the capture of solar energy for electricity supply."

Students: Tristan Luong, Jayden Tran and William Boge
Course: Bachelor of Design (Computational Design)
Tutors: Cristina Ramos Jaime, Scarlett Rogers and Eva Lloyd

Photos and visualisations of manufacturing processes

Emerging Digital Technologies by Anthony Shin, Grace Chen, Ruby Lu Chen, Sidney Mendez and Zhixiang Zhang

"This project investigates robotic fabrication for design and architecture using computational design modelling, robotic programming and fabrication methods to achieve environmentally conscious designs for manufacture and assembly.

"The project explores the realisation of non-standard forms and complex curves. It has been programmed using Grasshopper for a UR5 robot six-axis arm.

"Prototype fabrication involved creating repeating foam block moulds to cast the forms in a range of materials."

Students: Anthony Shin, Grace Chen, Ruby Lu Chen, Sidney Mendez and Zhixiang Zhang
Course: Bachelor of Design (Computational Design)
Tutor: Charlotte Firth

Photos and visualisations of manufacturing processes

Human-Machine Interaction by Louis Lamont

"This project explores the design of a sensor-driven and autonomously-operated responsive architectural facade. It aims to carefully integrate interaction technology into an architectural context to create a movement that is both effective and seamless.

"The design features six columns, arranged in a pattern that rotate 520 degrees to create a visually arresting spiral effect, even while static.

"The prototype is constructed from laser-cut plywood and uses an Arduino microcontroller, servo motor and infrared sensor."

Student: Louis Lamont
Course: Bachelor of Design (Computational Design)
Tutor: Belinda Dunstan
Email: louis.lamont[at]

Collage of images of headwear that soothes the eyes

Sooze: a modular eye care device for keratoconus patients by Maoxin Yuan

"Sooze offers comfort and advanced vision support to keratoconus patients, mitigating their limited activity options, impaired mobility and eye discomfort experienced after removal of rigid contact lenses.

"A neural-stimulating headband and a detachable visor module work together to capture and deliver clear images directly to the retinas of patients, irrespective of cornea shape.

"An electrode on the headband administers low-intensity electrical stimulation via a conductive textile strap to the upper eye and forehead area, boosting tear production and easing eye pain during wakefulness and sleep.

"Its light engine emits red light at night when the visor is off, further enhancing the sleep quality of keratoconus patients."

Student: Maoxin Yuan
Course: Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
Tutors: Gonzalo Portas, Oya Demirbilek and Christian Tietz
Email: maoxindesign[at]

Visualisation of people beside river

In the Wandering by Hannah Kohler

"This project asks how regular community engagement along the Georges River can reveal the beauty of rich ecological systems fostering stewardship and improving wellbeing.

"In our growing urban centres, time spent within green space has been linked to the ability to recover from mental fatigue, psychological stress and depression.

"This project explores interactions between humans and the beauty of rich ecological systems as active and passive recreation stops along an accessible walking journey.

"Guided by existing site conditions and proposed restoration of endemic vegetation communities, the stops are designed to be integrated into everyday life."

Student: Hannah Kohler
Course: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Mike Harris, Simon Lloyd and Linden Crane
Email: hannahrk2001[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of New South Wales. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten architecture and design projects by the University of New South Wales appeared first on Dezeen.

California College of the Arts presents 10 architecture student projects Sat, 16 Dec 2023 17:00:58 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a tech recycling centre built on the site of an Apple store in downtown San Francisco is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at California College of the Arts. Also featured is a project proposing digitally manufactured submarine habitats for oysters and fish, and a pavilion that can be used

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California College of the Arts

Dezeen School Shows: a tech recycling centre built on the site of an Apple store in downtown San Francisco is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at California College of the Arts.

Also featured is a project proposing digitally manufactured submarine habitats for oysters and fish, and a pavilion that can be used as a yoga pod or meditation tent.

California College of the Arts

Institution: California College of the Arts
School: Architecture Division
Courses: Bachelor of Architecture, BFA Interior Design, Master of Architecture and Master of Advanced Architecture Design
Tutors: Neeraj Bhatia, Nataly Gattegno, Negar Kalatnar, Janette Kim, Adam Marcus, Brian Price, Margaux Schindler, Alex Schofield, Neal Schwartz, Kristen Smith and Clark Thenhaus

School statement:

"The Architecture Division at California College of the Arts in San Francisco is an arena for the free and open exchange of ideas about the future – of our buildings, cities and planet – and a laboratory where these ideas are tested through speculative architectural and design research.

"Across four academic programmes and four research and teaching labs, our architecture and interior design students design with aesthetic, social, and environmental issues in mind, producing work that links image to identity, form to performance and order to equity.

"The five-year Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) programme is NAAB-accredited and STEM-designated.

"With a focus on critical thinking and creative making, students learn how to be agents of change, leveraging their skills toward environmental, social, and political impact.

"The BFA in Interior Design, is a four-year accredited programme with a focus on sustainable material practices and spatial innovation in which students learn to design for various human environments, including the home, workplace and public sphere.

"Our NAAB-accredited and STEM-designated Master of Architecture (MArch) programme champions innovation and experimentation in architectural design, preparing students to lead conversations and develop solutions around some of the world’s most pressing issues.

"In our STEM-designated Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD) students focus on an independent research or design project through mentored study and a range of elective offerings in one of three areas associated with our acclaimed research labs: Digital Craft, History Theory Experiments, or Urban Works.

"At CCA we are guided by the shared belief that architecture and design are critical cultural practices that can and should serve the common good."

Visualisation showing the exterior of an abortion clinic

Bodies, Sovereignty and Hysteria by Lizzy Wilson

"As a response to the overturning of Roe vs Wade and the subsequent banning of abortion in multiple states, this thesis takes advantage of the political sovereignty granted to consulates as a legal loophole for placing an abortion clinic in Houston, Texas.

"Exploring the hybrid design of a Norwegian Consulate and an abortion clinic, the consulate encompasses the clinic and acts as a barrier or safe haven for the clinic nested within.

"The exterior of the consulate employs modernist ideas of hyper transparency, as manifested in Philip Johnson's Glass House, and a rigid gridded structure, as found in Mies van der Rohe's Seagram Building.

"However, the internal design of the clinic counters and disrupts the patriarchal design norms of modernism with a different spatial sensibility that does not rely on any datum or grid.

"Instead it is loose, freeform and curvilinear, using curtains as space dividers."

Student: Lizzy Wilson
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutors: Nataly Gattegno and Brian Price

Visualisations showing a tower-like building in a field

Visitor Center by David Rico-Gomez

"Visitor Center explores notions of rurality and wilderness in American national and regional park building design.

"The National Parks Service has adopted a rustic form of architectural decoration  – affectionately dubbed 'parkitechture' – as a guideline for use across its buildings.

"When examined more closely, many of the architectural elements in NPS buildings are lifted from Midwestern rural architecture: farmhouses, four-squares and ranch homes.

"The rurality of the Midwest can not be conflated with wilderness, as its fields are aggressively controlled and domesticated.

"A forest of bioengineered columns elevates the building, while grasses and moss grow between the logs – both inside and out – creating a home for a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms."

Student: David Rico-Gomez
Course: Advanced Architecture Studio: SNAFU
Tutor: Clark Thenhaus

Sectional view of a building

Loosely a House by Claire Leffler and Martin Hitch

"Loosely a House is an experiment in unpredictability and control.

"At the heart of the project is an experimental technique that combines fabric liners with digitally fabricated formwork to shape multi-purpose rammed earth columns, which establish the framework for a versatile habitat that welcomes both human and non-human inhabitants.

"In lieu of traditional walls, the project utilises several types of curtains to flexibly partition spaces. In this way, the distinction between interior and exterior is blurred, allowing human residents to inhabit the structure in a manner reminiscent of birds nesting."

Students: Claire Leffler and Martin Hitch
Course: Advanced Digital Craft Architecture Studio: Materialities of Care
Tutor: Adam Marcus

Figure walking past structure made from bending metal components

Cupola – A Rapidly Deployable Architecture with Environmental Considerations by Soojee Choi, Owen Patia and Electra White

"Cupola addresses the need for quickly erected, reusable structures.

"The project was designed in CCA Professor Negar Kalantar's transtudio – an ongoing architectural exploration of adaptable structures guided through pedagogies of motion and computational craft.

"Cupola is a rapidly deployable pavilion – useful as a yoga pod or meditation tent – whose unique collapsible design is achieved with overlapping multi-scissor joints that allow for seamless folding and unfolding."

Students: Soojee Choi, Owen Patia, and Electra White
Course: Interior Design Materiality and Space 4: transtudio
Tutor: Negar Kalantar

Visualisations showing a library with walls around it

Common Ground by Hannah Leathers

"Common Ground is a response to the unjust way land in West Oakland has been racialised, commodified and polluted due to historical redlining systems, ongoing gentrification and industrial lead contamination.

"Ground is a physical and political resource to which the residents of West Oakland have been continually denied access, whether that's land to freely gather on, outright own, or to farm.

"This proposal acknowledges this narrative and asks how the Library of West Oakland can act as a framework for reclamation of a common ground.

"In this regard, the library acts as a scaffold for land to grow around it, converting traditionally programmed library space into shared ground that the community can call its own.

"This process happens slowly over time as the community comes together to build an earthen-made wall around the library."

Student: Hannah Leathers
Course: MArch Studio 3: Reframing the Public Library
Tutors: Neeraj Bhatia and Nataly Gattegno

Visualisation showing map of river area

Knowledge Exchange Hubs by Luis Arturo Gomez-Escobedo and Vicky Sindac

"Designed for the town of Greenville, which was destroyed by the Dixie Fire in 2021, Knowledge Exchange Hubs proposes a network of public programmes and amenities along Wolf Creek.

"This infrastructure of community services – connected by a public walkway – will serve to reactivate downtown Greenville and highlight its rich culture, promote the reclamation of land for the indigenous Maidu people, and act as a welcome centre for visitors.

"These linked sites of exchange and interaction will reactivate Wolf Creek and provide multiple platforms – each with its specific programme – for people to connect and build community."

Students: Luis Arturo Gomez-Escobedo and Vicky Sindac
Course: Advanced Urban Works Architecture Studio: Property in Crisis
Tutor: Janette Kim

Visualisations showing library building

1135 Library by Jun Hee Koh, Suyang Yao and Tatiana Watkins

"Sited within one of the most heavily used branch libraries in San Francisco, 1135 Library preserves the existing facade and reading room of the Chinatown Branch Public Library while reimagining the space for the 21st century.

"Eschewing old ideas of the library as a 'quiet space', this proposal organises multifunctional spaces based upon their intended use and noise levels.

"Flexibility is offered by grouping core support functions and maintaining open floor plates while strategically building in niches of intimate space.

"Connection between each of these programmes is created with an active open staircase which extends from a new accessible entry at the sidewalk level to an open-air roof terrace with views across the city and to the bay."

Students: Jun Hee Koh, Suyang Yao and Tatiana Watkins
Course: Interior Design Advanced Interdisciplinary Studio
Tutor: Kristen Smith

Photograph showing sculptures made from taut string

Woven Projections – Adaptive Modular Environment by Xinye Ju

"Inspired by the work and teachings of Anni and Josef Albers, students in the Materiality and Space 3 course in the Interior Design programme transformed 2D pliable surface models into a series of 3D modular woven spatial projections through a set of formal and material experiments.

"The students were guided by considering the resulting environment's performance in relation to air, light, sound and colour.

"Soft and hard modular frame assemblies reconfigure and deconstruct to create interactive, flexible and adaptive interior environments."

Student: Xinye Ju
Course: Interior Design Materiality and Space 3
Tutor: Margaux Schindler

Blue-toned visualisations showing grain silo-shaped recycling plant

Reimagining E-Wasteland by Ayse Elif Aydinli

"This thesis project proposes a new urban recycling and upcycling centre for e-waste on the site of the existing Apple store in downtown San Francisco’s Union Square.

"The Apple store is one of the most potent symbols of capitalistic materialism, the culture of planned obsolescence, throw-away culture and the aesthetics of consumerist desire.

"The thesis imagines taking over this iconic urban space and transforming it into a new typology of civic infrastructure, one that critically reveals the economic, cultural, and environmental mechanisms that make it function.

"This new civic recycling centre aims to counter the dominant mentality of 'out-of-sight and out-of-mind'.

"It operates from the premise that the buildings that sustain our consumerism should also reveal their operations and infrastructure, and become critical components of our urban environments."

Student: Ayse Elif Aydinli
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Neal Schwartz

Visualisation showing oyster habitat

Oyster Shingle by Ahmad Alajmi, Claire Leffler, and Colin Murdock

"The project explores ceramic material assemblies as a locus for expanding architecture’s ecological performance.

"It proposes a system of digitally fabricated modular ceramic systems that can serve as ecological habitat for oysters.

"Drawing on research into the life cycle, geography, ecosystem and habitats of Olympia Oysters, the project explores how artificial substrates might benefit a more biodiverse ecosystem."

Students: Ahmad Alajmi, Claire Leffler, and Colin Murdock
Course: Architecture Elective: Ecological Tectonics
Tutors: Alex Schofield and Adam Marcus

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and California College of the Arts. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten fashion and technology projects by students at University of Arts Linz Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:00:50 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a collection of garments made from plant-based leather and food waste is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Arts Linz. Also featured is a knitwear collection that investigates the properties of knitted fabrics and a fashion collection informed by gaming. University of Arts Linz Institution: University of

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Dezeen School Shows: a collection of garments made from plant-based leather and food waste is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Arts Linz.

Also featured is a knitwear collection that investigates the properties of knitted fabrics and a fashion collection informed by gaming.

University of Arts Linz

Institution: University of Arts Linz
Course: Fashion and Technology
Tutors: Ute Ploier, Christiane Luible-Bär, Karin Krapfenbauer and Sander Hofstee

School statement:

"Fashion and Technology is a future-oriented bachelor and master programme that combines fashion with research focusing on sustainability and inclusivity.

"The course is aimed at designers who want to shape and explore the future of fashion – that means fashion with an attitude instead of fast fashion, the use of experimental materials and designing for bodies beyond binary codes.

"Our students use technologies as creative tools to break new ground in fashion.

"More than 40 international experts lead practice-oriented workshops in fashion design, styling, creative robotics, digital strategies, soft wearables, biomaterials, weaving and experimental knitting design among others.

"Students participate in international field trips, photo shootings, shows and exhibitions. The bachelor's degree lasts for six semesters and the master's degree lasts for four semesters."

Seated model wearing multicoloured, shaggy garments

From waste to wow by Marilies Luger

"In this project, industrial textile waste such as thread scraps and faulty knitted fabrics are turned into flamboyant and extravagant one-of-a-kind pieces, challenging our ideas of value and waste.

"The knit designs created are reminiscent of the softness of mosses and the structures of lichens. Both are essential components of our ecosystem and serve as bioindicators of its health condition.

"The project translates this image into textile structures that gradually cover, envelope and adorn the human body."

Student: Marilies Luger
Email: marilies.luger[at]

Seated model clutching a soft pink wearable sculpture

Hold by Antonia Möltgen

"In response to growing social anxiety and increased social distancing, this project uses the method of deep pressure therapy to promote human relationships and provide calm through clothing.

"Inspired by the soothing effect of hugs, three-dimensional soft sculptures were designed.

"Möltgen uses digital applications to develop patterns and adapt them to the body, as well as analogue casting processes to create unique wearable objects."

Student: Antonia Möltgen
Email: antonia.moeltgen[at]

Standing model wears blue and green seaweed-like garment

Fiume by Selina Stangelmaier

"With its rapid growth and ability to offset CO2, brown algae contributes to a healthier climate. For her collection, Stangelmaier used brown algae to create experimental yarns, prints and coatings.

"Stangelmaier explores the potential of an innovative material and its possible impact on the fashion industry. The collection's shapes and colour range are inspired by the element of water."

Student: Selina Stangelmaier
Email: selina.stangelmaier[at]

Standing model wears garments with tubular balloons attached to it

Cissy by Peter Fellner

"In this project, queer appropriation of heteronormative dress codes and traditions are contrasted, mixed and challenged.

"Colourful balloons and human hair are combined in an imaginative knit design resembling a transformed version of a traditional pinstripe pattern.

"AI is used to create digital prints picturing physical desires and interactions. Inflatable phallic objects humorously create cross-overs between body extensions and couture."

Student: Peter Fellner
Email: peter.fellner[at]

Seated model wears blue trousers and green and black shirt

Soft Bodies by Sandra Kallay

"Sandra Kallay's collection is inspired by the aesthetics of the gaming world and the protective aspect that this virtual universe provides for her.

"She translates the process of character design from the digital into the analogue world by imitating the methods of texturing, 3D modelling and simulation using various analogue design tools.

"The project reflects the development stages of avatars in computer games – from a flat to a complete 3D version."

Student: Sandra Kallay
Email: sandra.kallay[at]

Seated model wears QR-code like knitted top

Textile-ID by Mira Haberfellner

"From 2025, digital product passports for clothing will be mandatory in the EU – this inspired Mira Haberfellner to explore the communicative capabilities of clothing.

"Textile-ID develops a new way of representing data in 2D through a unique identification number materialised as a knitted fabric.

"Digitally readable codes are translated into knit patterns that enable designers and producers to communicate with wearers. Consumers are provided with detailed information about a product, such as materials used, production conditions and ecological footprint."

Student: Mira Haberfellner
Email: mira.haberfellner[at]

Model stands with one leg raised above their head, wearing a beige outfit

Emotion by Teresa Fröhlich

"Teresa Fröhlich created a reactive garment that reflects the emotional world of the wearer through interaction between textile and body.

"This intensifies the communication between wearer and clothing to a deeper level. Floats and quadruple weaves give the material a texture, which reacts to movement through its unique structure and elasticity."

Student: Teresa Fröhlich
Email: teresa.froehlich[at]

Staring Constantly by Toni Alberti

"This project encapsulates the collected dark nostalgia of a generation that grew up online, who are starting to feel that they are being consumed by images.

"This generation that feels thar virtual experiences break into their perception.

"Dealing with digital images, experimenting with 3D programmes and trying – and failing – to translate artificial images into real ones, Alberti creates constructions from folded paper."

Student: Toni Alberti
Email: toni.alberti[at]

Standing model wears black garments and balances on a bench

Tension by Mert Oezdemir

"In his knitwear collection, Mert Oezdemir explores the different material properties of yarns and knitted structures. When heated, tensions are created in the knitted fabric by contracting or puffing up.

"From this combination arises new textures, resulting in a new physicality in the fashion pieces themselves."

Student: Mert Oezdemir
Email: mert.oezdemir[at]

Standing model wears neutral coloured top and culotte trousers

Culinary Turn by Sandra Axinte

"How can clothing look or be created in a world of scarce resources?

"Sandra Axinte envisions a future where every resource is valuable and clothes take shape in the kitchen using local, eco-friendly, renewable ingredients.

"Food waste turns into passionate colours, plant-based leather grows in a warm bath of tea and sugar, fruit and vegetable peels in combination with fibres become alternative materials.

"Recipes are translated into clothes and by carefully washing, peeling and precisely cutting the individual ingredients, and a wearable menu is created."

Student: Sandra Axinte
Email: sandra-laura.axinte[at]

The photography is by Anna Breit.

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and University of Arts Linz. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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University of New South Wales presents 10 architecture projects Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:00:36 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that converts a power station into a community centre is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of New South Wales. Also included is a playful multi-level interior structure that fosters physical and mental wellbeing and a theatre inserted into a disused power plant. University of

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Multi-level structure in lofty space

Dezeen School Shows: an adaptive reuse project that converts a power station into a community centre is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of New South Wales.

Also included is a playful multi-level interior structure that fosters physical and mental wellbeing and a theatre inserted into a disused power plant.

University of New South Wales

Institution: University of New South Wales
School: School of the Built Environment
Courses: Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Master of Architecture and Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Dr Paul Hogben, Dr Sing D'Arcy, Shaowen Wang, Raffaelle Pernice, John Cabello, Carly Martin, John Gamble, Felipe Miranda, Matthew Bolton, Peter Farman, Philip Thalis, John Gamble, Shaowen Wang, Raffaele Pernice, Eva Lloyd, Bernadette Hardy, Gillian Barlow, Natarsha Tezcan, Iva Durakovic, Lucy Moroney, Melissa Liando and Olivia Green

School statement:

"At UNSW Built Environment, we focus on the challenges of cities at every scale, from industrial-designed products to the architectural design of buildings and landscapes, as well as urban and regional policy and planning.

"We design high-performing built environments that contribute to tackling the climate crisis, while our social-impact design ethos responds to the needs of both the individual, as well as society as a whole.

"Many of our student projects engage with 'Country', which associate professor Bernadette Hardy, a traditional owner of dharug and gamilaraay descent, redefines for First Nations people as a profound union of the physical and spiritual, deeply connected to the world's oldest living culture.

"Country is a living entity spanning land, sky, water, sun, moon, a life-sustaining teacher, which shapes belonging, custodianship and reciprocity.

"Overall, at UNSW Built Environment we seek to develop skilled and enquiring graduates, with a conscience, who can positively engage, adapt and shape our cities for the benefit of all people and life on earth, with the environment firmly in mind."

White architectural model on wooden base

RE:MODA by Roy Yue

"This project aims to explore alternatives to fast fashion and overconsumption by questioning how architecture can support a vibrant fashion culture that reinforces local artistic identity, whilst creating public awareness of overconsumption and waste.

"The project proposes a recycling fashion hub that incorporates commercial, cultural and industrial purposes to create a shift from a linear fashion economy to a circular economy that focuses on reuse, repair, repurposing, redesign, recycling and rebranding."

Student: Roy Yue
Course: Master of Architecture
Tutors: Shaowen Wang and Raffaelle Pernice
Email: xiangyu.yue[at]

Visualisations showing people in landscapes with buildings

Dhungala by Noah Sunderland

"Dhungala is a community offering concerned with the preservation of indigenous knowledge and cultural repair.

"The site acts as a compass to reorient Bungambawathra (Albury, NSW) to the significant relationships it has with its past and present, both in its immediate surrounds and its periphery.

"A variety of programmes are provided, each offering a unique relationship with the landscape, migration, time and people. The project serves as a means of realising a relational worldview in a quiet architecture, shaped by the country it sits within."

Student: Noah Sunderland
Course: Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Tutors: John Cabello, Carly Martin and John Gamble
Email: n.sunderland[at]

Hand drawn architectural drawings

Diversifying the Dream by Stephanie Kennedy

"Diversifying the Dream proposes a radical funding and tenure model to increase housing affordability and longevity in North Eveleigh, Sydney.

"By integrating different housing types, the project diversifies the demographic appeal and attitudes to home ownership, with forms, colours and materials that generate an iconic place.

"Drawing inspiration from surrounding typologies, each block has a distinct form and colour scheme, generating a strong sense of place and identity overall and within the precinct."

Student: Stephanie Kennedy
Course: Master of Architecture
Tutors: Felipe Miranda and Matthew Bolton
Email: s.dodd[at]

Visualisation showing pedestrians outside library building

Downwards Into by Jesse Chengyan Xu

"Central to the area's transformation, the library complex in the Sydney suburb of Rosehill consists of three major elements vertically linked yet able to operate independently from each other.

"Through the facade, the community room opens towards public grounds. The staircase provides a sense of visibility leading up into the library, while the reading area cantilevers address activities around a light rail station.

"The exhibition spaces extrude from the top, leading towards the entry tower, which pinpoints the very centre of the immediate site."

Student: Jesse Chengyan Xu
Course: Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Tutors: Peter Farman, Philip Thalis and John Gamble
Email: chengyan.xu[at]

Model and sectional drawing showing site built into hillside

Private Suburb, Public Backyard by Zhirong Leslie Zhu

"Private Suburb, Public Backyard proposes an urban social complex for the wider community to appreciate Sydney Harbour in the privileged suburb of Lavender Bay.

"Nestled in the steep topography, the building cascades along Lavender Bay crescent and stretches out to reach Lavender Bay railway, capturing the landscape and the harbour.

"This project explores the relationship between water and human experience, celebrating the overlap between multiple urban activities to enrich our urban environment."

Student: Zhirong Leslie Zhu
Course: Master of Architecture
Tutors: Shaowen Wang and Raffaele Pernice
Email: zhirong.zhu[at]

Visualisation showing theatre in former power station

White Bay Power Station by Samantha Goodsell

"The White Bay Power Station is so large and overwhelming and devoid of its country that it is hard to believe that humans ever inhabited such a place.

"This project embraces human diversity and encourages the idea that variety and difference amongst us is our strength and unlocking and celebrating this is our human potential.

"This is a centre of potential, challenging our past and suggesting change through the celebration of physical and cultural inclusion and neurodiversity."

Student: Samantha Goodsell
Course: Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Eva Lloyd, Sing D’Arcy, Bernadette Hardy, Gillian Barlow and Natarsha Tezcan
Email: sam.goodsell01[at]

People laying in foam shapes

The Creation Station: Inspired by Country. For Creatives. Forever by Brianna Cassisi

"This project proposes a diverse civic and community centre that celebrates the power of its country to ignite and inspire the creative community for future practice.

"The centre goes beyond the sense of sight and delves into a more complex experience of creative stimulation through enriching one's senses of sound, smell, taste and movement with strategies inspired by and reflecting its country.

"This heightens one's understanding, knowledge and appreciation for its country and seeks to inspire the unimaginable, to create a community of people who are better connected to their inner creative, community and country."

Student: Brianna Cassisi
Course: Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Eva Lloyd, Sing D'Arcy, Bernadette Hardy, Gillian Barlow and Melissa Liando
Email: brianna.cassisi1[at]

Confluence by Jessica Leigh-Ryan

"How humans operate within a workplace is highly influenced or controlled by their subconscious reaction to their conscious reality – sound is a big part of this.

"The level and type of frequencies can ignite certain neural pathways, overall impacting productivity and concentration.

"Evidence has shown that white noise is a highly effective sonic source regarding acting as sound barriers and sound sifters: the ‘buzz’ sound falls under this category.

"Bees are the most-renowned living organism for their productivity, work ethic and overall functioning as an ecosystem that without them, our earth wouldn’t survive. The established rules and roles of the bees within each hive allow for certain behaviours to occur.

"This project aims to create a workplace that conceptualises the invisibility and tangibility of that confluence.

"The act of breaking and merging of habitation environments, using living organisms  –bees – as a building block to shape space and inform human behaviour, considering sound/ acoustics to create ultimate opacity and synergy between nature and humanity."

Student: Jessica Leigh-Ryan
Course: Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Iva Durakovic and Lucy Moroney
Email: jessicaleigh.ryan[at]

Person in space with drapery and sunlight

The Lens: Presented by Phantasmagoria by Jenna Fisher

"Decommissioned in 1983, the desolate Boiler House at White Bay Power Station has undergone an adaptive reuse scheme, allowing The Lens to emerge.

"The project proposes a civic innovation centre, intrinsically underpinned and guided by its country.

"It is a space of varied perception, constant immersion and thought inspired by architecture – a space where storytelling is encouraged, sustainability is embraced and community can flourish.

"The boundless space is guided by its Indigenous history, its industrial past and renewed adaptable future."

Student: Jenna Fisher
Course: Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Eva Lloyd, Sing D'Arcy, Bernadette Hardy, Gillian Barlow and Olivia Green
Email: jenna.fisher0208[at]

Lofty interior with green multi-level structure inside it

Stimulate Recreate by Eamon White

"This project proposes a transformative, multigenerational playscape guided by a deep connection to the value of its country, fostering playfulness and community engagement that breathes new life into a repurposed space.

"To become 'stimulated' and interact through 'recreation' comes in various forms.

"Play as power, fantasy, self and progress act as the guide for the overall experience and sense of space.

"Simultaneously, the design encompasses themes of sensory, cognitive, social and neuromuscular forms of play, and how people are immersed in playfulness.

"The project responds to contemporary issues in the creative sector about physical and mental wellbeing."

Student: Eamon White
Course: Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
Tutors: Eva Lloyd, Sing D'Arcy, Bernadette Hardy, Gillian Barlow and Melissa Liando
Email: eamonwhite31[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of New South Wales. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten design projects by graduates of University of the Arts Berlin Wed, 13 Dec 2023 17:30:49 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a collection of 3D-printed breast prosthetics is included in Dezeen's latest school show by graduates of the University of the Arts Berlin. Also featured is a self-charging street light that has a minimal environmental impact and a food container that indicates the condition of food. University of the Arts Berlin Institution: University

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3d printed breasts

Dezeen School Shows: a collection of 3D-printed breast prosthetics is included in Dezeen's latest school show by graduates of the University of the Arts Berlin.

Also featured is a self-charging street light that has a minimal environmental impact and a food container that indicates the condition of food.

University of the Arts Berlin

Institution: University of the Arts Berlin (UdK)
School: Institute for Product and Process Design

School statement:

"We are in a world where we need to think about the position of design and its relationship to production and consumption, how to shape our future environment and what role materials, cultural, technical, social, digital, historical and artistic impulses play in this.

"Responding to this reality, Product and Process Design at the University of the Arts Berlin focuses on vital areas of study to make a positive contribution to our future.

"Based in the heart of Berlin, the University of the Arts Berlin is one of the oldest universities of the arts and product design.

"As an art university and with institutes including Fraunhofer, Max Plank and Design Research Lab, UdK's product design is rooted in art and research.

"It offers a four-year BA programme and a one-year MA programme, taught by internationally renowned staff specialised in domains including design foundations, design and development, design and social context, design and interactive systems, design and art, design and industrial technology, design and theory, and design and research.

"Many graduates have started successful careers in Germany or around the globe. This show presents ten recently awarded graduates who have created projects with strong concepts."

A modern street light designed by University of the Arts Berlin's graduate

Papilio by Tobias Trübenbacher

"Papilio is a street light that reduces light pollution. Using a Savonius wind rotor, it functions as a 'prosumer', producing all the energy it consumes.

"Papilio has a built-in battery to store the electricity. This enables Papilio to operate completely autonomously without the need for an underground electricity infrastructure. Alternatively, it can also be connected to a power grid to charge other devices during strong winds.

"To tackle light pollution, Papilio is designed as a 'full-cut-off' light, which only emits light downwards. Moreover, it provides an infrared sensor, only activating the light when it is needed. Papilio also uses a low blue light component that has less impact on insects.

"With Papilio, the process of generating energy becomes an aesthetic play, enriching the public space during day and night."

Student: Tobias Trübenbacher
Awards: Newcomer of the Year, German Design Awards 2023, Green Concept Award 2022, German Sustainability Award 2022, James Dyson Award 2021 (National runner up), Braun Prize 2021, Green Concept Recognition and German Design Graduates 2021

A heart-shaped sensor attached to a tree

Bloom – An Artificial Agent for Our Urban Ecosystem by Kim Kuhl

"Bloom is an artificial fruiting body that connects trees and humans by examining how trees respond to stress in a language humans can understand.

"In an IoT (Internet of Things) network, Bloom communicates through a sensor fashioned to the roots of the tree that measures the suction force of the roots.

"The sensor's information is translated into a pulsing light, changing from slow pulsing when in good condition to frantic red pulsing in emergencies.

"From a passive presence in nature into a visible and active participant in our ecosystem, the project aims to reshape human understanding of technology's role in our ecosystem."

Student: Kim Kuhl
Awards: 'Dare to design' Museum für Kunst und Gestaltung in Hamburg German Design Graduates 2023 and 'Interconnected' GDG at Dutch Design Week 2023

User interface designed by graduate of the University of the Arts Berlin

Whole Earth Project by Louis Bindernagel

"The Whole Earth Project is an emergency response platform that facilitates a dialogue between designers, makers and people working on the ground.

"It deals with the analysis, consolidation and creation of networks dedicated to the idea of 'think global, make local'.

"The result is a global process, involving various people from different backgrounds. The project focuses on tackling crises by leveraging existing networks and maker spaces for immediate and long-term support worldwide.

"The Whole Earth Project plans to put this approach into practice in the context of responding to humanitarian or environmental crises."

Student: Louis Bindernagel
Awards: Circular Design Award, German Design Graduates 2022 and GDG selection for Design Campus der Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 2022

an exhibition of everyday objects

Familie Hempel – A Furniture Collection that Provides Space to be Chaotic by Marie Radke

"This fun furniture collection is a homage to the classic pile of clothes on a chair. These are clothes which are already worn but still not ready for the washing machine, preventing unnecessary washing.

"The title is inspired by an old German saying where one will shout Your room looks like family Hempel's place! when witnessing a messy room.

"This family Hempel has four places to store you store clothes: a stool, a pouf, a bench and a high seat."

Student: Marie Radke
Awards: One-and-twenty award 2020, German Design Graduates Press recognition 2020, Green Card Ambiente Frankfurt 2020, Make Me Design Competition, Lódz 2020 and Finalist Global Grad Show, Dubai 2019

3D printed breasts

Double You by Dominique Bertisch

"Double You offers women the freedom to produce personalised breast prosthetics with 3D technologies. Any woman who has lost a breast can create breast prosthetics by 3D scanning, mirroring and 3D printing the remaining breast.

"The process of making the prosthetic herself frees a woman from the general prosthetics offered in medical shops and allows her to design the prosthetic at home.

"Moreover, various personal requirements, such as breathability, can be taken into account."

Student: Dominique Bertisch
Award: 'Dare to design' Museum für Kunst und Gestaltung in Hamburg German Design Graduates 2023

Vases, pen pots and portable lights designed by graduate of the University of the Arts Berlin

Extra Ordinary by Yuhang Ke

"Our modern lives are surrounded by so many objects. Some of them have been existing for a long time and people use them and live with them every day without noticing.

"Designers as 'objects makers' are responsible for this invisible connection between people and objects.

"The central aim of this project is to understand design as a medium to draw people's attention to the beautiful but neglected little things in everyday life.

"Each of the ten objects in this project represents a subtle memory – an experience, a moment and a detail about the beautiful but neglected side of everyday life."

Student: Yuhang Ke
Award: One-and-twenty shortlist 2022

a person holding a broom with an oval handle

The Doing in Itself – Not Entirely Effective Objects for Meditative Practice by Agnes Kelm

"These six objects encourage the user to question common assumptions about the functionality and efficiency of objects and their processes.

"These objects are deliberately made less effective. They are also designed to be playful and encourage the user to slow down and be increasingly conscious of daily actions.

"The brooms foster repetitive and meditative movement while the watering cans encourage contemplation."

Student: Agnes Kelm
Awards: Talente Preis München 2023 and Selection Supersalone Milano 2021

food containers in a fridge

Vorkoster by Kimia Amir-Moazami

"More than 18 million tonnes of food are wasted in Germany every year, which takes up almost one-third of the total food consumption.

"More than half of this food waste – about ten million tonnes – could be avoided. What if your dishes could show you the condition of your food?

"Vorkoster is a lid that contains a pH-sensitive foil in the middle. When the quality of a protein-containing food declines, the foil changes colour, indicating that we should consume the product quickly.

"The foil is reusable – it can be neutralised after use and then ready for the next product. The shape pays homage to the upside-down plate that is often used to cover leftovers."

Student: Kimia Amir-Moazami
Awards: Secrid Talent Podium, 2023, Third prize Hessian State Prize for Universal Design 2022, Cultural and Creative Pilots Germany 2022, Design Research Award – German Design Graduates 2021, Einundzwanzig Shortlisted 2021, Berlin Science Week Audience Award 2021, Antenna selection Dutch Design Week 2021, Selection Supersalone Milano 2021 and Selection Global Grad Show, Dubai 2021

two chairs assembled with different woods

MEA – Modern Restoration by Cathy Wolter

"MEA rethinks the principles of furniture manufacturing and repairability. This is illustrated by a chair made of solid wood.

"With detachable joints, the chair can be quickly disassembled and refurbished in less than 60 minutes. The irreparable parts can be replaced while all other parts remain in use."

Student: Cathy Wolter
Awards: Green Concept Award shortlist 2023, Luxembourg Design Award nominee 2023, winner of IF Design Student Award 2023

three white sculptures in fields by graduates of University of the Arts Berlin

Agency for Unseen Sights – A Critical Analysis of Sight and Seeing by Esmée Willemsen

"Agency for Unseen Sights questions what we see and what we consider worth seeing. It places objects which attract the eye in sites that otherwise seem entirely mundane.

"A gate, a ladder with a frame on its top and a pair of fences were placed in fields as if suggesting a must-see event.

"In this way, the project challenges rituals and practices of sightseeing and all the habits that come with it, including travelling the world in CO2-emitting planes."

Student: Esmée Willemsen
Awards: First Prize Designblok Prague 2023 and selection 'Interconnected' GDG at Dutch Design Week 2023

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and University of the Arts Berlin. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten industrial design projects by students at Hongik University Tue, 12 Dec 2023 17:00:53 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a dog-shaped robot dedicated to promoting exercise in space stations is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Hongik University. Also included is a weather-data interface in response to climate change and a virtual reality investment education platform for Gen A. Hongik University Institution: Hongik University Course: BA Industrial Design Tutors:

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Robotic dog

Dezeen School Shows: a dog-shaped robot dedicated to promoting exercise in space stations is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Hongik University.

Also included is a weather-data interface in response to climate change and a virtual reality investment education platform for Gen A.

Hongik University

Institution: Hongik University
Course: BA Industrial Design
Tutors: Keun Lee, Jooyun Kim, Jung Kyo Lee, Sook Yeon Kim, Tate Eunyoung Kim, Jun Hyuck Eoh, Kang Hyun Lee and Kange Lee

School statement:

"Hongik University, established in the first year after Korean independence, has played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of Korea's development.

"The institution has been dedicated to cultivating creative and pragmatic professionals essential to societal needs, contributing significantly to the nation's present stature.

"This unwavering commitment to our core objective has propelled Hongik University to international prominence, portraying it as a symbol embodying the fusion of industry and art, uniquely representing Korea on the global stage.

"Within this esteemed institution, the industrial design department consistently aspires to be at the forefront of design innovation, especially within the dynamic landscape of contemporary industries.

"The 2023 degree show of the industrial design department is themed 'DESIGN•A', accentuating the concept of 'sublime aura.' Through a diverse array of projects, the showcase provides profound insights into the promising future of product, spatial, mobility and interaction design.

"This thematic exploration aligns with our dedication to pushing the boundaries of design and anticipating the evolving landscape of design disciplines."

Pochak by HyunA Yoo and Jemin Park

"Pochak (捕捉, capture) is a platform that allows individuals to collect weather data by capturing natural phenomena.

"In a future with worsening climate change, Pochak goes beyond conventional centralised weather data collection by allowing individuals to collect weather data themselves.

"By capturing natural phenomena that precede weather changes with sensor products and an interface, Pochak enables more detailed and hyper-local weather forecasts."

Students: HyunA Yoo and Jemin Park
Tutor: Kang Hyun Lee
Emails: hyun208[at] and jemin9852[at]

Render of a space design to encourage conversation

Mobin by Sangmin Han

"We live in a variety of environments and are composed of a variety of tales. In modern society, it is becoming difficult to share honest and warm conversations.

"Mobin is a mobility interior concept where the stories are woven and tale-tellers weave their life tales.

"Inside the warm cabin-like interior, users focus on the conversation and remember the conversation longer through the interaction of the device."

Student: Sangmin Han
Tutor: Keun Lee and Jun Hyuck Eoh
Email: hanzzang37[at]

Laika by Jihee Kim

"In 2040, as the majority of people routinely wear augmented reality (AR) glasses, Laika stands as a dog-shaped robot dedicated to exercise and health management within space stations.

"This robot delivers notifications and information through a 3D user interface via AR glasses and monitors astronauts' exercise and health status in real-time.

"Aiming to provide a comfortable health management experience in space akin to Earth, Laika offers personalised exercise recommendations and feedback.

"In emergencies, it ensures user safety. With these features, Laika has established itself as the ideal partner for health management in space."

Student: Jihee Kim
Tutor: Tate Eunyoung Kim
Email: wmfdldi98[at]

Xor by Geonhoo Son

"Xor is a data brand that sells data usable in all virtual spaces amid the decentralisation of data. However, what sets Xor apart from other brands is that when you purchase data, the same product is delivered in reality, with entirely different usability and scale.

"Buyers encounter a more surreal reality, observing data that functions differently in the virtual space, reinforcing Xor's brand concept that 'virtual is real.'

"Through this intriguing marketing, Xor guides users to immerse themselves further in virtual spaces, allowing them to experience virtual reality as the true reality with Xor."

Student: Geonhoo Son
Tutor: Kang Hyun Lee
Email: kaidenson98[at]

Out of Three Box by Wookjun Kwon

"Out of Three Box is the mobility that is challenging sedan stereotypes.

"Usually, the word box is used as a stereotype. On the other side, 'out of box' is often used to break away from stereotypes.

"The biggest feature of the sedan is that the cabin space is very private. Inside a sedan all seats are forward-looking so there is differential privateness.

"In self-driving cars, I thought each passenger's view could be respected and equal privacy could be provided."

Student: Wookjun Kwon
Tutor: Jun Hyuck Eoh
Email: kwonukjun[at]

Render of a metaverse-based information platform

Bvest by Bogyeong Yoon and Seoyeon Yoon

"Bvest is a VR-based investment education metaverse for Gen A, born in the early 2010s or later.

"In the creator module, users can craft business strategies based on market understanding. Business items could be sold through IR, generating income that can be used in the investor module.

"In the investor module, users can directly invest in companies created by other users, receive feedback and experience realistic investment simulations that adapt to fluctuating interest rates and market trends, mirroring real-world conditions."

Student: Bogyeong Yoon and Seoyeon Yoon
Tutor: Sook Yeon Kim and Kange Lee
Email: luvboopo[at] and moominyoon[at]

Render of a metaverse-based travel platform

Tripee by Jaehoon Park, Jeonggeon Lee and Jihyun Lee

"Tripee is an XR metaverse trip plan platform that strives to connect the excitement of travel from the planning stage to the actual journey.

"Users can collect various travel information while experiencing the metaverse and upload this information from both metaverse and their mobile devices to edit trip plans.

"With intuitive interactions, users can share collected information such as landmarks, food, accommodation and activity, then create an optimised route based on the finalised information.

"Once the plan is completed, they can enjoy their trip by accessing it on their mobile device and check essential details about their trip plan."

Students: Jaehoon Park, Jeonggeon Lee and Jihyun Lee
Tutors: Sook Yeon Kim and Kange Lee
Emails: lapaelp[at], jgxxnlee[at] and zoy.jihyunlee[at]

Cheems by Gunn Namgoong and Jongwon Lee

"Cheems is a modular console that uses generative AI to enable players to create games.

"It responds to the rising trend of players wanting to shape their own gaming experiences, inspired by the intuitive and engaging nature of music production tools that encourage hands-on creativity and personal input.

"Players can instinctively craft assets, characters and worlds, offering a personalised and limitless gaming adventure that reflects their own creativity and boundless imagination."

Students: Gunn Namgoong, Jongwon Lee
Tutor: Tate Eunyoung Kim
Emails: ghun2938[at] and pookoo98[at]

Graphic of a place designed for digital detoxes

Space_out by Narin Kim and Hayoon Lim

"Space_out is a place where you can escape from the overwhelming flow of information, break free from anxiety and reconnect with your primal senses.

"It's a space where you can comfortably put down your phone, focus on yourself and find relaxation.

"By naturally awakening the body's senses and providing a moment of rest, Space_out encourages concentration on your inner self, resonating with external sensations and offers a digital detox experience."

Students: Narin Kim and Hayoon Lim
Tutor: Joo Yun Kim
Emails: narin8055[at] and thelimha[at]

Graphic for a space designed for a streetwear brand

Swell by Seunghyun Jeong and Minseo Kim

"Swell is a showroom of Heliot Emil, a future-oriented streetwear brand. The spatial concept is 'sensory slowdown caused by digital dopamine and a break away from it.'

"We compare insensitive current situations to abnormally swollen blisters and define warnings about these situations as acts of physical stimulation.

"This stimulus can be interpreted as the brand's future desire. Through a space mixed with bursting tension and sharp stimuli,
we send Heliot Emil's boldness and progressive message to spatial art."

Student: Seunghyun Jeong, Minseo Kim
Tutor: Joo Yun Kim
Email: tmtltktlal12[at] and yuit0025[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Hongik University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at UCLA Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:00:18 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a furniture factory that promotes the principles of reuse, recycling and sustainability is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UCLA. Also included is a film that immerses audiences in a post-apocalyptic world and a mixed-use block that promotes a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. UCLA Institution: UCLA School: UCLA Architecture

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section of a factory designed by UCLA students

Dezeen School Shows: a furniture factory that promotes the principles of reuse, recycling and sustainability is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at UCLA.

Also included is a film that immerses audiences in a post-apocalyptic world and a mixed-use block that promotes a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


Institution: UCLA
School: UCLA Architecture and Urban Design
Courses: Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design, and Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies, MA and PhD
Tutors: Hitoshi Abe, Cristóbal Amunátegui, Kutan Ayata, Katy Barkan, Miroslava Brooks, Matt Conway, Morgane Copp, Dana Cuff, Kevin Daly, Neil Denari, Liam Denhamer, Samaa Elimam, Yara Feghali, Benjamin Freyinger, Georgina Huljich, Mariana Ibañez, Jeffrey Inaba, Simon Kim, Julia Koerner, Max Kuo, Ayala Levin, Alan Locke, Todd Lynch, Greg Lynn, Laure Michelon, Narineh Mirzaeian, Michael Osman, Valeria Ospital, Güvenç Özel, Martin Paull, Jason Payne, Garrett Ricciardi, Heather Roberge, Natasha Sandmeier, Mohamed Sharif, Roger Sherman, Nathan Su, Raha Talebi and Tucker van Leuwen-Hall

School statement:

"UCLA Architecture and Urban Design's exceptional faculty teaches students to engage in the world around them, to see ideas as productive forms of response and to leverage design and writing as expressions of newly curated perspectives.

"Through rigorous inquiry, we interrogate contemporary urban issues and propose possible futures with equal measures of expertise, optimism and vision.

"These ideas are grounded in a critical engagement with the history and theory of architecture and the future contingencies of contemporary culture, and an engagement with the geographic, cultural and urban contexts of Los Angeles and Southern California.

"As part of the UCLA School of Arts and Architecture, our department is in close contact with other organisations of creative cultural production including the UCLA Departments of Art, Design Media Arts, and World Arts and Cultures/Dance, as well as UCLA's public arts institutions – UCLA's Centre for the Art of Performance and the Hammer and Fowler Museums."

An architectural visual of an apartment

Industrial Housing Collection by Wei-Huan Chueh

"The Industrial Housing Collection is located in the earliest tract housing district in Los Angeles and aims to provide a simple living space.

"Efficient distribution of resources and minimisation of waste is no longer an option but a direct approach to living.

"This mixed-use project aims to maximise functionality and offer customisation services while retaining industrialised repetitive construction. This new approach reconsiders how we think about housing, communities, customisation and delivery logistics."

Student: Wei-Huan Chueh
Course: MSAUD IDEO Studio: LA in Progress
Tutors: Matt Conway and Tucker van Leuwen-Hal

section of a factory designed by UCLA students

Factory Reset by Akanksha Deolekar

"The Furniture Factory stands as a testament to reimagined industrial spaces. This adaptable factory accommodates the entire vertical integration of the product life cycle, emphasising the principles of reuse, recycling and sustainability over new retail ventures.

"Compact manufacturing and retail areas coexist alongside repair and maintenance facilities, as well as recycling centres. Moreover, the customisation workshop encourages individuality to thrive in a highly modularised world.

"The building itself serves as a visual diagram, showcasing the transformation of products from standardised to personalised and serves as a transformative intervention embodying the ideals of a circular economy."

Student: Akanksha Deolekar
Course: MSAUD IDEO Studio: LA in Progress
Tutors: Matt Conway and Tucker van Leuwen-Hall

aerial view rendering of a coastal neighbourhood

Baby Boomers in 2035: Aging in Silicon Valley by Gabriiela Jarboe and Huihang Xu

"Contributing to nearly one-third of greenhouse gas emissions, baby boomers are leading the charge to find solutions to the environmental crisis they are primarily responsible for.

"Our project aims to build a new kind of blue zone community that is structured around the environment, promoting a society that aligns with boomers' values.

"By utilising natural landscapes, we can create outdoor living spaces that optimise health and wellbeing, encouraging a lifestyle that promotes longevity. Additionally, eco-friendly reservoirs will connect people of all ages to the climate evolution."

Students: Gabriiela Jarboe and Huihang Xu
Course: MSAUD Urban Strategy Studio: 2035
Tutors: Jeffrey Inaba and Valeria Ospital

photo of an architecture model

Flame: A Factory for Living, Art Making and Exploration by Mahroo Eftekhari and Don Leung

"Flame is a mixed-use, art campus extension that houses students and faculties. Driven by the diverse needs of the dwellers, the spaces are connected via ramps and pathways to enhance the connection between different groups.

"The project is extracted from a close study of the Charles Correa Kanchanjunga Apartment sections and the existing plan of the site, 620 S Main St, Los Angeles.

"The design typology of spaces in the project responds to the needs of spaces for art-making, fabrication and for short-term and year-long living for various dwellers and explorers."

Students: Mahroo Eftekhari and Don Leung
Course: Undergraduate Studio: Off-Campus Living
Tutor: Claus Benjamin Freyinger

photos of architecture models and design diagrams

A Tale of Two Volumes by Camille Castillo, Qinyi Wu and Zixin Wu

"The idea of the project is to split one mass into two parts. One is a tall and skinny tower, which comprises private programmes, such as laboratories and offices, and the other is a more monolithic and heavy volume which contains public programmes, such as the auditorium and exhibition spaces.

"The design creates a dichotomy between the two volumes exists in its geometric form and spatial programme while considering the existing silos.

"The in-between areas are where the silos are located, which are doubled in size as a public space between the two worlds.

"The tall tower expresses an iconicity within Culver City while the larger volume next to it acts as a counterbalance that grounds the entire site and project as a whole."

Students: Camille Castillo, Qinyi Wu and Zixin Wu
Course: Comprehensive Design Studio, Next – Cycle
Tutor: Georgina Huljich

photo of a wooden architecture model

Open-Air Market Hall and Community Centre by Evan Breutsch and Christopher Rancourt

"Breutsch and Rancourt designed an open-air market hall and community centre, utilising a variety of stacking techniques to explore how spatial, atmospheric and structural logic can be gleaned from stacking strategies.

"Each strategy is carefully deployed in response to a design requirement of the building.

"Rather than defer to programmatic or structural conventions, the students sifted through their material spectrum to produce arrangements of material that are sometimes elusive in their structural performance."

Students: Evan Breutsch and Christopher Rancourt
Course: On Timber: Sticks, Stacks and Composites
Tutor: Heather Roberge

visual of an architecture by UCLA students

Little Megastructure by Yiman Yiman

"Little Megastructure aims to configure an inclusive community of aggregated spatial prototypes that celebrates social connection and belonging while supporting individuality.

"The project features modularised elements – prototypical forms that can be combined and composed in a variety of ways to create a wide range of spaces.

"The elements are connected by gathering spaces, including clusters of parks, plazas, courtyards and atriums in between modules throughout the megastructure, which foster a sense of community and belonging.

"Spaces in this project are organised systematically for different purposes and activities to organically bring together all the components of a city and create a sense of urbanism."

Student: Yiman Yiman
Course: Research Studio: Mixed-Use Housing for Ontario, California
Tutor: Greg Lynn

visual of a plant factory

Last Light by Shrinethraa Senthil Kumar and Yinghao Zhang

"Last Light examines the climate crisis through the eye of the natural environment. The project depicts a world of cities, floating on repurposed oil rigs, in which depleted energy resources and thick pollution have forced people to rely on luminous plants and animals for light.

"Kumar and Zhang created a film that includes virtual-reality experience, a guidebook and a physical model of a lantern, immersing viewers in the experience of a world where sea levels have risen and resources are depleted."

Students: Shrinethraa Senthil Kumar and Yinghao Zhang
Course: MSAUD Entertainment Studio: The Gateway
Tutors: Natasha Sandmeier and Liam Denhamer

photos of models of basketball courts, corridors and studios

Art Pomp by Sofia Chang, Gina Min and Ayush Varadhan

"Art Pomp is a short-term artist residency that provides artists with spaces and state-of-the-art equipment and a basketball court.

"Art Pomp draws from SESC Pompeia, an adaptive reuse cultural centre transformed from a previous factory site. A feature of SESC Pompeia that drew our attention is its connection of towers through aerial bridges.

"Overlaying the towers' floor plans upon the given site, we began designing a project in which three towers become interconnected through aerial bridges and a uniting boardwalk.

"This creates a gradient from front to back allowing the public to pause at a public event and explore the other places in the residency."

Students: Sofia Chang, Gina Min and Ayush Varadhan
Course: Undergraduate Studio: Off-Campus Living
Tutor: Claus Benjamin Freyinger

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and UCLA. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten architecture projects by students at UCLA appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten landscape architecture projects by the University of Southern California Sat, 09 Dec 2023 17:00:37 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a park in downtown LA built beside a railway station is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Southern California. Also included is a scheme that aims to implement landscape architecture methods that stop diseases from spreading, as well as a project examining the impact of wildfires.

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Visualisation showing a map of a city

Dezeen School Shows: a park in downtown LA built beside a railway station is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Southern California.

Also included is a scheme that aims to implement landscape architecture methods that stop diseases from spreading, as well as a project examining the impact of wildfires.

University of Southern California

Institution: University of Southern California
School: School of Architecture
Course: Master of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism
Tutors: Alexander Robinson, Jessica Henson, Aroussiak Gabrielian, Jennifer Toy, David Maestres, Greg Kochanowski and Aja Bulla-Richards

School statement:

"Landscapes are the dynamic synthesis of natural systems, sociocultural forces and the physical material of the constructed world.

"The USC Graduate Programme in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism (MLA and U) prepares students to be leaders ready to take on challenges of climate change and environmental injustice through the design and planning of landscapes across scales.

"Landscape architecture is a broad field that encompasses the design of a complex range of environments outside our buildings.

"Our programme is focused on the public realm, spanning scales of impact from site design to urban design and infrastructure to territorial responses to climate stress that impact our immediate region and around the globe.

"With access to one of the most culturally and environmentally diverse geographies in the world – a biodiversity hotspot within an hour's drive from the Pacific Ocean, the San Gabriel Mountains and the western edge of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts – Southern California offers a robust laboratory from which to learn, while offering applications all over the globe.

"The programme has formalised its priority areas in environmental, social and climate justice through the Landscape Justice Initiative.

"The initiative strengthens the programme's standing commitment to applied research and practice in communities that design has not historically reached.

"It includes Test Plot, a programme focused on the future of land care.

"The Landscape Futures Lab offers a rigorous curriculum in biodesign and material experimentation, and the Los Angeles River Integrated Design Lab provides a hydraulic modelling facility that engages students first-hand with the complex hydrological pressures of urbanisation today.

"Students graduate from the MLA and U programme with a proactive toolkit to address the impacts of climate stress on vulnerable humans, species and natural systems."

Visualisation showing a map of a city

The Tidepools by Danielle Vonlehe

"Catalina Island is located 47 miles from Los Angeles. Notable for its magnificent kelp forests, the Catalina Island Fox and minimal human development, this dynamic coastal ecology is integral to the biodiversity of the southern California region.

"This project, executed during the first semester of the three-year MLA programme at USC, is a translation of tidepool ecology from Cata­lina Island to a barren concrete square on the USC Campus.

"The ground is structured on five different levels. Three high and two low levels correspond to the three high tides and two low tides per day on Catalina Island.

"The design is a multifunctional assemblage that takes into account the university's circulation – some areas serve as intimate spaces in which to study or think, while others offer more expansive space to host large social groups or an outdoor class.

"A path matching the USC grid cuts through the more curvilinear plan to be conducive to heavy foot traffic. All materials and planting are representative of geologic and vegetative patterns on Cata­lina Island."

Student: Danielle Vonlehe
Course: Studio 1 of 6 – Introduction to Landscape Architecture Design
Tutor: Alexander Robinson
Email: dani[at]

Visualisation showing green areas cutting through LA

Superhighways to Superblooms by Andrea Binz

"Pollution in Burbank and Glendale is among the worst in all of California and mainly stems from freeway traffic.

"We have spent decades and billions of dollars expanding highways to 'solve' gridlock, but this strategy has failed – conversely, removing or narrowing roads can reduce traffic.

"A framework plan is proposed to address the high burden of traffic and pollution in Burbank and Glendale. The strategies include pollution mitigation with green infrastructure along existing roads, road diets, vehicle electrification, high-speed rail and public transit investment and reclaiming highways into linear parks.

"Roads and interchanges become linear parks, stormwater infrastructure and community hubs.

"The freeways cut through many of our most polluted, underserved communities, and as our transit patterns change we have the choice of how to remake them.

"As landscape architects, we can choose to promote a healthier, more equitable Los Angeles."

Student: Andrea Binz
Course: Course: Studio 3 of 6: Edge Conditions
Tutor: Jessica Henson
Email: abinz[at]

Visualisation showing a river beside a city

The Water Agency Project by Leslie Dinkin

"The Water Agency Project envisions transforming the grid-locked Los Angeles River, prioritising ecological and social benefits while also addressing flood and drought risks.

"Instead of displacing over 100,000 residents required for total river renaturalisation, the project suggests rerouting I-710 through the existing Alameda Corridor and implementing a River Rail system.

"This approach would double the size of the riverbed, creating space for a semi-naturalised, semi-urban river.

"The redesigned Los Angeles River includes features like low-flow braided channels, terraced banks, detention ponds, riparian woodlands, parks, multi-use trails, dry meadows, affordable housing and green streets connecting neighbourhoods to the river."

Student: Leslie Dinkin
Course: Studio 3 of 6 – Sepulvida Basin
Tutor: Jessica Henson
Email: dinkin[at]

Diagrams showing ocean life

Toward a Sustainable Seafood Future by Colin Amos and Andrea Binz

"Our oceans are increasingly threatened by overfishing. The current structure of the commercial fishing industry is exploitative of both the environment and working-class communities.

"To transform the industry and reestablish it from the bottom up, this project proposes a resilient and sustainable modular 'aquahabitat' system for Southern California that would generate kelp forest habitat and launch a new mariculture paradigm growing marketable local fish species alongside algae and shellfish.

"This integrated multi-trophic aquaculture approach creates a permeable, functional habitat to attract and serve wild marine populations while creating novel opportunities in the Blue economy and reconnecting communities with the ocean and our food sources."

Students: Colin Amos and Andrea Binz
Course: Studio 4 of 6 – Landscape Beyond Land
Tutor: Aroussiak Gabrielian
Emails: colinamos45[at] and abinz[at]

Diagrams showing power lines

Wellness Against the Wires – An Alternative Approach to the Powerline Landscape by Wanxing Lin

"The site includes four types of transmission lines, power towers and one LADWP substation. Different land use types under power lines bring different potentials for urban space.

"Here are four types of relationships between the power line and the site that we could utilise to create variable experiences for spaces – expressive, implicit, hidden and exposed.

"Utilising all the 'anti-EMF', 'anti-Noise' and 'anti-Heat' kit of parts, the proposed framework, 'powerline wire-zone revitalisation', uses programming languages to bring a safe and wellness-minded open space back to the community."

Student: Wanxing Lin
Course: Studio 5 of 6 – Corridor of Power: Designing a multi-sectorial framework for The Just City
Tutors: Jennifer Toy and David Maestres
Email: wanxingl[at]

Visualisation showing various geographical features

Dam(m/n)ed Earth by Jared Edgar McKnight

"This research project focuses on soil rebuilding processes through the introduction of mortuary composting burial procedures in the semi-arid endorheic basin of the Owens Valley, California.

"Excess salinity in this region is exacerbated by severe access to water issues and generations of contentious water politics and constructed hydrologic conditions, that have dammed/damned and depleted regional ecologies, habitats and resources.

"The proposal defines phased parameters for salinity remediation while redefining rituals of death to progressively restore the habitat through resilient green burial processes for rebuilding soils.

"This responsive system of burial morphologies thus awakens an interconnectedness between the burial plot and the dormant ecologies of its context, through an emotive, healing and emergent topography that unfolds and temporally evolves with one's stages of grief and acceptance [or decomposition] over time.

"Could the future of our burial landscapes facilitate a new form of engagement, whereby our landscapes of life and death reconcile and reconfigure our roles and purpose through one’s own body as a measure of resiliency?

"Damned Earth was exhibited in 'The Future of _____Space' show at the A+D Museum in 2020."

Student: Jared Edgar McKnight
Course: Studio 4 of 6 – Landscape at the Intersection of Life and Death
Tutor: Aroussiak Gabrielian
Email: jarededgarmcknight[at]
Award: Winner of the ASLA Honor Award in the General Design category and the 2020 Student Excellence Award from the Society of American Registered Architects (SARAs)

Visualisations showing the impact of wild fires

Learning from Animal Adaptations to Wildfire by Diana Nightingale and Andrea Binz

"As wildfires in the San Gabriel Mountains become more frequent and severe, we need to expand our suite of management tools beyond firefighting and fuel clearance by seeking new inspiration.

"Around the world, wildlife has complex relationships and strategies for coexisting with wildfire.

"In this research project, animal adaptations to wildfire inform a land management framework designed to catalyse regeneration of habitat niches in post-fire landscapes to support ecological resilience.

"Framework goals include increasing soil moisture (beaver), developing a mosaic of ecosystems (woodpecker), promoting dynamic stability (beetle), and supporting soil ecosystem services (ground squirrel).

"Interventions respond to local topography, strategically reuse materials produced by wildfire cycles and engage forest management, residents and volunteers in land care.

"The post-fire landscape is re-imagined as an opportunity to reshape the land over time through natural processes, promote recovery and adaptation, and provide for wildlife."

Students: Diana Nightingale and Andrea Binz
Course: Studio 6 of 6 – The Wild
Tutor: Greg Kochanowski and Aja Bulla-Richards
Email: dianalnightingale[at] and abinz[at]

Visualisation showing a map of a city

Beyond Barriers by Viraj Chauhan

"Sepulveda Basin is a 2000-acre flood mitigation infrastructure in the heart of San Fernando Valley, LA.

"Yet, this massive public property is cut off from the communities closest to it due to a lack of accessibility due to transport and flood mitigation infrastructure and complimentary amenities.

"The project aims to reconnect the basin and its amenities to communities in dire need.

"It aims to increase biodiversity, habitat and shade equity in the region while naturalising the LA River and expanding the capacity and hydrological performance of the basin for flood mitigation."

Student: Viraj Chauhan
Course: Studio 3 of 6 – Sepulvida Basin
Tutor: Jessica Henson
Email: vcchauha[at]

Angel's Knoll: A Los Angeles Landmark Park by Zhiya Azalea Huang

"Lying in the topographic heart of Downtown LA's fevered cultural renaissance lies an incredible and seemingly disregarded treasure – a steep vacant lot bracketed by the antique funicular railway station named 'Angel's Landing'.

"The site resembles a perfect park, so much so that it was used as the generic park bench setting in a scene in the beloved romcom '500 Days of Summer'.

"On this site, the project proposes a verdant park and series of winding paths to link between the old downtown and new downtown, while also celebrating one of the last remaining undeveloped pieces of Los Angeles's famous Bunker Hill.

"The project capitalises on the site's natural assets and a growing interest in stair streets and pedestrian passages to create a dynamic Los Angeles landmark landscape."

Student: Zhiya Azalea Huang
Course: Studio 1 of 6 – Translations and Dialectics
Tutor: Alexander Robinson
Email: zhiyahua[at]

Visualisations and diagrams showing structures in a rural area

Resilient Fields: Enhancing Disease Prevention through Diverse Landscape Strategies by Adrian Porter

"When it comes to reducing pathogen burden and avoiding the chances of stripe rust spreading throughout the Central Valley, there has been only one singular solution towards its prevention.

"Breeding programmes – many of which have been operated by only a handful of companies – create gene-resistant varieties able to withstand the disease.

"However, over-prioritisation of breeding programmes as the only means of defence has allowed for spatial and temporal assemblages to become vulnerable to disease spread if gene resistance were to fail.

"This project looks at other landscape methods of stopping disease spread, such as windbreaks, topography and species diversity to create a stronger system of disease evasion and mitigation."

Student: Adrian Porter
Course: Studio 4 of 6 – Edible Matters
Tutor: Aroussiak Gabrielian
Email: adrianpo[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Southern California. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten landscape architecture projects by the University of Southern California appeared first on Dezeen.

Six modular furniture and architecture projects by design students Fri, 08 Dec 2023 19:00:02 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: we've rounded up six student projects featured in Dezeen School Shows that experiment with modular design. These design students have proposed furniture, interior and architecture projects that utilise various module combinations to create customisable and personalised structures that address sustainability issues, overcrowding, food crises and social factors. This roundup of projects includes

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Student project featuring pixelated building

Dezeen School Shows: we've rounded up six student projects featured in Dezeen School Shows that experiment with modular design.

These design students have proposed furniture, interior and architecture projects that utilise various module combinations to create customisable and personalised structures that address sustainability issues, overcrowding, food crises and social factors.

This roundup of projects includes houses that can expand and contract to resolve urban overpopulation and a building constructed using artificial intelligence.

The selection of projects comes from interior design, architecture, city design, environmental design, engineering and architectural design and vertical design courses at international institutions including Ryerson University, L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, University of Nottingham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Bartlett School of Architecture.

Illustration of modular furniture pieces

Shift by Grace Robertson

Interior design student Grace Robertson designed a collection of modular furniture pieces, aiming to create versatile pop-up retail stores to encourage in-person shopping after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The modules can be assembled in various combinations to accommodate all types of vendors and create variety within the space.

"The need for cycling vendors was the best way to accommodate the current economic climate and pique enough interest to entice shoppers to venture to leave the safety of their homes in a pandemic," explained Robertson.

"The display furniture pieces compose a puzzle and can be shifted around for display configurations, seating, and platforms and packed away for an open area."

Student: Grace Robertson
School: Ryerson University
Course: Interior Design Studio III

View the full school show ›

Physical scale model of modular urban furniture

Mum by Clara Tortorici

Clara Tortorici created a collection of modular urban furniture called Mum while studying city design. The collection aims to encourage social interaction within urban environments.

Mum consists of solid and hollow modules, creating a variety of combinations that can alter how people interact with the structure and with each other.

"Its bevelled shape suggests a gap to be filled," explained Tortorici. "The solid and hollow parts make it possible to assemble laterally or vertically."

"Finally, the addition of modules influences the choice of activity: sitting, playing, socialising, being alone, or simply soaking up some rays."

Student: Clara Tortorici
School: L'École de design Nantes Atlantique
Course: MDes City Design

View the full school show ›

Architectural drawing of a modular residential apartment

Perpendicular Neighbours by Alice O'Brien

Architecture student Alice O'Brien designed a modular apartment complex, which aims to create a zero-waste neighbourhood in the city.

According to O'Brien, it provides residents with the creative freedom to personalise their homes, creating harmony between living, work and leisure.

"Perpendicular Neighbours explores the pioneering potential of lightweight, renewable materials and construction methods," said O'Brien. "It prioritises innovative yet simple tectonics, enabling  the scheme to be responsive and repeatable."

"Learning from the past mistakes of Leeds' social housing, this scheme utilises progressive and affordable solutions as well as collaborative design practices to embrace the contemporary shift in residential architecture."

Student: Alice O'Brien
School: University of Nottingham
Courses: Bachelor of Architecture BArch (ARB/RIBA Part 1) and Architecture and Environmental Design MEng (ARB/RIBA Part 1 CIBSE)

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Visualisations of a multi-use centre

Cultivate by Megumi Call and Tommy Giordano

Exploring solutions to resolve the food crisis in Co-op City, USA, design students Megumi Call and Tommy Giordano integrated a multi-use centre within an existing building complex.

The centre aims to grow and sell produce and build a community. It features vertical farms, dining facilities, retail and workshops.

"With 110,000 square feet of vertical farms, Cultivate tackles Co-op City's food crisis through its dining and retail spaces, [stimulating] commerce in this predominantly residential area, and dedicated workspaces that provide the community with accessible educational resources," explained Call and Giordano.

"From interlocking plant pods to modular program units, Cultivate is a sustainable and scalable response to the multifaceted needs of Co-op City."

Students: Megumi Call and Tommy Giordano
School: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Course: Vertical Design Studio, third, fourth, fifth-year

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AI Pixel Parasite by Andreea Dumitrescu

Engineering and architectural design student Andreea Dumitrescu designed an artificial intelligence (AI) research lab and data centre that is composed of modular cubes arranged by machine learning algorithms.

Aiming to reduce the negative environmental effects of construction, this project explored how AI can design and construct a building by observing and adapting to its surroundings.

"Located on the former site of Coleg Harlech in North Wales, this proposal is an AI research lab and data centre, contrasting and complimenting the existing structures," said Dumitrescu.

"Powered by a nuclear battery developed by ANPEG, its dynamic growth evolves to meet the progressing demands of the data centre in an intelligent and adaptable framework."

Student: Andreea Dumitrescu
School: Bartlett School of Architecture
Course: Engineering and Architectural Design MEng

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Visualisation and diagrams of expandable house structure

Move Laneway by Nicolas Burbano Diaz

Driven by the overwhelming population density in urban environments, interior design student Nicolas Burbano Diaz proposed a home that can expand and contract to suit the needs of its owner and the environment.

The modular design allows residents to adapt the dwelling to their lifestyle or living situations, making it suitable for a wide range of home seekers.

"The Move Laneway house is a prototype that addresses the challenges faced in increasing urban density through an expandable house structure that incorporates multi-functional systems to create flexible micro-living spaces," said Diaz.

"A key objective was to offer people the option to live in a smaller footprint that is 52 square meters when contracted or a total of 77 square meters when expanded."

Student: Nicolas Burbano Diaz
School: Ryerson University
Course: Interior Design Studio II

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Partnership content

These projects are presented in school shows from institutions that partner with Dezeen. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Eight design project by students at Arts University Bournemouth Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:00:59 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that addresses the impact of the UK's ageing population on the healthcare system is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Arts University Bournemouth. Also featured is a community-focused hub designed to invigorate its urban surroundings and a project that aims to aid the urban regeneration of a

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Architecture illustration of a healthcare system

Dezeen School Shows: a project that addresses the impact of the UK's ageing population on the healthcare system is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Arts University Bournemouth.

Also featured is a community-focused hub designed to invigorate its urban surroundings and a project that aims to aid the urban regeneration of a coastal town.

Arts University Bournemouth

Institution: Arts University Bournemouth
School: School of Design and Architecture
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Emily Manns and Jamie Yeates

School statement:

"The purpose of exploratory practice is to prepare our third-year undergraduates for their future role in the design industry. In this project, students collaborate within study groups guided by an expert tutor.

"Together, they explore and investigate contextual issues and related complex 'wicked problems' that connect with their projects.

"These study groups facilitate the translation of these acquired insights into design thinking strategies that support the realisation of their contemporary interior and retrofit design schemes.

"Covering a range of topics these spatial interventions are at the intersect of grounded understanding of the broader contemporary challenges faced by communities and the built environment.

"The study groups provide an opportunity for discussion and testing of ideas, probing student knowledge and understating of the discipline to create new insights and opportunities for their own success.

"One of the study group themes is health and wellbeing in the high street, encouraging partnerships between designers, planners and health and wellbeing providers in the built environment.

"The group examines culture shifts that promote cultures in societies through the identification of rituals to foster new relationships with communities in novel forms.

"Students also discuss system changes which challenges them to collaborate with technology and nature systems to safeguard our collective future through world-building and placemaking methodologies.

"Also covered is 'adapt and adopt proposes' which encourages imaginative thinking to understand the shifting future landscape on our potential future work and life and social environments."

Architectural diagrams of the renovation of a church as a visit centre

This is Weymouth! by Raquel Di Cori

"This is Weymouth! is a project conceived as part of a bigger plan to aid the urban regeneration of the coastal town in the South of England.

"The project involves the creation of a new visitor centre by repurposing the old St Maiden Methodist Church.

"The visitor centre aims to relaunch and reshape the town's image and allow the local community to take control of the narrative of their town.

"Through exhibitions and immersive experiences, the space will take the visitor on a journey of discovery and wonder, which is not limited to the visitor centre but continues in the town."

Student: Raquel Di Cori
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

Drawings of different spaces that include in an exhibition about human and nature

Reconnect – Reconnecting Humans and Nature by Jessica Zeolla

"Reconnect is a dynamic hub designed for individuals dedicated to tackling the climate crisis, offering a platform for collaboration and showcasing their insights in an immersive, interactive exhibition.

"This unique space aims to engage the public with memorable experiences through cutting-edge features like VR pods and AI holograms, fostering a deeper connection with our planet.

"The primary goal of Reconnect is to motivate visitors to reassess their daily habits and encourage the adoption of a more regenerative lifestyle.

"Through this innovative approach, the project seeks to make a lasting impact on individuals' environmental consciousness and behaviour."

Student: Jessica Zeolla
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

renderings of a community centre by a student at arts university bournemouth

Community Connect by Molly Gransbury

"Community Connect is an innovative project aimed at addressing the challenges of our ageing population and the strain on the healthcare system.

"This initiative plans to bring healthcare services to the high street, revitalising local economies, focusing on elderly individuals and enhancing their mental health and wellbeing.

"By creating a hub to lower stress and social isolation among older citizens and their caregivers, the project seeks to improve the quality of life and reduce hospital admissions.

"This forward-thinking design offers a hopeful vision for the future of elderly living in the UK, promoting healthier ageing and integrating generations within the community."

Student: Molly Gransbury
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

Illustrations of a community centre for climate change education

ReNexus: Climate Community Hub by Erin Stephenson

"ReNexus: Climate Community Hub is an innovative initiative focused on halting climate degradation and fostering a sustainable future by transforming mindsets.

"At its heart, the project aims to mobilise community action among local climate activists and their networks to conceptualise an alternative, environmentally-friendly system.

"It plans to achieve this through immersive experiences, such as AI replant and recapture, and educational storytelling in community engagement spaces.

"These AI-powered features are designed to offer personalised learning journeys, ultimately empowering individuals to make environmentally-conscious decisions.

"ReNexus is committed to creating a space where community involvement and technology converge to inspire positive environmental change."

Student: Erin Stephenson
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Frnachin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

The interior of a care home that features plant walls and floors

Caring for Carers by Charlotte Ongley

"Caring for Carers reimagines healthcare by offering a holistic environment that emphasises human connection and wellbeing for unpaid carers.

"This innovative project features a drop-in centre where carers can find respite and support, alongside facilities and activities designed to improve their health, independence and social reintegration.

"Central to its approach is fostering a strong community within healthcare settings, aiming to enhance patient care and enrich lives through a community-driven, thoughtfully designed space.

"This initiative represents a significant step in empowering and supporting unpaid carers, contributing positively to the overall quality of life."

Student: Charlotte Ongley
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

architectural visuals and renderings of a community food hall

Nexus by Julia Kubior

"A pioneering, community-focused hub designed to invigorate the urban landscape while fostering community spirit and cohesion.

"The Nexus stands as a beacon of urban redevelopment, aiming to transform urban public spaces into areas that are not only vibrant and safe but also ecologically sensitive and attuned to community needs.

"At the core of this project is the goal to counteract the prevailing capitalist paradigm by cultivating deeper human connections and reinforcing community ties.

"This is achieved through a unique amalgamation of social dining experiences, cutting-edge conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) technology and innovative public engagement strategies that prioritise communal wellbeing over commercial gain."

Student: Julia Kubior
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

architectural drawings, renderings and photos of architecture models

Take a Peek by Dahnya Sandhu

"Take a Peek is an innovative project with three central objectives: establishing a new gateway to the town, embracing diversity and cutting-edge technologies and rejuvenating ideas to align with contemporary lifestyles.

"The project envisions a community-led, multi-use hub that serves as a vibrant centre for cultural expression, particularly highlighting the contributions of locals who have previously been overlooked in the town's history.

"By placing locals at the forefront of decision-making and change, the initiative aims to cultivate a sense of belonging and aspiration within the community.

"Take a Peek is not just about transforming a physical space, but about empowering proud communities to lead and attract others to discover and engage with what the town has to offer."

Student: Dahnya Sandhu
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

An illustration of an exhibition of objects from the recent 30 years

Coastal Creativity by Madison Elliott-Grout

"Coastal Creativity is an ambitious project designed to redefine art appreciation by merging art from the past and future over a 30-year timeline.

"It aims to empower visitors by transforming them into artists and creating a vibrant, multi-generational hub within the gallery.

"This initiative focuses on exploring the power of art in connecting people and addressing societal challenges.

"Central to its mission is the belief in art as a unifying force that is capable of transcending generations and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse experiences and perspectives."

Student: Madison Elliott-Grout
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Ed Ward, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Arts University Bournemouth. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Nine architecture projects by students at Amsterdam University of the Arts Mon, 04 Dec 2023 17:32:56 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that addresses the severe impacts of climate change on the Netherlands's river region is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Amsterdam University of the Arts. Also included is a shelter space for female survivors of domestic violence and a project that explores how architecture is designed for

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Illustration of river in the Netherlands

Dezeen School Shows: a project that addresses the severe impacts of climate change on the Netherlands's river region is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Amsterdam University of the Arts.

Also included is a shelter space for female survivors of domestic violence and a project that explores how architecture is designed for visually impaired individuals.

Amsterdam University of the Arts

Institution: Amsterdam University of the Arts
School: Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
Course: Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture

School statement:

"The world around us is constantly changing and at a rapid pace. We are facing major, cross-border and wide-ranging questions.

"The challenges – related to climate change, resource scarcity, energy transition, social inequality and declining biodiversity – are urgent, complex and spatial issues for which answers must be sought now to maintain perspective on a sustainable and inclusive future.

"The Amsterdam Academy of Architecture is an internationally oriented educational and research institute where students are trained in the national and international fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture.

"The artistic and personal development of the student is the key focus within the intensive education, which is characterised by a high level of expertise, where a culture of innovation, collaboration and experimentation challenges students to look beyond borders and break new ground.

"Students study and work simultaneously to become spatial designers and thinkers, with strong roots in practice, as well as critical thinking focused on the future of the respective professions.

"Architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture courses are offered concurrently and in an interdisciplinary manner in order to prepare students for integrated and future-focused professional practice, thus paving the way for a transformation of the design professions."

visual of an exhibition space by a student at Amsterdam University of the Arts

The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul by Gavin Fraser

"The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul is a project located in Greenock, Scotland, aiming to challenge how architecture is equipped for visually impaired individuals.

"It repurposes abandoned sugar warehouses and harbours in a city marked by high rates of visual impairment due to its lost sugar industry.

"Globally, around 253 million people suffer from visual impairments, with care primarily focusing on physical aspects.

"This project seeks to address the often-overlooked mental health issues associated with visual impairment. It combines clinical and social responses, redesigning eye hospitals to prioritise patients' mental wellbeing.

"Additionally, it establishes a social centre offering alternative therapies like art, music, horticulture and movement to address social isolation and loss of purpose.

"The project promotes community integration, education and financial independence for visually impaired individuals."

Student: Gavin Fraser
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Elsbeth Falk, Jeanne Tan, Jo Barnett, Machiel Spaan and René Bouman

two models by a student at Amsterdam University of the Arts

Average Place: Agency of Architecture in Authoritarian State by Maria Khozina

"This project delves into the role of architects and architecture's language in an authoritarian state, aiming to explore how architectural skills and knowledge can contribute to societal change and politics.

"It's a personal exploration, addressing grief, loss of belonging and questioning one's role as an architect in their homeland.

"The project seeks to find a new architectural language to redefine the architect's role, looking at architecture's interaction with people and how it can deepen their experiences.

"It combines elements from the plastic arts and architecture to create the architectural machine, representing a social issue. The project encourages diversity and expanded awareness in architecture."

Student: Maria Khozina
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Marc Schoonderbeek, Rick ten Doeschate, Michelle Provoost, Arna Mačkić, Tom Franzen and Txell Blanco Diaz

an architectural vision of a park design

Garden and gardener of the Peelrandbreuk by Roy Damen

"The project explores the intersection of natural and social themes around the geological fault line called Peelrandbreuk in the village of Liessel, North Brabant.

"It presents a garden as a conceptual framework, comprising four 'garden rooms' that represent natural elements such as peat and groundwater.

"These spaces make invisible processes visible and connect humans to the ancient fault line. The garden serves as a spatial narrative where geological and cultural history converge.

"The gardener's role symbolises a personal journey of rediscovery, bridging a connection to their roots and embracing the landscape's story, aiming to awaken, rather than create, something meaningful."

Student: Roy Damen
Course: Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Saline Verhoeven, Paul de Kort, Erik de Jong, Maike van Stiphout and Remco van der Togt

a master plan of a landscape design project

Burnt: A Tale of Three Fires by Jacob Heydorn Gorski

"Burnt: A Tale of Three Fires explores how embracing wildfires can enhance resilience and foster cultural connections between a landscape and its inhabitants.

"Informed by Dutch approaches to water management, it centres on Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, challenging prevailing wildfire narratives.

"The project develops three strategies: defensive, resilient and resistant, engaging the community and using local materials. These strategies reshape the ecosystem, offer unique landscape experiences and promote community exchange.

"While site-specific, they provide a model for handling wildfires in the American West, suggesting a future where fire is integrated positively. The project offers a new path forward, illuminated by the transformative power of fire."

Student: Jacob Heydorn Gorski
Course: Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Jana Crepon, Hank van Tilborg, Sarah McCaffrey, Marieke Timmermans and Robbert Jongerius

visual of a riverside landscape design

Water Driven: a Breathing River Landscape by Rex van Beijsterveldt

"This research emphasises a transformative approach to the Dutch river region, addressing the severe impacts of climate change and landscape cultivation.

"The river area faces challenges like droughts and flood risks, particularly in low-lying river polder regions. The proposal advocates for a comprehensive strategy that leverages water and soil management to combat these challenges.

"This approach not only mitigates climate change impacts but also promotes nature restoration and innovative land use.

"A smart water management system, including water basins within the river polders, offers a dynamic landscape that adapts to changing conditions, providing both environmental benefits and resilience in the face of climate change."

Student: Rex van Beijsterveldt
Course: Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Mirte van Laarhoven, Saline Verhoeven, Gerwin de Vries, Ziega van den Berk and Roel van Gerwen

photos of models of a living room and a courtyard

Shelter: an Architectural Typology to Host Women Victims of Domestic Violence by Alice Dicker Quintino Dos Santos

"This graduation project aims to reimagine women's refuges for survivors of domestic violence in the Netherlands.

"Recognising that spatial design can significantly impact the recovery process, the project focuses on an Amsterdam city block.

"Inspired by traditional Dutch 'hofjes', the design creates a protected inner world within the urban context.

"It balances seclusion and inclusion, privacy and collectivity, offering a domestic environment with shared spaces for recovery and individuality preservation.

"A sequence of enclosed gardens helps shape transitional experiences between the city and the shelter, providing a secure and healing atmosphere for women to recover from the trauma of domestic violence."

Student: Alice Dicker Quintino Dos Santos
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Marcel Lok, Pnina Avidar, Hannah Schubert, Susana Constantino and Paul Kuipers

a landcape design model by a student at amsterdam university of the arts

Wad Belongs to Wad: Building on Reciprocity in Aquatic Ecosystems by Laurien Zwaans

"Wad Belongs to Wad presents a vision of nature-inclusive construction within the vulnerable Wadden ecosystem, where the sea transforms into land twice daily.

"The project addresses rising sea levels and seeks to harmonise architecture with this unique water landscape.

"It features three mudflat structures connected by a walking route from North Groningen to Schiermonnikoog, acting as 'experimental gardens' to promote collaboration between humans, landscape and nature.

"These structures aim to boost biodiversity, tackle issues like seagrass extinction and mussel bed disappearance, and incorporate natural, biodegradable materials.

"The design method emphasises reciprocity, allowing architecture to enrich nature and vice versa, fostering a sustainable aquatic ecosystem."

Student: Laurien Zwaans
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Maartje Lammers, Machiel Spaan, Bart van der Salm, Pnina Avidar and Dingeman Deijs

illustration of a lively city scene, a market next to a park by a student at amsterdam university of the arts

Voorland: Spatial Chances for Cities in the Hinterland by Mike Wissing

"This design proposal focuses on the potential for densification in cities located in the hinterland, using the city of Doetinchem in the Netherlands as an example.

"It addresses the challenges faced by major Dutch cities with high-density development, including unaffordable housing and environmental issues.

"Meanwhile, cities like Doetinchem have not benefited proportionally from prosperity, resulting in declining amenities and liveability.

"The proposal advocates for densification in hinterland cities, revitalising them while preserving space for nature, sustainable housing, businesses and community influence.

"The design envisions a resilient future, emphasising compact urban planning, multifunctional spaces and integration with the surrounding landscape, promoting sustainability and liveability in these cities."

Student: Mike Wissing
Course: Urbanism
Tutors: Herman Zonderland, Iris Wijn, Eric van der Kooij, Riëtte Bosch and Daryl Mulvihill

photo of a greenhouse model

Greenhouse: a Unified Living Environment for Plant and Person by Wouter Grote

"This graduation project explores an innovative living environment concept within greenhouses, offering an alternative to the conventional single-family homes often built in the Netherlands.

"Inspired by childhood experiences in greenhouses in the village of Lent, the project questions the disappearance of these structures due to urban development and proposes preserving them as part of the living environment.

"The concept involves constructing 'residential greenhouses' among existing production greenhouses, fostering a connection between people and plants.

"This approach promotes a harmonious relationship between nature and residents at multiple scales, from the neighbourhood to individual homes, ultimately encouraging a re-evaluation of traditional housing in favour of a more symbiotic coexistence with nature."

Student: Wouter Grote
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Rob Hootsmans, Dingeman Deijs, Hans Hammink, Pnina Avidar and Geurt Holdijk

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Amsterdam University of the Arts. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at Carleton University Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:00:16 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a thesis that examines the relationship between Las Vegas and the city's surrounding desert is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Carleton University. Also included is a research project that investigates clay and a project that explores the renewal of heritage buildings in Barcelona. Carleton University Institution: Carleton University

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a colourful graphic image by students at carleton university

Dezeen School Shows: a thesis that examines the relationship between Las Vegas and the city's surrounding desert is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Carleton University.

Also included is a research project that investigates clay and a project that explores the renewal of heritage buildings in Barcelona.

Carleton University

Institution: Carleton University
School: Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
Course: MArch thesis, graduate and undergraduate studios
Tutors: Jake Chakasim, Sheryl Boyle, Lisa Moffitt, Jerry Hacker, Anne Bordeleau, Piper Bernbaum, Mariana Esponda, Janine Debanné, Natalia Escobar Castrillón and Felipe Vera

School statement:

"The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism (ASAU) offers undergraduate programmes in design, conservation and sustainability and urbanism, as well as a professional MArch programme.

"With generous funding opportunities, including teaching and research assistantships, our accredited MArch programmes offer paths for students holding degrees in any undergraduate discipline, as well as for students with pre-professional degrees in architecture from anywhere around the world.

"Through speculative thinking and material craft, the ASAU faculty and students work to address critical societal issues.

"Projects shown include responses to the climate emergency, community-led design-build projects as well as land-based and socio-spatial inquiries."

an architecture plan and clays

Dirt: Making with Contaminated Lands by Ju Huang

"My thesis explores dirt in the contemporary world and its place in architecture through a series of ceramic-making exercises. My sense of touch helps me explore clay, tackling the critical problem of discarded waste sites called brownfields in Canada.

"The experiments have created a new sensory order from which a tectonic expression of architecture rooted in a particular place is created – a process that trespasses the taboos of the contaminated and embraces the uncertainties contained in land in the technological age of the Anthropocene."

Student: Ju Huang
Course: MArch Thesis
Tutor: Sheryl Boyle
Email: juhuang[at]

scanning of biorock and a visual of an architecture built with biorock

Toronto's Terrestrial Reefs: BioRock's Infrastructural Biogeochemical Futures by Cameron Penney

"This thesis explores the design potential of BioRock, an underutilised accreting material that simulates the reef-building processes of corals.

"It is a highly sustainable alternative to concrete, able to act as an ecological scaffold and sequester pollutants. The thesis proposes three speculative applications of BioRock within Toronto, Canada.

"They include the reintroduction of alvars as a landscape strategy extending from aggregate infill, an industrial remediation for obsolete water treatment reservoirs, and the in-situ repair of concrete bents supporting the Gardiner Expressway.

"Design is explored through experimental models and test fragments of BioRock forming a library of artefacts that traverse biogeochemical scales of speculation."

Student: Cameron Penney
Course: MArch Thesis
Tutor: Lisa Moffitt
Email: cameronpenney[at]

Dawings of a rehabilitation of a self-built settlement by students at Carleton University

Designed for Deconstruction by Arkoun Merchant

"Designed for Deconstruction presents a framework for deconstruction in the context of Barrio Rodrigo Bueno, a self-built settlement in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"It provides another path for the demolition of existing homes, using recycled material to rehabilitate houses with building methods that make the most of natural ventilation and daylighting.

"These steps take advantage of the iterative nature of a self-built home, allowing rehabilitation at a desirable pace for the family.

"Moreover, community members are encouraged to participate in the deconstruction and rehabilitation process to learn building techniques and skills they can apply in their neighbourhood and the city."

Student: Arkoun Merchant
Course: MArch Option Studio ARCH 5106
Tutors: Natalia Escobar Castrillon and Felipe Vera
Email: arkounmerchant[at]

model of a theatre design by a student at Carleton University

The Market Playhouse by Sam Lanesmith

"The ByWard Market Playhouse blends a public plaza, theatre and gallery space in the heart of Ottawa's market district, featuring a raised theatre that shades and protects a public atrium and plaza from the summer sun.

"Unfolding directly across from the historic market building, the large, shaded plaza provides a space for visitors to relax, while also serving as an outdoor market during the summer.

"The building's frame offers clues of its construction to the public. Its design celebrates the steel structure that elevates the theatre seating above the plaza."

Student: Sam Lanesmith
Course: MArch Studio 2 ARCS 5032
Tutors: Sheryl Boyle and Janine Debanné
Email: samelanesmith[at]

drawings of an education centre by a student at Carleton University

[Tree Factory], The Urban Forestry Knowledge Centre by Caitlin Chin

"The [Tree Factory] is an urban forestry knowledge centre that aims to educate the public about climate change and rekindle the relationship between people and trees.

"It is also a collection of microclimates that choreograph interwoven paths of education, people and trees through converging moments in time."

Student: Caitlin Chin
Course: MArch Gateway Studio ARCS 5105
Tutors: Lisa Moffitt and Jerry Hacker
Email: caitlinchin[at]

an outdoor space for children designed by a student at Carleton University

Lost, Found, Playground – O'Connor St. Pocket Park by Ben Merritt

"Driveways and license plates consume the built environment. Thus begins a movement to reclaim dead spaces and convert them into lively areas for the children of the neighbourhood.

"Using byproducts of local economic activity – objects like milk crates, wooden pallets and tires – an intervention can take shape with the same scale and function as a typical playground.

"Assembled by residents with craft and trades skills, improvised play areas can help reintroduce meaningful social interaction to the youth of the community.

"The aim is to return the antisocial spaces to the children and assist in the revitalisation of the modern isolated childhood."

Student: Ben Merritt
Course: BAS Studio ARCS 4107
Tutor: Jerry Hacker
Email: benmerritt[at]

drawing of a fishhouse above the water

Erosion by Martha Woolfrey

"This drawing documents the ecological collapse during the 1990s cod fishery moratorium in Newfoundland and its rippling effect on culture for generations, which won an honour award in the school's annual seven-day drawing competition.

"As we collectively take responsibility for addressing the climate emergency, the event invited students to illustrate how we might engage the changing climate with hope, using architecture's arsenal.

"Students could dive into the nature of architectural drawings as narrative, foreground architectural drawings' potential to connect multiple spatial and temporal scales, grapple with uncertainties and conditions of flux or work to make visible those invisible flows and forces that impact our planet."

Student: Martha Woolfrey
Course: 2023 Murray & Murray Competition
Tutor: Anne Bordeleau
Email: marthawoolfrey[at]

an architectural visual by a student at Carleton University

Las Vegas: Vanishing Illusions of Paradise and Fantasies of Plenitude by Kaleigh Jeffrey

"Las Vegas exists in a dichotomy between its extravagant built environment and extreme desert surroundings. The city is like a mirage and the illusion presents a narrative that evades reality.

"Years of urbanisation and constant drought, made worse by a warming climate, have triggered the first-ever reduction in Nevada's water allocation.

"This thesis investigates the past, present and future of Las Vegas as it negotiates the conditions of a changing desert, engaging with policy and notions of spectacle.

"Through various forms of documentation, speculative design work and climate fiction, the project questions the role of maintenance in architecture and to what degree it is worthwhile."

Student: Kaleigh Jeffrey
Course: MArch Thesis
Tutor: Piper Bernbaum
Email: kaleighjeffrey[at]

a collage and map of heritage streets in Barcelona

Interfactures by Miquel Reina Ortiz

"I examine Barcelona as more than the sum of its parts, considering the relationship between the scales of the city, buildings and construction details.

"Here, I present Barcelona's most characteristic tectonic element, the volta de maó de pla, tile vault or Catalan vault, through a series of graphic exercises named interfactures that explore their intimate relationship with making heritage buildings and urban fabric.

"Fine-grained details are essential to determine how the cycle of recovery and renewal can be balanced in the context of the whole, harmoniously contained in its parts. The city is in the details."

Student: Miquel Reina Ortiz
Course: PhD in Architecture
Tutor: Mariana Esponda
Email: m.reinaortiz[at]

Architectural visual of an education centre in a snowy landscape

A Night in January: Oral Traditions Storytelling Centre on Indigenous Astronomy by Ashley Mowry and Frank Hinoporos

"The Oral Traditions Storytelling Centre on Indigenous Astronomy focuses on the education of Indigenous and non-Indigenous university students and members of the public in oral indigenous storytelling, with an emphasis on stories related to the sky and stars.

"The band atop the structure traces the full moon of January (Spirit Moon), which represents a time of contemplation, grounding the architecture in myth.

"This studio centralised the role of indigenous knowledge in advanced studies. It is part of a school effort to promote an understanding of the land, ecology and culture of Canada's indigenous peoples through the lens of architecture and planning."

Students: Ashley Mowry and Frank Hinoporos
Course: 2023 Global Indigenous Option Studio
Tutor: Jake Chakasim
Emails: ashleymowry[at] and frankhinoporos[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Carleton University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ten architecture projects by students at Carleton University appeared first on Dezeen.

The University of Kansas presents 10 architecture projects Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:00:51 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a sculptural object that symbolises Kansas's prairies is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Kansas. Also included is an airport perched on the Hudson River in New York and a prototype house built as part of the work of Studio 804. University of Kansas Institution: University

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Photographs showing a sculptural form made from a transparent cube with matches inside it

Dezeen School Shows: a sculptural object that symbolises Kansas's prairies is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Kansas.

Also included is an airport perched on the Hudson River in New York and a prototype house built as part of the work of Studio 804.

University of Kansas

Institution: University of Kansas
School: School of Architecture and Design

School statement:

"The Department of Architecture at the University of Kansas (KU) emphasises design education through diverse experiences which include learning through making, collaborative research and community engagement.

"We are committed to finding innovative, creative and forward-thinking ways of bringing together our students and faculty with our community and industry partners.

"All of our students are required to complete a hands-on designbuild experience and study abroad experience.

"KU's Department of Architecture offers the Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (CIDA Candidacy) and NAAB-accredited Master of Architecture for high school applicants and the postgraduate Master of Architecture degree for students who have earned a bachelor degree.

"The final year of the MArch programme offers several unique specialised areas, including designbuild, health and wellness design, sports and entertainment design, urban design, social entrepreneurship, the Paris exchange programme and the Gensler/Gastinger Walker Co-op programme.

"The selected student work contains projects from the MArch final year options studios, the fourth-year integrated design studios (ARCH 609), the third-year designbuild studios (ARCH 509) and the interior architecture capstone studio."

Photograph of a small house

Haven Studio by students taking part in the Dirt Works Studio

"Haven Studio is a small, solar-powered, net-zero energy, bio-based, low-carbon demonstration home wrapped in a well-insulated and air-tight envelope utilising innovative continuous timber board insulation and quad-pane windows, with a simple, iconic and familiar form.

"Designed and built by students, Haven Studio's naturally-lit footprint reduces artificial lighting. The glazed south facade is protected by an overhang, enabling passive solar heating without overheating in the summer.

"The prefabricated floor and walls maximise construction precision and minimize waste.

"These strategies are complemented by a mini-split heat pump and ERV, enabling twelve solar panels to produce more energy, annually, than the home consumes."

Course: Arch 509 Designbuild Studio
Tutor: Chad Kraus

Architectural drawing showing school

River Rock Elementary School for Visually Impaired by Liz Putman and Bridgett Espino

"The visually impaired population is forced to navigate through a world designed for the sighted people, facing unique daily challenges foreign to the rest of the world.

"Yet, despite the challenging circumstances, they are able to carve a beautiful path through their lives – this project presents a school that will assist them on their journey.

"The school emphasises reliance on the other four senses and is inspired by the many different landscapes that shape Colorado. The use of colour, texture, light and materiality will create wayfinding strategies to help the user navigate throughout the spaces."

Students: Liz Putman and Bridgett Espino
Course: ARCH 609 Integrated Design Studio
Tutor: Nilou Vakil

Sports complex beside road

Link KC: Restoration, Revitalisation and Recreation by Aaron Michalicek

"Kansas City once had one of the largest streetcar systems in the country. Today, only a single line exists, leaving KC, Kansas, and KC, Missouri separated via public transit.

"Link KC explores the socioeconomic impacts of connecting KCK and KCMO with an Aerial Lift across the West Bottoms, a flood-prone industrial neighbourhood that divides the two cities.

"Given the economic challenges involved with traditional streetcar infrastructure and the topographical challenge of traversing the adjacent bluffs, the aerial lift provides a cost-effective way of reimplementing the city's public transit backbone while the interchange station provides recreational amenities to the envisioned future neighbourhood."

Student: Aaron Michalicek
Course: Arch 806 Sports and Entertainment Capstone Studio
Tutor: Andrew Moddrell

Visualisation showing healthcare centre

Vitality: Innovative Design for Stroke Survivors' Rehabilitation and Recovery Centre by Madeline Bradley and Bridgett Espino

"Health and Wellness design programme is one of the final year options of KU's Master of Architecture programme.

"This project aims to establish an evidence-based design for rethinking how stroke rehabilitation facilities are designed and integrated into new models of care and redevelop and protect stroke survivors' health and wellbeing.

"Rehabilitation offers many stroke survivors the opportunity to learn how to adapt to the challenges due to brain injury, including problems with speaking, thinking, moving, planning, etc."

Students: Madeline Bradley and Bridgett Espino
Course: Arch 808: Health and Wellness Design Capstone Studio (Master of Architecture)
Tutor: Hui Cai, PhD

Board consisting of visualisations and floor plans of hotel

Hospitality for Holistic Wellness by Laura Aykroyd and Isiah Gallegos

"Just as the culture of Seoul is built in harmony, this luxury hotel provides a culture-based healing journey that balances the guest's energy, essence and spirit.

"As users travel through the bottom floors, the colliding/flowing convergence of traditional Korean and modern minimalist design, energetic and restful spaces, and physical and mental resources, they are able to tangibly experience the bright and dark, good and difficult, and predictable and unexpected moments of their healing journey.

"Harmony in one's person is not just supported by the calming, natural aesthetics and guiding light paths, but is also found in the respect and acceptance of all experiences towards holistic wellness."

Students: Laura Aykroyd and Isiah Gallegos
Course: Interior Architecture (IA) 509 – 609 (Vertical Studio)
Tutors: Mohammad R. Dastmalchi, Ann Hossler, Herminia Machry

432 Indiana Street House at Pinkney Neighborhood DesignBuild by Studio 804

"Studio 804 is one of the final-year options for the KU Master of Architecture. Students work on all aspects of the design and the construction process over the course of a nine-month academic year.

"This includes all systems, construction documents, estimates, working with zoning and code officials, site layout, placing concrete, framing, roofing, siding, setting solar panels, landscape and more.

"In 2023, Studio 804 designed and built a house in the Pinkney neighbourhood – one of the oldest in the City of Lawrence.

"The scale of the house and its gabled forms fits the neighbourhood. The house has incorporated several sustainable design features and is expected to achieve LEED Platinum certification.

"Studio 804's 2023 project aligns with the long-term mission of the City of Lawrence to support sustainable development as part of creating a sustainable community for the future."

Course: Studio 804: DesignBuild
Tutor: Dan Rockhill

an architecture with an organic form by students at University of Kansas

The Dancing Tower by Christian Hunn and Julia Gillman

"The Paris programme is one of the final year options for KU Master of Architecture programme.

"This programme enables students to complete studio coursework under the tutelage of Professor Pierre Engel at the Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Architecture Paris Val-de-Seine and Professor Steve Padget of the University of Kansas, as well as engage in a part-time, academic internship with one of Europe's most prestigious practices.

"This project 'Dancing Tower' is a tiered building that serves as private student apartments, library and study space, floating green space, and a rooftop restaurant and bar.

"Highlighted throughout the levels is the steel structure, running along the curving layers, supporting the rotated platforms in a crossbracing pattern.

"Steel cores offer rigidity and support, continuing from the base of the addition to the cantilevered greenspace, a focal point stabilised by the dual structures working in tandem."

Students: Christian Hunn and Julia Gillman
Course: ARCH 810_Paris Programme
Tutors: Pierre Engel and Steve Padget

Visualisation showing airport beside river

Skyport New York by Jackson Bontty and Ashlyn Reece

"Nestled gracefully within New York's Hudson Yards, Skyport New York stands as a vital and visionary transportation hub.

"Reshaping transit between New York, Washington, Philadelphia or Boston with unprecedented efficiency, a vertiport caters to diverse travellers seeking quick connections.

"Additionally, the vertiport plays a pivotal role in addressing the long-standing transportation gap, connecting Manhattan to nearby airports and fostering interconnectivity between all five boroughs.

"As a result, the city's mobility is enhanced and the communities are drawn closer together."

Student: Jackson Bontty and Ashlyn Reece
Course: ARCH 609: Integrated Design Studio
Tutor: Kapila D Silva, PhD

Photographs showing a scultpural form made from a transparent cube with matches inside it

Prairie in the Wind by Brookelyn Vittitow, Isaac Decker, Louis Cobb and Kevin Bainter

"Prairies are contrived of thousands of individual plants but through gusts of wind, they become a uniform entity.

"The golden prairies of Kansas are covered in wheat that freely flows with every breeze that passes through the fields creating art through motion.

"This project takes the challenge that simulates the mechanism of prairies in architectural application by fabricating a three-dimensional surface which is defined by the tips of hundreds of individual wood members, just like prairies.

"A mutual relationship between two materials is defined."

Students: Brookelyn Vittitow, Isaac Decker, Louis Cobb and Kevin Bainter
Course: ARCH509 Design Build Studio
Tutors: Dr Tzu-Chieh Kurt Hong, Matthew Hufft, Josh Ogren

Visualisation showing mass timber structure

Solport-SkyHive by Alex Lamoureux and Ethan Overland

"Solport-Skyhive in Jungu-gu, Seoul, is South Korea's inaugural vertiport, seamlessly integrated into the city's robust transportation system.

"This groundbreaking structure is set to revolutionise transportation in a city known for its efficient public transit.

"Named after the Korean word for pine trees – 'sol' – it's a towering symbol of sustainable construction, marking the country's first mass timber skyscraper.

"Drawing inspiration from the Korean red pine, the vertiport features a modular design that mimics the natural growth of a flourishing tree, enabling it to adapt and expand in response to evolving needs, much like the branches of a tree adjusting to their surroundings."

Students: Alex Lamoureux and Ethan Overland
Course: ARCH 609: Integrated Design Studio
Tutor: Kapila D Silva

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and University of Kansas. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post The University of Kansas presents 10 architecture projects appeared first on Dezeen.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University presents ten design projects Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:30:35 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project that creates privacy for residents in high-rise apartment blocks is included in this school show by Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Also included is a branding scheme for a snack company based on the concept of toxic relationships and a printed publication that explores the experiences of people living in Hong Kong

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Greyscale and hot pink cards showing figures and love hearts

Dezeen School Shows: a project that creates privacy for residents in high-rise apartment blocks is included in this school show by Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Also included is a branding scheme for a snack company based on the concept of toxic relationships and a printed publication that explores the experiences of people living in Hong Kong during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Institution: Hong Kong Polytechnic University
School: School of Design
Courses: BA (Hons) in Advertising Design, BA (Hons) in Communication Design, BA (Hons) in Digital Media, BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior design and the Integrated Designpreneurship subject under the BA programme
Tutors: Dr Gerhard Bruyns, Gilles Vanderstocken, Amy Chow, Chun Hei Charis Poon, Francis Hung, Dr Vincie Lee, Tony Hon, Dr Amelie Chan, Roberto Vilchis Echeverri, Benny Leong and Kam-fai Chan

School statement:

"PolyU Design has been an important hub of design education and research for Hong Kong since 1964.

"It is a place where East meets West, allowing students to develop their design expertise while gaining an in depth understanding of industry and society, with a unique international and cultural perspective.

"PolyU Design attaches equal importance to design theory and application, integrates art with science, actively promotes interdisciplinary cooperation and learning, emphasises high-quality design education, conducts high-level research and provides consulting services.

"It is consistently among the top 20 in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject – Art and Design. Academic programmes are offered at bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels in highly diverse design expertise.

"Riding on massive creativity, many design projects of PolyU students are human-centric, cultural-driven and embrace the latest technologies.

"In this school show, eight amazing projects are selected from undergraduate programmes in communication design, digital media, environment and interior design.

"Two other projects have been selected from the Integrated Designpreneurship subject, which enable students to explore teamwork and integration, system thinking in design, articulation of 'for-profit' yet 'for-benefit', as well as entrepreneurship and start-up opportunity in the process of creating their capstone projects.

"Click here to view the showcase in full."

Make Friendship Visible by Ming Wai Scarlett Tong

"The client is a social app that addresses the challenges young people face when arranging meetings with friends due to societal lateness norms.

"By enabling continuous real-time location tracking, the app allows users to spontaneously meet up with nearby friends, freeing them from rigid schedules and undesirable situations. This removes physical distance and information barriers, expanding social boundaries and enhancing relationship security.

"This advertising campaign for the app utilises various touch points. Posters are designed to highlight the app's instant location sharing, making friendships visible at any moment.

"Social media pages are created to introduce the social app to local residents, sharing app information through a unique perspective. Viral online videos are produced to creatively demonstrate how the app easily locates friends, portraying a transparent city.

"Lastly, a citywide hide-and-seek competition is proposed to generate brand awareness. These initiatives aim to foster stronger connections and a sense of community among friends, driven by the app's features."

Student: Ming Wai Scarlett Tong
Course: BA (Hons) in Advertising Design
Tutor: Francis Hung

Visualisation showing a rural village in Thailand

The Pak Kok Village Project by Nunez Subhadra

"This project focuses on materiality and the reuse of abandoned structures in the Pak Kok village. It aims to create a handbook of suggested material reuse options to revitalise the village's structures.

"The handbook uses both existing materials and decayed materials from old buildings to provide a sustainable, achievable and affordable construction method.

"The project prioritises preserving the village's history and aesthetic by avoiding expensive new materials."

Student: Nunez Subhadra
Course: BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design
Tutor: Gilles Vanderstocken

In-between by Ka Yu Cathy Chan

"In-between shows the daily experiences of Hong Kong people during Covid-19 through an exhibition and five publications that explore the connections between people, objects and memory.

"The publications tell the stories of how the appearance, behaviour and relationships of interviewees changed during the pandemic, divided into five chapters – masks, dining behaviour, daily behaviour, distance, restrictions and rules.

"Experimental photography, illustrations, photograms, a range of uncommon materials, printing techniques and dimensions are used in 'In-between' – choices that emphasize the themes of the stories being told.

"In-between encourages people to press forward by visualizing humanity's incredible perseverance in the face of adversity."

Student: Ka Yu Cathy Chan
Course: BA (Hons) in Communication Design
Tutor: Amy Chow

Greyscale image showing figures

Hey Body: In Time of Counter Enquiry by Shu-fan Abby Yang

"This is a speculative design project that proposes a future where the practice of 'counter enquiry' through 'human body enquiry technology' is the primary information consumption method.

"The human body becomes a new type of algorithm operating via the bodily experience stored in the physical flesh through the innovative 'spindle', 'node', and 'thread' technologies.

"Hey Body encourages reflection on the mediation of digital algorithms in the current context.

"By proposing human flesh as a counterbalance to digital computation, the project calls for inquisitive hearts to search out the balance point between humans and algorithmic technology."

Student: Shu-fan Abby Yang
Course: BA (Hons) in Communication Design
Tutor: Chun Hei Charis Poon

Frame from an animation showing a child in front of a wooden cut out sign

ESCZIP by Ching Fong, Wing Yan Lai, Hau Ching Wyonna Li and Kin Man So

"This animated story is set in a deserted game centre in 1980s America, which is sat beside a highway. The game centre is shrouded in mystery. Seeking refuge, a desperate fugitive finds himself hiding in the centre's restroom, grappling with a peculiar mask stuck to his face.

"He accidentally stumbles into a bizarre birthday party, where a lonely child weeps and cries out for attention. Reluctantly, the fugitive accepts the child's invitation to play, deepening their bond as they explore the enigmatic game centre together.

"However, the child still holds an unfulfilled wish, fixating on his birthday cake and longing for a lit candle to make a birthday wish in the presence of his newfound friend."

Students: Ching Fong, Wing Yan Lai, Hau Ching Wyonna Li and Kin Man So
Course: BA (Hons) in Digital Media
Tutor: Dr Amelie CHAN

Frame from a film showing two figures sitting on a bench looking out over Hong Kong

The Love We Miss by Chun Hoi Moses Cheng, Wai Chun Justin Cho, Lok Yan Priscilla Poon and King Ching Nicola Shum

"This short film explores the tender bond between Horus, a profoundly visually impaired individual, and Summer, a caregiver on a short-term contract. It delves into themes of romance and personal growth.

"Despite Horus's visual impairment, he perceives the world through heightened emotional and human connections. Their relationship blossoms, revealing shared qualities and affection, yet they remain confined to being good friends.

"Drawing inspiration from our own emotional journeys, the story encompasses family love, friendship and falling in love romantically – it highlights how our emotions shape our approach to life, decisions and finding meaning.

"The aim was to convey a sense of blessedness, whether fleeting, sweet or enduring, without fixating on a perfect ending.

"Instead, we emphasise the pursuit of happiness and the resonance that can be found within the relationship between Horus and Summer."

Students: Chun Hoi Moses Cheng, Wai Chun Justin Cho, Lok Yan Priscilla Poon and King Ching Nicola Shum
Course: BA (Hons) in Digital Media
Tutor: Dr Amelie Chan

Photograph showing people dining at a table

Gah Zeoi by Man-Kwan KaKa Chan, Annie Lee, Po-yee Bowie Leung, Suen-chi Belle Li, Chun-kit Tsang and Nga-lam Jasmine Yeung

"Gah Zeoi offers a unique dining experience that embraces the principles of regenerative agriculture. The design team believes that agriculture can serve as a bridge to reconnect humans with the natural world.

"They have a mission to introduce the concepts of regenerative agriculture to the people of Hong Kong and foster a renewed bond with our environment.

"Through Gah Zeoi, participants are educated about regenerative agriculture through symbolic elements and thoughtful design incorporated into the menu, printed materials and services.

"By creating an extraordinary dining experience, it is aimed to spark profound reflections among participants about their consumption habits, their relationship with the environment, and the tangible actions they can take to create a better world."

Students: Gah Zeoi by Man-Kwan KaKa Chan, Annie Lee, Po-yee Bowie Leung, Suen-chi Belle Li, Chun-kit Tsang and Nga-lam Jasmine Yeung
Course: Integrated Designpreneurship under the BA (Hons) Scheme in Design
Tutor: Roberto Vilchis Echeverri

Image showing phones displaying a book-related app

BookThrough by Jen-hung Justin Fang, Esther Lui and Kei-yau Cathy Poon

"BookThrough is an experimental project that explores books, book culture, community and design's role in providing readers with an alternative literary experience.

"Led by interdisciplinary design entrepreneurs, the project began by examining challenges in Hong Kong's book community.

"Through research methods like user shadowing and interviews, the team identified obstacles such as fragmented reading resources, reader disconnection and limited literary interests.

"To address these issues, they developed a digital platform that fosters a sustainable and scalable book culture.

"The platform incorporates habit data visualisation, information sharing and gamification to engage readers and catalyse the future development of the book community."

Student: Jen-hung Justin Fang, Esther Lui and Kei-yau Cathy Poon
Course: Integrated Designpreneurship track under the BA (Hons) Scheme in Design
Tutor: Benny Leong and Kam-fai Chan

Greyscale and hot pink cards showing figures and love hearts

Enjoy Being Toxic by Wu Ka Mei

"The client of this campaign is a spicy potato chip company from Japan, known for its outstanding spiciness that makes people feel pain when they eat it.

"The chips use ghost peppers to make spicy powder, which gives it a spiciness rating of 1,001,304 Scoville units. This advertising idea focuses on toxic relationships.

"Inspired by the intriguing connection between toxic relationships and the enjoyment of spicy food, this advertising project explores their shared characteristics.

"Both experiences can be exhilarating yet painful, evoking strong sensations and addictive tendencies. Central to this project is the Cantonese term '犯賤', translated as 'toxic'.

"This term captures the concept of individuals knowingly engaging in self-destructive behaviour, despite the consequences."

Student: Wu Ka Mei
Course: BA (Hons) in Advertising Design
Tutors: Dr Vincie Lee and Tony Hon

Habitual Vicissitudes — The notion of transparency, translucency, and opacity by Tak Mei Antoinette Wong

"Habitual Vicissitudes is a project that examines different design components for manipulating visibility in high-density living environments.

"It investigates the manipulation of transparency in architectural elements, such as frosted glass and perforated screens, to create a balance between privacy and connection to the surrounding environment.

"The project considers factors like user behaviour, cultural backgrounds, and neighbour relationships to determine the desired level of visibility.

"By testing materials and adjusting dimensions like transparency and reflectiveness, the project aims to accommodate individual preferences based on factors like height, age, and gender.

"It also explores the impact of interior elements like curtains and louvers on visibility and user choices."

Student: Tak Mei Antoinette Wong
Course: BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design
Tutor: Dr Gerhard Bruyns

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Hong Kong Polytechnic University presents ten design projects appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten design projects by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:00:21 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a virtual reality experience that aims to help bereaved individuals meditate and heal is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Also included is a video strategy game based on a visual novel and an educational project that engages local communities. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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Cartoon as part of a VR experience

Dezeen School Shows: a virtual reality experience that aims to help bereaved individuals meditate and heal is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Also included is a video strategy game based on a visual novel and an educational project that engages local communities.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Institution: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
School: School of Design
Courses: Master of Design (Intelligent Systems Design), Master of Design (Smart Service Design), and MSc in Multimedia Entertainment Technology, BA (Hons) in Interactive Media, BA (Hons) in Product Design and BA (Hons) in Social Design
Tutors: Stephen Jia Wang, Shera Hyunyim Park, Aria Yang, Bow Yiying Wu, Rhys Jones, Giovanni Lion, David Williams, Simon Yeung, Jeffrey Ho, Jane Ngai, Scott Chin, Lee Chi Wing, Cheung Michael Chan, Kam Fai Chan, Sandy Ng and Jonathan Yu

School statement:

"PolyU Design has been an important hub of design education and research for Hong Kong since 1964.

"It is a place where East meets West, allowing students to develop their design expertise while gaining an in-depth understanding of industry and society, with a unique international and cultural perspective.

"PolyU Design attaches equal importance to design theory and application, integrates art with science, actively promotes interdisciplinary cooperation and learning, emphasises high-quality design education, conducts high-level research and provides consulting services.

"It is consistently among the top 20 in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by subject 'art and design'. Academic programmes are offered at bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels in highly diverse design expertise.

"Riding on massive creativity, many design projects of PolyU students are human-centric, cultural-driven and embrace the latest technologies.

"In this school show, ten amazing projects are selected from the postgraduate programmes of Master of Design (Intelligent Systems Design), Master of Design (Smart Service Design) and MSc in Multimedia Entertainment Technology, and undergraduate programmes in interactive media, product design and social design. More projects can be found here."

screenshots of mobiles as visuals of a service system built by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Memento by Xiang Qi, Sanqi Yang, Xiang Li and Jingyi Yang

"Memento offers a unique service system for Gen Z to seamlessly integrate their online experiences with physical spaces, addressing their needs for social interaction and emotional connections in the digital age.

"Through a gamified approach, users can capture, upload and geographically organise digital memories, sharing them with friends and family to foster deeper connections and intimacy.

"Memento's innovative design allows Gen Z to maintain their online interactions while fully enjoying the emotional experiences found in real life, providing a richer and more diverse lifestyle.

"The innovative design also fosters engagement between brick-and-mortar retailers and consumers. Furthermore, Memento opens up new possibilities for research and development in the field of technology-enhanced social interactions."

Students: Xiang Qi, Sanqi Yang, Xiang Li and Jingyi Yang
Course: Master of Design (Smart Service Design)
Tutors: Shera Hyunyim Park, Aria Yang and Bow Yiying Wu

two animation characters in a greenhouse scene

Inflorescences by Ng Hoi Ching Samantha, Shi Xueying Sherry, Qi Yaxuan Edith and Chau Tsz Kin Kenneth

"Inflorescences is a unique visual novel strategy game that combines the narrative depth of a traditional visual novel with the strategic gameplay mechanics of a strategy game.

"In this game, players take on the role of a shopkeeper in a mysterious flower shop, where they interact with customers and craft floral fragrances that will determine the direction of the storyline.

"The game seeks to revive the under-appreciated visual novel genre by introducing strategic gameplay mechanics that replace traditional text choices, which is balancing their interactions with customers and crafting floral fragrances.

"With its engaging narrative and strategic gameplay, Inflorescences has the potential to appeal to both visual novel enthusiasts and strategy game fans alike.

"The game aims to bring new life to the genre and provide players with an immersive and unique gaming experience."

Students: Ng Hoi Ching Samantha, Shi Xueying Sherry, Qi Yaxuan Edith and Chau Tsz Kin Kenneth
Course: MSc in Multimedia Entertainment Technology
Tutors: Rhys Jones and Giovanni Lion

screenshots of Remember Me, a VR experience, by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Remember Me by Chen Yao Yoyo, Lu Yihang, Xu Yihua and Zhang Zhijie

"Grief refers to the psychological trauma caused by the loss of a loved one to death, which can result in a range of emotions and behaviours.

"We have developed a virtual reality experience aimed at supporting individuals who have experienced grief in emotional recovery and understanding life and death.

"The VR experience includes meditation, emotional recovery and listening to real-life stories. The product aims to provide individuals with additional support for their emotional recovery and the memorialisation process.

"Additionally, it aims to provide therapists and social organisations with a complementary method to help people cope with grief. VR demo is available."

Students: Chen Yao Yoyo, Lu Yihang, Xu Yihua and Zhang Zhijie
Course: MSc in Multimedia Entertainment Technology
Tutors: David Williams and Simon Yeung

PolarisMaps by Chan Cheuk Yin and Tin Wing Kam

"PolarisMaps aids independent travel for deaf-blind individuals through customisable indoor navigation apps. It targets to accommodate varying levels of deaf-blindness, enabling confident, comfortable and safe navigation in shopping malls.

"By providing an immersive experience, the project enhances target users' motivation and active engagement with the world. The project offers visual and auditory features, with a three-step solution for planning, virtual exploration and actual exploration.

"With voice commands and built-in voiceover capabilities, users are allowed to obtain shop lists, bookmark favourites and plan their travel.

"Virtual exploration includes 3D simulation and haptic feedback, creating a safe and immersive virtual reality experience of the mall environment.

"Actual exploration incorporates an indoor navigation app UI compatible with UWB sensing technology and a smart white cane with vibration function, assisting users in avoiding obstacles."

Students: Chan Cheuk Yin and Tin Wing Kam
Course: BA (Hons) in Interactive Media
Tutor: Jeffrey Ho

Requiescat by Tang Sin Ting and Yau Ho Yi

"Requiescat, derived from the Latin phrase meaning 'rest in peace' or a prayer for the repose of a deceased individual, carries the Chinese translation of 息止安所, which signifies finding rest, the cessation of a journey, and settling in a particular place.

"Requiescat is a comprehensive web platform that offers services for individuals to design a personalised end-of-life journey and provide emotional comfort to their loved ones.

"As supported by the service, users can plan for their pre-death arrangements, such as recording goodbye messages, creating wills, arranging legal authorisations and establishing medical instructions, including organ donation preferences.

"The platform collaborates with a local funeral company to assist in funeral arrangements. Family and friends are invited to join in completing the deceased's wish list, creating a meaningful and memorable activity.

"Requiescat aims to support individuals in planning for their own death journey while easing the emotional burden on their living loved ones.

"The services provide peace of mind and ensure that end-of-life wishes are respected and executed efficiently."

Students: Tang Sin Ting and Yau Ho Yi
Course: BA (Hons) in Interactive Media
Tutor: Jane Ngai

Quexa by Choi Wing Sing Foster

"Quexa is a versatile short-range public mobility system designed for future microcities in Hong Kong's New Territories. It meets the growing mobility demands of compact city structures.

"Quexa offers intuitive multi-user functionality, adaptable features and ample storage for deliveries. It harnesses green energy and provides convenient docking and battery-swapping stations.

"Quexa can operate autonomously and be redirected as needed. Additional features include mobile device connectivity and an assistive user mode for the elderly.

"It has a range of up to 30 km on a full charge, equivalent to approximately 15 medium round trips in future city towns."

Student: Choi Wing Sing Foster
Course: BA (Hons) in Product Design
Tutor: Scott Chin

WonderBlocks by Zhou Suiying Ann

"This project provides early emotional education support for children aged three to five, enhancing development and preventing emotional disorders.

"With limited resources, over 60 per cent of children lack necessary emotional skills. By improving accessibility, more children can benefit. Over 80 per cent of parents face challenges in their children's emotional education.

"The project aims to support children and parents in emotional management for widespread acceptance and utilisation of emotional education.

"This product includes Emotion Bells, enhancing sensory experiences and building an interactive emotional library.

"It also features story cards that improve the ability to express emotions through visible methods, showcasing varying levels of intensity. These accessories support emotional development and communication."

Student: Zhou Suiying Ann
Course: BA (Hons) in Product Design
Tutor: Lee Chi Wing

Breathing Taxi therapy service by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Breathing Taxi by Chiu Tsz Ching Crystal, Fu Hing Wan Nicole and Yu Hin Wa

"Frustration and anger come and go in urban life, so swiftly and frequently that a formal counselling or talk therapy session is too slow, too much and too expensive as a way out.

"Could we design a brand new service to fill the gap? What if the talkative and socially experienced taxi driver becomes a listener and mentor, the banal taxi trip a caring and supportive service?

"The project team identifies taxis throughout the city, along with their experienced drivers, as a valuable community resource, and explores whether the taxi service could extend beyond physical transportation and include emotional support.

"The team designs an innovative service through which passengers in emotional need can request a cruising, caring and breathing space, and have a casual, cheerful and meaningful conversation with a range of drivers of different backgrounds.

"The team also explores creative ways to prototype the service experience with taxi drivers and potential service users."

Students: Chiu Tsz Ching Crystal, Fu Hing Wan Nicole and Yu Hin Wa
Course: BA (Hons) in Social Design
Tutors: Cheung Michael Chan, Kam Fai Chan, Sandy Ng and Jonathan Yu

students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University hosting community events as part of their Community Dot Dot Dot project

Community Dot Dot Dot by Ho Ka Chung, Simon Lam, Lau Ho Yin Oscar, Tang Chung Yin Sam and Wong Kin Hin Eric

"This project collaborates with Tsing Lam Alliance Church in Tsing Yi's St. Paul Village. It has two phases: 'social design trial' and 'innovation community practice'.

"The design team taught social design to teenagers through games and community engagement in phase one.

"They also co-created five small projects with the church teens to address the issues and insights they discovered from fieldwork and house visits, allowing them to serve and innovate from a social design perspective.

"This is an on-going project that has received a ten-month support from the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), a fund backing many social entrepreneurs to develop innovations creating social impact in Hong Kong.

"The first phase was well received by the village and the church, and the second phase is expected to continue until early 2024."

Students: Ho Ka Chung, Simon Lam, Lau Ho Yin Oscar, Tang Chung Yin Sam and Wong Kin Hin Eric
Course: BA (Hons) in Social Design
Tutors: Cheung Michael Chan, Kam Fai Chan, Sandy Ng and Jonathan Yu

a DJ set controlled by a robotic arm, cover image of DJaytopia system developed by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

DJaytopia by Yue Wu, Liuxuan Ruan, Anran Qiu, Xuejie Li and Jinhao Sherlock Huang

"DJaytopia is an AI/ML-powered system designed to revolutionise music remixing for DJs. It provides a collaborative platform for novice DJs to create remixes effortlessly and offers experienced DJs a reliable partner to explore new styles and push creative boundaries.

"Users can refine their DJ skills and express their unique preferences through a virtual DJ console in virtual reality.

"Leveraging user feedback, the system develops a machine-learning model that translates into electrical signals, enabling precise manipulation of a robotic arm on the DJ console.

"This collaborative approach empowers users to collectively produce music mixes, fostering a dynamic and innovative DJing experience."

Students: Yue Wu, Liuxuan Ruan, Anran Qiu, Xuejie Li and Jinhao Sherlock Huang
Course: Master of Design (Intelligent Systems Design)
Tutor: Stephen Jia Wang

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at the University of Hong Kong Fri, 24 Nov 2023 17:00:33 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a thesis investigating how buildings in southeast Asia withstand natural hazards is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Hong Kong. Also featured is a scheme that aims to integrate high-rise buildings in Hong Kong back into nature and a thesis that transforms anonymous concrete blocks into

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Architectural model

Dezeen School Shows: a thesis investigating how buildings in southeast Asia withstand natural hazards is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Hong Kong.

Also featured is a scheme that aims to integrate high-rise buildings in Hong Kong back into nature and a thesis that transforms anonymous concrete blocks into "unique dwellings".

University of Hong Kong

Institution: University of Hong Kong
School: Department of Architecture
Course: Architecture
Tutors: Lidia Ratoi, John Lin, Jenny Hsiao, Mads Hovgaard Laursen, Kuo Jze Yi, Evelyn Ting, Haotian Zhang, Yat Sing Ha, Wesley Ho, Tianying Li, Chiara Oggioni, Yi Sun, Olivier Ottevaere, Christian J Lange, Guillaume Othenin-Girard, Roberto Requejo-Belette, Joshua Bolchover, Jze Yi Kuo and Donn Holohan

School statement:

"The Department of Architecture educates students in an active culture of service, scholarship and invention.

"Uniquely situated at the crossroads of China and global influence, the department believes that design is best explored from a sophisticated understanding of both.

"With a multidisciplinary curriculum emphasising technology, history and culture, students gain broad knowledge and skills in the management of the environmental, social and aesthetic challenges of contemporary architectural practice.

"With opportunities for design workshops, international exchanges and study travel, graduates of the Department of Architecture are well prepared for contribution to both international and local communities of architects and designers."

3D printed clay structure on wooden post

Aviary Assemblage by Oscar Chun Yan Wong

"Aviary Assemblage is a tectonic structural system that can be assembled through existing pieces of metal barriers.

"The project is located in a paved brick Piazza in Hong Kong's Tai Kok Tsui district – an underutilised and restricted public space that is abundant with birds.

"The lack of trees forces the birds to perch on brick pavements or stone seating and walls. The palm trees located on the site have concrete in their cavities to allow the birds to nest.

"A timber frame and modular 3D printed clay bricks aim to cater to the living needs of the sparrows and other birds that visit the site."

Student: Oscar Chun Yan Wong
Studio: Aviary Assemblage
Tutor: Lidia Ratoi

White model of zig zagging space with holes

Weighted Curvature: Screening the City's Natural Environment by Gong Tianshu

"The objective of this project is to rethink the articulation of building envelopes in Hong Kong in order to address the issue of high-rise buildings being isolated from their natural environment.

"As a starting point, the works of Spanish architect Miguel Fisac were analysed and this analysis informed the geometrical prototype of the later design.

"Subsequently, a series of physical experiments were conducted to investigate, produce and implement a casting procedure for creating a self-supporting modular facade.

"This concrete facade was later adopted and applied to three key moments within the facade of the existing Jardine House, which was supported by environmental analysis using computational software."

Student: Gong Tianshu
Studio: Weighted Curvature: Screening the City's Natural Environment
Tutor: Olivier Ottevaere

Blue and pink models of high-rise buildings

In Section Revisited: Housing the City by Kim Daegeun

"Hong Kong has proven that high-density urbanism with high-rise buildings can create vibrant neighbourhoods, however, this vibrancy usually exists only at the street level.

"Although the city has a rich history of housing types, the predominant solution for high-density living is the podium-tower typology. If we understand Hong Kong as a truly vertical city, isn't it time to rethink what vertical living means?

"Instead of approaching the problem of housing primarily horizontally, the studio seeks to develop solutions that focus on strategies that can produce a diverse vertical organisation and can be seen as an extension of the city.

"Taking the generic podium tower as a point of departure, the studio's objective is to work out alternative building types for high-density housing in Hong Kong.

"The studio seeks solutions that move away from the generic two-dimensional approach to housing. It is interested in architectural answers that offer highly three-dimensional interconnected neighbourhoods achieving new modes of urban living."

Student: Kim Daegeun
Studio: In Section Revisited: Housing the City
Tutor: Christian J Lange

Hand-drawn sectional view of house

Re-drawing Paper Landscapes by Jones Delgado Maria

"By using a framework constructed from the study of how Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez used literature as a way of conveying true stories of the realities of Latin America, this thesis will also make incomprehensible realities seen and believed through the medium of narratives, architecture and craft.

"This thesis started with Jones Delgado Maria's fascination with fabricating, casting and investigating the process of paper making.

"Whilst Maria was interested in paper making's history as a craft and as an instrument of language and culture, they were more curious about its modern use as a highly disposable material.

"Maria started paper making a couple of years ago as a modelling method that was able to use the large amounts of waste that our field produces."

Student: Jones Delgado Maria
Studio: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Guillaume Othenin-Girard

Ritualised Domesticity by Lee Tsz Hei Adrian

"The life of a modern person is dictated by their mobile device, which gives us access to billions of potential social partners and an endless stream of information and data.

"Whether we like it or not, our behaviours are being manipulated by our phones, and they are subtly ruining our quality of life.

"In a modern era that is only becoming more digitalized, this thesis argues that it is now more than ever that we need a separation from our digital selves.

"In an era of increasing digitalisation, it is crucial to reconnect with the tactile, sensory and spiritual aspects of our lives that have been overshadowed by our digital identities.

"This thesis documents the mundane rituals conducted within a dwelling space. Through architectural drawing, modelling and image-making, it transforms the indifferent concrete blocks we inhabit into a unique dwelling typology."

Student: Lee Tsz Hei Adrian
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Roberto Requejo-Belette

Visualisation showing a skeletal wooden structure

Unravelling 'Ordinaries' by Siddique Hafsa

"This thesis seeks to investigate the role of the architect within the realm of the humanitarian crisis where people are continuously being displaced all over the world. It uses the Calais Jungle of 2015 to 2016 as a case study.

"It acknowledges shelter as a constantly changing factor with the present displacement of refugees in Calais, proposing an alternate mode of reimagining the camp as a 'retention centre' instead of the controversial 'detention centre' presently used for refugees or asylum seekers.

"The essential 'ordinaries' that are lacking in Calais take the form of permanent structures and act as a skeletal support system."

Student: Siddique Hafsa
Studio: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Joshua Bolchover

Person handling a wooden frame on white backdrop

A Portable Casting Machine by Lai Ho Fung Jack

"This thesis proposes a new unified concrete casting technique for Hong Kong's construction industry. Most of the buildings in the urban countries are constructed in cast concrete.

"There are two main concrete casting techniques that people are adopting to construct buildings in the industry nowadays: in-situ and prefab.

"In-situ is flexible and handy to apply but wastes a tremendous number of formworks while prefab concrete can be economic, but it lacks flexibility in logistics and details.

"This thesis looks at a formwork system that uses control nodes to adjust the cast geometries and increase detail accuracy."

Student: Lai Ho Fung Jack
Studio: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Jze Yi Kuo

Dwelling with Precarity by Wei Gongqi

"This thesis explores indigenous disaster-responsive architectures in Southeast Asia's Ring of Fire. It extracts fundamental principles to develop modern ways of building in high-density areas prone to disasters.

"The new approach includes design elements such as sacrificial components, base separation, responsive wind profile, anti-harmonic vibration and flexible joints, challenging the reliance on modern technology's strength.

"The thesis adopts the philosophy of accepting failure and experiments with adapting tensegrity structures, aiming to create buildings that can withstand and absorb natural disasters while being site-responsive and providing modern comfort."

Student: Wei Gongqi
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis
Tutor: Donn Holohan

A studio space with models on floor and drawings on walls

A Room in the City by Year One Students

"The first-year studio at HKU is a foundation for architecture. Rather than examining or designing buildings, the focus is on 'looking' at the city through the lens of architectural thinking.

"The studio considers the three main ingredients of architecture: time, space and people – analysing and researching Hong Kong to make unique discoveries on how the city is used and occupied.

"Students are introduced to the culture of architecture education, which is experimental, inquisitive and collective. Students work together and capture the city through photography, drawing, film and model making.

"Students become acquainted with the notion that the profession of the architect is deeply rooted in our experience as social human beings – the knowledge of architecture can be derived directly from everyday life, and its history extends well beyond the profession."

Students: Year One Students
Studio: A Room in the City
Tutors: John Lin, Jenny Hsiao, Mads Hovgaard Laursen, Kuo Jze Yi, Evelyn Ting and Haotian Zhang

A studio space with models on floor and drawings on walls

The House of the Future by Year Two Students 

"This studio introduces students to the culture of architecture through the archetype of a house. The houses will be almost entirely stripped of their domestic or cultural qualities, as the studio explores the composing elements of creating an architectural object.

"In response, the human entity itself will be abstracted, with design having a particular focus on the physical properties.

"The tension that occurs in a house through private and shared spaces will be conveyed through non-concrete definitions, simply categorising the inhabitant of the house as solitary and the possibility of hosting a maximum number of two other temporary inhabitants.

"The scope of the studio is to treat the architectural object as an entity in itself, isolated from its traditional relations, yet deviate from modernist values which prioritise formalistic approach, requiring investigative efforts in discovering new means of addressing the issue of scale and element.

"The purpose of the design exercise is to create a fundamental vocabulary of architecture, requiring students to re-think each of the terms they are introduced to through an empirical process of design."

Student: Year Two Students
Studio: The House of the Future
Tutors: Lidia Ratoi, Yat Sing Ha, Wesley Ho, Tianying Li, Chiara Oggioni and Yi Sun

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Hong Kong. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture and landscape projects by Academy of Art University Thu, 23 Nov 2023 17:00:28 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a San Francisco fish market transformed into a bathhouse is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Academy of Art University in California. Also included is a foldable and portable bed that combines a sleeping surface with storage for people who lack safe and stable housing and a house in

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Dezeen School Shows: a San Francisco fish market transformed into a bathhouse is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the Academy of Art University in California.

Also included is a foldable and portable bed that combines a sleeping surface with storage for people who lack safe and stable housing and a house in Palo Alto that has a living green roof.

Academy of Art University

Institution: Academy of Art University
School: School of Architecture and School of Landscape Architecture
Course: NAAB Accredited M Arch 1, M Arch 2, B Arch MA, BA M Arch and B Arch IPAL programmes
Tutors: Mark Mueckenheim, Karen Seong, Sameena Sitabkhan, Mini Chu, Simon McKenzie, Maria Paz de Moura Castro King, Philip Ra, Eric Reeder, John-Michael Wong and Ethen Wood

School statement:

"We are a progressive design laboratory of highly passionate students and a distinguished faculty of practising architects who work together to explore the boundaries of architecture.

"Our interactive on-site and online studio experience harnesses digital tools to mentor students throughout our rigorous curriculum.

"We offer an excellent design education by developing each student's capacity to synthesise critical thought, architectural vision and technical comprehension.

"Our programmes engage with current global issues, empowering students to be changemakers and leaders advocating for social equity.

"Our diverse international community enables us to propagate a unique cultural response to build a better world."

Sequence of images showing a person moving and assembling a wooden bed

Group project: Stay Over Programme Family Shelter

"Stay Over Programme (SOP) is a family shelter located at the Buena Vista Horace Mann K-8 Community School, which was piloted to address the overwhelming number of families in the district who lack safe or stable housing.

"In partnership with shelter residents, Dolores Street Community Services, 826 Valencia, and the BVHM school, students design and fabricate modular beds and storage units while reimagining the dining room/after-school area to improve user experience.

"During Community Workshops with the Stay Over Programme families, parents and children provided design input through various activities, such as exploring kids' safe spaces and identifying what everyone needs for storage."

Students: Edgar Castillo, Lowai Ghaly, Mazen Ghaly, Andrew Hart, Mohamed Meawad, Petros Peritos and Shadi Vakilian
Course: B lab Community-based Design Collaborative Project
Tutors: Karen Seong and Sameena Sitabkhan

Sectional visualisation showing multi-zoned building in front of painted background

Unveiling Lost Identities: Investigating Migration Problems in Chinese Architecture and Culture by Qiyang Xu

"During China's rapid urbanisation, millions of rural villagers migrated into cities while leaving their children behind in villages.

"The separation from parents caused many children to display characteristics that include loneliness, misconduct and lack of confidence.

"In Zhaoxing village, with the development of tourism, local inhabitants have returned to work in their hometowns.

"The design aims to provide children with a warm place, help them regain their lost identities and give them a sense of belonging to a culture through the local architecture."

Student: Qiyang Xu
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis M Arch
Tutors: Philip Ra, Ethen Wood and Mini Chu

Plan view of rounded building on black background

Compost Tower – A new Typology for a Circular Economy by Kenan Beker

"The compost tower is a proposal for a new kind of sustainable waste centre for a future circular economy. When waste as a concept is eradicated, we can treat it as a nutrient or energy meant to be reintroduced to broader systems.

"The thesis proposes a facility for nutrient energy transformation and exchange. Rather than being located outside the city, the thesis proposes that these systems will be closely intertwined within the urban fabric as visible landmarks.

"As vertical embodiments of aerated static pile composting, these new building types will also deal with municipal waste and offer landfill alternatives.

"Future waste is proposed as a resource with the potential to be reintroduced into water systems, energy or heat."

Student: Kenan Beker
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis M Arch
Tutor: Mark Mueckenheim

Visualisation of space divided into seven strips

Boundary Connector – Future Port For Transforming the Defined Border Line between Hong Kong and Mainland China by Xiaoman Sun

"In 1986, Luohu port opened at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border under the 'one country, two systems' policy to promote exchanges between the two areas.

"With the advent of the era of globalisation, the separating function of the border is still restricting the free flow of people and supplies.

"The living cycles and cultural circles of border residents continuously extend across the border and this process reconstructs the border space. This continually developing condition shows that the port is not just a line separating two places – instead, the port should be a place for cultural and economic exchanges.

"The project focuses on the Shenzhen-Hong Kong border and the residents living on this boundary, using architecture as a tool to resolve two different urban and social conditions."

Student: Xiaoman Sun
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis M Arch
Tutor: Mark Mueckenheim

Exploded view of site on grey background

Cultural Exchange – Chinese Cultural Center of San Francisco by Yi Ling Liao

"Since the nineteenth century, Chinese immigrants in the United States have made a significant contribution to the transformation and economy of California through mining, transcontinental railroad construction and through subsequent generations of active citizenship.

"The project seeks to establish street connections at three locations – creating spaces for art galleries and cultural attractions to promote interaction between tourists and residents alike.

"Cultural Exchange will reinforce Chinese culture by integrating an interpretation of cultural elements, establishing spaces of mixed opportunity.

"The goal is for Chinatown to retain its cultural identity while establishing a progressive public interface for residents and tourists alike."

Student: Yi Ling Liao
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Thesis B Arch
Tutor: Maria Paz de Moura Castro King

Sectional model showing multi-storey building

Western Addition Community Center by Lowai Ghaly

"The Western Addition in San Francisco is a diverse neighbourhood with a large number of immigrants. This community centre provides services to immigrant families by guiding them through the immigration process and connecting them to different resources.

"To promote stronger connections between parents and their children, classes are offered for parents to learn English and for the children to learn their native languages and cultures."

Student: Lowai Ghaly
Course: Bachelor of Architecture 4th year project ARH 410 studio course
Tutors: Karen Seong and Simon McKenzie

Plan view of coastal area

Bayfront Park Mission Bay, San Francisco, CA by Sol Lee

"Sol Lee embarked on a transformative project that is a testament to the power of creating spaces with profound meaning and purpose.

"This endeavour takes advantage of its stunning location by the Bay, with unparalleled views of the water and exceptional light quality throughout the day.

"The project capitalises on the restoration of an old fishing pier, positioned along the well-trafficked Bay Trail, to weave together the fabric of the community comprised of residents, tourists, workers and basketball enthusiasts.

"The design aims to carve out a strong, independent identity for the park, ensuring it's not overshadowed by the presence of the nearby Chase Center.

"It aims to offer a sanctuary from the urban bustle, shielding visitors from noise and wind, while providing a multitude of vantage points for bay viewing and a dedicated observation area, enhancing the public's engagement with the waterfront."

Student: Sol Lee
Course: LAN 610 Landscape Architecture Design Studio
Tutor: Toni Bava

Board showing visualisations and graphs

Speaking of Reality: Creating an Immersive Experience for Landscape Architectural Design Presentation using the Latest Technologies in the Field of Game Design by Jason Jeon

"This project explores how poster boards and videos have a limit in explaining architecture to teachers or clients.

"It explores different presentation methods and was informed by San Francisco's annual Game Developers Conference."

Student: Jason Jeon
Course: Landscape Architecture – Master's Thesis

Visualisation of a house with a living green roof

Residence Aerial by Justin Wagner

"This residential design in Palo Alto, California, exudes a serene yet vibrant charm, deeply rooted in a palette of native-inspired landscaping, embracing the local ecology and biodiversity.

"Sustainability threads through every element, from utilising drought-resistant plants to incorporating living green roofs, creating a space that's as kind to the environment as it is aesthetically pleasing."

Student: Justin Wagner
Course: Landscape Architecture Design Studio

People in a lofty concrete space

Metamorphic Insertion – public bathhouse and spa by Maud Indiana Vikjord

"The Fisherman's Wharf once held a special place in the heart of local San Francisco residents as a fish market on the coastal edge of the city.

"Today, it has a reputation as a tourist destination yet during the Covid-19 pandemic, travel restrictions left the area a virtual ghost town.

"The building, which occupies an entire urban block, is based on a continuous surface of concave and convex spaces inspired by the spatial and tectonic quality of an egg crate and on circular components made out of thirty different prefabricated concrete elements.

"The upper floor houses the bath, while the lower floor is inhabited by public restaurants, a spa surrounding a lush courtyard, and the changing and service areas of the bath.

"The project aims to bridge the gap between the two in a curated cultural bathhouse experience and an assortment of local businesses."

Student: Maud Indiana Vikjord
Course: Master of Architecture Thesis M.Arch
Tutor: Mark Mueckenheim

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Academy of Art University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Six design projects by students at Swinburne University of Technology Wed, 15 Nov 2023 17:00:34 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an installation that aims to make visitors feel like sea creatures in a plastic-filled ocean is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. Also included is a tattoo machine that allows for greater control and an item of headgear that aims to help sports players

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Dezeen School Shows: an installation that aims to make visitors feel like sea creatures in a plastic-filled ocean is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia.

Also included is a tattoo machine that allows for greater control and an item of headgear that aims to help sports players recover from concussions.

Swinburne University of Technology

Institution: Swinburne University of Technology
School: Swinburne School of Design and Architecture
Course: Department of Communication Design and Department of Architectural and Industrial Design
Tutors: Professor Blair Kuys (Dean of Design), Dr Charles Ranscombe, Morganna Magee, Anna Caione, Dr Phuong Quoc Dinh, Anthony Elliott, Sebastian Funke and Peter Hvala

School statement:

"Swinburne's School of Design and Architecture leads the world in high-quality, industry-relevant, technology-led design education and research.

"We pursue future production and interaction technologies, design for health and wellbeing and sustainable urban ecologies.

"Our innovative courses are grounded in design history, theory, culture and diversity with our undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers embracing global challenges and spanning disciplines.

"Our graduates are renowned internationally for their creative leadership."

Visualisation showing a tattoo machine on dark background

The Satellite Tattoo Machine by Tori Hendy

"The Satellite Tattoo Machine marks a substantial advancement in the tattoo industry, with a primary focus on user wellbeing and convenience. Utilising innovative technologies it provides a high level of adaptability for tattoo artists.

"Key features include the ability to customise needle speed and stroke as well as needle depth, offering artists exceptional control over a wide range of tattooing applications.

"Safety is a paramount concern, achieved through the integration of an advanced electromagnetic linear actuator and vibration isolation technologies.

"These measures effectively reduce the risk of long-term musculoskeletal issues. The Satellite Tattoo Machine stands as a versatile, safe and user-centric innovation within the tattooing industry."

Student: Tori Hendy
Course: Product Design Engineering
Tutor: Mark Strachan
Email: torihendypd[at]

Black and white photograph of the centre of a flower

Anthos by Mary Gavrilidou

"Anthos is a representation of growing up and trying to find the self. It is an abstract story, where a poem takes place alongside the imagery as it inflicts questions about identity and ongoing change.

"Anthos illustrates the physical and mental growth of the self, having a strong focus on important life events such as birth, bringing family together, falling in love, experiencing grief and having free will.

"A key message in this story is that uncertainty and change should not be feared, as well as not limiting the self nor putting it in a metaphorical box."

Student: Mary Gavrilidou
Course: Photo Media
Tutor: Morganna Magee
Email: 103590559[at]

Figures walking through an exhibition

Fluid Sense by Simone Clamp

"In a world that is obsessed with the overconsumption of plastic goods, this exhibition focuses on how we might consider limiting the use of plastic in our day-to-day lives.

"I have intended to evoke a sense of overwhelm and contemplation within the space to create a sense of urgency.

"The organisation 4Ocean has heavily inspired the philosophy behind my exhibition – they focus on cleaning up massive amounts of plastic that have made their way into bodies of water.

"Unfortunately, plastic is destroying plant and marine life and is disturbing ecosystems, microbiomes and the biodiversity of our land.

"As the audience walks into the space this concept is reflected, allowing spectators to feel as if they are a small sea creature amongst a large plastic-filled ocean.

"I have explored how plastic items and netting that have been collected within our oceans can be curated up and around the walls of the interior."

Student: Simone Clamp
Course: Branded Environment
Tutor: Anna Caione
Email: simoneclamp[at]

Three images of coffee tins

Voglio Caffe by Gabrielle Versace

"Responding to the question of 'how might we use food to engage people with Italian immigrant culture in Australia?', Voglio Caffe was created as a culturally immersive coffee brand to preserve Italo-Australian history.

"The product packaging utilises traditional drinking customs to craft history transfer through a tangible, sensory journey.

"Voglio Caffe – meaning 'I want coffee' – tells stories of diversity and multiculturalism through a ritualistic, lived experience of 'Italianita, Italian Spirit."

Student: Gabrielle Versace
Course: Communication Design
Tutor: Anthony Elliott

Internet browser windows showing various quotes

2 + 2 by Katerina Hionis

"2 + 2 is an interactive website that explores the manipulation of privacy, politics and facts in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) through a contemporary lens.

"Quotes from the novel are submitted to redaction and layering to convey the effects of propaganda and surveillance in ways relevant to 21 to 30-year-olds.

"Motion typography illustrates data falsification in real time, reinforcing how misinformation and propaganda overpower truth.

"To access the privacy section, the user's ID number is identified. The website opens the intrusive data profile of a 23-year-old, comparing Nineteen Eighty-Four's telescreens to data collection today."

Student: Katerina Hionis
Course: Communication Design
Tutor: Anthony Elliott

Headgear item on yellow background

TBI-RD+ by Sam Simms

"Concussion awareness is increasing, especially in sports-related contexts. Recognising and effectively managing concussions is crucial for long-term health.

"After a concussion, external factors like light and sound sensitivity can worsen symptoms and impede recovery – sports-related concussions happen in settings where controlling these factors is especially challenging.

"The proposed concept called TBI-RD+ introduces a device for immediate use after a significant head injury, offering timely care and support.

"The device includes a removable visor to manage light sensitivity and ear protectors for sound sensitivity and control. Modular and adjustable construction caters to the patient's needs, gradually returning them to their daily routines."

Student: Sam Simms
Course: Industrial Design
Tutor: Dr Charles Ranscombe
Email: 101043132[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Swinburne University of Technology. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ajman University spotlights 11 student interior design projects Fri, 10 Nov 2023 17:00:58 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a women-only gym that uses virtual reality to create a unique workout experience is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Ajman University. Also included is a design for a school that takes cues from the De Stijl movement and a library that departs from conventional library designs. Ajman University Institution: Ajman

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Visualisation showing a circular room with a sculptural central sculpture

Dezeen School Shows: a women-only gym that uses virtual reality to create a unique workout experience is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Ajman University.

Also included is a design for a school that takes cues from the De Stijl movement and a library that departs from conventional library designs.

Ajman University

Institution: Ajman University
School: College of Architecture, Art and Design - Interior Design department
Course: Interior Design Graduation Project I and II
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud, Dina Ibrahim and Dr Gamal El Samanoudy

School statement:

"The Graduation Project in Interior Design is an integral part of the Interior Design programme at Ajman University, UAE, allowing students to engage in complex interior design projects that demand creativity, innovation and practical application of their accumulated knowledge and skills.

"In this course, students embark on a journey to tackle intricate spatial configurations, such as multi-functional spaces, open-plan layouts, or the adaptive reuse of existing buildings – all thoughtfully selected during the initial phases of the programme's design process.

"Throughout the course, students will explore functional and aesthetic mastery, focus on a user-centric approach, develop contextual awareness and emphasize sustainability and ethics in their designs.

"They also enhance their real-world preparedness, presentation skills and conceptual sketching abilities, culminating in comprehensive project development.

"The graduation project equips students with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to thrive in the dynamic world of interior design."

Renderings of university interiors

Natural Connection by Yasmeen Mohammed

"In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, universities must play a pivotal role in shaping not only student's academic future but also their personal growth and mental wellbeing.

"One of the inherent complexities of this project was designing specialised spaces tailored for designers, ensuring an environment that fosters creativity and innovation while also serving educational needs.

"This project involves a concept design that weaves biophilic elements into a university's interior to augment students' creativity, productivity and engagement.

"Drawing inspiration from the five senses, biophilic design principles are skillfully integrated into the space, combining nature-inspired motifs, optimal natural lighting, ergonomic furnishings and eco-friendly building materials.

"The space is divided into two zones with 11 diverse limits to cater to distinct requirements, while the first zone is intricately crafted to amplify creativity, the latter is meticulously structured to fortify educational pursuits."

Student: Yasmeen Mohammed
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: yassiesmz[at]

Renderings of yacht interiors

The Fingerprint by Joudi Mohammad

"Designing interiors for boats requires a meticulous approach, considering the unique challenges posed by the aquatic environment while ensuring functionality and aesthetics.

"Within this realm, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have unveiled a groundbreaking vision with the Arabian Gulf Research and Innovation Centre. Accessible by boat, this state-of-the-art facility is poised to be a beacon of innovation and sustainable design.

"Nestled within the heart of the Arabian Gulf, the interiors of this floating marvel have been thoughtfully planned. Above and below the sea's surface, the layout encompasses dynamic research labs, comfortable bedrooms for scientists, a refreshing seawater pool, an aquatic garden library and a state-of-the-art auditorium.

"These spaces have been designed for functionality and to provide users with an immersive experience of the surrounding marine environment."

Student: Joudi Mohammad
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: joudymohammad10[at]

Renderings of youth centre interiors

Youth Centre by Zulaikha Thasnim

"The morph is an interior design proposal for a youth centre in UAE – it is designed to act as a one-stop place for the youth to feel accomplished and find direction in life.

"The centre provides spaces and activities to cater to the different needs of youth development and considers nurturing both their emotional and physical wellbeing, which is the base for positive improvement in young people.

"The centre also provides spaces equipped with skill developmental activities and a platform for youth to collaborate, collaborate and form startup ideas.

"The concept of metamorphosis is used to convey this ideology in the interior space as the development process of young people is comparable to that of stages of metamorphosis – not physically but psychologically – like a butterfly being nurtured in its cocoon to support its growth until it can finally fly."

Student: Zulaikha Thasnim
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: zulaikha.thasnim[at]

Renderings of women's centre interiors

The Power Within Her by Tasneem Fadi

"The Power Within Her is an ambitious project that aims to address the lack of proper recognition of women's capabilities and potential in fashion design. Situated in a suburban villa, this establishment champions the art of fashion and serves as a beacon of empowerment for women.

"As a pushback against societal norms that often undervalue female prowess, this feminist-centric initiative offers women an invaluable chance to hone their skills in a supportive environment and earn a Certificate in Fashion Design.

"Structurally, the project transforms a two-story residential villa into an expansive hub for fashion creativity and learning.

"The Power Within Her stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of women, seamlessly integrating education with fashion in a setting that resonates with style and purpose."

Student: Tasneem Fadi
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: tasneem20021[at]

Renderings of restaurant interiors

Zìrán – Dine à La Chinese by Rana Hakim

"Ziran is an avant-garde Chinese restaurant that masterfully intertwines natural and technological design elements. It showcases renowned forests from China in an unparalleled and innovative manner.

"At the heart of this project is the belief that no matter how advanced we become technologically, there's a sophisticated way to indulge in nature and encapsulate the world in a singular space using cutting-edge methods.

"The intricate design considerations of Ziran revolve around representing Chinese culture with elegance and simplicity. Through the use of interconnected LED screens, the ambience transitions seamlessly between various scenes.

"Trees are strategically placed, while mirrors augment the spatial perception, giving patrons the sensation of being enveloped by an expansive forest. This is accentuated by a soaring ceiling, heightening the feeling of being amidst a vast Chinese forest."

Student: Rana Hakim
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: rana.hakim2[at]

Renderings of sport centre interiors

Public and Active Centre by Merna Yehya

"The club is considered one of the ultimate destinations, comprising a variety of recreational sport and active facilities, designed and dedicated for adults and children, where health and recreation are perfectly intertwined.

"Located in a prime spot overlooking the Arabian Gulf clubhouse compound, the public clubhouse aims to provide a safe and social place where women, men, youth and teenagers from diverse backgrounds can visit and experience a joyful and interactive environment, playing sports and having some activities or any similar purposes.

"Visitors are encouraged to be sociable, flexible and healthy – the project supports the idea of openness, athletics, activeness and communication."

Student: Merna Yehya
Tutors: Dr Gamal El Samanoudy and Sohaila Nasr
Email: mernashaheen24[at]

Drawings and renderings of photography school

Photography Studio by Thuraya Mustafa

"This photography studio is dedicated to filming events and special occasions and acts as a hub for collaboration, hosting workshops that target hobbyists.

"The project comprises different photo studios, all using various types of technology and equipment and all with their own unique design.

"The overall design is informed by the anatomy of a camera – lenses, sensor, shutters, etc.

"Together, these elements make up the basic components of any camera – without it, it would be impossible to take pictures or function, like interior spaces will not succeed without proper distribution and division."

Student: Thuraya Mustafa
Tutors: Dr Gamal El Samanoudy and Sohaila Nasr
Email: thuraya1mustafa[at]

Renderings of mental wellness facility interiors

Me Space by Lujein Adel Zaino

"The project's core aim is to instil hope for a brighter life by combining the principles of interior design and psychology. It emphasises the importance of healing our minds amid life's stressors and seeks to broaden our understanding of psychology and mental health.

"The project envisions fostering an environment where individuals can seek help without stigma or guilt, using interior design as a powerful tool.

"The project endeavours to enhance cognitive resilience and wellbeing through this concept, enabling individuals to cultivate positivity in challenging situations.

"Guided by the philosophy of enhancing the quality of life and productivity, the project focuses on creating an adaptable and secure interior environment, where smart design principles work hand in hand with psychological well-being, ultimately defining the centre's mission."

Student: Lujein Adel Zaino
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: lujeinzaino[at]

Renderings of school interiors

A kindergartner, Not a usual one by Elie Boutros

"In this kindergarten design, the role of interior design transcends mere aesthetics – it manifests as a complex interplay of form, function and educational philosophy.

"The interior's bold architectural vision, derived from the De Stijl art movement, represents a sophisticated translation of two-dimensional art into a three-dimensional educational experience.

"Each design element, from the strategic placement of furniture to the interactive wall treatments, the deliberate colour schemes, and the carefully chosen lighting fixtures, is a testament to the complexity of creating a space that is both a learning environment and an immersive piece of livable art.

"The design intricately weaves De Stijl’s distinctive geometric abstraction and primary colours into the fabric of the kindergarten's environment, underscoring the complexity of interior design as a tool for cognitive and creative stimulation."

Student: Elie Boutros
Tutors: Dr Naglaa Mahmoud and Omnia Altemnah
Email: elieboutros4[at]

Visualisation showing a circular room with a sculptural central sculpture

Sharjah Public Library by Heba Dwiek

"This library combines human nature, different beliefs, knowledge and diverse backgrounds to create a unified, rigid base that will be reflected and integrated through all design spaces.

"For the reception and lobby, the focus is on visitors' social lives and physical activities, using lighting as a therapeutic tool in a modern combination of daylight and controlled artificial lighting – light tubes are incorporated into a large spiral steel structure to bring light from skylights into the central core.

"In addition to that, there are irregular wooden pods for different purposes, along with bookshelves.

"In the children's area, the main focus was to improve the connection between kids in the library and get them to read, experience new things, and use most of their senses in learning, as well as making them more confident.

"In the reading area, it is essential to have a quiet space for reading and an inspiring design that can function for an extended period of time

"The concept aims to create a space that challenges traditional library concepts, inspiring individuals to break barriers and achieve their dreams, leveraging libraries' wisdom and power to create a generation with ambition and a sky is the limit but more, and all starts with a book."

Student: Heba Dwiek
Tutors: Dina Ibrahim And Akram Azmy
Email: hebadweik2001[at]

Visualisations showing a dark gym interior

Ladies Fitness Club by Mai Tarek

"The project is about a ladies fitness club, which shows an attractive space with a simple design that offers high-quality activities and services, supporting women to have a pleasant and comfortable fitness environment.

"The project is located in Ajman Corniche Residences, a complex of seven interlinked residential towers. The concept is based around the idea of a 'race against time', which references the speed of technology toward creating a great future.

"Virtual Reality (VR) can place the user inside a 3D experience that provides an immersive unique workout."

Student: Mai Tarek
Tutors: Dina Ibrahim and Akram Azmy
Email: maitarek15lo[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Ajman University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ajman University presents nine student architecture projects Thu, 09 Nov 2023 17:04:51 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a mixed-use site in Dubai that combines transport links and leisure venues is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Ajman University. Also included is a skyscraper that aims to compile the cultural and environmental facets of UAE-based cities into a single building and an arts university building in Tehran

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Visualisation showing skyscraper

Dezeen School Shows: a mixed-use site in Dubai that combines transport links and leisure venues is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Ajman University.

Also included is a skyscraper that aims to compile the cultural and environmental facets of UAE-based cities into a single building and an arts university building in Tehran that doubles as a cultural venue.

Ajman University

Institution: Ajman University
School: College of Architecture, Art and Design
Course: Graduation Project II
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar, Prof Sahar Sulaiman, Ms Neveen El Bendary, Ms Ayat El Khazindar and Mr Azzam Habra

School statement:

"This course aims to finalise the student's design education, in which they have achieved excellence and mastered all parts of the architectural design process.

"The student applies the knowledge and skills that they have obtained in a comprehensive graduation project.

"These projects cover the conceptual design stage, stages of development, addressing of site-related issues, structural and construction needs, social and cultural relationships, and computer applications in a cohesive presentation showing the development of the design."

Visualisation showing a white biomorphic ferry terminal

Dubai Ferry Terminal by Amna Ibrahim Sadoon

"The Dubai ferry terminal signifies a new era in water transportation, designed to serve as a cruise terminal for domestic voyages and future transport needs.

"This initiative aims to boost cruise tourism and generate revenue through public participation and spaces. The architectural concept mimics landscape formations, employing soft transitions to mirror natural shapes and create a dual formation discussion.

"The design aims to capture the fluidity of water and seamlessly blends form and function. Its adaptability allows it to harmonise with its surroundings, promoting both unity and a sense of harmony.

"Ultimately, the Dubai ferry terminal stands as a groundbreaking approach to integrated water transportation and tourism."

Student: Amna Ibrahim Sadoon
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: amnaalubaidy[at]

Visualisation showing an angular site lit up with warm lights

Cultural and Touristic Center by Lamya Eyad Dahhan

"Welcome to Damascus, a captivating cultural centre where heritage meets modern attractions. The project promotes tourism by offering comprehensive information about historical monuments, cultural events and local attractions.

"The exhibition, theatre and traditional Souq will attract visitors while also contributing to the country's economic growth.

"The project also supports local artisans and craftsmen by serving as a platform for local artisans and craftsmen to showcase and sell their traditional products. Workshops and demonstrations can also be organised to allow visitors to learn about traditional craft techniques."

Student: Lamya Eyad Dahhan
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: lamyadh99[at]

Visualisation showing angular site next to busy road

Sharjah's Youth Recreational Hub by Maryam Amr Ahmed Kamel Etahan

"Sharjah's Youth Recreational Hub is an innovative new approach to combining enjoyable, entertaining spaces and recreational activities with public study workspaces dedicated to young individuals, groups and families all under a multi-functional layout.

"The project will be utilised year-round by serving as a public social hub where meetings and study sessions are held along with various exciting sports where visitors can experience more leisure-type activities beyond physical wellness only.

"It provides an overall benefit for the community by connecting various functions in Sharjah's Muwaileh educational-commercial zone, saving commuting time through the city while searching for these normally segregated activities."

Students: Maryam Amr Ahmed Kamel Etahan
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: maryem.amr[at]

Visualisation showing a riverside museum site

Historical Museum by Ghadeer Rammal

"Located in the South of Lebanon, Sidon is directly connected to Ancient Phoenician history and has an impressive, magnificently displayed collection of archaeological timelines.

"Highlights include Phoenician gilded bronze figurines found buried near the Obelisk Temple at Byblos, a series of human-faced Phoenician sarcophagi and a frescoed Roman tomb."

Student: Ghadeer Rammal
Tutors: Prof Sahar Sulaiman, Ms Neveen El Bendary and Mr Azzam Habra
Email: ghadeerammal[at]

Visualisation showing a educational centre with brightly-coloured sports court in courtyard

University for Advanced Arts, Tehran by Zoha Hosseini

"In a city like Tehran, where art is part of the culture and history, designing an educational complex for arts deemed necessary due to the lack of modernisation of current art schools and interest in the youth.

"Creating an appealing university for advanced arts of the future in a cultural location which is used by young adults has shown the potential to be the right approach.

"The design itself follows a journey through different spaces wrapped around a clear pedestrian axis that runs through a site, which has a challenging topography.

"These spaces form a mass and void hierarchy that symbolises the conflict between the informality of aesthetic values of an art institute and formality of a higher education institute.

"Furthermore, influences of traditional Persian architecture stitched with contemporary and sustainable solutions alongside the colourful and bubbly persona of the buildings gives the space an identity to serve as a headquarters for the city's arts."

Student: Zoha Hosseini
Tutors: Prof Sahar Sulaiman, Ms Neveen El Bendary and Mr Azzam Habra
Email: Zohahosseini12[at]

Visualisation showing a transport hub in the desert

Transportation Hub by Ghazal Riad

"This Transportation Hub is an essential component that helps create a connection between the people and the countries' landmarks, with passengers travelling between train stations as well as bus and taxi stops.

"My transportation hub is located in the UAE which relates to Etihad railway.

"The design concept is inspired by the wind movement, sand dunes and aerodynamics of the selected site, and I implemented a sustainable approach through the materials by using recycled steel.

"The space structure consists of four layers – tempered glass, anodised aluminium, steel truss roof skin and skeleton frame, as well as waterproofing.

"The hub symbolises the modern development of the UAE."

Student: Ghazal Riad
Tutors: Prof Sahar Sulaiman, Ms Neveen El Bendary and Mr Azzam Habra
Email: ghazalriadd[at]

Visualisation showing an angular, faceted building

Beirut Community Centre by Rana Elkhabbaz

"The Beirut Community Center is a visionary architectural project nestled in the heart of Beirut, Lebanon. It embodies a profound commitment to fostering community growth by intertwining three pivotal goals – education, social interaction and recreation.

"The architecture harmoniously merges nature and human ingenuity. Its defining feature is a series of interconnected triangular roofs, resembling the undulating terrain of Lebanon's topography.

"This design visually replicates the nation's geographical compression, mirroring the breathtaking journey from high mountains to the tranquil sea.

"The Beirut Community Center stands as a beacon of unity, offering a welcoming, self-sufficient haven for diverse activities, ultimately nurturing the thriving local community."

Student: Rana Elkhabbaz
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: ranaelkhabbaz14[at]

Visualisation showing a shiny, wavy structure looking out over Dubai

Speed Hub – Dubai's Transportation Hub by Sarah Osama Seif Aldeen

"Speed Hub is a proposed transportation hub in Dubai that seeks to build a sustainable society by diversifying mobility and minimising traffic.

"Uniting all modes of transportation in one place serves tourists and commercial places and saves time while reducing negative environmental impact.

"It is a complex with different functions and facilities such as a cinema complex, gym, retail outlets and leisure activity areas, all of this will make the DTH a destination by itself and a great place to make memories.

"The concept behind the shape of the building reflects the speed, fluidity and continuous movement of both visitors and transportation modes which will make it a landmark not only in Dubai but also in the United Arab Emirates UAE."

Student: Sarah Osama Seif Aldeen
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: S.o76[at]

Visualisation showing skyscraper

Al Reem Skyscraper by Khulood Hussein Al-Fakih

"The Al Reem Skyscraper is a unique and complex tower that includes a range of services including offices, a hotel, entertainment venues, and rental units, which serve the entire community in addition to drawing the attention of investors and local companies.

"Al Reem Island is one of the most important areas targeted by the state and the population.

"The project aims to combine all the cultural and environmental elements of UAE cities into a single entity."

Student: Khulood Hussein Al-Fakih
Tutors: Dr Mohammad S Arar and Ms Ayat El Khazindar
Email: khuloodalmusabi[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Ajman University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Ajman University presents nine student architecture projects appeared first on Dezeen.

Ten architecture projects by students at the University of Waterloo Mon, 06 Nov 2023 17:05:24 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a bathing pavilion informed by plants is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Waterloo. Also included is school designed for children with disabilities and a museum site in Rome that is enveloped in a monolithic brick wall reminiscent of traditional city walls. University of Waterloo Institution: University

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Dezeen School Shows: a bathing pavilion informed by plants is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Waterloo.

Also included is school designed for children with disabilities and a museum site in Rome that is enveloped in a monolithic brick wall reminiscent of traditional city walls.

University of Waterloo

Institution: University of Waterloo
School: School of Architecture
Course: Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS), Master or Achitecture (MArch)
Tutors: Philip Beesley, Anne Bordeleau, Beatrice Bruscoli, David Correa and Adrian Blackwell

School statement:

"The University of Waterloo School of Architecture is an internationally respected architecture and design school dedicated to educating the best architects in the world.

"Set on the Grand River in historic downtown Cambridge, Ontario, in Canada, the School of Architecture is a source of design inspiration.

"Our campus, housed in a carefully restored 1920s silk mill, features an award-winning library, art gallery, cross-disciplinary maker spaces, fitness facilities, eateries and student services.

"During the fourth year, students spend a term abroad studying at our campus in Rome, Italy.

"Our pre-professional Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) degree immerses students in the culture and practice of design.

"Students develop an understanding of the workings of society and culture, the principles of physics, the materials and techniques of construction, human interaction with the natural and built environment, historical processes, critical thought and diverse forms of creative expression.

"The Master of Architecture (MArch) programme provides students with a unique opportunity to create an individual research and design thesis while completing the required coursework for professional accreditation.

"Under the guidance of faculty with internationally recognised expertise, students can explore diverse topics in architecture, landscape, urbanism, technology, sustainability and fabrication, among other topics."

Visualisation showing staircase and chairs in interior with overlaid handwritten text

The White House and Other Counter-Narratives by Bianca Weeko Martin

"Contemporary emplacement demands movement, whether through migration, travel or transcultural exchange.

"Identity – as positioned by the postcolonial writer Édouard Glissant – is linked fundamentally with change and contact with others, and yet the loss that these forms of movement begs the question of what, in the most ancestral depths of our being, still remains.

"Facing these depths, the idea of home offers a metaphor for grounding.

"Through the story of my family's ancestral house in the Philippines, I grieve the physical loss of a house from my memory and its metaphysical loss in the face of emergent site-less hyperculture."

Student: Bianca Weeko Martin
Course: Master of Architecture (MArch)
Tutors: Philip Beesley and Anne Bordeleau
Email: bweeko[at]

Elevation of a large building with red figures occupying it

Beacon by Enoch Liu and Lyric Barnik

"The Tiber River was once the flowing heart of Rome, where the champions of the ancient Empire formed the foundations of Western civilisation.

"Yet today, the city's embankment walls fully separate the urban from the riparian. The Beacon thus introduces a new museum, connecting the city to the river, and history to modernity.

"Two sloped axes draw users to the Tiber, guiding them through Rome's urban and naturalised environments.

"The procession leads to the primary museum – a travertine-clad megastructure that restores Rome's identity as a City of Towers.

"It thereby becomes a beacon, returning a forgotten landscape back to the eternal city."

Students: Enoch Liu and Lyric Barnik
Course: ARCH 492 Rome Design Studio
Tutor: Beatrice Bruscoli
Email: edliu[at] and lhbarnik[at]

Sectional view of a museum site

Encase by Glenn Lu

"Trastevere is known as the home for 'the other' and the intersection of Via Portuense in particular marks this junction of history – the Aurelian Wall's remnants, across the state intervention of San Michele and the abandoned papal arsenal.

"Encase regards the Arsenale as an artefact itself, playing on traditional museum typology and its highly curated display of fragmented history.

"Museum as private space leans heavily capitalist, but this project proposes a monument for the working people, curating an idealised procession from expansive public space back into nature, contained within the iconography of a perfect cube floating on a grid of columns."

Student: Glenn Lu
Course: ARCH 492 - Rome Studio
Tutor: Beatrice Bruscoli

Visualisation showing children in a school

The Terrace School by Jason Chen and Sunny Lan

"Designing for disability opens an opportunity to design for multiple abilities and bodies and rethink how different people move through spaces.

"The Terrace School, nestled along the slope of a hill, is designed for children with autism with a collaborative learning approach, engaging with open shared learning spaces and the outdoor surrounding nature.

"Despite the programme being situated on various elevations, the design challenges the nature of the site by maintaining accessibility throughout, with an easily navigable central ramp and interconnected learning spaces that make the school feel unified while creating unique learning spaces for all children."

Students: Jason Chen and Sunny Lan
Course: ARCH 393: Designing for Every Body
Tutors: Lola Sheppard and Tara Bissett
Email: j879chen[at] and s8lan[at]

Three visualisations of bulb-like pavilions in forest

Flux by Meaghan Roberts, Neli Yuen and Ulyana Bunina

"Flux consists of a series of climate responsive pavilions which integrate biomimetic principles derived from an exploration into the movement found in plant species Common milkweed, Wild carrot and Echinocystis.

"In an environment where making and testing physical models was highly encouraged, a functioning design proposal was produced that synthesised the three plant mechanics and previous prototypes."

Students: Meaghan Roberts, Neli Yuen and Ulyana Bunina
Course: ARCH 393 - Option Studio: Biometric Design Lab
Tutor: David Correa
Email: m49rober[at], n4yuen[at] and ubunina[at]

Sectional view of building in front of orange and purple background

Solar Steps by Nicole Cao

"Solar Steps explores how thresholds define relationships between residential and urban scales.

"What architectural interventions can dynamically adapt the circulatory, visual and auditory porosity between interior and exterior and domestic and public zones?

"How can adjustable merging and division accommodate a variety of living arrangements and programmatic permutations?

"The layering of operable thresholds and inhabited intermediary spaces imagines a dynamic form of collective living where the individual resident's relationship to their flatmates, neighbours and the broader community become simultaneously more connected and more flexible.

"Agency over where and how to draw the boundary between personal and communal space is given to the residents themselves."

Student: Nicole Cao
Course: ARCH 392: Human beings are more important than real estate: Environmental Justice through Affordable Housing
Tutor: Adrian Blackwell
Email: nicole.cao[at]

Visualisation showing a building on a snowy street

The 'Bridge' – A cross-cultural learning centre by Rita Irina Pljusznyin

"The design demonstrates the power of culture and aims to create an attractive, functional, inclusive and resilient cross-cultural learning centre for newcomers to Canada.

"With the refugee count of the world reaching over 100,000 million, inclusivity must become critical in our world.

"Designing for the future means a net zero approach through embodied and operational carbon reduction strategies.

"The programming is based on urban planning demonstrated in Toronto for a better city centre, therefore emphasising new opportunities for collaboration and creativity by activating the street level for pedestrians and connecting to Toronto's Park infrastructure.

"This building design joins the movement of new scale in mass timber for Toronto to redefine the city's identity, knowledge and tradition with a focus on wood as a building material and a structural grid that can be easily repurposed for future use."

Student: Rita Irina Pljusznyin
Course: ARCH 691
Tutors: Dr Mohamad T Araji and Richard Mui
Email: rita.pljusznyin[at]

Group project: Robot Made 2022

"The Mille-feuille Pavilion is a robotically fabricated plywood pavilion that was built as part of a workshop hosted by the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA) and the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP), which took place from 4 to 8 June 2022.

"The workshop was led by Associate Professor David Correa of the University of Waterloo, Oliver David Krieg of Intelligent City and Associate Professor AnnaLisa Meyboom from UBC SALA.

"The free-standing structure is a multi-layered plywood assembly that relies solely on precise wood-to-wood joinery – 43 webs connect 150 unique wood planks and no screws or nails were used.

"Rather than using straight, pre-cut sections, the pavilion investigates the limits of elastically bent plywood to create a free-form and light-weight, self-supporting structure.

"The design pushes each component to bend to its limit, when the curvature asks for a tighter radius than the wood can accomplish, a pattern of lamination begins.

"The resulting design celebrates the formal potential of the curved plywood while building sectional depth through the mille-feuille-like assembly of multiple layers."

Students: Kenneth Anggara, Nora Boone, Meena Chowdhury, Adrian Chiu, Sarah Garland, Marina Ibrahim, David Kalman, Nicholas Krahn, Sahar Kazemeini, Yuxiang Liu, Isabelle Luisser, Aïden Mézidor, Lorena Polovina, Sarah Pitoscia, Changwei Qiu, Esraa Saad, Tyler Solu, Piero Sovrani, Jay Starnino and Carissa Tzeng
Course: Research Work
Tutors: David Correa, Oliver David Krieg of Intelligent City and AnnaLisa Meyboom of UBC SALA

Visualisation and diagrams of bath house in cold landscape

Steam Serpentine by Ksenija Lukic, Luca Ricci and Simar Mangat

"Rooted in the plant studies of the Virginia Creeper, Milkweed and Helicopter Seed, the Steam Serpentine utilises biomimetic design principles to function as a climate-responsive bathing pavilion amidst the Icelandic landscape.

"Through the exploration and development of a hygroscopic mechanism, a singular module becomes a dynamic facade that can adapt depending on climate conditions and user interaction."

Students: Ksenija Lukic, Luca Ricci and Simar Mangat
Course: ARCH 393 - Option Studio: Biometric Design Lab
Tutor: David Correa
Email: ksenija.lukic[at], lucaricci200[at] and simar326[at]

Visualisation of large brick museum building with trees in foreground

The Tiber Museum by Gareth Bracewell and Cian Hrabi

"In this project, the wall and the enclosure are the first acts of architecture. For thousands of years, it has been the definition of the city – we propose to translate that sentiment into a contemporary setting.

"Romans build structures to last – Rome is the eternal city for a reason – but modernity turned us towards preservation and stagnation, turning the entire city into a museum.

"This project is a radical departure from the status quo by wrapping the site and building a wall to house the museum we free the city from that responsibility.

"This project is a look to see what we could do if we decided to build again. Take what exists and care for it, but don't worship it."

Students: Gareth Bracewell and Cian Hrabi
Course: ARCH 492: Rome Studio
Tutor: Beatrice Bruscoli
Email: gareth.bracewell[at] and cian_m_h[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and University of Waterloo. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Nine architecture, preservation and development projects by students at Tulane University Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:00:58 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a youth hostel built on a former car park in New Orleans is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Tulane University in Louisiana. Also included is a social housing development in Mississippi created in an existing warehouse building and a scheme that sees existing freight railway lines into passenger

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Dezeen School Shows: a youth hostel built on a former car park in New Orleans is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Tulane University in Louisiana.

Also included is a social housing development in Mississippi created in an existing warehouse building and a scheme that sees existing freight railway lines into passenger train links.

Tulane University

Institution: Tulane University
School: Tulane School of Architecture
Course: Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Historic Preservation and Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development
Tutors: Andrea Bardón de Tena, Liz Camuti, Brent Fortenberry, Kari Godchaux, Margarita Jover, Seth Knudsen, Casius Pealer, Mary Helen Porter, Mark Rabinowitz, Cynthia Steward and Jonathan Tate

School statement:

"At the Tulane School of Architecture, our students have the power to transform the built environment. Through rigorous curriculum, cutting-edge research initiatives and collaborative partnerships, our graduates are equipped to address the urgent challenges of climate change and social injustice.

"We take pride in fostering an inclusive community of talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to collectively shape a more equitable and vibrant future.

"Graduate students may pursue a Master of Architecture (M Arch) degree, a Master of Science in Historic Preservation (MSHP), a Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development (MSRED) or a dual degree in M Arch plus MSHP or M Arch plus MSRED.

"The NAAB-accredited M Arch degree programme provides diverse options to engage critical topics through studio, seminar, and lecture courses that bridge intellectual, technical, social and physical areas.

"Students are also encouraged to explore a research interest – in addition to the traditional architectural thesis – through Research Studios and specific research concentrations – climate change, urban ecologies and public space (river and coastal urbanism), digital fabrication and advanced ecologies, affordable housing, design build, and contemporary architecture in historic contexts (adaptive reuse).

"The MSHP degree provides a rigorous foundation in the core principles and concepts of historic preservation practice in the United States and beyond.

"Elective courses give students the opportunity to specialise in an area of preservation and its allied disciplines. A thesis or practicum forms the programme's capstone project that demonstrates a mastery of knowledge in the field.

"The MSRED degree is practice-oriented and emphasises opportunities for students through a faculty of industry professionals, experiential learning and connections with local and national networks.

"The programme equips graduates with a blended education in business, economics, sustainable design, urbanism and legal issues. Students' culminating work involves collaborating with a professional partner to complete a directed research project."

Diagram showing how coastal land areas can be built upon

Occupying the Amphibious Edge: Reframing Managed Retreat to Establish Resilient Coastal Settlement Strategies by Megan Spoor

"Our current methods of inhabiting the Gulf Coast region presume a permanence of land and predictability of risk.

"We have sought to maintain our stability-seeking occupation patterns by constraining the coastal landscape through structural interventions, creating a path dependency on hard infrastructure that is unsustainable in the long term.

"Occupying the Amphibious Edge is a strategy for land use zoning, which promotes collective stewardship of the coastal zone and its infrastructure through conservation-led land acquisition.

"Four main coastal zones are proposed, in which hard infrastructure is adapted, ecological restoration is prioritised and new housing typologies support densification of higher ground."

Student: Megan Spoor
Course: ARCH 6041 – Gulf Research Studio (National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine)
Tutors: Liz Camuti and Margarita Jover
Email: megan.spoor[at]

Various diagrams showing rail systems

Hundred Year Lines by Allison Slomski

"In pursuit of an energy-efficient future, this proposal imagines an American policy shift equal in magnitude to the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 to retrofit our extensive freight rail system to include passenger use and provide incentives for developing interconnected local transit systems.

"To accompany an anticipated nationwide resurgence in ridership, the project introduces a new typology for the building infrastructures that accompany transit systems, deployable for a myriad of sites and scales.

"Its implementation is tested in New Iberia, Louisiana, the parish seat of Iberia Parish and home to roughly 30,000 people.

"The building houses transit connection points that serve as a civic magnet and energy distributor, and can accommodate emergency shelter or evacuation needs."

Student: Allison Slomski
Course: ARCH 6041 – Gulf Research Studio (National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)
Tutors: Liz Camuti and Margarita Jover
Email: aslomski[at]

St Louis Number 3 Tombs Documentation by Allyson Hinz and Catherine Restrepo

"In this foundational segment of the building preservation course, students are introduced to the detailed process of documenting historic structures, with a focus on tombs at St Louis Number 3 Cemetery in New Orleans.

"This assignment exemplifies the course's dedication to melding theoretical insights with hands-on fieldwork, providing students, particularly those from non-architectural backgrounds, with a unique opportunity for direct architectural documentation experience.

"During site visits, students utilized HABS (Historic American Buildings Survey) specifications to create detailed field documentation of chosen tombs.

"Given their manageable scale, these tombs serve as an excellent introduction to architectural documentation and allow each student to engage thoroughly with an individual structure, ensuring deep comprehension of the documentation process.

"After the fieldwork, the gathered data is diligently converted into a digital format using AutoCAD, upholding precision and aligning with professional standards."

Students: Allyson Hinz and Catherine Restrepo
Course: PRES 6041 – Preservation Studio I: Building Preservation
Tutors: Mark Rabinowitz and Cynthia Steward
Emails: ahinz[at] and crestrepo[at]

Group project: Heritage at Risk: Bridgetown, Barbados

"This academic endeavour was a collaboration between Tulane School of Architecture's Historic Preservation Programme, the Commonwealth Heritage Skills Training Programme and the University of the West Indies.

"Beginning in January 2023 with a visit to Barbados, the project involved three phases: documentation, conservation and interpretation.

"Documentation – students surveyed 313 buildings within Roebuck Street Corridor. Various techniques, from laser scanning and photogrammetry to archival research and traditional photography, were employed to illuminate the architectural and historical significance of the region. Buildings were georeferenced, with all underlying survey data incorporated into a GIS mapping effort.

"Conservation – this phase included conditions assessment and culminated in a conservation management plan, identifying areas needing immediate intervention.

"Interpretation – proposals for a walking heritage loop, museum panels, and exhibits were developed to foster public engagement, connect communities to their rich cultural inheritance, and promote stewardship of Roebuck Street's historical environment."

Students: Brianna Baldwin, Amanda Bentz, Belinda Chau, Brooke Crowder, Madeleine Davies, Thais De Four, Robert Fisher, Erica Guzman, Chris Kolodey, Abigail Lovins, Jiaqi Luo, Anthony Mendez, Sarah Quinn, Catherine Restrepo, Karan Sharma, Robin Smith, Sara Tankersley and Yao Zhang
Course: PRES 6042 – Research Studio “Heritage at Risk: Barbados" (a Saul A. Mintz Global Research Studio)
Tutors: Brent Fortenberry and Mary Helen Porter
Emails: bbaldwin[at], abenz[at], bchau1[at], scrowder[at], mdavies4[at], tdefour[at], rfisher8[at], euzman1[at], ckolodey[at], alovins[at], jluo5[at], rmendez1[at], suinn3[at], crestrepo[at], ksharma2[at], rsmith51[at], stankersley[at] and yhang95[at]

Sketch-like visualisation of a pitched-roof building

Conservation Management: Auburn Billiard Hall and Carriage House by Samantha Staviss

"This project presents a groundbreaking conservation management study centred on Auburn's historic Carriage House and Billiard Hall in Natchez, Mississippi.

"The study highlights the importance of safeguarding overlooked outbuildings – often hubs of activity for enslaved persons – by combining modern documentation techniques like laser scanning with traditional historical analysis.

"This work emphasises the importance of an inclusive interpretation, ensuring that the full spectrum of histories associated with suburban villas and plantations is not only preserved but actively told.

"This approach provides invaluable insights to architects, historians and preservationists who aim to bridge historical narratives with contemporary conservation techniques."

Student: Samantha Staviss
Course: PRES 6985 – Preservation Practicum
Tutor: Brent Fortenberry
Email: violamusic27[at]

Various diagrams of zoning in New Orleans

Small, Multifamily, Affordable by Daniel Tighe

"Recent changes to the New Orleans Zoning Ordinance increased the number of allowable units on many residential properties throughout the city from two to four.

"This research investigates the number of fourplexes built because of this change and the likely impacts it will have on future housing development in the city.

"While city zoning represents a clear barrier to increasing housing density, several more barriers exist constraining the development of fourplexes in New Orleans, such as a lack of subsidies, the strength of alternative developments, and increased construction standards for four-unit complexes.

"The purpose of this project is to clearly define these barriers while proposing policy solutions that could encourage greater housing density and affordability in New Orleans."

Student: Daniel Tighe
Course: SRED 6740 – Directed Research
Tutors: Casius Pealer and Seth Knudson of the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority
Email: dtighe[at]

Brownfields to Brightfields: Revitalising Brownfields with Solar Infrastructure in New Orleans by Mario Das

"New Orleans, a city susceptible to devastating hurricanes and flooding, grapples with abandoned infrastructure and widespread poorly tracked contamination.

"High contamination levels pose significant health risks for residents. However, redeveloping these contaminated sites is hindered by factors like the type/level of contamination, costly remediation, insurance challenges and difficulties in site access and control, discouraging potential investors.

"This project explores the imperative need to reduce contamination in New Orleans.

"It delves into the potential benefits, opportunities and challenges of repurposing these contaminated sites as Brightfields through the installation of solar infrastructure.

"Moreover, it investigates relevant state and federal policies, incentives, and cleanup programmes that play a crucial role in transforming brownfields into brightfields, fostering environmental remediation and clean energy generation.

"Photo courtesy of Abandoned Southeast."

Student: Mario Das
Course: SRED 6740 – Directed Research
Tutors: Casius Pealer and Kari Godchaux of New Orleans City Planning Commission
Email: dasmario.96[at]

Visualisation showing a housing development

A Place for Wonder by Giuliana Vaccarino Gearty

"43 per cent of Greenwood, Mississippi's families are single mothers, many of whom also work.

"This project aims to support some of these working mothers by providing community-oriented housing that is bolstered by socialising-focused amenities, including a daycare, outdoor recreational space and communal dining areas.

"Located in a former manufacturing district, the development embraces an existing warehouse, whose ground floor has been converted into communal and retail spaces.

"Each housing unit looks out onto a central courtyard, which features areas for play and contemplation.

"The development is punctured by multiple alleyways that, while mirroring vacant lots and alleys downtown, are reclaimed as access points to the vibrant social interior of the housing block."

Student: Giuliana Vaccarino Gearty
Course: ARCH 6051 – Research Studio 'Town. House. Urban development and housing in the margins'
Tutor: Jonathan Tate
Email: giuliana.vaccarino[at]

Visualisation showing hostel building

The Rampart Youth Hostel by Kosta Sevic

"The Rampart Youth Hostel integrates building and infrastructure in a multi-faceted approach.

"The project responds to its surroundings and understands the significance of historic urbanism between New Orleans' Central Business District and the neighbourhoods of Treme and the French Quarter through its treatment of massing and facade fenestration.

"The 38,000-square-foot project transforms an existing surface parking lot into a low-cost, short-term shared lodging facility offering an affordable way to travel created by a combination of its mixed-use space integrated into the youth hostel plan.

"The programme aims to increase revenue and connect tourists with locals through its accessibility to amenities and public areas within the footprint of the building.

"Considering the challenges posed by New Orleans' climate, the project focuses on resilience and sustainability from high-level massing strategies down to design details and material choice."

Student: Kosta Sevic
Course: ARCH 6032 – Integrated Studio
Tutor: Andrea Bardón de Tena
Email: ksevic[at] and kosta.sevic[at]

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Tulane University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Northumbria University presents 10 product design student projects Wed, 01 Nov 2023 17:00:38 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a breathable uniform designed for nurses going through menopause is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Northumbria University. Also included is a stereo system that requires the desired song to be written down before playing it and a table for practising Chinese tea rituals that is made from western-sourced

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Person sitting at red table pouring tea

Dezeen School Shows: a breathable uniform designed for nurses going through menopause is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Northumbria University.

Also included is a stereo system that requires the desired song to be written down before playing it and a table for practising Chinese tea rituals that is made from western-sourced wood that aims to combine the heritage of both cultures.

Northumbria University

Institution: Northumbria University
School: School of Design
Course: BA (Hons) Product Design
Tutors: Tommy Dylan, Howard Fenwick, Anthony Forsyth, Ian Hewitt, Matthew Lievesley, David Parkinson, Simon Scott-Harden, Josh South, John Sproats, Rose Wong and Marco Zilvetti

School statement:

"The BA (Hons) Product Design course at Northumbria University, formerly known as 'Design for Industry', teaches students to create designs that tackle current and future challenges.

"While focused on the design of physical artefacts, our approach embraces wider disciplines including experience and digital design so that students leave us with a skillset suited to current design careers.

"You will learn to create design concepts that are commercially viable, addressing user needs and behaviours.

"At the same time, we promote a responsible approach to design, meaning that you will always consider the social and environmental impacts of your design decisions."

Photograph showing navy blue nurses uniform on mannequin

Sana by Christy Davidson

"Sana is a standardised nurse uniform that incorporates ventilation to assist in regulating body temperature. It is inspired by the experiences of nurses going through menopause who found themselves working in poorly designed uniforms and inefficient buildings.

"Sana is also comprised of other innovations making a well-rounded garment for the wearer, such as functional ergonomic pockets, a modest and comfortable neckline, an inter-changeable rank patch, clear department signifier and a lightweight and comfortable bamboo fabric."

Student: Christy Davidson

Photograph showing three vessels with wooden components

Osmo by Natalie Edge

"Osmo consists of three smart products and an app that aims to improve the hydration of older people. The Measuring Mug uses weight to measure fluid intake, which is displayed on the Hydration Hub.

"The Hub shows progress towards the user's goal number of drinks. The Reminder Device uses movement to prompt the user to hydrate, set at appropriate intervals when recent fluid intake has not been detected.

"The Osmo App enables a tailored product experience based on user needs. Tangible reminding and awareness build positive habits improving hydration and in turn health and wellbeing."

Student: Natalie Edge

Photograph showing terracotta-like smart home devices on table

Terra-Nova by Gruff Jones

"Terra-nova is an experimental set of three unobtrusive smart home devices. The thermostat, smart assistant and light controller probe current norms of technology in our homes, promoting interactions that are more about human feeling and less about digital information.

"Each device takes inspiration from the material properties of terracotta – heat insulation, acoustic insulation and light reflection – to form these interactions.

"Utilising terracotta as its core material importantly challenges the use of plastics in our home devices, with a 100 per cent natural and recyclable material."

Student: Gruff Jones

Photograph of oranges, lemons and ginger beside a juicing device

Mortar by Jai Mistry

"Mortar is a unique product designed to enable individuals to prepare their own health shots. By simply twisting the stone cap, users initiate a juicing process where an automated auger drill effectively crushes and grinds the ingredients.

"The resulting waste material is conveniently compacted into a puck for effortless disposal. Additionally, the device features USB charging for added convenience.

"Mortar introduces a sense of ritual to the process of making juice shots, aiming to inspire and encourage long-term adoption of healthy lifestyle choices."

Student: Jai Mistry

Photograph of device rolling cream onto arm

Cari by Johnny Page

"This convenient, mess-free emollient applicator gives people with dry skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, the freedom and flexibility to effectively manage flare-ups on the go.

"Cari is hygienic, easy to control and convenient to refill with easily recyclable pods. It enables users to unobtrusively carry emollients and protect their skin from triggers and infections.

"You can customise the type of emollient, the applicator head, and the case to suit your preferences, empowering you to take control over their condition and give you back a sense of normality."

Student: Johnny Page

Photograph showing milk bottle with cow on label

Milk It by Rebecca Newton

"To reduce dairy waste within the home, Milk It embraces the positive qualities of milk as it sours, discovering uses beyond being a drinking product.

"Developing flavours and leavening properties make souring milk ideal for cooking and baking.

"Milk It includes a packaging and brand design, inspired by products that romanticise ageing. This includes a biosensor product that accurately measures sourness meanwhile displaying the milk's ideal use – either drinking, cooking, baking or non-food uses – and an app to browse complimentary recipes.

"These elements come together to increase milk's intrinsic value, reduce ambiguity and instil confidence in utilising souring milk within the home."

Student: Rebecca Newton

Photograph showing climber with portable fan attached to their back

RockSolid Breeze by Dom Smith

"RockSolid Breeze is a fully rechargeable and sustainable fan that reduces the use of chalk while climbing by drying climbers' hands.

"Chalk is used to dry and increase friction between fingers and rock. However, it can change the pH level of surface rock, killing living organisms and staining the rock itself.

"Chalk is mostly mined in China and after going through various processes it is far from being sustainable or environmentally friendly. The Breeze mimics the size and way in which a chalk bag is used, so it falls in place of current habits without changing them."

Student: Dom Smith

Person carrying large brown backpack

Rove by Rob Swan

"Rove revolutionises the concept of roving by providing anglers with a convenient and comfortable solution to move effortlessly between fishing spots.

"By combining portable seating and storage into one unit, Rove enables users to carry their chair and tackle in a single, practical package.

"With Rove, anglers can navigate challenging terrains, gates, and riverbanks with ease, freeing their hands to handle rods and tackle without any hindrance.

"Experience roving like never before with Rove’s innovative design."

Student: Rob Swan

Person sitting at red table pouring tea

Chá Table by Helen Wat

"The Chá Table is a low table for hosting Chinese tea rituals, honouring the heritage and space held by Hong Kong-British diaspora.

"Chinese tea is symbolic of heritage and hospitality. In homage to Hong Kong-British diasporic experience, this ritual is adopted to offer a contemporary proposition to examine the role of tea in spaces of gathering from the community outside the homeland.

"Chá Table explores ideas of identity and belonging while alluding to critical social issues of autonomy.

"Inspired by traditional architectural structures and joinery, the Eastern-informed design fuses manufacture with Western timber – a reflection of the blended cultural position of Hong Kongers in Britain."

Student: Helen Wat

Photograph showing stereo/paper shredder

Shredd by Jack Mercer

"Shredd is an innovative and interactive music player that introduces a distinct approach to curating and experiencing music.

"Rather than simply selecting a track and playing it, Shredd requires users to physically write down the desired track and feed it into the shredder for playback.

"However, once a track has been played in this manner, it cannot be replayed.

"This conceptual music player challenges the conventional way we engage with digital playlists, where an abundance of music is readily available and accessible at any time."

Student: Jack Mercer

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Northumbria University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Five design projects completed by students at Arts University Bournemouth Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:00:49 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: an outdoor exhibition located in a shipping container is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Arts University Bournemouth. Also included is a new design for the exterior of medical vehicles aiming to reach underrepresented participants for medical trials and a series of temporary installations designed to engage visitors in an educational

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Photograph showing lit shipping container in woodland area at night

Dezeen School Shows: an outdoor exhibition located in a shipping container is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Arts University Bournemouth.

Also included is a new design for the exterior of medical vehicles aiming to reach underrepresented participants for medical trials and a series of temporary installations designed to engage visitors in an educational outdoor site.

Arts University Bournemouth

Institution: Arts University Bournemouth
School: Design and Architecture
Course: Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Michael Cavagin, Emily Manns, Ed Ward and Jamie Yeates

School statement:

"Live briefs play a crucial role in the delivery of the Interior Architecture and Design undergraduate course at Arts University Bournemouth – there are many benefits that all the parties involved will receive from these collaborations.

"IAD live briefs offer students the opportunity to work on actual projects for real clients or organisations.

"This practical experience helps students bridge the gap between academic learning and the professional world, they get to apply their theoretical knowledge to solve genuine design challenges on a relatively manageable and small scale.

"Working on live briefs allows our students to develop a range of professional skills including communication, project management, teamwork, client interaction and problem-solving.

"These skills are invaluable for their understanding of the wider field of interior architecture and design.

"The projects completed during live briefs will be included in the student's portfolio, showcasing their practical skills to potential employers and their enthusiasm for the subject – this can lead to higher engagement and a deeper commitment to their studies.

"Live briefs involve interaction with real clients, design firms or industry professionals, which is instrumental for students to establish connections in the sector and gain a deeper understanding of the industry's standards and practices.

"At AUB, live briefs bring the real-world context into the classroom, where students learn to consider factors such as client preferences, budgets and site-specific requirements, which are essential in students' development – they also receive feedback from real clients or industry experts.

"Projects cover a wide range of design projects, from art collaboration to briefs centred around the NHS.

"This diversity exposes students to various design challenges and styles, preparing them for a broader spectrum of career opportunities.

"Our live briefs have sustainability and ethical considerations at their core, allowing students to be exposed to contemporary concerns in the industry, preparing them to address environmental and social issues through their designs.

"Live briefs can be highly motivating for students, as they see the immediate practical relevance of their coursework, which can lead to higher engagement and a deeper commitment to their studies.

"Our live briefs are integral to the Interior Architecture and Design undergraduate course at Arts University Bournemouth as they enhance students' learning experiences, provide practical skills and help them transition into the professional world with a well-rounded portfolio and industry connections.

"These real-world projects not only enrich the curriculum but also prepare students for a successful career in the sector."

Visualisations of brightly-coloured information/display boards outside a hospital

Royal Bournemouth Hospital BEACH Building by Julia Binnon, Raquel Di Cori and Dahnya Sandhu

"Staff and students from Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) and University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) have come together to celebrate collaborative design work created to support the build of major new hospital care facilities at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

"Together with its contractor for transformation, Integrated Health Projects (IHP) – an alliance between VINCI Construction UK and civil engineering company Sir Robert McAlpine – UHD welcomed a team of university students to the hospital site to thank them for design work promoting the benefits of the hospital's new BEACH (Births, Emergency care, Critical care and child Health) building and wider transformation programme.

"As part of a new collaborative partnership between the University and hospital, AUB's BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design students were invited to contribute to the £250m transformation project, which will see more than 23,000 meters square of complex hospital development over six storeys at the Castle Lane site.

"AUB students Julia Binnon, Raquel Di Cori and Dahnya Sandhu are the team behind 130-metre-long, eye-catching new information panels surrounding the BEACH building.

"Completing in late 2024, the new building will offer Dorset residents a brand-new maternity unit, children's unit, enhanced emergency department and 30-bed critical care unit."

Students: Julia Binnon, Raquel Di Cori and Dahnya Sandhu
Tutors: Monica Franchin and Jamie Yeates

Board showing wall murals in hospital

Think Big by Andrea Dall'Orto, Harry Powell, Isabella Williams, Samantha Day and Caroline Millard

"A partnership project between Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) and Dorset's Integrated Care System (ICS) Our Dorset, has been shortlisted for a national healthcare award.

"AUB has been working with Our Dorset on a joint project to develop their Think Big initiative, which has seen first year BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design students working with local authority partners including BCP Council, Dorset Council, NHS University Hospitals Dorset and Public Health Dorset to support the design of a new Outpatients Assessment Clinic in Poole.

"Our Dorset staff have also been delivering lectures to AUB students, with the aim of helping them to understand the health and social care needs of the region, while the university students have been tasked with helping the ICS to consider and develop ideas around designing and delivering community care services across the region.

"Monica Fanchin, BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design Course Leader, said: 'In this collaborative project, the Interior Architecture and Design course at Arts University Bournemouth had the opportunity to teach and promote the civic responsibility, foster empathy toward the users, putting the users, both patients and staff, at the centre of the design process.'

"'Inclusivity was a major focus of the design – with the group designing Pala, a character representative of the community.'

"'Pala was created with the intention to embody the spirit of the local people and reflect the innovative approach of the new outpatient assessment clinic, signalling an uplifting transformation.'

"'Pala means guardian in Sanskrit, a meaning the group felt embodied the role of the NHS.'"

Students: Andrea Dall'Orto, Harry Powell, Isabella Williams, Samantha Day and Caroline Millard
Tutors: Monica Franchin and Jamie Yeates

A series of illustrations showing a medical testing van decorated with purple, green and blue shapes.

NHIR Health Bus by Lenya Hulford-Greig, Thomas Roberts, Annika Shaill and Lucas Thompson-McClure

"IAD students had a unique and exciting opportunity to influence the look and feel of a new bus for use by the NIHR Wessex CRN – the resulting design wraps around the sides of the vehicle and aims to encourage participation in medical trials.

"These vehicles will take clinical health and care studies out into the community, rather than asking people to travel to hospital/clinical settings.

"Every year, NIHR runs a series of clinical trials in the Wessex region aiming to test new medications, treatments and interventions to enable healthcare professionals to develop new ways of helping patients and promote public health.

"Each study is unique – some require healthy volunteers, others recruit people with specific medical conditions, some are aimed at adults, others at children and babies or the elderly.

"The primary function of the buses is to deliver research trials at convenient locations to specific communities.

"These might be populations harder to reach because of their geographical location eg. the Isle of Wight, rural Dorset and coastal communities a long way from our city centres.

"A secondary function will be to enable outreach by parking up at events and festivals to help promote the #BePartofResearch campaign.

"Therefore, the design needs to be as appealing as possible across all age groups and demographics."

Students: Lenya Hulford-Greig, Thomas Roberts, Annika Shaill and Lucas Thompson-McClure
Tutors: Monica Franchin, Jamie Yeates and Emily Manns

Visualisation showing a curved building in a woodland area

Inside Out Dorset by Molly Gransbury, Ella Taylor and Julia Kabior

"BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design have been collaborating with Activate Dorset for a third year and the students have created a series of site-specific speculative installations that define an innovative temporary engagement experience across the landscape of Wild Woodbury, Re-Wilding nature reserve.

"Students have responded to the broader themes of ecologies, the climate emergency, interaction and engagement.

"Alongside the interaction and understanding of the site of Wild Woodbury, the students have used material growing/making, printmaking, virtual reality, visual programming and architectural filmmaking to communicate their projects."

Students: Molly Gransbury, Ella Taylor and Julia Kabior
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Tutors: Jamie Yeates and Ed Ward

Photograph showing lit shipping container in woodland area at night

Future Forest by Tom Pritchard and Grace Reeves

"Future Forest is a collaborative project from Arts University Bournemouth that brings together students from BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design courses, along with AUB staff and university coder-in-residence Ashley James Brown.

"As part of the curriculum, graphic design students were required to design an ethical and annotated response to the forest context that enhances the experience for visitors at Moors Valley Country Park as they visit Luke Jerram's 'Gaia' installation.

"The work, which can be explored here, covers ideas from augmented reality eco-poetry trails to interactive concepts based on the 'Wood Wide Web', which explores how trees communicate, to more practical ideas that address physical wayfinding and concepts that draw upon Greek mythology and use gamification to connect people to nature.

"In addition, Interior Architecture and Design students explored themes of ecology and sustainability within the period of the anthropocene, subsequently developing speculative, temporary engagement experiences across the landscape of Moors Valley.

"Varying in scale and scope, the outcomes embed aesthetic and functional qualities, exploring a multitude of fabrication methods and encapsulating theoretical concepts of novel materiality.

"The student work is exhibited across eight tiny screens and is displayed in a metal shipping container with embedded polycarbonate cubes derived from fractal forms found within crystal structures.

"The exhibition, created by Edward Ward, senior lecturer in Interior Architecture and Design, was developed in collaboration with student Tom Pritchard."

Students: Tom Pritchard and Grace Reeves
Course: BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design and BA(Hons) Graphic Design
Tutors: Ed Ward and Alice Stevens

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Arts University Bournemouth. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten furniture design projects by Northumbria University students Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:00:45 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a wooden chair upholstered in a leather alternative made from seaweed is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Northumbria University. Also featured is a lounge chair designed for workplace breakout areas and an item of furniture made from discarded vape casings. Northumbria University Institution: Northumbria University Course: BA Hons

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Wooden chair on sand dune draped in seaweed

Dezeen School Shows: a wooden chair upholstered in a leather alternative made from seaweed is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Northumbria University.

Also featured is a lounge chair designed for workplace breakout areas and an item of furniture made from discarded vape casings.

Northumbria University

Institution: Northumbria University
Course: BA Hons Furniture and Product Design
Tutor: Rickard Whittingham

School statement:

"Furniture and Product Design BA (Hons) teaches a creative, analytical and skilful approach to the designing and making of products and furniture.

"Formerly known as '3D Design', this course allows you to join a community of staff and students eager to explore the potential for beauty, usefulness and meaning in contemporary material culture.

"You will develop both the technical skills required of a designer and the critical thinking skills necessary to understand design's role in the social, economic and environmental context of today.

"Our creative approach puts three-dimensional prototyping at the heart of the design process.

"You will be taught how to use the tools and techniques of workshops, computer labs and studio spaces to develop and evaluate designs in three dimensions.

"You will gain a sophisticated understanding of how to work with materials by sensitively incorporating their properties into your work and you will be challenged to think carefully about the valuable role your furniture and products should play in people's lives.

"The furniture and product design course's vision is to create the most able graduates – people who understand both how and why to make things, and are ready to make meaningful contributions to professional design practice."

Table and bowls on dark backdrop

Shiver by Fred Dunbar

"This is a material-led project that aims to reimagine and challenge the conventional norms of material finishes. The project resulted in a chair and stool as well as a number of bronze bowls.

"Shiver won the Tom Faulkner Award for Best Furniture Design and a London Design Fair Emerging Talent Award at New Designers 2024."

Student: Fred Dunbar

Hexagonal side table on decked outside area

Hexagrain by Liam Ferris

"Hexagrain aims to blend wood grain with geometric forms to showcase the beauty of both.

"By combining expressive wood grain with a geometric aesthetic, it creates objects that celebrate both the natural and the human-made."

Student: Liam Ferris
Email: liamdavidferris[at]

Photograph showing six rows photographs showing four views of each chair

Chair Twenty by Joe Hill

"This project explores social interaction within public spaces. Chair Twenty is part of a range of furniture for coffee shops that aims to encourage people to interact with one another.

"I have investigated the ways in which furniture can influence conversation and how seating position and environments can encourage collaboration."

Student: Joe Hill

Photograph showing hand opening drawer in desk

Pivot by Keanu Lee

"This project aims to minimise the negative impact of clutter on our daily lives. Clutter tends to gather when people accumulate non-essential belongings and it can have negative effects on our mental and physical health.

"The primary objective of Pivot is to enhance user productivity by reducing visual clutter on a domestic desk."

Student: Keanu Lee

Photograph of a wooden bench on a white backdrop

Hankei—Radius by Phoebe Li

"This project involved the creation of a slatted bench inspired by the values and principles of Japanese author Naoto Fukasawa's work, alongside Li's personal expression of cosy ideologies from hygge.

"Crafted from oak, its gentle curves aim for a harmonious balance of simplicity and elegance. This bench encourages you to unwind and embrace the comforting ambience of hygge."

Student: Phoebe Li

Photograph of furniture item made from vape casings

Waste Recontextualised by Ben Watson

"This project investigates the re-contextualisation of waste through the repurposing of discarded disposable vapes.

"The goal was to give the pieces a refinement and quality, despite the throwaway nature of the 'waste' materials."

Student: Ben Watson

Photograph showing desk lamp on desk

Retrospective Design by Owen Wright

"Retrospective design is an exploration into how past design styles can inform contemporary work.

"Minimal is a task light inspired by Modernist principles, with a focus on using a minimal number of materials to perform its function. Balance is a Postmodernism-inspired desk light."

Student: Owen Wright

Photograph of a wooden stool

Korean Design Modern Stool by Yi Chung-Hyun

"Chung-Hyun designed a sculptural stool made from walnut and plywood, which is inspired by the forms of traditional Korean 'Hanok' architecture.

"The swooping form of the top is designed to lend presence to the piece and also provides a comfortable seat."

Student: Yi Chung-Hyun

Person adjusting a plywood chair with green legs

Lounge 6011 by Matthew A Gemmell

"Lounge 6011 was created using both nature and industrialism as inspirations.

"Made using steel tubing and veneered plywood, the 6011 was designed to provide a point of relaxation in office spaces."

Student: Matthew A Gemmell

Wooden chair on sand dune draped in seaweed

Frond by Henry Davison

"Frond is a material research-based project. The aim was to develop a method to turn seaweed – a widely available and sustainable algae – into a viable alternative to leather for the furniture industry.

"The final process uses only biodegradable and sustainable materials to create a flexible yet durable leather-like material."

Student: Henry Davison

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Northumbria University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at City College of New York Sat, 28 Oct 2023 16:00:09 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a project examining the street furniture in Manhattan's Chinatown district is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at City College of New York. Also included is a project that explores the relationship between humans and rats in New York City as well as a scheme that sees the restoration and

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Yellow visualisation of urban human and rat networks

Dezeen School Shows: a project examining the street furniture in Manhattan's Chinatown district is included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at City College of New York.

Also included is a project that explores the relationship between humans and rats in New York City as well as a scheme that sees the restoration and adaptive reuse of the National Opera House.

City College of New York

Institution: City College of New York
School: The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
Courses: Bachelor of Architecture, Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture programs, post-professional Master of Urban Planning (Urban Design) and Master of Science in Architecture programs, and (pre-professional) Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and the Built Environment program
Tutors: Jeremy Edmiston, Kaitlin Faherty, Jerome Haferd, Brad Horn, Neil Katz, Kaja Kühl, Fabian Llonch, Lane Rick, Yadiel Rivera-Díaz, Julio Salcedo, Sanjukta Sen, Martin Stigsgaard, Laura Wainer and Marcus Wilford

School statement:

"The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at the City College of New York is the flagship public school of architecture in New York City.

"The Spitzer School is committed to social and sustainable concerns in design and practice, as well as providing access to the finest education in the art, history and technology of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design to the broadest and most diverse student population.

"Spitzer continually evolves to include more of the culture and history of our student body – this diversity refocuses and tests tradition, emboldening new directions in design education and the design fields."

Illustration-style visualisation showing an urban park

Harlem Daisy Chain by George McCracken and Nada Gatalo

"This project contributes to a larger proposal to reconfigure and connect Upper Manhattan’s green spaces, from the northern edge of Central Park on 110th Street to Coogan's Bluff on 155th Street – we call this new continuous park the Harlem Daisy Chain.

"The proposal re-envisions the block of 111th Street – between Frederick Douglass Boulevard and Manhattan Avenue – as a park corridor connecting Central Park with Morningside Park.

"The plan repeats the quilt motif designed by artist Algernon Miller for Frederick Douglass Circle's paving, which demarcates scattered nodes of recreational activity.

"The project proposes eliminating traffic and replacing intensive paving with intensive planting."

Students: George McCracken and Nada Gatalo
Course: Master of Landscape Architecture – first-year foundation studio
Tutors: Sanjukta Sen and Yadiel Rivera-Díaz

Sectional view of a housing unit

In Between Heights: A 'Yes in my Backyard!' Project by Valeska Abarca, Ismael Cajamarca and Annabelle Surya

"Drawing on a study of informal construction hidden within the dense urban blocks of the Jackson Heights neighbourhood in Queens, New York, this project proposes a gradual densification plan.

"The proposal creates a step-by-step strategy to convert private parking lots into compact, affordable housing units and community spaces. The project is grounded in the concept of incrementality maintained by a community land trust.

"This approach accounts for the social and cultural values of existing communities and the changes in urban landscapes over time. It is a small-scale development model that can be repeated, enabling residents to engage in the city-making process."

Students: Valeska Abarca, Ismael Cajamarca and Annabelle Surya
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio – Incremental NY: alternative social housing models for the city yet to come
Tutor: Laura Wainer PHD

Visualisation showing covered urban walkway

Migration X: Submission 101 by Ismael Cajamarca and Sofiia Alaeva

"Referring to migration as an illegal 'invasion' of immigrants is an example of the recent escalation of tension and persecution along the border between Mexico and the United States.

"Against this backdrop, this project probes architecture to investigate opportunities for affecting large cultural transitions at different scales. Focusing on the circulation of people across the globe, this proposal integrates and assists migrants living in New York City.

"Utilising social media analytically as a tool to promote local migrants' unique cultural contributions, the project focuses on three neighbourhoods and proposes design solutions for improving and invigorating lesser-known yet vibrant areas of NYC."

Students: Ismael Cajamarca and Sofiia Alaeva
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio – Migration X
Tutor: Martin Stigsgaard

Board comprising different architectural drawings and visualisations of the National Opera House

Houses of Resonance: The Pittsburgh National Negro Opera House by Harry Tietelman and Alexandra Almaguer

"House of Resonance re-imagines the National Opera House as an instrument that resonates out from and into the landscape.

"The concept includes developing a new aesthetic language unmasking and preserving the layered history within the walls.

"Beyond restoring the ornate Victorian exterior, the design seeks to transform the interior space into a resonating chamber that creates community and amplifies Black performance."

Students: Harry Tietelman and Alexandra Almaguer
Course: Master of Architecture Advanced Studio – Marronage
Tutor: Jerome Haferd

Board showing a 3D and 2D map

Densifying Manufacturing, Evolving Urban Systems by Fernando Gonzales, Michael Kirschman, Suzanne Kerr, Angie Montenegro, Kunal Veerabhadraswamy, Tanner Barr, Samantha Gifford, Susann Mejia Prior, Pauroma Tann and Christian Calle

"This project reimagines urban manufacturing as part of New York City's legacy of urban industry.

"New initiatives have emerged to support urban manufacturing and create incentives for industrial expansion, since these vital activities advance the city's environmental, socio-economic and sustainable objectives.

"The map proposes to densify urban industrial sites in relation to sites proposed for development by the city's Department of Design and Construction and the Department of Sanitation.

"The perspectival view integrates ecological systems based in participatory practices as the foundation for addressing urban manufacturing."

Students: Fernando Gonzales, Michael Kirschman, Suzanne Kerr, Angie Montenegro, Kunal Veerabhadraswamy, Tanner Barr, Samantha Gifford, Susann Mejia Prior, Pauroma Tann and Christian Calle
Course: Graduate Urban Design Program Advanced Studio – Crafting New Public Imaginaries
Tutors: Julio Salcedo, Marcus Wilford and Neil Katz

Black line drawings on white background

Sound-to-Form: Crafting New York's Future Dwellings by Mayu Uchiyama

"This project is an exploration of construction through site interpretation, where analysis becomes a fundamental part of design, where the description of qualities requires the invention of ways of drawing.

"This reciprocal movement between drawing and construction expands analysis, creating form works for future dwellings, large and small, in New York City.

"In this drawing, the analysis of a small Harlem row house site combines musical and architectural drawing techniques, exploring intricate details like sirens, trees, stoop greetings and garden scenes.

"The interplay of bundled and scattered lines shapes the blueprint for future dwellings."

Student: Mayu Uchiyama
Course: Master of Architecture Advanced Studio – Form Work
Tutors: Jeremy Edmiston and Kaitlin Faherty

Board showing various drawings and photographs of a building model

Bronx Collective Ecology by Shiva Abbaszadeh, Kingsley Chong and Wyatt Scott Kuebler

"This proposal, entitled the Bronx Collective Ecology, is an adaptive reuse project and the winning entry in the AIA Bronx Kingsbridge Armory Competition.

"It tackles social, economic and environmental challenges faced by the Bronx community through sustainable agricultural practices and modular design.

"Implementing vertical farming alongside ecological programming, this project transforms the Kingsbridge Armory into a nurturing space, housing a dynamic marketplace, a rooftop garden, poultry farming, maker spaces and recreational spaces for the community to inhabit.

"By reimagining this expansive site through modular organisation, this project fosters productive spaces as well as individual experiences in the community."

Students: Shiva Abbaszadeh, Kingsley Chong and Wyatt Scott Kuebler
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio – Vertical Farming at the Kingsbridge Armory
Tutors: Fabian Llonch

The Nexus by Katerina Kwong, Tianyu Chen and Kang Pei Sun

"For most of the 20th century, public policy prohibited mixing industrial workspaces with housing in most places.

"This project explores how climate solutions can provide a new perspective on defining urban mixed-use, co-locating spaces for green jobs with healthy low-carbon residential units in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

"The project aims to help achieve the city's climate goals and explore new modes of living and working in a post-carbon city."

Students: Katerina Kwong, Tianyu Chen and Kang Pei Sun
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio: Drawdown – Carbon Neutral Live/Work in Brooklyn
Tutor: Kaja Kühl

Object-ing Routines by Xiao Lin Wang

"Manhattan's Chinatown is celebrated for its prosperous cultural history and perceptual activities.

"Nevertheless, such visual qualities would not be possible without the overflowing makeup of objects comprising the public sidewalks and private spaces. Thus, objects enable an imaginary built environment to define routines and act as an urban landscape to preserve Chinatown's eccentric characteristics.

"Particular objects define the program of the space and therefore invite interactions specific to individuals' routines."

Student: Xiao Lin Wang
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio –  Alternate Futures
Tutor: Lane Rick

Yellow visualisation of urban human and rat networks

Commensal Cartography by Mosammet Chowdhury

"This project explores urban commensalism, meaning an unencumbered relationship between species. The Covid pandemic has amplified the ways in which humans are intrinsically entangled with non-human species.

"This proposal speculates on the elusive spaces of interspecies cohabitation of humans and rats in New York City. Benefiting from the social shifts of the pandemic, rats have multiplied exponentially.

"It redefines human space in relation to the expanding geographies of rats to understand how architecture indirectly promotes interspecies relationships. Through the invention of a diagrammatic language codifying these unexpected adjacencies and overlaps, the project visualises spaces of mutual encounter."

Student: Mosammet Chowdhury
Course: Bachelor of Architecture Advanced Studio – Independent Projects
Tutor: Brad Horn

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and City College of New York. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Sixteen design projects by students at Virginia Commonwealth University Fri, 27 Oct 2023 16:00:49 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a pair of hand-woven, hand-dyed rugs depicting urban development in Qatar is included in this school show by Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar. Also included is a series of gold vessels designed to be used in the Muslim cleansing ritual Wudhu before prayer and a suspended sculpture made up of

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Hanging textiles presented by a Virginia Commonwealth University student

Dezeen School Shows: a pair of hand-woven, hand-dyed rugs depicting urban development in Qatar is included in this school show by Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar.

Also included is a series of gold vessels designed to be used in the Muslim cleansing ritual Wudhu before prayer and a suspended sculpture made up of glass droplets.

Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar

Institution: Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar)

School statement:

"To mark the university's 25th anniversary, VCUarts Qatar is hosting an exhibition of 39 alumni works with curatorial assistance from art history graduates Teslim Sanni, Sara Mohammed and Anusheh Zaman.

"The poetic title of the exhibition, This Sand is Made of Stars/This Sea is Made of Pearls – Horizon Historiographies, is inspired by these alumni, their projects and Qatar, the country in which they studied.

"Their works are presented as a curated series of narratives or historiographies and are reminiscent of the local fables of Al Khor, tales that were once narrated when people gathered around a fire, keeping memory and faith alive.

"Through this story-telling approach, the curatorial narrative highlights the importance of a country's past in shaping its creative future, drawing a parallel with how the history of an academic institution shapes the future of its students.

"The works are visionary and immersive, moving and reflective. They echo the restless, rhythmic movement of Qatari people as they travelled over the sands and seas in search of hidden treasures.

"They draw inspiration from the past yet project new horizons that use new technologies and methods to envision a future of hope and creative excellence.

"Based on the common themes that are found within each work, the exhibition develops across four chapters: The Sacred, The Water (Sea), The Land (Sand), and The Self and The Other."

Photo of a pile of pillows lit by a ceiling-mounted projector

Fragmented Realities by Hadeer Omar

"The immersive audiovisual installation Fragmented Realities explores the realm of dreams as a wellspring of inspiration and storytelling.

"Omar presents dreams in their uncontrollable and unrepeatable nature, eliciting introspection and scepticism for what constitutes reality.

"She uses visual and vocal symbolism to help the observer decipher the meaning of dreams and discover an underlying harmony amid the abyss of chaos.

"Omar is an Egyptian new media artist and assistant professor at VCUarts Qatar whose work centres on exploring socio-cultural issues through immersive XR media, graphics, photography, A/V performances, 360 storytelling and video art installations."

Student: Hadeer Omar
Course: BFA Graphic Design and MFA Design

Wall-mounted back-lit sculpture

So Be Patient by Ghada Al Khater

"So Be Patient is a playful take on the difficult and rewarding process of being patient by Qatari artist Al Khater.

"It suggests that to practice patience, one must be endowed with characteristics that abandon limitations brought by schedules. For example, strength is a characteristic displayed in the heat of the moment.

"Patience, however, is dependent upon charting the unknown factor of the passage of time, a sacred journey that can only be led by faith.

"It requires a combination of courage, strength and faith all at once. Al Khater states that the be patient 'is to live elegantly and eloquently'.

"Her work is a satirical commentary on regional events and relevant international affairs."

Student: Ghada Al Khater
Course: BFA Graphic Design

Illustration of a colourful cityscape

Cyberlahore by Hazem Asif

"This project imagines the Pakistani city Lahore in 2069 – a majestic hub of hybrid cultures, languages and politically active residents.

"The city of Lahore might look perfectly normal, but now and then, power-hungry politicians, capitalism, religious autocracy and excessive pollution crack through its polished surface.

"Set in Cyberlahore, an artistic illustration of a future Lahore, the project invites the audience into a colourful and intricate representation of urban sites and human-made crises and transports them to a different world, getting lost in the intricate details of the story.

"Through his work, Asif aims to create design that bridges historical, political and social issues to formulate creative and meaningful design narratives."

Student: Hazem Asif
Course: BFA Graphic Design and MFA Design Studies

Photo of someone holding an exhibition booklet in front of a metal cage

Mohasir Mohasar by Majdulin Nasrallah

"Mohasir Mohasar, or Besieger-Besieged, is a metaphor for a two-way siege. The work is a reflection on the checkpoints, roadblocks and other elements of control used by Israel in occupied Palestine.

"This work explores the notion of borders as physical and psychological constructs and presents the audience with an interactive steel cage, aiming to reflect the contrasting dynamic of liberation and confinement encapsulated by the duality of political barriers.

"The bars of the cage form the shape of a seat as they protrude outward and inward, inviting the besieger and the besieged to swap positions, have a conversation and perceive space from a different angle.

"Emphasis is placed on the human experience, exploring the relationship and dialogue between the body, mind and built environment."

Student: Majdulin Nasrallah
Course: BFA Interior Design

Photo showing a corner of an exhibition with 11 scarves hung up

Yolkkh, The Story of My People by Amna Yandarbin

"Yolkkh, The Story of My People, presents a series of scarves with digitally designed illustrations that tell the story of the designer, Yandarbin, and her people, the Noxci people.

"The Noxci are more commonly known as Chechens from the Russian moniker.

"The work aims to counteract the dehumanisation and demonisation that Yandarbin witnessed from western media of her Muslim community.

"In sharing her story, which paints an intergenerational journey from childhood to a vision of the future, she aims to give a voice to the Noxci community, stand against Islamophobia, and use the power of storytelling to inform and connect with the audience in an empathetic and human way."

Student: Amna Yandarbin
Course: BFA Fashion Design and MFA Design Studies

Photograph of a painting showing a close-up view of people dressed in white embracing one another

Subjected Subjects by Habeeb Futtaim

"The almost abstract pictorial work titled Subjected Subjects is a representation of a group of male figures dressed in flowing garments, where one single person or face cannot be distinguished from the other – a symbol of a unified whole.

"This work is the outcome of constant exploration and inquiry into the complexity and absurdity of people's cultural and political identities, specifically the Arab identity.

"Research investigated the impact of western hegemonic endeavours in the West Asian region's cultural production and its relation to nation-building and identity-building exercises as a collective.

"In an attempt to demystify the essentialist notions of homogenous identities, the project deconstructs the visual elements and symbolisms associated with national and cultural identity building."

Student: Habeeb Futtaim
Course: BFA in Painting and Printmaking with a minor in Art History, and MFA in Museums and Gallery Practice

Photograph showing a television on a cupboard beneath some shelves in an exhibition space

Cultural Misfits by Izaa Alyssa

"The installation Cultural Misfits showcases two captivating poems that dive into the profound accumulation of cross-cultural experiences of third culture kids and the feelings of rootlessness and restlessness that often haunt these young people seeking to establish their personal agency.

"The poem Invisible Lines is a poignant composition by Joud Ghaliyani, a Jordanian-Palestinian poet in Qatar, while Passenger is an empowering piece written by Nour Khairi, a Sudanese poet residing in England.

"Visual elements crafted by Shima Aeinehdar, an Iranian illustrator and VCUarts Qatar alumna based in Qatar, accompany the compositions.

"Together, these artistic expressions evoke a multi-dimensional experience, inviting profound contemplation of the intricate nuances of multiculturalism and the deep sense of belonging that arises from navigating multiple worlds.

"In her work, Alyssa seeks to highlight the complexities of crossing cultures and the transition into adulthood through visual storytelling."

Student: Izaa Alyssa
Course: BFA Graphic Design

Photo of a painting showing a brown-orange building with a green glow around it

Lines of Illumination by Noora Al Hardan

"Lines of Illumination showcases the geometric and architectural tradition of Doha by illuminating the unique interplay of light, images and nostalgia inspired by a home in Qatar.

"Taking inspiration from light leaks of analogue films, the artist envelopes the house in the image in a faded neon green aura that emanates a subtle energy to symbolise the intangible impressions and memories.

"Through this work, Al Hardan encourages the audience to experience familiar spaces through a lens that purposefully blurs the boundaries between reality and perception.

"By delving into this immersive visual narrative, the artwork enables viewers to embrace the interplay between light, shape and memory.

"Through her work, the Qatari artist seeks to capture images of abandoned architectural spaces in Qatar and alter them to shed light on what is often overlooked or forgotten."

Student: Noora Al Hardan
Course: BFA in Painting and Printmaking

Painting of black circular shapes on a white background

Tawasil Series by Shouq Al Mana

"The Tawasil Series of paintings features themes celebrating the Qatari family unit, tradition and customs, aiming to envelop elements of Qatari identity and cultural solidarity.

"Undulating brushstrokes capture the fluid movement of traditional garments, like waves upon the surface of the sea.

"The work and choice of symbols – the egal, a headpiece typically worn by men, as well as the shaila, a lightweight headscarf worn by women – pay homage to Qatari heritage and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

"Through this series, Al Mana aims to create works that are accessible and relatable to viewers, allowing the audience to form their own relationship with the work and to stimulate broader conversations about Qatari culture and identity."

Student: Shouq Al Mana
Course: BFA Painting and Printmaking

Photo of a screen mounted on a white wall showing a person in front of a tree

The Waste Land by Fatima Mohammed

"In The Waste Land, a poetic short film, the natural world and the effects of human intervention on the environment unite on the garments of the main character Anaj, a wanderer.

"The character is a hybrid of a Western and Qatari creature that is both a bald eagle and a human.

"Drawing inspiration from the batoola, a gold mask worn by local women for many years, the Anaj mask embodies the artist's endeavour to inspire society to be free and to take pride in their values and dreams.

"Anaj, dressed in clothes made of recycled water bottles and an abaya decorated with a thousand plastic feathers, silently walks and explores a surreal location in Qatar, beguiling the audience to question the elements of the composition and what belongs within the environment."

Student: Fatima Mohammed
Course: BFA Painting and Printmaking, minor in Art History

Photograph of a ceiling-mounted sculpture with glass raindrops suspended beneath it

Reclamation of Self by Hassan al Shehhi

"Reclamation of Self is an installation that aims to capture the intensity of a moment where emotions pour out of us in the form of tears, much like rain flows down from the sky.

"The artwork is inspired by the anxiety, anger, isolation and a host of other powerful emotions that encompassed the new reality that the artist and people all over the world experienced during Covid-19.

"Finding symbolism through glass and water as metaphors for lightness and tears, strength and an unburdening, the artist created a symphony of a raining dark cloud to represent the negativity overshadowing one's inner being.

"It is just like a heavy heart that holds onto a burden until it bursts, allowing the heaviness to pour out and relief to find a place inside one's core."

Student: Hassan al Shehhi
Course: BFA Painting and Printmaking

Photo of an exhibition with a blue and white garment on a mannequin and photographs of the garment being worn by a model

Galaxy by Lauren Morell

"Galaxy is a garment that flows like water and ripples like the sea when a soft breeze runs over its surface.

"It is a piece imbued with symbolism that holds deep personal meaning for the artist – Morell draws her inspiration from her attachment to Qatar and the Middle East.

"Like a gravitational pull between forces of attraction, the design uses two different textures – silk and a pleated cotton silk mix – fused together to become one whole.

"This conjoining reflects Morell's connection to the Middle East, as well as her fondness for modesty and purity.

"The waves rippling through the fabric with the wind resembles her journey in the desert of life, how far she has come, and the hard work she put in for her present-day achievements."

Student: Lauren Morell
Course: BFA Fashion Design

Two objects on plinths made from metal and marble

The Sacred Union by Othman Al Khunji

"The Sacred Union is an installation crafted from marble, metal and clay where the materials and forms intend to remind us of the steady union of all that is bound together by faith.

"The Sacred Union is a bespoke diptych that encapsulates the heritage, religion and culture of Arabian Gulf citizenry.

"Minimal in design, yet captivating in its amalgamated presence, the work proudly stands its ground, distinctly sealed by Islamic testimony, cultural pride and eternal vows."

Student: Othman Al Khunji
Course: MFA Design

Painting showing a figure with holes in it on a red background

Untitled by Yousef Bahzad

"This painting is part of a series produced by Qatari-American visual artist Bahzad for his solo exhibition during his residency at the Doha Fire Station museum in 2021.

"In this untitled work, a figure stands like a solid rock on the water's edge.

"A ceaseless pounding of waves is carved by time into its form that morphs and changes before the viewer's eyes, yet remains constant and inert in its painted stillness."

Student: Yousef Bahzad
Course: BFA in Painting and Printmaking, minor in Art History

Photo of gold-coloured vessels on a white plinth

Less Water More Holy by Faheem Khan

"Less Water More Holy showcases a series of contemporary vessels designed to make the personal gesture of cleansing before prayer more spiritual and sustainable.

"Khan executed the concept through a two-part investigation of the eight-step ritual ablution known as Wudu, which Muslims perform five times a day.

"He analysed how in today's process of Wudu, most people consume up to four to seven litres of water, which is more than the 650 millilitres the Prophet Muhammad required to complete Wudu.

"Based on this, the artist proposed eight individual artefacts designed to show how little water is needed for each step of Wudu.

"Lessons extracted from this analytical phase informed a more reflective and sustainable ritual ablution, modelled on and inspired by the teachings of the Prophet."

Student: Faheem Khan
Course: BFA Graphic Design and MFA Design

Photo showing two carpets hung up against a white wall decorated with colourful shapes and lorries

The Construction Pipes/The Construction Barriers by Maryam Al Homaid

"Hand-coloured and hand-woven pieces in this project aim to capture the lively essence of Qatar's urban scene and share the artist's interpretation of the bustling construction sites across Doha.

"Pipes serve as vital infrastructure elements that facilitate the growth, development and modernisation of the nation's urban landscape.

"Carrying utilities such as water, sewage and gas, they form ever-growing webs throughout Qatar, a dynamic which the artist intricately weaves into the webs of her textiles.

"Growing up in an artistic household, Al Homaid witnessed the drastic, fast-paced economic and social development in the country.

"Changes in local lifestyle, language, behaviour, technology and architecture greatly influenced her art and can be seen intertwined within her artistic endeavours in digital and textile design."

Student: Maryam Al Homaid
Course: BFA Graphic Design and MFA Design

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Virginia Commonwealth University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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Ten architecture projects by students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mon, 23 Oct 2023 16:00:06 +0000 Dezeen School Shows: a theatre with an inflatable facade that changes shape with the audience's breathing is included in this school show by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students. Also included is a refurbished canal lock system on New York's Erie Canal and a reflective metal-clad art gallery extension with an undulating interior punctuated by skylights. Rensselaer Polytechnic

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Dezeen School Shows: a theatre with an inflatable facade that changes shape with the audience's breathing is included in this school show by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students.

Also included is a refurbished canal lock system on New York's Erie Canal and a reflective metal-clad art gallery extension with an undulating interior punctuated by skylights.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

School: School of Architecture
Tutors: Christianna Bennett, Adam Dayem, Fleet Hower, Hseng Lintner, Walaid Sehwail, Stefan Svedberg, Ryosuke Imaeda, Ed Keller, Caleb White and Leandro Piazzi

School statement:

"Situated within one of the premier technological research universities in the US, the School of Architecture at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute works in collaboration with leading scientists, engineers, technologists, artists and entrepreneurs.

"Together, we reimagine the future built environment as an ecologically responsive, energy-efficient, socially conscious, and poetically charged constellation of buildings and infrastructures that reinvigorate and empower diverse communities around the world.

"We believe in the benevolent power of architecture to contribute to the environmental restoration of our planet, to establish a more productive, harmonious and symbiotic relationship with the natural world, and to imbue our buildings with an awe-inspiring sense of wonder and delight."

Visualisation showing a building beside a canal that filters water

From Overlooked to Overgrown by Annelise Eggen-McElmurry

"The Erie Canal has been a multi-generational project since its inception. Its design, ideation and fabrication came about through the vision and labour of a band of first-generation American amateurs, only to be carried out to completion two generations later.

"From Overlooked to Overgrown by Annelise Eggen-McElmurry reconceives the multi-generational project of the Erie Canal to serve the values and interests of the next seven generations.

"Annelise's project refocuses the canal's lock system from one that prioritises the transfer of boats between two elevations, to one that reinvents the lock as a hydraulic mechanism for filtering water.

"Through an intricately designed system of veins laced across the site, surface area is increased for the uptake of floodwater and processes of filtration.

"Her design imagines a combined architecture and landscape system that works to clean water and display the mechanisms of the system to visitors of the site, culminating in pump houses that display tanks of filtered water.

"The water eventually infiltrates back into the ground to become a source of wetland overgrowth, creating a new landscape adjacent to the lock."

Student: Annelise Eggen-McElmurry
Course element: Architectural Design 2, first year
Tutor: Christianna Bennett
Student email: eggena[at]
Faculty email: bennec5[at]

Visualisation showing a housing complex made up of diagonal lines

Sol Convergence by Anthony Toma and Javier Torres

"This studio addressed multi-unit housing on an urban site in Troy, New York.

"As a building typology, housing tends to be built in repetitive compositions of horizontal and vertical structural elements. To resist this tendency while maintaining a level of repetition that satisfies the program of housing, students were asked to begin the design process by creating an abstract three-dimensional matrix.

"This spatial matrix consisted of oblique elements running in one axis and parallel elements running in the second and third axes.

"By carefully adjusting the angle of the oblique, the ratio of solid to void and the spacing of parallel elements, students were able to use it to develop realistic housing solutions without completely submitting to the conventions of the typology.

"The project shown here was focused on shaping distinctive public and private spaces, establishing a strong relationship between indoor and outdoor living and implementing unique visual architectural effects."

Students: Anthony Toma and Javier Torres
Course element: Architectural Design 4, second year
Tutor: Adam Dayem
Student emails: tomaa[at] and torrej8[at]
Faculty email: dayema[at]

Board showing visualisations and sectional views of an industrial building

Rebar Production Facility and Retreat by Haley Korwan and Aditi Jayashankar

"This design studio examined the growing commitment of New York State to developing sustainable materials at industrial scales for the building industry.

"The materials, primarily hemp, are farmed for their range of potential uses, including in the manufacturing of insulation, partitions and structures.

"We looked at the physical properties, potential supply chain, potential commercial uses and infrastructure required to develop hemp-based building materials.

"Final proposals included the design of a new statewide supply chain as well as a manufacturing process that would address the needs of the building industry in New York State."

Students: Haley Korwan and Aditi Jayashankar
Course element: Vertical Design Studio, third, fourth and fifth year
Tutor: Fleet Hower
Student emails: korwah[at] and jayasa[at]
Faculty email: howerj[at]

Three images created by AI of a large indoor space

Sanctuary for the Non-Human: A Planetary Archive for a Non-Human Audience by Danny Blanco

"Architecture's conception of itself as a discipline has depended for centuries on a model of artificial in relation to natural, and the primal human action in the wilderness – to build a hut or make a bonfire.

"As architects, should our role be to design the physical world – the hardware – along with the operating system? Can architecture, increasingly technologised, participate beyond culture in the creation of artificial intelligence?

"The studio approached this design problem by using generative AI tools critically and exclusively to explore the latent space of possible architecture. The projects proposed speculative counter-theses to current technological situation."

Student: Danny Blanco
Course element: Vertical Design Studio, third, fourth, fifth year
Tutor: Ed Keller
Student email: blancd3[at]
Faculty email: machinicphylum[at]

Image showing an urban street covered in signage

Adverse-tisement: Architecture, Propaganda and Power by Nicole Martinez

"From monuments that celebrate national identity to public spaces designed to promote particular ideologies, architecture has been used throughout history to influence public opinion and reinforce narratives.

"The rise of global market economies and their interrelationship with telematics has transformed the architecture of persuasion to one predicated on signage and corporate iconography.

"Adverse-tisement presents a near future urbanism where physical and virtual worlds conflate, creating a new synthetic domain where various political and corporate forces each attempt to dominate the visual landscape.

"It is a vision in which the physical world becomes a mere canvas for the saturated polychromatic articulations of the virtual world, raising questions about realism, fidelity, authenticity and truth amid conflicting power struggles."

Student: Nicole Martinez
Course element: Final Project, fifth-year thesis
Tutor: Hseng Lintner
Student email: martin6[at]
Faculty email: lintnh[at]

Visualisations of the exterior and interior of an art gallery

An Ambiguous Act by Emily Zheng

"The addition of a new building to an existing historic compound is never an easy task.

"In an act of intentional ambiguity, the project aims to remain undefined between a landscape and an object capable of hosting a new museum for the Thomas Cole National Historic Site without disturbing the existing delicate balance.

"Reflective curved surfaces define its exterior presence, promoting an experience closer to an illusion than an encounter.

"Inside, on the other hand, the space is configured by a continuous undulating white canvas and carefully studied skylights that accentuate the painter's works, inviting visitors to enjoy the magnificent landscapes of the Hudson Valley portrayed by Thomas Cole."

Student: Emily Zheng
Course element: Architectural Design 3, second year
Tutor: Leandro Piazzi
Student email: zhenge2[at]
Faculty email: piazzl2[at]

A board showing various black and white sectional views of a building

The Oblique Graphic by Maddie Warch

"This project explores the dynamic and symbiotic interplay between plan and section achieved through meticulously applied oblique cuts.

"These cuts translate the interior figuration and order as large graphics across the building's elevational views, creating a visual narrative between the interior and exterior.

"In other words, this technique allows viewers to simultaneously grasp both the overall structure and its internal compositions."

Student: Maddie Warch
Course element: Architectural Design 1, first year
Tutor: Walaid Sehwail
Student email: warchm[at]

Chelsea Public Library by Eric Diaz

"The studio speculates on the future of libraries in the 21st century.

"Students work through specific stages of development in the architectural design process, from schematic and design development through building systems integration, construction systems development, environmental response and performance.

"They do this with resolved regulatory requirements that approach the level of detailed development and integrated thinking demanded for construction and documentation.

"Situated in Chelsea in New York City, this project explores the library as a space of confluence within the urban fabric by overlapping trajectories, zones and functions.

"Seeking to intensify the notion of what it means to be public, spaces of circulation double as urban living rooms.

"Boundaries become volumetric and connective, generating architectural conditions that create zones for the superimposition for multiple user demographics and social exchange."

Student: Eric Diaz
Course: Comprehensive Design 1, third and fourth year
Tutor: Stefan Svedberg
Student email: diaze2[at]
Faculty email: svedbp[at]

Drawing Machine by Doug Ladzinski and Melissa Sellards

"This studio utilised RPI's CRAIVE lab, a virtual reality laboratory with a panoramic screen used to design interactive projects.

"These projects utilised the students' architectural skillsets to interrogate interactive videogame tools. Conversely, many of the projects used video game design tools to invent new architectural representation tools.

"This project, 'Drawing Machine', was inspired by 2D scroller video games.

"Using the panoramic screen as a static clipping plane, this spatial architectural object can be navigated and reoriented in three dimensions, but the user's sectional view always remains the same.

"This allows the project to have a multiplicity and simultaneity of sectional readings."

Students: Doug Ladzinski and Melissa Sellards
Course element: Vertical Design Studio, third, fourth and fifth year
Tutor: Caleb White
Student emails: ladzid[at] and sellam[at]
Faculty email: whitec10[at]

Ambivalent Theater by Chris Saour

"This project explores architectural ambivalence between indexicality and anonymity by examining filmmaking tools and techniques.

"By questioning the ubiquitous relationship of our perspectival perceptions and flat constructions, this theatre introduces a quasi-material change granted by the facade modulation between tense and flaccid.

"The ambiguous materiality of the theatre, whether concrete, metal, or fabric, is brought by a vinyl facade that gently inflates and deflates by the heat produced from the audiences and performances.

"As opposed to pursuing a theatrical spectacle as an urban icon, it finds its own architectural significance in the aesthetics between speaking and unspoken."

Student: Chris Saour
Course element: Final Project, fifth-year thesis
Tutor: Ryosuke Imaeda
Student email: chrisys1999[at]
Faculty email: imaedr[at]

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This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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